Commie Sanders asked about socialist mess in Venezuela - REFUSES COMMENT

This thread only shows how ignorant some of the right wing supporters are on this forum.

Sanders is proposing a Social Democracy type government... This is a mixed economy which the US has large parts of today... We don't see the Right complain about the Military and love social democracy when it supports their causes...
This thread only shows how ignorant some of the right wing supporters are on this forum.

Sanders is proposing a Social Democracy type government... This is a mixed economy which the US has large parts of today... We don't see the Right complain about the Military and love social democracy when it supports their causes...

The Venezuela too, is a mixed economy. The government takes "only" half of people's money (compared to about 40% in the USA). They have just mixed in a lot of idiotic socialist far left ideas and the results are here for all to see.

Sanders had the chance to disassociate himself from these hateful ideas, he chose not to.
This thread only shows how ignorant some of the right wing supporters are on this forum.

Sanders is proposing a Social Democracy type government... This is a mixed economy which the US has large parts of today... We don't see the Right complain about the Military and love social democracy when it supports their causes...

The Venezuela too, is a mixed economy. The government takes "only" half of people's money (compared to about 40% in the USA). They have just mixed in a lot of idiotic socialist far left ideas and the results are here for all to see.

Sanders had the chance to disassociate himself from these hateful ideas, he chose not to.

Sorry Venezuela is no comparison to Sanders ideals... You are probably thinking you are some how being smart when actually you are showing us how ignorant you are...

If you want to compare Sanders ideals you should compare to some parts of Denmark and Sweden...

Problem you got is a lot of the their societies really work... Less poverty, happier, longer holidays...
This thread only shows how ignorant some of the right wing supporters are on this forum.

Sanders is proposing a Social Democracy type government... This is a mixed economy which the US has large parts of today... We don't see the Right complain about the Military and love social democracy when it supports their causes...

The Venezuela too, is a mixed economy. The government takes "only" half of people's money (compared to about 40% in the USA). They have just mixed in a lot of idiotic socialist far left ideas and the results are here for all to see.

Sanders had the chance to disassociate himself from these hateful ideas, he chose not to.

Sorry Venezuela is no comparison to Sanders ideals... You are probably thinking you are some how being smart when actually you are showing us how ignorant you are...

If you want to compare Sanders ideals you should compare to some parts of Denmark and Sweden...

Problem you got is a lot of the their societies really work... Less poverty, happier, longer holidays...

Wow, what dufus.

I never said Venezuela is the Sander's ideal, however he refused to disassociate himself from the ideas. Which is stupid as hell.

Sweden is not doing that well either these days... and since their departure from free markets, have greatly fallen behind. But if you insists, some parts of Sweden are muslim ghettos with grenades flying around. So at least the idea of middle eastern integration can be put to grave.
This thread only shows how ignorant some of the right wing supporters are on this forum.

Sanders is proposing a Social Democracy type government... This is a mixed economy which the US has large parts of today... We don't see the Right complain about the Military and love social democracy when it supports their causes...

The Venezuela too, is a mixed economy. The government takes "only" half of people's money (compared to about 40% in the USA). They have just mixed in a lot of idiotic socialist far left ideas and the results are here for all to see.

Sanders had the chance to disassociate himself from these hateful ideas, he chose not to.

Sorry Venezuela is no comparison to Sanders ideals... You are probably thinking you are some how being smart when actually you are showing us how ignorant you are...

If you want to compare Sanders ideals you should compare to some parts of Denmark and Sweden...

Problem you got is a lot of the their societies really work... Less poverty, happier, longer holidays...

Wow, what dufus.

I never said Venezuela is the Sander's ideal, however he refused to disassociate himself from the ideas. Which is stupid as hell.

Sweden is not doing that well either these days... and since their departure from free markets, have greatly fallen behind. But if you insists, some parts of Sweden are muslim ghettos with grenades flying around. So at least the idea of middle eastern integration can be put to grave.

Man you are truly clueless...

Sweden's economy is ahead of the US economy since 1960... And you don't know what Sweden calls a ghetto... Get a life and go to some of these places... Stockholm's version of a 'Ghetto' compared to US is joke...
That statement was clueless... You know that in these Ghettos they can go to the best universities paid for by the government (no debt),....
The democrat's grand plan on economics - "We take money from the businesses and give it to the people, and we'll all be rich".

