Commies in the closet, commies under the bed?


Gold Member
Jul 24, 2016
New Orleans
Oh noes! Commies are in the White House soon! Oh the irony of listening to the righties whine about communism. And now it's finally coming by way of Trump, Mannafort and Tillerson who are firmly lodged in Putin's trousers.
Oh noes! Commies are in the White House soon! Oh the irony of listening to the righties whine about communism. And now it's finally coming by way of Trump, Mannafort and Tillerson who are firmly lodged in Putin's trousers.

Too funny.

Commies have been in the White House for nearly eight years.

The Democrats usual MO of accusing others of that for which they themselves are guilty isn't sticking this time.
Oh noes! Commies are in the White House soon! Oh the irony of listening to the righties whine about communism. And now it's finally coming by way of Trump, Mannafort and Tillerson who are firmly lodged in Putin's trousers.
The whole flip on Russia is tied up in how the Trumpbots went from anti-government to hardline-nationalist overnight. They are authoritarian followers, their attitudes are given them and they don't seem to care if the opinions supplied by their leaders are consistent.
Oh noes! Commies are in the White House soon! Oh the irony of listening to the righties whine about communism. And now it's finally coming by way of Trump, Mannafort and Tillerson who are firmly lodged in Putin's trousers.

It always amuse me when liberals Dont know what commies mean...

That would be the extreme of you and Obama idiot

The extreme of right wing is fascist...

Learn the difference.

The whole flip on Russia is tied up in how the Trumpbots went from anti-government to hardline-nationalist overnight. They are authoritarian followers, their attitudes are given them and they don't seem to care if the opinions supplied by their leaders are consistent.

That's because they don't understand politics --- what they understand is football. "Our team scores".
Discrepancies in ideologies, policies, conflicts of interest etc, these mean no more to them than when their real sports team makes a trade to acquire a player who used to beat them, and now he's on "our side".

Kinda pathetic to watch.
No president in modern history, including Bill Clinton, would stand for a Washington Post team of reporters posting "reports" of a sexual nature from an alleged informant inside the administration that they wouldn't identify until he died. It would have been easy for the Washington Post to use the same tactics against Bill Clinton as they did against Nixon but Clinton was a friend and Nixon will always be the enemy. Look at the way Barry Hussein rails out about the fair and balanced reporting of Fox to get a handle about what the Washington Post did to Nixon. Any reporter who would have tried to bring down a democrat administration back in the day (not that it could have ever happen) would have been examined and exposed for his political agenda and probably would have been looking for a new career but not so for the Watergate heroes. It's easy to understand the Washington post use of bland amateur Bob Woodward. He was just a liberal lightweight to take the weight in case it became obvious that Karl Bernstein had an agenda and was the son of card carrying communists who raised him to hate republicans and especially a former HUAC prosecutor like Nixon. Woodward didn't have to worry, republicans caved in and nobody in the media questioned the Washington Post agenda or tactics and they don't until this day.
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No president in modern history, including Bill Clinton, would stand for a Washington Post team of reporters posting "reports" from an alleged informant inside the administration that they wouldn't identify until he died. Look at the way Barry Hussein rails out about Fox. Any reporter who tried to bring down a democrat administration would have been examined and exposed for his political agenda these days. Not so for the Watergate heroes, Bob Woodward was just a liberal lightweight to take the weight in case it became obvious that Karl Bernstein was the son of card carrying communists who raised him to hate republicans and especially a former HUAC prosecutor like Nixon. The obvious bias by the Post reporters never became an issue because at that time in media history the only information Americans received through radio, TV and print was filtered through a liberal screen. There was no FOX or talk radio and liberal TV celebrity Walter Cronkite was voted most trusted man in the media by fellow liberals. The point is that Karl Bernstein wasn't just a Washington Post reporter, he was a Marxist radical who hated Nixon and that little detail never reached the American public.


"Karl" huh?

Oh noes! Commies are in the White House soon! Oh the irony of listening to the righties whine about communism. And now it's finally coming by way of Trump, Mannafort and Tillerson who are firmly lodged in Putin's trousers.

Excuse me, but who did the US Communist Party support this election? Who did they support the last two elections?
No president in modern history, including Bill Clinton, would stand for a Washington Post team of reporters posting "reports" from an alleged informant inside the administration that they wouldn't identify until he died. Look at the way Barry Hussein rails out about Fox. Any reporter who tried to bring down a democrat administration would have been examined and exposed for his political agenda these days. Not so for the Watergate heroes, Bob Woodward was just a liberal lightweight to take the weight in case it became obvious that Karl Bernstein was the son of card carrying communists who raised him to hate republicans and especially a former HUAC prosecutor like Nixon. The obvious bias by the Post reporters never became an issue because at that time in media history the only information Americans received through radio, TV and print was filtered through a liberal screen. There was no FOX or talk radio and liberal TV celebrity Walter Cronkite was voted most trusted man in the media by fellow liberals. The point is that Karl Bernstein wasn't just a Washington Post reporter, he was a Marxist radical who hated Nixon and that little detail never reached the American public.


"Karl" huh?



Wasn't he buddies with Rob Woodward?
The whole flip on Russia is tied up in how the Trumpbots went from anti-government to hardline-nationalist overnight. They are authoritarian followers, their attitudes are given them and they don't seem to care if the opinions supplied by their leaders are consistent.

That's because they don't understand politics --- what they understand is football. "Our team scores".
Discrepancies in ideologies, policies, conflicts of interest etc, these mean no more to them than when their real sports team makes a trade to acquire a player who used to beat them, and now he's on "our side".

Kinda pathetic to watch.
It's tribalism, a political belief system so simple even the Tailiban and ISIS can do it.
Oh noes! Commies are in the White House soon! Oh the irony of listening to the righties whine about communism. And now it's finally coming by way of Trump, Mannafort and Tillerson who are firmly lodged in Putin's trousers.

I think this is as pure an example of Shallow Reasoning, perhaps Idiocy, as we are going to be able to find.

Who (other than this fool who posted this) would have ever though to accuse a billionaire and the President of Exxon of being Communists.

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