Common Sense Gun Control Proposals


Dec 29, 2014
These proposals probably won't be implemented within the next two years, due to the NRA's monetary sway over the current congress. As we move forward towards a saner society, though, this should be the loosest standards for gun laws in the country:

1. ---- Rifles cannot be automatic, and must not have any military features such as a pistol grip, a vertical grip, buffer tube, barrel shroud, holosight, detachable magazine, etc. No high powered ammo such as any bullets used by the military should be allowed. Also, clips must only come in five bullets or less.
---- You don't need more than five bullets to shoot a deer. You don't need anti-tank ammo to shoot a deer. Could somebody please tell me why .22 caliber doesn't work for hunting?
---- Trying to overthrow a tyrannical government? You are paranoid and should have your guns confiscated.

2. Shotguns can only shoot two bullets at a time. They cannot use clips to reload, but must be manually reloaded. Also, no military grade calibers are allowed.
--- Why do you need more than two bullets at a time to kill a deer?
--- Trying to overthrow the government? You are paranoid and should lose your gun privileges forever.

3. A ban on handguns for anybody besides for security guards, police, and military. Also, a complete ban on carrying guns outside the home, unless hunting or at the range.
--- A handgun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill you than a criminal, according to Arthur Kellermann.
--- Trying to be a big man and save the world with your gun while out shopping? You are paranoid and should not be able to own guns.

4. A mandatory background check, and one month waiting purchase for all gun purchases.
--- It will be a lot harder for the black market to function if illegal buyers are eliminated through background checks and have to wait a month before getting their guns. No more buying a gun out of the trunk of a car in a dark alley.

5. Nobody under the age of 21 is allowed to handle a firearm. No if, and's, or buts about it. Not while hunting, not while at the range, nothing. Only exceptions are for military recruits.

6. A proper interpretation of the second amendment, which talks clearly about well regulated militias, aka the national guard, not any random Joe off the street. And don't give the that bs about the Heller decision. That was an awful decision, like plessy v. ferguson or dredd scott, which can, must, and will be repealed.
---- You don't need more than five bullets to shoot a deer. You don't need anti-tank ammo to shoot a deer. Could somebody please tell me why .22 caliber doesn't work for hunting?

You don't "need" porn, either. So I suggest we just ban it. Common sense.
Here's a better idea. Instead of registering guns, we register gun buyers. Once you pass a background check, you can buy as many guns as you like, or not buy any guns. You'll be on the approved list. Your purchases will be your business, not the government's.

You go to a gun shop, the gun shop owner sees if you are a registered approved buyer, and then only he and you know what guns you bought.
Here's a better idea. Instead of registering guns, we register gun buyers. Once you pass a background check, you can buy as many guns as you like, or not buy any guns. You'll be on the approved list. Your purchases will be your business, not the government's.

You go to a gun shop, the gun shop owner sees if you are a registered approved buyer, and then only he and you know what guns you bought.

That works! :thup:
These proposals probably won't be implemented within the next two years, due to the NRA's monetary sway over the current congress. As we move forward towards a saner society, though, this should be the loosest standards for gun laws in the country:

1. ---- Rifles cannot be automatic, and must not have any military features such as a pistol grip, a vertical grip, buffer tube, barrel shroud, holosight, detachable magazine, etc. No high powered ammo such as any bullets used by the military should be allowed. Also, clips must only come in five bullets or less.
---- You don't need more than five bullets to shoot a deer. You don't need anti-tank ammo to shoot a deer. Could somebody please tell me why .22 caliber doesn't work for hunting?
---- Trying to overthrow a tyrannical government? You are paranoid and should have your guns confiscated.

2. Shotguns can only shoot two bullets at a time. They cannot use clips to reload, but must be manually reloaded. Also, no military grade calibers are allowed.
--- Why do you need more than two bullets at a time to kill a deer?
--- Trying to overthrow the government? You are paranoid and should lose your gun privileges forever.

3. A ban on handguns for anybody besides for security guards, police, and military. Also, a complete ban on carrying guns outside the home, unless hunting or at the range.
--- A handgun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill you than a criminal, according to Arthur Kellermann.
--- Trying to be a big man and save the world with your gun while out shopping? You are paranoid and should not be able to own guns.

