Zone1 Coming to know God

Explain what was so loving about Passover. If he wanted to force the release of the jews, why did he kill their babies?
Passover is about The Consequences of Sin, and about The Passover Lamb whose blood you must accept upon the doorposts of your heart.
There is nothing loving about it sans the offer of Christ The Passover Lamb to shed His blood for you to avoid the damnation of unbelief.
God looked at everything he had made, and found it very good. Evening came, and morning followed—the sixth day.
The was before The Fall of Man.
Try again.
In fact, in Genesis after The Fall, we are given the first pointing towards a redeemer, called The Proto-Evangelical.
If "Everything Remained Good" we would not need The Proto-Evangelical.
Genesis 3
16 To the woman He said: “I will sharply increase your pain in childbirth; in pain you will bring forth children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.” 17And to Adam He said: “Because you have listened to the voice of your wife and have eaten from the tree of which I commanded you not to eat, cursed is the ground because of you; through toil you will eat of it all the days of your life
God let you live, didn't He, and you are a very wicked human being?
Consider yourself a survivor and blessed despite the fact you do not deserve it.

Yet, you have no problem letting humans kill 70 million African American and Hispanic Babies at the Hands of The Planned Parenthood Extermination Camps, do you.

If God sentences a wicked people say like The Amorites or Palestinians to Death, He has good reason, because they have become unredeemable through their own Free Will, and if they have children, The Parents being Utterly Wicked and Unredeemable will just spread their Evil to their Children and their Children will Spread their Evil into The World.

But I will do you one better than that. You Children of Hell believe in Depopulation, so what is it to you on how The Earth is Depopulated?
During The Tribulation The Wrath of God will reduce The Unrepentant Population of Earth by 75%.
You being an unbeliever and God Hater will see that day and experience The Tribulation.

Given your Dogma and Doctrine, You should give God a Standing Ovation.

Is this not the very creed The Left lives by?

"If they would rather die, they’d better do it, and decrease the surplus population"​

You know that's kinda nuts, right? You think we should kill the infants and children of bad people? Of course not. That would be evil. Would a loving all knowing god kill the infants and children of his own people to force their release?
A few pages back we dispensed with the 'creation' myth.
Did we? I disagree with that. Genesis correctly predicted the universe began 6,000 years before science confirmed it. Genesis also correctly predicted that matter/energy came before light 6,000 years before science confirmed it.

In fact, I'm willing to bet you will argue against the mainstream science that the universe popped into existence being created from nothing.
A few pages back we dispensed with the 'creation' myth.
So you believe in a bigger miracle that the universe can spontaneous burst forth from the size of a pinhead?
Then you go on to believe in an even more impossible astronomically unrealistic "accident of faith" that life burst forth all on it's own from some primordial slime?

Where do I sign up for that Cult? Sounds like a Fantastic Fairy Tale.
"All have sinned and come short of The Glory of God."
I do not expect to find the Glory of God in any being other than God. However, it is because of the Glory of God I can be assured God does not see Bulldog in the same light as you.
That was a statement of fact. It applies to you as well. Your bias is preventing you from seeing reality.

But setting that aside, how exactly was that a personal insult?
You said he was messed up bad.
Would you like to be told that you're messed up bad because you believe in a god?

If you're going to start the insults, I'm out of here.
I would prefer to not have to leave the discussion.
The was before The Fall of Man.
Try again.
In fact, in Genesis after The Fall, we are given the first pointing towards a redeemer, called The Proto-Evangelical.
If "Everything Remained Good" we would not need The Proto-Evangelical.
Genesis 3
16 To the woman He said: “I will sharply increase your pain in childbirth; in pain you will bring forth children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.” 17And to Adam He said: “Because you have listened to the voice of your wife and have eaten from the tree of which I commanded you not to eat, cursed is the ground because of you; through toil you will eat of it all the days of your life
What you mistake for evil or bad is in reality the absence of good. Evil doesn't exist. Evil only exists as the negation of the thing which exists and that's good. Good exists.
You know that's kinda nuts, right? You think we should kill the infants and children of bad people? Of course not. That would be evil. Would a loving all knowing god kill the infants and children of his own people to force their release?
No, you are the one who thinks men can just kill babies at will.
God is not All Loving BTW. He Hates Sin and Punishes It, and Will Eliminate it Entirely from His Realm.
That is why there is a Hell reserved to Judge the Wicked and The God Haters like you.

The Love Part is in that God sacrificed himself on The Cross to give you a way out.

But you are too big of an arrogant Fool to accept such a gift of Eternal Life.

You'd rather shake your fist at God in Hell, that is if you can even lift your chained hands to do so in the eternal lake of fire.
You said he was messed up bad.
Would you like to be told that you're messed up bad because you believe in a god?

If you're going to start the insults, I'm out of here.
I would prefer to not have to leave the discussion.
Try using my exact words. Because I did not say he was messed up.
That's a super odd statement.
It's a true statement. We generally don't drink babies blood, or want to kill all the white people, or force you to gay marry an illegal immigrant, or take all the guns and enslave you. Those things are all just your imagination.
What you mistake for evil or bad is in reality the absence of good. Evil doesn't exist. Evil only exists as the negation of the thing which exists and that's good. Good exists.
Wrong again. Evil is as real and tangible as is Death. When Evil is removed from God's realm, Death and Hell will No Longer Be.
I imagine though that some people are stubborn and arrogant and too hard to teach so in order to believe in Evil, Hell and Death, they must experience it first hand. And this is why God has to separate such people from His Kingdom, because God's Kingdom cannot be perfect with unrepentant unbelievers in it.

Evil is Real and those who embrace it knowingly or unknowingly have no place in Paradise.
It's a true statement. We generally don't drink babies blood, or want to kill all the white people, or force you to gay marry an illegal immigrant, or take all the guns and enslave you. Those things are all just your imagination.
You see what you want to see. The best you can hope is to suffer without complaint. I have peace through the storm. The proof is in the pudding.
I do not expect to find the Glory of God in any being other than God. However, it is because of the Glory of God I can be assured God does not see Bulldog in the same light as you.
God sees Bulldog and myself in the same light. Sinners in need of Salvation.
Where the distinction lies is in whether or not The Sinner sees themselves in The Truth of God's light, and accepts that salvation or in their arrogance rejects the only thing that can reconcile them back into the arms of God.

The Great Separation is coming.
Where will you spend eternity?
Ok. My logic says any god that would do those is a hateful asshole. Correct me.
Tell you what... why don't you make a call-out thread in the bull ring and we can debate it there one on one. Make sure you do it in the callout section at the very top of the bull ring forum page. Fair enough?

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