Zone1 Coming to know God

Passover is about The Consequences of Sin, and about The Passover Lamb whose blood you must accept upon the doorposts of your heart.
There is nothing loving about it sans the offer of Christ The Passover Lamb to shed His blood for you to avoid the damnation of unbelief.
Nice flowery story, but in real terms, what sin do you think those infants were guilty of that deserved death, yet older people didn't?
Tell you what... why don't you make a call-out thread in the bull ring and we can debate it there one on one. Make sure you do it in the callout section at the very top of the bull ring forum page. Fair enough?
You can't answer a question here? You need time to get your suit pressed and your makeup done?
Did we? I disagree with that. Genesis correctly predicted the universe began 6,000 years before science confirmed it. Genesis also correctly predicted that matter/energy came before light 6,000 years before science confirmed it.
In fact, Genesis teaches the exact opposite.
In fact, I'm willing to bet you will argue against the mainstream science that the universe popped into existence being created from nothing.
Science doesn't suggest that the universe popped into existence from nothing.
In fact, Genesis teaches the exact opposite.

Science doesn't suggest that the universe popped into existence from nothing.
Would you like me to make a callout thread or threads in the bull ring to debate it?
Nice flowery story, but in real terms, what sin do you think those infants were guilty of that deserved death, yet older people didn't?
God is Eternal and Just and Righteous. And all of us, even infants are born in sin. However, infants having not reached the age of accountability, when they die, return to The Father in Heaven. Not so for their wicked parents. If God was unjust He would send the infants to Hell along with their wicked parents. God spared the infants from Eternal Damnation like He is trying to spare you. Had these infants matured being raised by wicked parents, they would have reached the age of accountability and then would have been sent to Hell with their Evil Parents.

Better to live a short life and go to Heaven than a long life and End up in Hell.

Either you Trust God, or you will have No Part in His Kingdom.
Hell is not a nice place, but it was never meant for you Bulldog. It was meant for Satan and The Fallen Angels, so why would you shake your fist at God, despite His making a way for you back to Him and in the hardness of your heart force him to send you with your Comrades in Hell?
Would you like me to make a callout thread or threads in the bull ring to debate it?
Sorry. I don't care to be part of your performance. If you can't answer the question, I understand. It wouldn't be the first time.
God is Eternal and Just and Righteous. And all of us, even infants are born in sin. However, infants having not reached the age of accountability, when they die, return to The Father in Heaven. Not so for their wicked parents. If God was unjust He would send the infants to Hell along with their wicked parents. God spared the infants from Eternal Damnation like He is trying to spare you. Had these infants matured being raised by wicked parents, they would have reached the age of accountability and then would have been sent to Hell with their Evil Parents.

Better to live a short life and go to Heaven than a long life and End up in Hell.

Either you Trust God, or you will have No Part in His Kingdom.
Hell is not a nice place, but it was never meant for you Bulldog. It was meant for Satan and The Fallen Angels, so why would you shake your fist at God, despite His making a way for you back to Him and in the hardness of your heart force him to send you with your Comrades in Hell?
So those sinful infants got what they deserved? Is that what you are saying?
Sorry. I don't care to be part of your performance. If you can't answer the question, I understand. It wouldn't be the first time.
Tell you what, I'll make one and call you out. That way we can have an uninterrupted debate without any other posters getting in the way of the conversation. Sound good?
Would you like me to make a callout thread or threads in the bull ring to debate it?
No. I am going to stay on topic here if the discussion can be brought back to some semblance of being productive. I'll leave it for now, mostly on account of you lying about not turning to personal insults. And too, no discussion can survive to any standard that I find acceptable when it includes the Tree.
So those sinful infants got what they deserved? Is that what you are saying?
They deserved Heaven, by God's Law.

If they were raised to maturity by a wicked parent such as you, then if they did not accept God's Salvation at the age of accountability, God has no choice but to separate them out, forbid them from entering Heaven and send them their heart is to their gods and their masters in Hell should they die in that state, but we are no longer talking about infants, are we? We are talking about adults, like you. Adults are accountable, infants are not.

