Common Sense Gun Control Proposals

Here's a better idea. Instead of registering guns, we register gun buyers. Once you pass a background check, you can buy as many guns as you like, or not buy any guns. You'll be on the approved list. Your purchases will be your business, not the government's.

You go to a gun shop, the gun shop owner sees if you are a registered approved buyer, and then only he and you know what guns you bought.

That works! :thup:

Or maybe let's have common sense gun laws banning assault rifles and handguns to keep our children safe

Or maybe let's have some common sense and stop trying to infringe on people's right to own a gun.
These proposals probably won't be implemented within the next two years, due to the NRA's monetary sway over the current congress. As we move forward towards a saner society, though, this should be the loosest standards for gun laws in the country:

1. ---- Rifles cannot be automatic, and must not have any military features such as a pistol grip, a vertical grip, buffer tube, barrel shroud, holosight, detachable magazine, etc. No high powered ammo such as any bullets used by the military should be allowed. Also, clips must only come in five bullets or less.
---- You don't need more than five bullets to shoot a deer. You don't need anti-tank ammo to shoot a deer. Could somebody please tell me why .22 caliber doesn't work for hunting?
---- Trying to overthrow a tyrannical government? You are paranoid and should have your guns confiscated.

2. Shotguns can only shoot two bullets at a time. They cannot use clips to reload, but must be manually reloaded. Also, no military grade calibers are allowed.
--- Why do you need more than two bullets at a time to kill a deer?
--- Trying to overthrow the government? You are paranoid and should lose your gun privileges forever.

3. A ban on handguns for anybody besides for security guards, police, and military. Also, a complete ban on carrying guns outside the home, unless hunting or at the range.
--- A handgun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill you than a criminal, according to Arthur Kellermann.
--- Trying to be a big man and save the world with your gun while out shopping? You are paranoid and should not be able to own guns.

4. A mandatory background check, and one month waiting purchase for all gun purchases.
--- It will be a lot harder for the black market to function if illegal buyers are eliminated through background checks and have to wait a month before getting their guns. No more buying a gun out of the trunk of a car in a dark alley.

5. Nobody under the age of 21 is allowed to handle a firearm. No if, and's, or buts about it. Not while hunting, not while at the range, nothing. Only exceptions are for military recruits.

6. A proper interpretation of the second amendment, which talks clearly about well regulated militias, aka the national guard, not any random Joe off the street. And don't give the that bs about the Heller decision. That was an awful decision, like plessy v. ferguson or dredd scott, which can, must, and will be repealed.

Yet another dreamy-headed leftist fanatic who thinks that making laws will have an effect on people who don't obey laws.
I prefer revolvers...but I would guess extractor marks would also change as parts wear.
Why do you prefer revolvers? We have a S&W 9mm and a Taurus 9mm, both clip loaded. Plus a couple of shotguns.
Partly its a romance thing. Partly its a simplicity thing. I carried wheel guns for years and then drank the Glock kool aid. Still carry a Smith airweight in the pocket everywhere I go though.
Our backyard is basically 50 acres of wild jungle and once in a while we take the guns out and blast away just to keep in practice. I like to shoot it's really fun. Other than that, they're kept loaded in the nightstand but no rounds in the chamber. If needed in an emergency we just have to jack a round in the chamber and good to go.
What if, before a gun is ever sold they fire it and register the unique markings it's made when fired?

Because every time you clean the weapon it changes those marks.
Really? So when the police catch a criminal because he's in possession of a gun used in a crime it's because he didn't clean it afterwards?

I'm asking. We have guns but my husband keeps them clean and oiled.
No they catch the criminal in the act in possession.
I dont know about changing the marks with every cleaning. You'd have to clean the gun with steel wool and rasps.
But defeating the unique marking isnt hard.

Nope, a simple stainless steel, or brass cleaning brush, will do the trick just fine. I've watched the score marks change after a single pass down the barrel depending on the quality of the firearm.
Never seen it. Must be a really shitty barrel as stainless steel is generally a lot harder than brass.
Here's a better idea. Instead of registering guns, we register gun buyers. Once you pass a background check, you can buy as many guns as you like, or not buy any guns. You'll be on the approved list. Your purchases will be your business, not the government's.

You go to a gun shop, the gun shop owner sees if you are a registered approved buyer, and then only he and you know what guns you bought.

