Commercial Parables


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a commerce and media-era 'parable' (my last one!) inspired by the idealism-characterization film What Dreams May Come.

I'm not going to be a Trumponomics cynic the way the earlier generations became Reaganomics cynic. No sir, this celebrity-president will not demoralize me! I am optimistic about TrumpUSA and I wonder what kinds of Super Bowl ads will be remembered --- without cynicism.

Signing off,


Adam and Eve were redeemed in the eyes of God. The valiant ninja-warrior known as Snake-Eyes, member of the secret American paramilitary crusaders called 'G.I. Joes' was about to marry the mermaid-warrior Mara (formerly an 'associate' of the super-terrorist organization called 'Cobra'). Mara was involved in chemical warfare research Cobra was conducting but fell in love with Snake-Eyes and wanted to run away with him and retire in Denver, Colorado (USA). Snake-Eyes took only his wolf-dog Order, and a new family was about to blossom in Colorado. God was pleased.


Mara and Snake-Eyes kept in their well-built and handsomely-designed log-cabin castle a special authentic ancient-world Medieval Crown and Crest set as a symbol of their destiny. Snake-Eyes found the crown-jewel set while tackling Cobra agents during a special search for the fabled Cities of Gold. The crown-jewel set was going to be stored away in a military museum warehouse and forgotten as an 'old-world heresy relic,' so Snake-Eyes smuggled it out of the authorities' hands, because he knew he would be the more appropriate 'neutral guardian' for the neglected treasure.


Snake-Eyes and Mara had five children (two boys and three girls), and Order stayed with them too. It was a happy bunch, and soon Order found a female wolf-dog (named Shelbye) companion when a nearby resident brought her to his home. It was like a little 'arena' in the American land. God wondered if Satan would now devise yet another spirit-deforming 'trick' to corrupt Adam and Eve once more, so he sent his protective archangel Michael to watch over Snake-Eyes' home, which would become a symbol of post-terrorism dominion values. Mara was now even on Facebook!



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