You, knowing all about The Salvation of Jesus if you do not accept it can have no part in God's Kingdom in Heaven, nor on The Earth when He Rejuvenates it and Returns it to It's Garden of Eden State.

The Wages of Sin are Death. First is The Physical Death, and if you are unrepentant and die in your sin, then comes the 2nd Eternal Death and Eternal Separation from God.

God doesn't really send anyone to Hell. You send yourself by your own self will and rebellion.

He calls you to come home, but you refuse to pick up the phone.
When you do that, you renounce God, and forfeit your home.

You then must reside elsewhere. And that place is a place where God is NOT, and neither is His Light, or His Love, or His Grace.
Hell is far worse than anything you could imagine, yet in your stubbornness, you would rather SUFFER in Hell, then LIVE in Harmony and Joy with God, because you have NO UNDERSTANDING of The LOVE of God, nor do you care about His Gift to You.

It's an eternal slap to the face of God, and yet in your foolishness that is precisely what you choose to do.

Good Luck with that.
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No. I am going to stay on topic here if the discussion can be brought back to some semblance of being productive. I'll leave it for now, mostly on account of you lying about not turning to personal insults. And too, no discussion can survive to any standard that I find acceptable when it includes the Tree.
I may just call you out in the bull ring anyway.
In fact, Genesis teaches the exact opposite.

Science doesn't suggest that the universe popped into existence from nothing.
Neither does the Bible

Have you even read the passages?

For example, God said he made man from the dust of the earth.

Genesis 2:7 Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

Why did God make man out of the dust of the earth if your claim is true that God simply made things out of nothing?

And God started with the stars, and made his way to the planets, and started with water, and then the life in the water, and then to land, and then to life on land.

Incidentally, science agrees with this progression as well.

The Bible does not even make the claim that creation happened in 6 days.

Genesis 2:1 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.

2And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.

3And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.

4These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,

So if creation was only 6 days like many wrongly interpret it to be saying, where did the generations come from?


In fact, ancient rabbis agreed that Genesis was not saying the earth was made in only 6 days, and that was without the help of science telling us the exact same thing today.

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So what? Can you form a volcano or a star?


Does that mean volcanos and stars don't form by natural processes?

We observe these things happening.

But science tells us that matter can neither be created or destroyed, yet there it is.

It's a miracle!!

And it was not long ago that scientists thought life spontaneously generated from rotting meat, but today life being created can neither be duplicated or observed, which is necessary for the scientific process

Again, it's a miracle!!

That's all I'm saying, these things cannot be explained or duplicated, so believing in them takes something other than science, it takes faith whether you believe in God or abiogenesis.
Nice flowery story, but in real terms, what sin do you think those infants were guilty of that deserved death, yet older people didn't?
Sin does not concern itself with deserving anything, rather, it's like a bomb going off killing everything around it.

Read the book of Job to understand this.
So those sinful infants got what they deserved? Is that what you are saying?
Just like Job got what he deserved and Jesus and his disciples and his prophets got what they deserved?

Luke 11:50 Woe unto you! for ye build the sepulchres of the prophets, and your fathers killed them. 48Truly ye bear witness that ye allow the deeds of your fathers: for they indeed killed them, and ye build their sepulchres. 49Therefore also said the wisdom of God, I will send them prophets and apostles, and some of them they shall slay and persecute: 50That the blood of all the prophets, which was shed from the foundation of the world, may be required of this generation; 51From the blood of Abel unto the blood of Zacharias, which perished between the altar and the temple: verily I say unto you, It shall be required of this generation. 52Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered. 53And as he said these things unto them, the scribes and the Pharisees began to urge him vehemently, and to provoke him to speak of many things:

Oh, and the Christians who got thrown to the lions in Rome I reckon got what they deserved as well?
Sin does not concern itself with deserving anything, rather, it's like a bomb going off killing everything around it.

Read the book of Job to understand this.
So why did god want all those infants and children to die?

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