Common Sense: If your position has merit, you don't have to lie.



It's one of the first "Rules" of Common Sense. If your position has merit, you don't need to lie. Just stick to the merits.

You don't need to call someone a Muslim or Not American if you disagree with their policies. Just explain what part of the policy you disagree with. And don't "make up" a policy and assign it to that person to prove your point. If that's not their position, then it's a lie.

Don't make a policy statement and then say it wasn't what you said when you discover that policy is unpopular. For instance, if you are running for office and during the election you said you would only represent the people who voted for you, don't walk it back. Improve on it. Say that you better vote for me so you will have representation. Walking it back makes it look like a lie.

Careful with subterfuge. It may or may not be a lie. For instance, saying your opponent paid zero taxes for ten years, which is why they won't release their tax return may or may not be a lie. But if they release their tax returns and you are proven to be wrong, it make you look like a lying loon. Until it's out there, it's not a lie, only a calculated risk. Same thing with a birth certificate. As long as it's not conclusively proven, it's political subterfuge. But once a state has to go through the state legislature and change state law, don't hold on to it. Let it go. Holding on to it leaves you vulnerable to ridicule. No one votes for someone everyone makes fun of, unless it turns out the ridicule was unwarranted. Then there might be some sympathy.

Now saying your opponent ended the work requirement for welfare or is shipping Jeeps to China can easily proven to be true or false. Saying something so blatantly provable could easily cost you votes.

And be careful who you ridicule. Injured veterans get government help. Working families get food stamps if their income is low enough. Many people work hard and go through great stress for an education - saying it's for snobs and elitists will cost votes. All of these come back to lies.

And be careful about far out "what ifs" and make sure they are plausible and make sense. The government wants semi automatic clips with fewer bullets so they can take your assault weapons is neither plausible nor makes sense.

And be careful about unintentionally having two positions. Examples:

1. We are against background checks but support "Voter ID" which includes a background check.
2. It's OK for white kids from rich families to be jumped over thousands of others who can afford to go to college simply because their families are connected and can pull strings. We call this "Rich People's Affirmative Action", but it's not OK for a minority to be helped simply because their family isn't rich or white. Either you are for Affirmative Action or against it.
3. Complaining that your job was sent to China while saying capitalism should be unfettered.
4. Receiving government money while complaining about people who receive government money.

Don't "pick or choose" the lie. If your leaders says one thing and it's proven to be false and he comes clean, don't continue to believe the lie. He already told you he was wrong.

If people had a little more "common sense", then the discussion would be more fruitful.
Oh, and if you belong to a party where 70% have a belief you don't share, don't call those who don't share your belief "fringe and extreme". It would be the 30% left over that would be considered "fringe and extreme". That's the way percentages work.
You're a pretty smart guy rDean, and a good Useful Idiot as well.

When the Communists take over I promise: We'll kill you last.
You're a pretty smart guy rDean, and a good Useful Idiot as well.

When the Communists take over I promise: We'll kill you last.

Well, if you look at the history of communist take overs, they take out the smart ones first. That's why the Republican base would be safe. They want uneducated lemmings who will believe anything for their plan to work.
Don't forget the one about claiming gun control is about saving children yet also being pro abortion.
Don't forget the one about claiming gun control is about saving children yet also being pro abortion.

Republicans only care about children BEFORE they are born. I guess they feel they need the practice. If you can't see it.....
Oh, and if you belong to a party where 70% have a belief you don't share, don't call those who don't share your belief "fringe and extreme". It would be the 30% left over that would be considered "fringe and extreme". That's the way percentages work.
Projection, thy name is rderp! :lmao:

So 70% isn't the "main stream"? How do you define "main stream" oh maker of wise slogans?
Take your own advice, if you would just quit lying people might take you seriously.

I don't lie about Republicans. I don't have to. I couldn't even imagine the stuff they want to do. Like endovaginal ultrasound. I never would have imagined making "stick a stick up a snatch" a "requirement" for women needing a medical procedure. I never would have thought that a rape victim could not get pregnant if she didn't want to. "Twinkle down" economics are something I never would have thought of. Holding millions of Americans hostage to pass tax cuts for billionaires? Not in a million years. Every time a Republican challenges me, I prove my point and they get mad. I don't understand why. If they support white leaders, they should at least understand the positions.
It's one of the first "Rules" of Common Sense. If your position has merit, you don't need to lie. Just stick to the merits.