4. A mandatory background check, and one month waiting purchase for all gun purchases.
--- It will be a lot harder for the black market to function if illegal buyers are eliminated through background checks and have to wait a month before getting their guns. No more buying a gun out of the trunk of a car in a dark alley.

5. Nobody under the age of 21 is allowed to handle a firearm. No if, and's, or buts about it. Not while hunting, not while at the range, nothing. Only exceptions are for military recruits.

6. A proper interpretation of the second amendment, which talks clearly about well regulated militias, aka the national guard, not any random Joe off the street. And don't give the that bs about the Heller decision. That was an awful decision, like plessy v. ferguson or dredd scott, which can, must, and will be repealed.
All well and good if the gun owner is a criminal or a deadbeat. People who apply for gun permits are mostly law abiding citizens and undergo a background check. Then if they want to conceal carry they undergo more stringent checks. Gun owners don't buy guns to go rob banks and kill people. They also go through training courses and gun safety classes. Check out the concealed carry laws in your state and you'll find there many restrictions, do's and don'ts. I trust legal gun owners far more than someone who buys guns off the street.
And then, there's the 2d Amendment, the one that gives liberals ulcers. Heartburn is good for some.
Here's a better idea. Instead of registering guns, we register gun buyers. Once you pass a background check, you can buy as many guns as you like, or not buy any guns. You'll be on the approved list. Your purchases will be your business, not the government's.

You go to a gun shop, the gun shop owner sees if you are a registered approved buyer, and then only he and you know what guns you bought.

That works! :thup:

Or maybe let's have common sense gun laws banning assault rifles and handguns to keep our children safe
These proposals probably won't be implemented within the next two years, due to the NRA's monetary sway over the current congress. As we move forward towards a saner society, though, this should be the loosest standards for gun laws in the country:

1. ---- Rifles cannot be automatic, and must not have any military features such as a pistol grip, a vertical grip, buffer tube, barrel shroud, holosight, detachable magazine, etc. No high powered ammo such as any bullets used by the military should be allowed. Also, clips must only come in five bullets or less.
---- You don't need more than five bullets to shoot a deer. You don't need anti-tank ammo to shoot a deer. Could somebody please tell me why .22 caliber doesn't work for hunting?
---- Trying to overthrow a tyrannical government? You are paranoid and should have your guns confiscated.

2. Shotguns can only shoot two bullets at a time. They cannot use clips to reload, but must be manually reloaded. Also, no military grade calibers are allowed.
--- Why do you need more than two bullets at a time to kill a deer?
--- Trying to overthrow the government? You are paranoid and should lose your gun privileges forever.

3. A ban on handguns for anybody besides for security guards, police, and military. Also, a complete ban on carrying guns outside the home, unless hunting or at the range.
--- A handgun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill you than a criminal, according to Arthur Kellermann.
--- Trying to be a big man and save the world with your gun while out shopping? You are paranoid and should not be able to own guns.

4. A mandatory background check, and one month waiting purchase for all gun purchases.
--- It will be a lot harder for the black market to function if illegal buyers are eliminated through background checks and have to wait a month before getting their guns. No more buying a gun out of the trunk of a car in a dark alley.

5. Nobody under the age of 21 is allowed to handle a firearm. No if, and's, or buts about it. Not while hunting, not while at the range, nothing. Only exceptions are for military recruits.

6. A proper interpretation of the second amendment, which talks clearly about well regulated militias, aka the national guard, not any random Joe off the street. And don't give the that bs about the Heller decision. That was an awful decision, like plessy v. ferguson or dredd scott, which can, must, and will be repealed.

Tell ya what, Scooter, you get all the criminals to adhere to your list of rules, then we'll talk. Until then, bugger off, I'll keep my guns (if I have any) in any way and caliber I see fit.
Here's a better idea. Instead of registering guns, we register gun buyers. Once you pass a background check, you can buy as many guns as you like, or not buy any guns. You'll be on the approved list. Your purchases will be your business, not the government's.

You go to a gun shop, the gun shop owner sees if you are a registered approved buyer, and then only he and you know what guns you bought.

That works! :thup:

But guns can be stolen.

Register ammo.

My air tasers also shoot out tiny tags that are registered to me. If they're used in the commission of a crime, the tags can be traced back to me.

