Communist goal #30

How many of you agree that communist goal #30 from the list of 45 communist goals to take over America has been met?

Here are the 45 goals:

Here is goal #30:

30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."
Communism has no political traction in this country. You are delusional and irrationally paranoid. You should probably get some professional help. Not joking.
It’s a catch-all for things you don’t like.

It’s a scare tactic. Weak. Pathetic. Illogical.

You don’t care.
A catch-all for collectivism, which denies the rights of the individual.

But, whatever, chief. It's pointless talking to you about it. You'll just deny and bullshit your way around it.
Yeah right. Like the world has lifted Haiti out of poverty with all that money they're thrown at them. Let's shower the poor with trillions more dollars and see if they can pull themselves up from their shithole ways of life.

Let's enact another LBJ's "Great Society" so all those poor fuckers and fuckettes can drive their fancy welfare Cadillacs up and down the boulevard, after getting fat on the free cheese we give them, at the expense of those who actually get up in the morning and go to work.

Power to the peoples! Tax the rich! Millions for tribute, not once cent for defense!

How often is Haiti hit by hurricanes?
How many of you agree that communist goal #30 from the list of 45 communist goals to take over America has been met?

Here are the 45 goals:

Here is goal #30:

30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."
That is a totally fake list. A hoax.

Variations of it have been circulating for decades. But it is totally fake.

So if I write a book saying fascists have these goals and I make a list of Republican priorities, can I say you guys are following the fascist plan?

Because that’s what’s happening here.

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