Common Sense Gun Control Proposals

The Second Amendment was passed in 1791. In 1965, random, senseless gun violence at the University of Texas. Over the next 50 years, we have witnessed more University of Texas-like shootings at fast food restaurants, shopping malls, military bases, workplaces, high schools, colleges. For 174 years prior to University of Texas shootings, how come we see few if any records of similar events of individuals abusing guns? What changed? Was it more guns or a change in culture where deranged killing terrorists feel confident they can kill innocents? Where and how often did that happen in the 174 years prior to 1965? Why such an uptick over the past 50 years?
The Second Amendment was passed in 1791. In 1965, random, senseless gun violence at the University of Texas. Over the next 50 years, we have witnessed more University of Texas-like shootings at fast food restaurants, shopping malls, military bases, workplaces, high schools, colleges. For 174 years prior to University of Texas shootings, how come we see few if any records of similar events of individuals abusing guns? What changed? Was it more guns or a change in culture where deranged killing terrorists feel confident they can kill innocents? Where and how often did that happen in the 174 years prior to 1965? Why such an uptick over the past 50 years?
There was no uptick. There have always been shootings like that.
These proposals probably won't be implemented within the next two years, due to the NRA's monetary sway over the current congress. As we move forward towards a saner society, though, this should be the loosest standards for gun laws in the country:

1. ---- Rifles cannot be automatic, and must not have any military features such as a pistol grip, a vertical grip, buffer tube, barrel shroud, holosight, detachable magazine, etc. No high powered ammo such as any bullets used by the military should be allowed. Also, clips must only come in five bullets or less.
---- You don't need more than five bullets to shoot a deer. You don't need anti-tank ammo to shoot a deer. Could somebody please tell me why .22 caliber doesn't work for hunting?
---- Trying to overthrow a tyrannical government? You are paranoid and should have your guns confiscated.

Imbeciles like you are the reason the phrase "common sense gun control proposal" is practically an oxymoron.

You have to be joking. Who put you in charge of deciding how many shots you need to kill a deer? Furthermore, a lot of automatic rifles are used for varmint hunting. For the layman, varmint hunting means killing pests like prairi doges and Coyotes.

The fact that you think a .22 caliber round is sufficient for deer hunting only shows how ignorant you are. Sure, if you want to have a lot of deer wandering around leaking blood from bullet holes, then a .22 is just peachy. However, unless you are a cruel sadist, you want to kill a deer with one shot. That means you need a high power round like a 30/06.

Also, your theory that guns should only be used for hunting is more evidence of your stupidity. How would a .22 work in the militia?

2. Shotguns can only shoot two bullets at a time. They cannot use clips to reload, but must be manually reloaded. Also, no military grade calibers are allowed.
--- Why do you need more than two bullets at a time to kill a deer?
--- Trying to overthrow the government? You are paranoid and should lose your gun privileges forever.

ROFL! The laughs just keep rolling whenever you post. I've never heard of a shotgun that uses clips. And for your information, the standard military round is a .223 which is smaller and less powerful than most rounds used for hunting.

Also, trying to overthrow the government is a crime for which the penalty is death. It's specified right in the Constitution. I hardly think losing your "gun privileges" is going to make a difference to you. Furthermore, bearing arms is not a privilege. It's a right.

I could go on and on tearing apart your "commen sense proposals," but I can't spend all night doing this.

3. A ban on handguns for anybody besides for security guards, police, and military. Also, a complete ban on carrying guns outside the home, unless hunting or at the range.
--- A handgun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill you than a criminal, according to Arthur Kellermann.
--- Trying to be a big man and save the world with your gun while out shopping? You are paranoid and should not be able to own guns.

4. A mandatory background check, and one month waiting purchase for all gun purchases.
--- It will be a lot harder for the black market to function if illegal buyers are eliminated through background checks and have to wait a month before getting their guns. No more buying a gun out of the trunk of a car in a dark alley.

5. Nobody under the age of 21 is allowed to handle a firearm. No if, and's, or buts about it. Not while hunting, not while at the range, nothing. Only exceptions are for military recruits.

6. A proper interpretation of the second amendment, which talks clearly about well regulated militias, aka the national guard, not any random Joe off the street. And don't give the that bs about the Heller decision. That was an awful decision, like plessy v. ferguson or dredd scott, which can, must, and will be repealed.

The main objection to all your idiotic proposals is the fact that they violate your Constitutional right to bear arms. None of these would pass muster in court for that reason. We could go into more details about why they are so damn stupid, but that's the bottom line.
---- You don't need more than five bullets to shoot a deer. You don't need anti-tank ammo to shoot a deer. Could somebody please tell me why .22 caliber doesn't work for hunting?

You don't "need" porn, either. So I suggest we just ban it. Common sense.

Porn doesn't kill 30,000 innocent people a year.