That works! :thup:

Or maybe let's have common sense gun laws banning assault rifles and handguns to keep our children safe

Fuck the goddamn children, if you have them it's your responsibility to teach them what a gun is capable of and how to handle them properly. My parents did exactly that and I've owned guns since my 12th birthday, and started shooting much younger than that, I have a concealed carry permit and so far none of my guns have harmed a single human. So take your ignorant assed self and commit self copulation.
I prefer revolvers...but I would guess extractor marks would also change as parts wear.
Why do you prefer revolvers? We have a S&W 9mm and a Taurus 9mm, both clip loaded. Plus a couple of shotguns.

Two reasons: one is absolute 100% reliability. The other is my preferred caliber is .44 Magnum.
I've had revolvers fail, so that doesnt wash.
I've carried a .44mag, sometimes downloaded with Specials.
I prefer revolvers...but I would guess extractor marks would also change as parts wear.
Why do you prefer revolvers? We have a S&W 9mm and a Taurus 9mm, both clip loaded. Plus a couple of shotguns.

Two reasons: one is absolute 100% reliability. The other is my preferred caliber is .44 Magnum.
I have an irrational fear of dropping it and it going off.

I know, I know.
It's not possible. I've been inside both Smiths and Colts (and Rugers). It simply isnt possible. No modern firearm of any quality will go off if dropped.
I prefer revolvers...but I would guess extractor marks would also change as parts wear.
Why do you prefer revolvers? We have a S&W 9mm and a Taurus 9mm, both clip loaded. Plus a couple of shotguns.

Two reasons: one is absolute 100% reliability. The other is my preferred caliber is .44 Magnum.
I have an irrational fear of dropping it and it going off.

I know, I know.
It's not possible. I've been inside both Smiths and Colts (and Rugers). It simply isnt possible. No modern firearm of any quality will go off if dropped.
I said it was irrational! :p
I prefer revolvers...but I would guess extractor marks would also change as parts wear.
Why do you prefer revolvers? We have a S&W 9mm and a Taurus 9mm, both clip loaded. Plus a couple of shotguns.

Two reasons: one is absolute 100% reliability. The other is my preferred caliber is .44 Magnum.
I have an irrational fear of dropping it and it going off.

I know, I know.
It's not possible. I've been inside both Smiths and Colts (and Rugers). It simply isnt possible. No modern firearm of any quality will go off if dropped.
I said it was irrational! :p
Now a shotgun, OTOH, yeah those can go off.
Felons notowning a gun lawfully makes sense. Background checks make sense. I'm fine with those.
Why do you prefer revolvers? We have a S&W 9mm and a Taurus 9mm, both clip loaded. Plus a couple of shotguns.

Two reasons: one is absolute 100% reliability. The other is my preferred caliber is .44 Magnum.
I have an irrational fear of dropping it and it going off.

I know, I know.
It's not possible. I've been inside both Smiths and Colts (and Rugers). It simply isnt possible. No modern firearm of any quality will go off if dropped.
I said it was irrational! :p
Now a shotgun, OTOH, yeah those can go off.
I don't touch the shotguns. I shot ours a few times years ago and I couldn't move my shoulder for a week.
Two reasons: one is absolute 100% reliability. The other is my preferred caliber is .44 Magnum.
I have an irrational fear of dropping it and it going off.

I know, I know.
It's not possible. I've been inside both Smiths and Colts (and Rugers). It simply isnt possible. No modern firearm of any quality will go off if dropped.
I said it was irrational! :p
Now a shotgun, OTOH, yeah those can go off.
I don't touch the shotguns. I shot ours a few times years ago and I couldn't move my shoulder for a week.
Better stock fit/technique would fix that.
These proposals probably won't be implemented within the next two years, due to the NRA's monetary sway over the current congress. As we move forward towards a saner society, though, this should be the loosest standards for gun laws in the country:

1. ---- Rifles cannot be automatic, and must not have any military features such as a pistol grip, a vertical grip, buffer tube, barrel shroud, holosight, detachable magazine, etc. No high powered ammo such as any bullets used by the military should be allowed. Also, clips must only come in five bullets or less.
---- You don't need more than five bullets to shoot a deer. You don't need anti-tank ammo to shoot a deer. Could somebody please tell me why .22 caliber doesn't work for hunting?
---- Trying to overthrow a tyrannical government? You are paranoid and should have your guns confiscated.

2. Shotguns can only shoot two bullets at a time. They cannot use clips to reload, but must be manually reloaded. Also, no military grade calibers are allowed.
--- Why do you need more than two bullets at a time to kill a deer?
--- Trying to overthrow the government? You are paranoid and should lose your gun privileges forever.

