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Commies Scream "TREASON", Strike Out Again...

"That MUTHAFUCKER wants to see a server... We wanna see some FUKKYN TAX RETURNS!! Trade ya!!

There’s nothing clever or snarky to say that would salve the wound Patriotism took yesterday!! THIS MUTHAFUCKER’S GOT TO GO" - Eloquent Samuel L Jackson

actual quote
/——/ Turn the volume up and you might learn something——

Like what...that Juan Williams has false teeth and tits, maybe bigger than yours eh, weenie?
/——/ On second thought keep the volume off and let the voices in your head carry the conversations.

Or how about you keep your sorry ass and shitty comments out of my threads instead. "/--/"
/——/ Sorry Spanky. But you don’t own the threads, USMB does. Now go ask mommy for a cookie.
"Treason" is just the standard type of silly partisan hyperbole that folks just love to scream.

"Embarrassing" and/or "incompetent" and/or "over-matched" would have sufficed just fine.

Riiiiight....being a multi-billionaire and winning the Presidency in the only office he ever ran for doesn't mean shit. Maybe you should find out what's happened behind the scenes in these 16 months before you step on your dick again.
None of which (including the money, which was seeded by Daddy) have anything to do with what he said.

As much as you want to spin away from it. You just don't have to balls to admit it.
"Treason" is just the standard type of silly partisan hyperbole that folks just love to scream. "Embarrassing" and/or "incompetent" and/or "over-matched" would have sufficed just fine.
The T-word is becoming appropriate considering Trump's recent behavior. At what point do we reach Manchurian Candidate?
I don't think it's that sinister. He played to the base to win, and he's playing to the base now. In the end, this is what talk radio has created: A huge primal scream, a last gasp.

The question is how much damage it will ultimately cause. Right now, Putin's a pretty happy guy.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Peacefan Netherlands <[email protected]>
Date: 18 July 2018 at 12:47
Subject: Trump still has my support, here's why.
To: {whitehouse, CIA, NSA}, {CNN}, {Dutch political parties}, {Dutch media outlets}

Hi all.

despite Trump's behavior over the past 2 weeks,
i do still support him.

even with several US media outlets (CNN, MSNBC, even Fox News after Helsinki) calling Trump's fitness for office in question, which is useful because it offsets Trump's often loud rhetoric and prompts him, enables him and forces him, to rectify it / clarify it / spin-it-around-a-bit the following days,

i don't see Trump doing stuff that actually undermines NATO.
in fact, NATO member states are forced by Trump to re-evaluate how much they let the US lead NATO, and that's a very good thing.

we also deserved that kick in the butt over defense spending, and we deserved that trade war, here in the EU.
Trump, in my view, didn't overdo it, if you take in all of his remarks (after the recent NATO meeting for instance, he said NATO was doing better than ever given how the EU has re-affirmed their increases in defense spending).
This all falls under political showmanship, and i think the EU leaders and other world leaders know it well.
The ones that don't understand it, are the US media, from CNN and MSNBC to even Fox News. Or maybe they do understand it, but choose to play their own role. That could be, and it would be a valid strategy by them.

i don't think Trump's diplomatic overtures to Russia and North-Korea are going to result in *big* wins, merely small wins like co-existing in Syria and perhaps getting an Russian OK for Iran to leave Syria, stuff like that,

but the demonizing of Russia and Putin that some channels like CNN are doing, is definitely not going to help the geopolitical situations at all.

i do think that the good-cop-bad-cop routine with Trump as the 1 good cop in the US government and the rest playing at least strict-cop,
will produce more positive results than a purely hard-line approach (which would be for instance : more sanctions on Russia to stop them from trying election interference in the future) that is sometimes seen promoted on CNN by some of the commentators they air.

ultimately, stopping election interference should be a defensive game, not an offensively-played one. an offensive strategy (sanctions, counter-hacking, threat of military force, increase military drills in places the offending side doesn't like) will only muddle the waters and constantly threaten to escalate something that doesn't need to escalate at all (by playing it defensively).

that means for instance that you build digital election machines that can't be hacked at all andhave their source-codes published to prove this in peer-reviews.

that also means you regulate social media to the extent of preventing user data sharing on a large scale, ban unsolicited private messages, etc, etc. remember : state actors can pose as any company or individual to try to acquire user data and post automated messages to other users.

i emplore CNN in particular to push for this solution rather than the hardline approach against Russia.

i doubt Trump himself has much appetite to regulate social media to harden it against election fraud / interference.
neither perhaps will the rest of the US political scene.
after all, they may believe this is something that can give them an edge if left unregulated.

in the absence of regulation of social media, US mass media could put on repeat warnings to take everything one reads on the internet with not just a grain of salt but a whole bag of salt, especially if it invokes big emotions.
if it invokes big emotions, the best thing a citizen can do is to block the entire account it's posted from, because it's probably manipulation based on at least exaggeration and context falsification and at worst based on (near-)complete lies.
the best place to get your election advice as a citizen these days, is from established mass media outlets and trustworthy election-choice-help (web-)apps.. they are the only ones held accountable for providing truth-based advice, and frankly the only ones with a commercial interest to keep doing that.
there's no shame in making the public aware of both of these facts, at all.

too much is played offensively these days. more sanctions against governments that are out of line, more drone strikes whenever terrorists strike... offensive strategies certainly serve a good purpose from time to time,
but as a general rule : if you can defend using defensive measures only, then DO NOT RESORT TO OFFENSIVE STRATEGIES/TOOLS TO *TRY* TO PREVENT *REPEATS* OF WHAT YOU DONT WANT HAPPENING.
/——/ Sorry Spanky. But you don’t own the threads, USMB does. Now go ask mommy for a cookie.

My name ain't "Spanky" shitbag....I create my threads and decide who's welcome in them...you ain't. You're a troll with nothing to offer because you're a miserable old man and a snarky coward. "/--/"
None of which (including the money, which was seeded by Daddy) have anything to do with what he said.

As much as you want to spin away from it. You just don't have to balls to admit it.

More leftist trash from an envious loser and I got the balls to tell you that to your face any time you'd like.
None of which (including the money, which was seeded by Daddy) have anything to do with what he said.
As much as you want to spin away from it. You just don't have to balls to admit it..
More leftist trash from an envious loser and I got the balls to tell you that to your face any time you'd like.
Ah, very impressive.
Ah, very impressive.

Stay out of my threads and you won't get bitch-slapped, loser.

And the expected "funny"....you and gNat should hook up...maybe run away with the circus.
"Funny how the Left used to idolize Russia until they turned away from communism. Now the Left wants war with them. Why is that?"
/——/ Sorry Spanky. But you don’t own the threads, USMB does. Now go ask mommy for a cookie.

My name ain't "Spanky" shitbag....I create my threads and decide who's welcome in them...you ain't. You're a troll with nothing to offer because you're a miserable old man and a snarky coward. "/--/"
/-----/ OK, I'll call you Sparky then. And I'll visit and reply on any thread I choose.
Wrong Fox. They make movie and TV shows, not the news network.

Right Fox, moron....read it again and next time, don't bother...your ADD is no longer welcome here.

I suggest you back that truck up, because it is not big enough to carry your ego.

"Fox News is not going to be part of Disney. As part of the Disney-Fox merger, 21st Century Fox will spin off Fox News, Fox Business, and the Fox broadcasting network into a new, separately traded company."

What happens to Fox News after the Disney-Fox merger?

Now, bend over and kiss my ass, you cranky old bastard! I put it in large print so you can read it without your bifocals!

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