Technically, about 2/3rds of them aren't innocent because they committed suicide. I suppose we ought to ban cars and bathtubs on that basis.
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What if, before a gun is ever sold they fire it and register the unique markings it's made when fired?

Because every time you clean the weapon it changes those marks.
Really? So when the police catch a criminal because he's in possession of a gun used in a crime it's because he didn't clean it afterwards?

I'm asking. We have guns but my husband keeps them clean and oiled.
What if, before a gun is ever sold they fire it and register the unique markings it's made when fired?

Because every time you clean the weapon it changes those marks.
Really? So when the police catch a criminal because he's in possession of a gun used in a crime it's because he didn't clean it afterwards?

I'm asking. We have guns but my husband keeps them clean and oiled.
No they catch the criminal in the act in possession.
I dont know about changing the marks with every cleaning. You'd have to clean the gun with steel wool and rasps.
But defeating the unique marking isnt hard.
What if, before a gun is ever sold they fire it and register the unique markings it's made when fired?

Useless. Marking change with wear, barrels get replaced. (My Model 29 is on at least its third.) Shotguns have no ballistics.
What if, before a gun is ever sold they fire it and register the unique markings it's made when fired?
Because every time you clean the weapon it changes those marks.
Really? So when the police catch a criminal because he's in possession of a gun used in a crime it's because he didn't clean it afterwards?

I'm asking. We have guns but my husband keeps them clean and oiled.
No they catch the criminal in the act in possession.
I dont know about changing the marks with every cleaning. You'd have to clean the gun with steel wool and rasps.
But defeating the unique marking isnt hard.
So it would literally be useless, or the gun owner would have to make an effort to change the markings?

Can changing the markings be detected, like filing off the serial numbers?
The markings change as the barrel wears...just shooting changes it. On some guns, simply cleaning it with a stiff wire brush will do it.

Also, rounds from many guns (especially rifles) fragment on impact.
What if, before a gun is ever sold they fire it and register the unique markings it's made when fired?

Useless. Marking change with wear, barrels get replaced. (My Model 29 is on at least its third.) Shotguns have no ballistics.
What if, before a gun is ever sold they fire it and register the unique markings it's made when fired?
Because every time you clean the weapon it changes those marks.
Really? So when the police catch a criminal because he's in possession of a gun used in a crime it's because he didn't clean it afterwards?

I'm asking. We have guns but my husband keeps them clean and oiled.
No they catch the criminal in the act in possession.
I dont know about changing the marks with every cleaning. You'd have to clean the gun with steel wool and rasps.
But defeating the unique marking isnt hard.
So it would literally be useless, or the gun owner would have to make an effort to change the markings?

Can changing the markings be detected, like filing off the serial numbers?
WOuld depend on how it's done. It's actually hard to file off the serial number on modern guns. Changing the markings would be easier, I'd guess.
The markings change as the barrel wears...just shooting changes it. On some guns, simply cleaning it with a stiff wire brush will do it.

Also, rounds from many guns (especially rifles) fragment on impact.
WOuld depend on how it's done. It's actually hard to file off the serial number on modern guns. Changing the markings would be easier, I'd guess.
I was thinking about the ejected shell casings from clip-loaded guns. I see forensic people on TV lining them up under microscopes all the time lol.
I prefer revolvers...but I would guess extractor marks would also change as parts wear.
Why do you prefer revolvers? We have a S&W 9mm and a Taurus 9mm, both clip loaded. Plus a couple of shotguns.
Partly its a romance thing. Partly its a simplicity thing. I carried wheel guns for years and then drank the Glock kool aid. Still carry a Smith airweight in the pocket everywhere I go though.
What if, before a gun is ever sold they fire it and register the unique markings it's made when fired?

Because every time you clean the weapon it changes those marks.
Really? So when the police catch a criminal because he's in possession of a gun used in a crime it's because he didn't clean it afterwards?

I'm asking. We have guns but my husband keeps them clean and oiled.

The firing pin marks stay pretty constant over the life of a firearm but those only leave tool marks on the brass casing, the projectile is scored by the barrel, but when you clean the barrel it alters the lands and grooves thus making the imprint on the bullets after cleaning different, from before.
What if, before a gun is ever sold they fire it and register the unique markings it's made when fired?

Because every time you clean the weapon it changes those marks.
Really? So when the police catch a criminal because he's in possession of a gun used in a crime it's because he didn't clean it afterwards?

I'm asking. We have guns but my husband keeps them clean and oiled.
No they catch the criminal in the act in possession.
I dont know about changing the marks with every cleaning. You'd have to clean the gun with steel wool and rasps.
But defeating the unique marking isnt hard.

Nope, a simple stainless steel, or brass cleaning brush, will do the trick just fine. I've watched the score marks change after a single pass down the barrel depending on the quality of the firearm.

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