Committee Votes To Release Trumps' Taxes 24-16. Tell Me Why ThisI isn't Partisan Bullsh#T can't tell us? I am just asking you to point to what you claim he lied about.

Additionally, I find it amazing, that you are ok with people breaking the law, because you think the person who's rights they violated, might of lied.
This vapid whining won't help. Your dislike of knowledge, education, and expertise only embarrasses you.
What? All because I didn't pursue a law degree? There are other areas of education, you know. Things like math, science, computer science (that's me) and engineering all come to mind. Heck, I know some very knowledgeable and educated guys with a tremendous amount of expertise that didn't even TRY to get a law degree. They all like smart and stuff too. Not like those lawyers you hang out with, but dey be smart.

You really need to get outside that legal industry bubble where the only thing people value is the pedigree of their law degree. Now, you know that we're depending on your education and knowledge to tell us what's illegal in TRUMP!'s tax returns, so you'd better sharpen up your expertise and get ready. What's that? You don't HAVE a law degree? Well, that just means, how did you say it, you "dislike knowledge, education and expertise". Obviously.

It is to chortle politely.
No, it doesn't. How did he give aid to an insurrection? He simply didn't react in time. Not reacting is not helping them. Again, it was crappy, but not disqualifying.
It of course does. If you can't figure it out, that's your problem. And I know why you have that problem.
What? All because I didn't pursue a law degree? There are other areas of education, you know. Things like math, science, computer science (that's me) and engineering all come to mind. Heck, I know some very knowledgeable and educated guys with a tremendous amount of expertise that didn't even TRY to get a law degree. They all like smart and stuff too. Not like those lawyers you hang out with, but dey be smart.

You really need to get outside that legal industry bubble where the only thing people value is the pedigree of their law degree. Now, you know that we're depending on your education and knowledge to tell us what's illegal in TRUMP!'s tax returns, so you'd better sharpen up your expertise and get ready. What's that? You don't HAVE a law degree? Well, that just means, how did you say it, you "dislike knowledge, education and expertise". Obviously.

It is to chortle politely.
No, because of your dumb talking points about trusting experts to go through his tax returns. You don't insult me. You embarrass yourself.
No, because of your dumb talking points about trusting experts to go through his tax returns. You don't insult me. You embarrass yourself.
When "experts" see the same thing and disagree about what it means, skepticism is in order, which is the point. IRS tax experts have been through TRUMP!'s returns for years and the IRS has not seen fit to hand anything over for prosecution. Thus, having random internet "tax experts" tell me they found something actionable in his returns will therefore not impress me greatly.
IRS tax experts have been through TRUMP!'s returns for years and the IRS has not seen fit to hand anything over for prosecution.
Irrelevant. Same was true for Trump Corp, and they just got convicted of 17 felonies. How did you not put this together yourself? It's like Trump has handicapped your brain. You can do better.
that’s a lie xiden has not released his taxes every year since the 70s that’s a huge lie
Not a lie. An exaggeration.

“The White House, on Friday, released the first couple’s tax returns – marking the 24th year that the Bidens released their tax returns to the public.

"I did them and I released them already, unlike some other presidents," Biden said on Monday during the White House Easter egg roll. "Every single year."”
Not a lie. An exaggeration.

“The White House, on Friday, released the first couple’s tax returns – marking the 24th year that the Bidens released their tax returns to the public.

"I did them and I released them already, unlike some other presidents," Biden said on Monday during the White House Easter egg roll. "Every single year."”
No it's just a lie.

Why won't Xiden release his corp tax returns? what's he hiding? Legal experts call for President Biden to release corporate tax returns

Legal experts on Wednesday called for President Biden to release corporate tax returns that account for more than $13 million in income that he and First Lady Jill Biden reported to the IRS between 2017 and 2019, in between his stints as vice president and commander in chief.

George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley said that while there’s “no evidence of wrongdoing,” the scandal over son Hunter Biden’s overseas business dealings “has reached the point where the White House needs to err on the side of transparency.”

Biden likely to avoid IRS audit that could’ve revealed if he made money from Hunter’s deals​

Trump didn't need yo release his tax returns...the NY Times had already released two decasdes of them, along with corp tax returns (xiden continues to refuse to make public)...
Irrelevant. Same was true for Trump Corp, and they just got convicted of 17 felonies. How did you not put this together yourself? It's like Trump has handicapped your brain. You can do better.
the IRS didn't prosecute the Trump Corp. It was the NY State, it was NY law. They had them for years as well too...but didn't seem fit to prosecute until he ran and won as a Republican. Weird how that worked.