Bernie Sanders Asked About Failures of Socialism in Venezuela and Refuses to Comment

may 27 2016 LEÓN KRAUZE, UNIVISION: I am sure that you know about this topic: various leftist governments, especially the populists, are in serious trouble in Latin America. The socialist model in Venezuela has the country near collapse. Argentina, also Brazil, how do you explain that failure?

BERNIE SANDERS, DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE: You are asking me questions…

LEÓN KRAUZE, UNIVISION: I am sure you’re interested in that.

BERNIE SANDERS, DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE: I am very interested, but right now I’m running for President of the United States.

LEÓN KRAUZE, UNIVISION: So you don’t have an opinion about the crisis in Venezuela?

BERNIE SANDERS, DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE: Of course I have an opinion, but as I said, I’m focused on my campaign.
What you people are too dumb to understand is that just because a socialist country might be a failure, it doesn't mean the idea of socialism is a failure. Denmark has a much lower poverty rate than the US. The work week is shorter. The percentage of people employed is higher. Wages are overall higher. It's also the number one place for business in the world.

Beyond that, the US has always been socialist. Our economy isn't a free market one - it's a mixed economy. Our defense department is biggest socialist institution in the world.

You're a joke.

Our military is not even close to being socialist.

Denmark is not a Socialist Country. It has a population of far fewer citizens than the city of New York. Any comparison between the United States, 330 million people, and Denmark is a show of desperation on the part of Socialists.

For your future reference:
1. Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.
2. The stage in Marxist-Leninist theory intermediate between capitalism and communism, in which the means of production are collectively owned but a completely classless society has not yet been achieved.
The democrat's grand plan on economics - "We take money from the businesses and give it to the people, and we'll all be rich".
What you people are too dumb to understand is that just because a socialist country might be a failure, it doesn't mean the idea of socialism is a failure. Denmark has a much lower poverty rate than the US. The work week is shorter. The percentage of people employed is higher. Wages are overall higher. It's also the number one place for business in the world.

Beyond that, the US has always been socialist. Our economy isn't a free market one - it's a mixed economy. Our defense department is biggest socialist institution in the world.

You're a joke.

Our military is not even close to being socialist.

Denmark is not a Socialist Country. It has a population of far fewer citizens than the city of New York. Any comparison between the United States, 330 million people, and Denmark is a show of desperation on the part of Socialists.

For your future reference:
1. Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.
2. The stage in Marxist-Leninist theory intermediate between capitalism and communism, in which the means of production are collectively owned but a completely classless society has not yet been achieved.
You're such an idiot. Your first defintion is a complete contradiction. The first definition says " a centralized government." While that may happen in some countries, it isn't a defining characteristic of socialism. The word, at its core meaning, means social ownership. As in the CITIZENS OWN IT. As in, it is paid for with their tax dollars. The citizens in ANY country that pay taxes for services are examples of SOCIALISM. That is what your definitions means by the "collective".

This is why it is so difficult to discuss something with a Progressive. They have their own definitions for so many things.

Your statement that citizens who gather together to pay taxes for services, make them Socialists. Flat out LIE.

It is a shame they didn't teach civics when you were in school or the basic economies of the world. Follow me and I'll try to bring you along a bit.
See what you're too stupid to understand is that socialism has nothing to do with totalitarian government. Sure a government like that may have a socialist system, but that doesn't mean that the totalitarian regime has anything to do with the country being socialist. So yeah, any system that is funded by tax payers is socialist. SOCIAL, COLLECTIVE OWNERSHIP. That is what the meaning of the word is at its core.

You dead wrong about that. Socialism is what makes totalitarianism possible. In fact, socialism and totalitarianism are inseparable. What you are calling "socialism" is really just the welfare state. Denmark has private corporations and private property, just like the United States.
This thread only shows how ignorant some of the right wing supporters are on this forum.

Sanders is proposing a Social Democracy type government... This is a mixed economy which the US has large parts of today... We don't see the Right complain about the Military and love social democracy when it supports their causes...

The Venezuela too, is a mixed economy. The government takes "only" half of people's money (compared to about 40% in the USA). They have just mixed in a lot of idiotic socialist far left ideas and the results are here for all to see.

Sanders had the chance to disassociate himself from these hateful ideas, he chose not to.

Sorry Venezuela is no comparison to Sanders ideals... You are probably thinking you are some how being smart when actually you are showing us how ignorant you are...

