Commiecrats Trying To Erase US History


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
Under the guise of: "he owned slaves", now Thomas Jefferson gets his statue beheaded. While true, that was landed gentry society in the late 18th century....The left doesn't care about our history and must be forgotten and replaced with fake communist dogma so they can claim history is on their side. Here's what John F. Kennedy said about Thomas Jefferson....possibly the greatest man who ever lived:

Extract from John F. Kennedy’s Remarks at a Dinner Honoring Nobel Prize Winners of the Western Hemisphere
April 29, 1962

I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent, of human knowledge, that has ever been gathered together at the White House, with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone. Someone once said that Thomas Jefferson was a gentleman of 32 who could calculate an eclipse, survey an estate, tie an artery, plan an edifice, try a cause, break a horse, and dance the minuet.

And if it comes to the destruction of Jefferson as the quintessential American and you march to preserve his legacy, say carrying a torch for dramatic effect, you'll be called a "Charlottesville KKK racist" and banned from Facebook/Twitter/Instagram.


Extract from John F. Kennedy’s Remarks at a Dinner Honoring Nobel Prize Winners of the Western Hemisphere, 29 Apr. 1962 [Quote] | Jefferson Quotes & Family Letters
Do you Hate religion? Do you hate Success? Do you Hate everyone who doesn't look exactly like you? Do you think the US should be the Uniceff to the world? Congratulations, the Commiecrats are the party for you. Turn in your guns and do what you are told. Do exactly what you are told.
It is sad that they are using imperfections in our founders to try to trash the Constitution. We were founded on some of the best principles in history, a charter that tries to protect a free populace from tyranny, and the Commiecrats would rather serve corruption.
It is sad that they are using imperfections in our founders to try to trash the Constitution. We were founded on some of the best principles in history, a charter that tries to protect a free populace from tyranny, and the Commiecrats would rather serve corruption.

Jefferson made the Louisiana Purchase which secured our Manifest Destiny.....the leftists see that as imperialist, nativist, and racist....
Lol, kind of an "all or nuthin'" fella huh?

Try reading what the poster said, not what you wish he had said. It's easier to answer honestly that way.

Read between the lines,'s all there in black and white.
He also raped his slaves. Fun fact.

So JFK is a liar and all sex without written permission is rape to you nitwits, right?
Lol, kind of an "all or nuthin'" fella huh?

Try reading what the poster said, not what you wish he had said. It's easier to answer honestly that way.

The racist fuck Blackfag lied - as he always does. And remember Creep, the Hemmings shit all fell apart. Old Tom had nothing to do with it. I know that you Stalinists are OUTRAGED that his brother had a 20 year relationship with a black women, but...
It is sad that they are using imperfections in our founders to try to trash the Constitution. We were founded on some of the best principles in history, a charter that tries to protect a free populace from tyranny, and the Commiecrats would rather serve corruption.

We were not a free republic until women and African-descended folks got the vote and were free to exercise the franchise openly and how they pleased. Female people and men who are descended from African cultures have always been a sizeable portion of our population.
Do you Hate religion? Do you hate Success? Do you Hate everyone who doesn't look exactly like you? Do you think the US should be the Uniceff to the world? Congratulations, the Commiecrats are the party for you. Turn in your guns and do what you are told. Do exactly what you are told.
Don’t get so triggered, tame Christian

Besides, a Muzzie Beast like you doesn't hate religion, you just hate the Kafir.
I’m not obsessed with Islam like your stupid ass is so I don’t know wtf you’re talking about. Go fuck yourself.


Racist fuck, you always attack non-Muslims.
I attack morons. So be ready to defend, you stupid fuck

Derp, racist boi is TUFF I tells ya...

The SUBJECT, you little racist fool, is that ATTACK on history by the left. The American left, which genocidal morons like you align with, seek to erase the past and replace it with a more "Marx Friendly" version.
We were not a free republic until women and African-descended folks got the vote and were free to exercise the franchise openly and how they pleased. Female people and men who are descended from African cultures have always been a sizeable portion of our population.

The Founders had little other than the Magna Carta to go on when they devised our nation. Did you expect them to make slaves, who were little more than livestock, to be equal in their eyes? Try to imagine yourself living in those times and remember the right to vote isn't the only determination of freedom.
Besides, a Muzzie Beast like you doesn't hate religion, you just hate the Kafir.
I’m not obsessed with Islam like your stupid ass is so I don’t know wtf you’re talking about. Go fuck yourself.


Racist fuck, you always attack non-Muslims.
I attack morons. So be ready to defend, you stupid fuck

Derp, racist boi is TUFF I tells ya...

The SUBJECT, you little racist fool, is that ATTACK on history by the left. The American left, which genocidal morons like you align with, seek to erase the past and replace it with a more "Marx Friendly" version.
Only an idiot thinks the stupid shit you just posted. Get fucked


You TRULY are as stupid as you are racist. :thup: That's hard to do. You shit yourself regularly, don't you?

One of the means of control by tyrants, the Muslims in Afghanistan, the Soviets, the Communist Chinese, is to eradicate the history of people. By severing the tie to the past, the thugs believed they could force their views on the enslaved populace more easily.

This thread is about the efforts of evil fucks - let's call them "democrats" to erase the American past so they can foment a totalitarian dictatorship.
He also raped his slaves. Fun fact.

So JFK is a liar and all sex without written permission is rape to you nitwits, right?
Lol, kind of an "all or nuthin'" fella huh?

Try reading what the poster said, not what you wish he had said. It's easier to answer honestly that way.

The racist fuck Blackfag lied - as he always does. And remember Creep, the Hemmings shit all fell apart. Old Tom had nothing to do with it. I know that you Stalinists are OUTRAGED that his brother had a 20 year relationship with a black women, but...
Yeah, no. Nothing "fell apart".

DNA evidence says Thomas Jefferson fathered children with Sally hemings.
Yeah, no. Nothing "fell apart".

DNA evidence says Thomas Jefferson fathered children with Sally hemings.

So what....does that negate him being a Founder, writing the Declaration of Independence, becoming our 3rd President, securing the Louisana Purchase, and continuing the Washington (also a slave owner) legacy of not being a king?
He also raped his slaves. Fun fact.

So JFK is a liar and all sex without written permission is rape to you nitwits, right?
Lol, kind of an "all or nuthin'" fella huh?

Try reading what the poster said, not what you wish he had said. It's easier to answer honestly that way.

The racist fuck Blackfag lied - as he always does. And remember Creep, the Hemmings shit all fell apart. Old Tom had nothing to do with it. I know that you Stalinists are OUTRAGED that his brother had a 20 year relationship with a black women, but...
Yeah, no. Nothing "fell apart".

DNA evidence says Thomas Jefferson fathered children with Sally hemings.


You stupid, lying fuck.

Thomas’ Brother Randolph
Yeah, no. Nothing "fell apart".

DNA evidence says Thomas Jefferson fathered children with Sally hemings.

So what....does that negate him being a Founder, writing the Declaration of Independence, becoming our 3rd President, securing the Louisana Purchase, and continuing the Washington (also a slave owner) legacy of not being a king?

Don't give heed to the Creep, he is either stupid, lying, or both.

DNA confirmed that DNA consistent with RANDOLPH Jefferson were present with descendants of Hemmings.

Is It True? - A Primer On Jefferson Dna | Jefferson's Blood | FRONTLINE | PBS

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