Committee Votes To Release Trumps' Taxes 24-16. Tell Me Why ThisI isn't Partisan Bullsh#T

The public deserves to know.
Does the public deserve to know and see all of the politicians’ tax returns or just Trump’s? If only Trump’s, why and what basis? As has been sited many times, if there was something illegal or in violation of tax laws, the IRS and state tax departments would be taking action. Otherwise, this is simply Congress playing class warfare to get the Trump haters all fired up.
They can't even do something as basic as mandatory audits of the presidents returns. They have the funding to do that.

Quite right. So let's find out who instructed them not to.

I have a problem with addressing only one side of the cheating. That causes a grave distrust of a system that has to be above that.
Except only one side was cheating. THere were a few left wing groups that were also dinged under the same premise, but it was the right wing Tea Party groups that were funnelling the dark money.
Does the public deserve to know and see all of the politicians’ tax returns or just Trump’s? If only Trump’s, why and what basis? As has been sited many times, if there was something illegal or in violation of tax laws, the IRS and state tax departments would be taking action. Otherwise, this is simply Congress playing class warfare to get the Trump haters all fired up.
Every candidate since 1976 has released his or her tax returns.

Trump promised he would after Audits were complete, but as it turns out, no one was ever auditing him.
Quite right. So let's find out who instructed them not to.

Except only one side was cheating. THere were a few left wing groups that were also dinged under the same premise, but it was the right wing Tea Party groups that were funnelling the dark money.
Now if only he would have been marketing guns to crazies, then you would have caught him! Yessir, nothin's gettin' past deputy dawg on the case, looking out for that marketing!
Except Obama is a JD, editor of the Harvard Law Review, and is very eloquent.

Trump is just... dumb.
As usual you are confused Moon Bat.

Obama is a stupid ass affirmative action Negro that increased poverty, decreased family income, let millions of goddamn Illegals flood in, weakened the military, kiss the ass of Iran, fucked up health care, raised taxes, had ten trillion dollars in debt with nothing to show for it, escalate the war in Afghanistan and had dismal economic growth. The only thing the Shoeshine Boy was able to do with his affirmative action degree other than get a bunch of racist Negros and dumbass White Guilt Moon Bat pukes to vote for him was be a community organizer, whatever the hell that is.

On the other hand Trump was an accomplished businessman and as President reduced poverty , increased family income, sealed the border, reduced troops in war, had record employment, decreased taxes, had energy independence and strengthen the military that Obama fucked up. He managed the pandemic caused by Biden's Chinese buddies very competently at a Federal level turning over an improving economy complete with a vaccine to Biden after Biden stole the election.

You know who Biden's Chinese buddies are, don't you? They are the ones that made the Biden family filthy ass rich. Biden got filthy rich off selling government influence to China, Russia and the Ukraine. Those are the only one we blatantly know of. God only knows who else. Biden's Chinese buddies are the ones that released a bio weapon on the world to destroy Trump so their man could be in the White House.

Obama was the worst President in American history until this Joe Potatohead stole the 2020 Presidential election from the American people. Now he is second from the bottom.

Obama was (is) a low IQ dumbass Negro married to a transvestite that doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground about anything. He never got anything right in his pathetic pot smoking life. Except one thing when he said "never underestimate the ability of Joe Biden to fuck things up".
Does the public deserve to know and see all of the politicians’ tax returns or just Trump’s? If only Trump’s, why and what basis? As has been sited many times, if there was something illegal or in violation of tax laws, the IRS and state tax departments would be taking action. Otherwise, this is simply Congress playing class warfare to get the Trump haters all fired up.
All presidential candidates. As is the tradition.
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Quite right. So let's find out who instructed them not to.

Do your job or lose it. What we will do is spend $10 million on an investigation and do nothing and hold no one accountable.

Except only one side was cheating. THere were a few left wing groups that were also dinged under the same premise, but it was the right wing Tea Party groups that were funnelling the dark money.

Nope. Even Jon Stewart hammered the Democrats over this.

Tax Men - The IRS - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart | Comedy Central US

Every candidate since 1976 has released his or her tax returns.

Trump promised he would after Audits were complete, but as it turns out, no one was ever auditing him.

Despite it being their job and no one will be held accountable for that.
Now if only he would have

Obama is a stupid ass affirmative action Negro that increased poverty, decreased family income, let millions of goddamn Illegals flood in, weakened the military, kiss the ass of Iran, fucked up health care, raised taxes, had ten trillion dollars in debt with nothing to show for it, escalate the war in Afghanistan and had dismal economic growth. The only thing the Shoeshine Boy was able to do with his affirmative action degree other than get a bunch of racist Negros and dumbass White Guilt Moon Bat pukes to vote for him was be a community organizer, whatever the hell that is.

Um, okay... When Obama got in Unemployment was 10%. When he left it was 4.7%. I mean, I know you hate that a black man accomplished more than you ever will, but Obama is going to be very well treated by the history books.

On the other hand Trump was an accomplished businessman and as President reduced poverty , increased family income, sealed the border, reduced troops in war, had record employment, decreased taxes, had energy independence and strengthen the military that Obama fucked up. He managed the pandemic caused by Biden's Chinese buddies very competently at a Federal level turning over an improving economy complete with a vaccine to Biden after Biden stole the election.
Trump brought us
The worst Race Riots in 50 years
The worst recssion in 80 years
The worst pandemic in 100 years.
He's the first president since Hoover to post a net jobs loss.

Obama was (is) a low IQ dumbass Negro that doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground about anything. He never got anything right in his pathetic pot smoking life. Except one thing when he said "never underestimate the ability of Joe Biden to fuck things up".
Actually, there's no evidence Obama ever said any such thing.

The idiots that voted for him should have known from his history deals and leaving investors and contractors high and dry, that he was withholding release of his taxes to avoid people finding out more clues as to how he does business, and not voted for him. He was never required to, so he was just covering up by not releasing and the trump supporters were just too dumb to realize it, or simply didn't care.
Long before Trump entering politics, his business practices lead him into the courts with numerous lawsuits and civil prosecutions. Just because he became president there was no reason to expected that a lifetime of unethical behavior would change. In fact, a lot of his supporters believe that is what is needed in the White House. He brags about his immunity from prosecution, encouraged an attack on the capital and illegally kept and stored top secret documents after he left office.
Long before Trump entering politics, his business practices lead him into the courts with numerous lawsuits and civil prosecutions. Just because he became president there was no reason to expected that a lifetime of unethical behavior would change. In fact, a lot of his supporters believe that is what is needed in the White House. He brags about his immunity from prosecution, encouraged an attack on the capital and illegally kept and stored top secret documents after he left office.
We underfund the IRS, and then wonder why it doesn't catch tax cheats.

Nothing to with Lerner. Lerner interpreted the law as written, that certain groups were hiding donors while doing politics... and Obama, being kind of a wuss, hung her out to dry.

You know, for a commie socialist, you seem pretty cool with the rich cheating the system.
A 501C3 doesn't have to disclouse it's donors in order to have a tax exempt status.
Exactly. That's not what these groups were.
yes, yes they were. so why in the world are you claimng they needed to disclouse their donors?

IRS apologizes for targeting conservative groups​

(Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department has reached a settlement with dozens of conservative groups that claimed the Internal Revenue Service unfairly scrutinized them based on their political leanings when they sought a tax-exempt status, court documents showed.


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