Meanwhile, Trump via the NY Times released years ago, decades of personal in corp tax returns....meanwhile, xiden refuses to make public hsi corp tax returns....and had his IRS stopped an audit of it.
You folks know, I am not a Trump supporter, not a party member and have stated my Independent status many times. That said, what is this action other than partisan bullsh#t? While quite aware, it has become tradition for a candidate before an election, but this crap is about him not doing it before the 2016 election and whether I liked or you liked it or not, he was elected, anyway. That was then. This is now. I am aware, the Supreme Court the Supreme Court ordered that he release the information to Congressional scrutiny. I am good with that, but they never said release it to the public, that I am aware of. This is just a spitefull, partisan action and I tend to think, public release at this point is an undue release, an invasion of privacy (even if he's an asshole) and possibly illegal. My representative is on that committee and voted against. Barring him not doing something stupid (which he doesn't have much history of) I shall vote for him again, next time he runs.

Don't worry, 99% of DemoKKKrats can't read a tax return if their lives depend on it. The ignorant comments from dipshits like Synthaholic should provide you with ample evidence of that.
Not a lie. An exaggeration.

“The White House, on Friday, released the first couple’s tax returns – marking the 24th year that the Bidens released their tax returns to the public.

"I did them and I released them already, unlike some other presidents," Biden said on Monday during the White House Easter egg roll. "Every single year."”

Biden didn't pay any income taxes for 10 years, I heard.
The top of page 22 points to Rule 11 as its justification for the committee being able to release things obtained in closed executive session by vote, but Rule 11 in the 117th congress Rule guide doesn't mention that.

Even still....Congress cannot simply make rules to go around the law. Closed executive session means secrecy, they can't vote to release tax information, especially when the person they are releasing the information about hasn't been convicted of any tax crime....even still, they'd have to demonstrate a reason it would be in the public interest, which they haven't yet.

The court case you linked appears to be nothing more than the committees appeal to the court for urgency to release his tax documents.

My question still remains...since they were obviously requesting personally identifiable information, was the committee in closed executive session when that request was made...were they in closed executive session when the tax documents were furnished? If any other committee requests those documents, are they in closed executive session?
The documents were redacted to remove personally identification information.
So, It's approved by court decision. But it doesn't seem very beneficial to release them so late in the game to me. Releasing Trump's personal tax returns to the public at this current point in time seems academic. Thus, I wonder what's really going on? And I end up on Democrats are trying to cull sentiment (dirt) to keep negative pressure on the '24 campaign. More revenge.

I can think of no other plausible scenario. :dunno:
His tax returns are available to Senate Finance Committee which will be controlled by democrats in the new congress. Thus the Senate can pickup the audit/investigation in the new year where the House left off.

The Tax returns would be made public without any action by the House. They would be leaked. There are about 25 members of the House Ways and Means Committee and about 15 members of Senate Finance Committee. All of these congressmen would have access to the returns as well as people working their office. Nothing remains a secret that is released to congressional committees.
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Why didn't Congress demand that Obama's college transcript that he hid from the American people be rleased?

It was far more important than Trump's tax records.

Not really.

That Trump avoided mandatory audits and paid nearly no taxes in the last five years is telling.

Those transcripts would have told us if he enrolled as a foreign student indicating he was ineligible to be President.
Um, not really. Even if he did, the fact is, his mother was an American citizen, which makes him an American citizen. Even if he was born in Kenya (He wasn't) or enrolled as a foreign student (he didn't).

Ot that he was passed only because of affirmative action reinforcing the widely held belief that he was dumber than a door knob more sutited to be a shoeshine boy.
Except Obama is a JD, editor of the Harvard Law Review, and is very eloquent.

Trump is just... dumb.
Sit down and shut up. You Bernie Bros are dumber than the Right Wingers.

The IRS couldn't even do something as basic as auditing presidential returns which they are mandated to do. The IRS is digging itself into a bigger hole than even Trump.

The IRS should have caught his companies tax scams in NY but they did not.
The IRS couldn't even do something as basic as auditing presidential returns which they are mandated to do. The IRS is digging itself into a bigger hole than even Trump.

The IRS should have caught his companies tax scams in NY but they did not.

We underfund the IRS, and then wonder why it doesn't catch tax cheats.

Nothing to with Lerner. Lerner interpreted the law as written, that certain groups were hiding donors while doing politics... and Obama, being kind of a wuss, hung her out to dry.

You know, for a commie socialist, you seem pretty cool with the rich cheating the system.
We underfund the IRS, and then wonder why it doesn't catch tax cheats.

They can't even do something as basic as mandatory audits of the presidents returns. They have the funding to do that.

Nothing to with Lerner. Lerner interpreted the law as written, that certain groups were hiding donors while doing politics... and Obama, being kind of a wuss, hung her out to dry.

You know, for a commie socialist, you seem pretty cool with the rich cheating the system.

I have a problem with addressing only one side of the cheating. That causes a grave distrust of a system that has to be above that.

I applaud the state of NY for addressing a case of the rich cheating the system. Sadly though, it's one out of many.

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