If you want to compare Sanders ideals you should compare to some parts of Denmark and Sweden...

Problem you got is a lot of the their societies really work... Less poverty, happier, longer holidays...

Wow, what dufus.

I never said Venezuela is the Sander's ideal, however he refused to disassociate himself from the ideas. Which is stupid as hell.

Sweden is not doing that well either these days... and since their departure from free markets, have greatly fallen behind. But if you insists, some parts of Sweden are muslim ghettos with grenades flying around. So at least the idea of middle eastern integration can be put to grave.

Man you are truly clueless...

Sweden's economy is ahead of the US economy since 1960... And you don't know what Sweden calls a ghetto... Get a life and go to some of these places... Stockholm's version of a 'Ghetto' compared to US is joke...
That statement was clueless... You know that in these Ghettos they can go to the best universities paid for by the government (no debt),....

Wrong again:

Per capita GDP in terms of PPP

United States 55,805
Sweden 49,86

Until quite recently, Sweden was almost 100% white. Don't you douche bags claim "diversity is our strength?" Are you a bunch of racists? You're always holding up these pure white Nordic countries as examples for us to follow.
This thread only shows how ignorant some of the right wing supporters are on this forum.

Sanders is proposing a Social Democracy type government... This is a mixed economy which the US has large parts of today... We don't see the Right complain about the Military and love social democracy when it supports their causes...

The Venezuela too, is a mixed economy. The government takes "only" half of people's money (compared to about 40% in the USA). They have just mixed in a lot of idiotic socialist far left ideas and the results are here for all to see.

Sanders had the chance to disassociate himself from these hateful ideas, he chose not to.

Sorry Venezuela is no comparison to Sanders ideals... You are probably thinking you are some how being smart when actually you are showing us how ignorant you are...

If you want to compare Sanders ideals you should compare to some parts of Denmark and Sweden...

Problem you got is a lot of the their societies really work... Less poverty, happier, longer holidays...

We've been over it..

High pay, low work, high debt...not a great combo...
So what does Denmark produce?
This thread only shows how ignorant some of the right wing supporters are on this forum.

Sanders is proposing a Social Democracy type government... This is a mixed economy which the US has large parts of today... We don't see the Right complain about the Military and love social democracy when it supports their causes...

The Venezuela too, is a mixed economy. The government takes "only" half of people's money (compared to about 40% in the USA). They have just mixed in a lot of idiotic socialist far left ideas and the results are here for all to see.

Sanders had the chance to disassociate himself from these hateful ideas, he chose not to.

Sorry Venezuela is no comparison to Sanders ideals... You are probably thinking you are some how being smart when actually you are showing us how ignorant you are...

If you want to compare Sanders ideals you should compare to some parts of Denmark and Sweden...

Problem you got is a lot of the their societies really work... Less poverty, happier, longer holidays...

Wow, what dufus.

I never said Venezuela is the Sander's ideal, however he refused to disassociate himself from the ideas. Which is stupid as hell.

Sweden is not doing that well either these days... and since their departure from free markets, have greatly fallen behind. But if you insists, some parts of Sweden are muslim ghettos with grenades flying around. So at least the idea of middle eastern integration can be put to grave.

Man you are truly clueless...

Sweden's economy is ahead of the US economy since 1960... And you don't know what Sweden calls a ghetto... Get a life and go to some of these places... Stockholm's version of a 'Ghetto' compared to US is joke...
That statement was clueless... You know that in these Ghettos they can go to the best universities paid for by the government (no debt),....

Our ghettos are better than Cuba and far less a.percentage of the.population.

But why do you always bring up white countries.........hmmmmmm
This thread only shows how ignorant some of the right wing supporters are on this forum.

Sanders is proposing a Social Democracy type government... This is a mixed economy which the US has large parts of today... We don't see the Right complain about the Military and love social democracy when it supports their causes...
Socialist nutjobs keep mentioning the police and military not only as though they're the only thing that the government would be controlling, but also as though because they control them, it's totally ignorant to say their control shouldn't expand beyond that. This is an inherently dishonest claim, because not only does every single thing the government takes control of have different consequences, but by that logic, the government can continue to freely expand to encompass everything, and everyone should be totally fine with it. Not only would that have disastrous consequences, even without someone incompetent leading the nation, but it would also have even worse consequences if our leader were incompetent, corrupt, or both.