[snip snip snip, etc.]

If your leaders says one thing and it's proven to be false and he comes clean, don't continue to believe the lie...

If people had a little more "common sense", then the discussion would be more fruitful.

Interesting fantasy.

Look at Reagan and Clinton, for example.

Reagan was a B-movie actor and New Dealer who fooled nutballs into believing his words instead of watching his actions. His finest role was getting nutballs on the edge of their seats watching over Russia, while behind the scenes he tripled the national debt building a fake economy on credit. The man was a big government big spender to his gills but is recorded in the minds of many as a tight fisted conservative.

Clinton opened the borders to bring in cheap labor for corporations and cheap high-margin goods for corporations, awarded no-bid defense contracts to Halliburton and Blackwater, ended Glass-Steagall to strip protection from investors, and made low margin/no margin speculation in essential commodities legal to keep the credit bubble from bursting. In the bonus rounds he pardoned Marc Rich and took $80kk in "consulting and speaking" fees in eight years without creating a private sector job, inventing anything or improving a process. Yet the man is reviled and praised as a liberal.

"Common sense"? Common sense is watching the magician's off hand. Common sense is looking at results instead of listening to chatter - let alone buying it. Common sense is knowing one's own interest. Common sense is not following the herd off every cliff in sight.

"Common Sense"? The America that lived and died by common sense is gone.

Thomas Paine is spinning in his grave.
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It's one of the first "Rules" of Common Sense. If your position has merit, you don't need to lie. Just stick to the merits.

You don't need to call someone a Muslim or Not American if you disagree with their policies. Just explain what part of the policy you disagree with. And don't "make up" a policy and assign it to that person to prove your point. If that's not their position, then it's a lie.

Don't make a policy statement and then say it wasn't what you said when you discover that policy is unpopular. For instance, if you are running for office and during the election you said you would only represent the people who voted for you, don't walk it back. Improve on it. Say that you better vote for me so you will have representation. Walking it back makes it look like a lie.

Careful with subterfuge. It may or may not be a lie. For instance, saying your opponent paid zero taxes for ten years, which is why they won't release their tax return may or may not be a lie. But if they release their tax returns and you are proven to be wrong, it make you look like a lying loon. Until it's out there, it's not a lie, only a calculated risk. Same thing with a birth certificate. As long as it's not conclusively proven, it's political subterfuge. But once a state has to go through the state legislature and change state law, don't hold on to it. Let it go. Holding on to it leaves you vulnerable to ridicule. No one votes for someone everyone makes fun of, unless it turns out the ridicule was unwarranted. Then there might be some sympathy.

Now saying your opponent ended the work requirement for welfare or is shipping Jeeps to China can easily proven to be true or false. Saying something so blatantly provable could easily cost you votes.

And be careful who you ridicule. Injured veterans get government help. Working families get food stamps if their income is low enough. Many people work hard and go through great stress for an education - saying it's for snobs and elitists will cost votes. All of these come back to lies.

And be careful about far out "what ifs" and make sure they are plausible and make sense. The government wants semi automatic clips with fewer bullets so they can take your assault weapons is neither plausible nor makes sense.

And be careful about unintentionally having two positions. Examples:

1. We are against background checks but support "Voter ID" which includes a background check.
2. It's OK for white kids from rich families to be jumped over thousands of others who can afford to go to college simply because their families are connected and can pull strings. We call this "Rich People's Affirmative Action", but it's not OK for a minority to be helped simply because their family isn't rich or white. Either you are for Affirmative Action or against it.
3. Complaining that your job was sent to China while saying capitalism should be unfettered.
4. Receiving government money while complaining about people who receive government money.

Don't "pick or choose" the lie. If your leaders says one thing and it's proven to be false and he comes clean, don't continue to believe the lie. He already told you he was wrong.

If people had a little more "common sense", then the discussion would be more fruitful.

Careful with we dont know this whole thing is one of your Anti-Republicab rants?.......i gotta hand it to you at least did it a different way.....
Voter ID doesn't require a background check...just a name, proof of citizenship and a fuckin' photograph.

...but requiring photo ID to vote would keep a lot of liberal stooges from voting multiple times in one election, so the libs won't have it.

That libs believe in fairness is the biggest lie of the day!
Voter ID doesn't require a background check...just a name, proof of citizenship and a fuckin' photograph.