3. A ban on handguns for anybody besides for security guards, police, and military. Also, a complete ban on carrying guns outside the home, unless hunting or at the range.
--- A handgun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill you than a criminal, according to Arthur Kellermann.
--- Trying to be a big man and save the world with your gun while out shopping? You are paranoid and should not be able to own guns.

4. A mandatory background check, and one month waiting purchase for all gun purchases.
--- It will be a lot harder for the black market to function if illegal buyers are eliminated through background checks and have to wait a month before getting their guns. No more buying a gun out of the trunk of a car in a dark alley.

5. Nobody under the age of 21 is allowed to handle a firearm. No if, and's, or buts about it. Not while hunting, not while at the range, nothing. Only exceptions are for military recruits.

6. A proper interpretation of the second amendment, which talks clearly about well regulated militias, aka the national guard, not any random Joe off the street. And don't give the that bs about the Heller decision. That was an awful decision, like plessy v. ferguson or dredd scott, which can, must, and will be repealed.

This one is strong with the anti gunner "force"....

1) All those cosmetic differences....why do you care about them....and if the military uses a round, then the civilians who pay their salaries and who are the bosses of the military have to have those rounds...we are not a military dictatorship...I don't hunt but a .22 will not safely bring down a will more likely wound than kill and the animal suffers...

The U.S. is currently pulling out of two countries...Iraq and Afghanistan...the reason...there are still bad guys...with guns, but the people have lost the will to continue the fight....why is it assumed that backward ass terrorists would have more resolve to fight the U.S. military if they were murdering U.S. citizens....?

2) Law abiding gun owners do not commit crimes with rifles and shotguns or hand guns....there is no reason to limit how much ammo they have or how many bullets they can fire....make as many laws as you want making it illegal to murder people...knock yourself out....but as is shown around the world....banning or limiting firearms only effects people who will not abuse them in the first place....

3)The 43% number is a lie, often repeated by those ignorant of where it came from and that the author of that study changed that number after peer review showed him how wrong the number was....

Law abiding citizens use guns, on average, 1.6 million times a year to stop violent criminal attack and save lives....many times by guns carried outside the home....and on top of have no right to tell people they must submit to violent is their God given right to defend themselves and their families...

As is pointed out often...the German police and military were the only people allowed to have guns....and 12 million murdered German Jews later and the World is still as confused as you are.....

Many mass shootings are stopped by civilians with guns....many violent crimes are stopped by civilians with is real....get used to it....

4) We have background checks, and some states have buying limits per will these things stop buying guns from criminals in alleys....criminals will not get background checks, they will buy as many guns as they want when they want or need them....

Background checks, which currently exist do not stop 8-9,000 gun murders a year now....they did not stop Columbine, Sandy Hook, the 2 Fort Hood shootings, Virginia Tech, the Colorado theater shooting, the Navy Yard shooting...and on and on...

the santa barbara killer...went through 3 background checks, bought the three guns 1 a month and used only 10 round magazines as per the law......

Background checks, magazine limits, purchase nothing to stop criminals....this has been shown in the dead bodies laying on the ground created by criminals who didn't do any of those things...

5) Kids handle guns responsibly every day....there are under 100 gun accidents involving children each year in a country of over 310 million people....and gang members as young as 15 are using guns, illegally, to commit murder....while normal kids go to the range and shoot with their families, hunt to provide meat for their families, or compete in 3 gun competitions.....

A silly idea....

6) You should try to learn would help in your understanding of the 2nd Amendment....the right to keep and bear arms is not attached to belonging to a militia...and having been a national guardsman....under any emergency, the guard can be nationalized and become part of the regular military....look at the current war against radical islamic terrorists....
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I have an irrational fear of dropping it and it going off.

I know, I know.
It's not possible. I've been inside both Smiths and Colts (and Rugers). It simply isnt possible. No modern firearm of any quality will go off if dropped.
I said it was irrational! :p
Now a shotgun, OTOH, yeah those can go off.
I don't touch the shotguns. I shot ours a few times years ago and I couldn't move my shoulder for a week.
Better stock fit/technique would fix that.
We're not really gun enthusiasts. They're tools in case of emergency. We've always owned them and never had to use them, thank God. We also own a big monkey wrench and never had to use it, either. The guns I could use if I had to. Not sure about the wrench.
Ok mandatorybackground checks... hunting violations? No gun for you. Felon? No gun for you.
Ok mandatorybackground checks... hunting violations? No gun for you. Felon? No gun for you.

Uh....we already have those things......didn't stop 8-9,000 gun murders a year or any of the mass shootings.....

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