Now, as for this outright stupid and ignorant claim that America's military, police force, and Fire Department are Socialist; Also an inherently dishonest talking point by the Socialists. Socialism's key component is "social ownership"(Government Control) of the means of production, by definition. The Military, Police, Fire Department are not a means of production, nor are they private industry that was taken control of by the government, they're infrastructure. They're also a part of every government, and attributing them solely to Socialism, even if the declaration was accurate, would be dishonest, because they existed before that failure of an ideal was even popularized.
This thread only shows how ignorant some of the right wing supporters are on this forum.

Sanders is proposing a Social Democracy type government... This is a mixed economy which the US has large parts of today... We don't see the Right complain about the Military and love social democracy when it supports their causes...

The Venezuela too, is a mixed economy. The government takes "only" half of people's money (compared to about 40% in the USA). They have just mixed in a lot of idiotic socialist far left ideas and the results are here for all to see.

Sanders had the chance to disassociate himself from these hateful ideas, he chose not to.

Sorry Venezuela is no comparison to Sanders ideals... You are probably thinking you are some how being smart when actually you are showing us how ignorant you are...

If you want to compare Sanders ideals you should compare to some parts of Denmark and Sweden...

Problem you got is a lot of the their societies really work... Less poverty, happier, longer holidays...
"If you want to compare Sander's ideals, ignore all the numerous failures, and look at these two specific failures in progress I'm pointing at."
Commie Sanders asked about socialist mess in Venezuela - REFUSES COMMENT

truth is hard on the left
in fact it is their worst enemy
Commie Sanders asked about socialist mess in Venezuela - REFUSES COMMENT

truth is hard on the left
in fact it is their worst enemy

To be their worst enemy, they sure don't seem to address it, or care about it much. Seems to me like a little inconvenience not to be cared about. Only decent people feel that truth is important.
Venezuela is the opposite of what we social democrats want as we want more BUSINESSES AND A STRONGER MIDDLE CLASS!!!!!! The big corporate cheap labor fuckers that you kiss ass of are killing small business and screwing most of the workers below them out of the cash that they should be getting. How fucking hard is it for you to understand that there's a big difference between stopping the super rich 1% from killing our middle class and the idiocy going on in Venezuela.

I aint screaming for the abolishment of the private sector
I aint saying there shouldn't be rich!!!!
I am simply saying that the rich shouldn't be allowed to destroy our middle class and take advantage of Americans.

Learn the issue
Venezuela is the opposite of what we social democrats want as we want more BUSINESSES AND A STRONGER MIDDLE CLASS!!!!!! The big corporate cheap labor fuckers that you kiss ass of are killing small business and screwing most of the workers below them out of the cash that they should be getting. How fucking hard is it for you to understand that there's a big difference between stopping the super rich 1% from killing our middle class and the idiocy going on in Venezuela.

I aint screaming for the abolishment of the private sector
I aint saying there shouldn't be rich!!!!
I am simply saying that the rich shouldn't be allowed to destroy our middle class and take advantage of Americans.

Learn the issue

Well, they do want that in Venezuela too. And I want a spaceship. Now, how do you plan on getting there?

Cause stealing the money of others isn't going to cut it. Government spending doesn't work, if you only would believe the research you deeply appreciate. I am sorry to say. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Also, please just go back to work in the sleazy parasitical government job that you have. It's bad enough to think some people live like this, making these lazy comments from their lazy ass jobs, wasting tax payer money. We don't need to hear how necessary to the society these people think they are (not at all), that's where you draw the line. If you think that anyone believes you are even close to being an impartial thinker rather than a fool paid off by the government, you are the fool.
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Venezuela is the opposite of what we social democrats want as we want more BUSINESSES AND A STRONGER MIDDLE CLASS!!!!!! The big corporate cheap labor fuckers that you kiss ass of are killing small business and screwing most of the workers below them out of the cash that they should be getting. How fucking hard is it for you to understand that there's a big difference between stopping the super rich 1% from killing our middle class and the idiocy going on in Venezuela.

I aint screaming for the abolishment of the private sector
I aint saying there shouldn't be rich!!!!
I am simply saying that the rich shouldn't be allowed to destroy our middle class and take advantage of Americans.

Learn the issue

The people running Venezuela made all the same claims. Unfortunately, the reality of what left wingers do always differs from what they claim they want.

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