No "system" is perfect but that's no reason to just give up trying. Car makers fought like crazy to stop safety measures, like seat belts. They said they would go broke if they had to put seat belts in every car. They lost but we have fewer deaths because of seat belts.
Here's a better idea. Instead of registering guns, we register gun buyers. Once you pass a background check, you can buy as many guns as you like, or not buy any guns. You'll be on the approved list. Your purchases will be your business, not the government's.

You go to a gun shop, the gun shop owner sees if you are a registered approved buyer, and then only he and you know what guns you bought.

That works! :thup:

Or maybe let's have common sense gun laws banning assault rifles and handguns to keep our children safe

Assault rifles? Do you mean semi-automatic rifles that look scary? Because, as I am sure you know, assault rifles have been continuously and heavily regulated since the National Firearms Act of 1934...
---- You don't need more than five bullets to shoot a deer. You don't need anti-tank ammo to shoot a deer. Could somebody please tell me why .22 caliber doesn't work for hunting?

Thank you for admitting your utter ignorance, by the way.

If you were hunting a deer with a .22, you are probably going to need more than five bullets, and you are going to make the creature suffer needlessly. That's why it is actually illegally to hunt some large animals with a .22.
---- You don't need more than five bullets to shoot a deer. You don't need anti-tank ammo to shoot a deer. Could somebody please tell me why .22 caliber doesn't work for hunting?

Thank you for admitting your utter ignorance, by the way.

If you were hunting a deer with a .22, you are probably going to need more than five bullets, and you are going to make the creature suffer needlessly.

What? Not if you shoot the deer in the eye... Or you could sneak up behind it and out one behind the ear...
Idiotic from beginning to end...but I'll play along because I'm bored.

These proposals probably won't be implemented within the next two years, due to the NRA's monetary sway over the current congress. As we move forward towards a saner society, though, this should be the loosest standards for gun laws in the country:

1. ---- Rifles cannot be automatic, and must not have any military features such as a pistol grip, a vertical grip, buffer tube, barrel shroud, holosight, detachable magazine, etc. No high powered ammo such as any bullets used by the military should be allowed. Also, clips must only come in five bullets or less.

Military ammo isn't especially "high power" (most is developed from hunting rifle calibers). Note that your restriction would prohibit, among other things, a Civil War-era lever-action carbine! Excluding cusiom one-offs, the biggest rifle round I know of is for a hunting weapon, not a military rifle.

---- You don't need more than five bullets to shoot a deer. You don't need anti-tank ammo to shoot a deer. Could somebody please tell me why .22 caliber doesn't work for hunting?

The same reason a BB gun doesn't work to stop a rabid dog: simply not enough hitting power. Note that most states prohibit hunting deer with a .22! And also note: you may be hunting deer, that doesn't mean something dangerous (bear, feral hog) isn't going to decide YOU look like lunch!

2. Shotguns can only shoot two bullets at a time. They cannot use clips to reload, but must be manually reloaded. Also, no military grade calibers are allowed.

Define "military grade calibers". (Note that most shotguns used by the armed forces use the same rounds as hunting weapons.)

--- Why do you need more than two bullets at a time to kill a deer?

Because if a dude on PCP breaks into my house, the first shot might not drop him!

3. A ban on handguns for anybody besides for security guards, police, and military. Also, a complete ban on carrying guns outside the home, unless hunting or at the range.
--- A handgun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill you than a criminal, according to Arthur Kellermann.

Proven to be bullshit dozens of times.

--- Trying to be a big man and save the world with your gun while out shopping? You are paranoid and should not be able to own guns.

My uncle is ALIVE because he carries a gun.

4. A mandatory background check, and one month waiting purchase for all gun purchases.
--- It will be a lot harder for the black market to function if illegal buyers are eliminated through background checks and have to wait a month before getting their guns. No more buying a gun out of the trunk of a car in a dark alley.


5. Nobody under the age of 21 is allowed to handle a firearm. No if, and's, or buts about it. Not while hunting, not while at the range, nothing. Only exceptions are for military recruits.

"Idiotic" is being too polite.

6. A proper interpretation of the second amendment, which talks clearly about well regulated militias, aka the national guard, not any random Joe off the street. And don't give the that bs about the Heller decision. That was an awful decision, like plessy v. ferguson or dredd scott, which can, must, and will be repealed.

Not likely, kid.

Serious question: are you 12 years old?
What if, before a gun is ever sold they fire it and register the unique markings it's made when fired?

Because every time you clean the weapon it changes those marks.

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