Committee Votes To Release Trumps' Taxes 24-16. Tell Me Why ThisI isn't Partisan Bullsh#T

All presidential candidates. As is the tradition.
Well, Trump is anything but traditional. I could care less about Trump’s tax returns unless the IRS or another tax authority has issue with it. I’m more concerned with life-long politicians generating millions for themselves on a small salary.
And so he gets treated like an anomaly. You are dangerously close to getting a grip on reality.;)
Yes, we know. It sends that message that outsiders are not welcome in the country club that is Washington, and that they will be hounded for the rest of their lives if they dare to challenge the power structure, especially if they have the clout to actually bring about change.
Yes, we know. It sends that message that outsiders are not welcome in the country club that is Washington
That's right, when what makes them an outsider are utter ignorance of policy, incuriosity, amorality, no desire to govern , and inherent and chronic criminality.
Yes, we know. It sends that message that outsiders are not welcome in the country club that is Washington, and that they will be hounded for the rest of their lives if they dare to challenge the power structure, especially if they have the clout to actually bring about change.

Aw. Y'all make it sound like an after school special where Trump wasn't allowed to sit with the cool kids at lunch.
That's right, when what makes them an outsider are utter ignorance of policy, incuriosity, amorality, no desire to govern , and inherent and chronic criminality.
Thank goodness there aren't any of those around, they sound scary. No, to be an outsider in Washington, all you need is to have no connections in the existing power structure, and most importantly, no desire to have any.
Aw. Y'all make it sound like an after school special where Trump wasn't allowed to sit with the cool kids at lunch.
Well, if that's how you want to look at it, I can't stop you. Had TRUMP! not run for president, none of you would have given a flying rat's patoot about his taxes, his children, his wife's underwear drawer or anything about him. He was an outsider, so you're told to be outraged about all of it, to the point that it's almost impossible to have a thread about he current president without some dope jumping in with, "But TRUMP! But TRUMP! But TRUMP!".
Well, if that's how you want to look at it, I can't stop you. Had TRUMP! not run for president, none of you would have given a flying rat's patoot about his taxes, his children, his wife's underwear drawer or anything about him. He was an outsider, so you're told to be outraged about all of it, to the point that it's almost impossible to have a thread about he current president without some dope jumping in with, "But TRUMP! But TRUMP! But TRUMP!".

Had Trump not run for president, he wouldn't have called Georgia and threatened the Secretary of State, demanding that votes be found for his reelection. If Trump had not run for president, he wouldn't have access to the classified documents he stole. If Trump had not run for President, he wouldn't have sent his supporters to the capitol, nor sat in the white house and done nothing while they attacked it. If Trump had not run for President, he wouldn't have been involved in a fraudulent campaign to seat fake electors.

Though Trump probably would be whining about 'stolen' elections. He's been doing that since 2012.
Had Trump not run for president, he wouldn't have called Georgia and threatened the Secretary of State, demanding that votes be found for his reelection. If Trump had not run for president, he wouldn't have access to the classified documents he stole. If Trump had not run for President, he wouldn't have sent his supporters to the capitol, nor sat in the white house and done nothing while they attacked it. If Trump had not run for President, he wouldn't have been involved in a fraudulent campaign to seat fake electors.

Though Trump probably would be whining about 'stolen' elections. He's been doing that since 2012.
Like I said...
Like I said...

Laughing.....Trump made his own bed. No one forced him to threaten the Secretary of State of Georgia, to steal classified documents, to send his fanatics to the capitol and then do nothing when they attacked it.
We've been seeing a lot from the cult lately about how much they hate the guy, can't wait to spew all over themselves because they think he'll go to prison, etc.
Haha, you cultists actually believing calling the rest of the world a cult will help you. This is so sad to watch. Trump has really turned your brain to mush.
It will play out in court whether the Democrats on this board demand it or not. Also, there will be an investigation of why the head of the IRS stopped the rule that all presidents income taxes are automatically audited ever year, back to after Nixon proved that even presidents cheat on taxes. That is all presidents since, except Donald Trump, as his hand picked IRS head made it go away, while he was in office.
They didn't make it go away. They didn't start until the third year of his term.

The law Congress is trying to pass will go tits up when challenged, because it violated separation of government.
You're a lying sack of shit. You posted a header to the case file... LMAO

I posted the name of the court case, verbatim. I posted the page number in the case. I posted which paragraph.

If you want to look at the evidence, you have everything you need.

Instead, you choose ignorance.

I posted the name of the court case, verbatim. I posted the page number in the case. I posted which paragraph.

If you want to look at the evidence, you have everything you need.

Instead, you choose ignorance.

Post the text. I'm doing your leg work for you.

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