...but requiring photo ID to vote would keep a lot of liberal stooges from voting multiple times in one election, so the libs won't have it.

That libs believe in fairness is the biggest lie of the day!

Explain "proof of citizenship" to a person who was delivered by a midwife and has no formal birth certificate.
Voter ID doesn't require a background check...just a name, proof of citizenship and a fuckin' photograph.

...but requiring photo ID to vote would keep a lot of liberal stooges from voting multiple times in one election, so the libs won't have it.

That libs believe in fairness is the biggest lie of the day!

Explain "proof of citizenship" to a person who was delivered by a midwife and has no formal birth certificate.

They simply prove by witness account that they were born within the boundaries of the United States or were born somewhere else as the child of citizen parents. It ain't fuckin' rocket science!
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It's one of the first "Rules" of Common Sense. If your position has merit, you don't need to lie. Just stick to the merits.

You don't need to call someone a Muslim or Not American if you disagree with their policies. Just explain what part of the policy you disagree with. And don't "make up" a policy and assign it to that person to prove your point. If that's not their position, then it's a lie.

Don't make a policy statement and then say it wasn't what you said when you discover that policy is unpopular. For instance, if you are running for office and during the election you said you would only represent the people who voted for you, don't walk it back. Improve on it. Say that you better vote for me so you will have representation. Walking it back makes it look like a lie.

Careful with subterfuge. It may or may not be a lie. For instance, saying your opponent paid zero taxes for ten years, which is why they won't release their tax return may or may not be a lie. But if they release their tax returns and you are proven to be wrong, it make you look like a lying loon. Until it's out there, it's not a lie, only a calculated risk. Same thing with a birth certificate. As long as it's not conclusively proven, it's political subterfuge. But once a state has to go through the state legislature and change state law, don't hold on to it. Let it go. Holding on to it leaves you vulnerable to ridicule. No one votes for someone everyone makes fun of, unless it turns out the ridicule was unwarranted. Then there might be some sympathy.

Now saying your opponent ended the work requirement for welfare or is shipping Jeeps to China can easily proven to be true or false. Saying something so blatantly provable could easily cost you votes.

And be careful who you ridicule. Injured veterans get government help. Working families get food stamps if their income is low enough. Many people work hard and go through great stress for an education - saying it's for snobs and elitists will cost votes. All of these come back to lies.

And be careful about far out "what ifs" and make sure they are plausible and make sense. The government wants semi automatic clips with fewer bullets so they can take your assault weapons is neither plausible nor makes sense.

And be careful about unintentionally having two positions. Examples:

1. We are against background checks but support "Voter ID" which includes a background check.
2. It's OK for white kids from rich families to be jumped over thousands of others who can afford to go to college simply because their families are connected and can pull strings. We call this "Rich People's Affirmative Action", but it's not OK for a minority to be helped simply because their family isn't rich or white. Either you are for Affirmative Action or against it.
3. Complaining that your job was sent to China while saying capitalism should be unfettered.
4. Receiving government money while complaining about people who receive government money.

Don't "pick or choose" the lie. If your leaders says one thing and it's proven to be false and he comes clean, don't continue to believe the lie. He already told you he was wrong.

If people had a little more "common sense", then the discussion would be more fruitful.

Are you finally admitting that none of your positions have merit?
Oh, and if you belong to a party where 70% have a belief you don't share, don't call those who don't share your belief "fringe and extreme". It would be the 30% left over that would be considered "fringe and extreme". That's the way percentages work.
Projection, thy name is rderp! :lmao:

So 70% isn't the "main stream"? How do you define "main stream" oh maker of wise slogans?

70% of Americans oppose banning guns, yet you say that anyone who opposes gun bans are a fringe group.

Just saying.
Take your own advice, if you would just quit lying people might take you seriously.

I don't lie about Republicans. I don't have to. I couldn't even imagine the stuff they want to do. Like endovaginal ultrasound. I never would have imagined making "stick a stick up a snatch" a "requirement" for women needing a medical procedure. I never would have thought that a rape victim could not get pregnant if she didn't want to. "Twinkle down" economics are something I never would have thought of. Holding millions of Americans hostage to pass tax cuts for billionaires? Not in a million years. Every time a Republican challenges me, I prove my point and they get mad. I don't understand why. If they support white leaders, they should at least understand the positions.

You lie about everything.

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