Communists Line Up With Hillary


"The Communist Party USA may not control many actual votes, but what they lack in support is made up for in enthusiasm.

That passion was in full display with a seven-person team of “reporters” covering their national political convention last month. And their convention was the Democratic National Convention that nominated Hillary Rodham Clinton as their undisputed candidate for president of the United States."

Communist Party unites behind Hillary

Aside from Kaine declaring being picked as Hillary's VP Is like being KIDNAPPED, what better endorsement can a candidate get?!

Looking at the recent photos of Hillary she has some severe health issues and may not make it until November. The mainstream media standing behind the DNC lies may be trashing their credibility for naught.

Is her skin orange?
Does she use quick tan?
So you got the communist behind Hillary and the White Supremacists behind Trump... Whats your point?
Trump disavowed the white supremacists, did Hillary ever disavow the communists?
I don't think she is playing those petty games
In other words NO, Hillary has NOT disavowed the Communists...or BLM...or the NBP...or the KKK... :p
She doesn't need to... Who goes around publicly disavowing every nutjob that speaks out for them? All that does is put a spotlight on them. The Trump duke debacle did more to recruit WS support than it did to condemn it. And note that Trump may have disavowed Duke to cover his ass but has done nothing since with the many other leaders and groups that have been supporting him. Im not saying he needs to waste his time doing so, I simply Bring it up to show why your point sucks.

And then there's stuff like this
Trump Selects a White Nationalist Leader as a Delegate in California | Mother Jones

Rump's two-faced disavowal-in-between-begging-ignorance aren't his issue. It's that he declared not to know anything about David Duke after very specifically speaking about him directly, several years prior in a previous run. It just made him a liar all over again.

It is tellingly ironic though, that he used the phrase "know nothing" -- twice -- in telling that lie, which I paraphrased in post 22.
Yeah, like the three times he said he met with Putin and now claims he has never met or spoken to the man.

"The Communist Party USA may not control many actual votes, but what they lack in support is made up for in enthusiasm.

That passion was in full display with a seven-person team of “reporters” covering their national political convention last month. And their convention was the Democratic National Convention that nominated Hillary Rodham Clinton as their undisputed candidate for president of the United States."

Communist Party unites behind Hillary

Aside from Kaine declaring being picked as Hillary's VP Is like being KIDNAPPED, what better endorsement can a candidate get?!

Of course, socialism, communism and progressivism... All have the same goal.
Trump disavowed the white supremacists, did Hillary ever disavow the communists?
I don't think she is playing those petty games
In other words NO, Hillary has NOT disavowed the Communists...or BLM...or the NBP...or the KKK... :p
She doesn't need to... Who goes around publicly disavowing every nutjob that speaks out for them? All that does is put a spotlight on them. The Trump duke debacle did more to recruit WS support than it did to condemn it. And note that Trump may have disavowed Duke to cover his ass but has done nothing since with the many other leaders and groups that have been supporting him. Im not saying he needs to waste his time doing so, I simply Bring it up to show why your point sucks.

And then there's stuff like this
Trump Selects a White Nationalist Leader as a Delegate in California | Mother Jones

Rump's two-faced disavowal-in-between-begging-ignorance aren't his issue. It's that he declared not to know anything about David Duke after very specifically speaking about him directly, several years prior in a previous run. It just made him a liar all over again.

It is tellingly ironic though, that he used the phrase "know nothing" -- twice -- in telling that lie, which I paraphrased in post 22.
Yeah, like the three times he said he met with Putin and now claims he has never met or spoken to the man.

Actually I believe he met with him on a rooftop in New Jersey with "thousands and thousands" of dancing people on 9/11. They were only there because there were all those TV cameras. John Miller and John Barron were there too.


"The Communist Party USA may not control many actual votes, but what they lack in support is made up for in enthusiasm.

That passion was in full display with a seven-person team of “reporters” covering their national political convention last month. And their convention was the Democratic National Convention that nominated Hillary Rodham Clinton as their undisputed candidate for president of the United States."

Communist Party unites behind Hillary

Aside from Kaine declaring being picked as Hillary's VP Is like being KIDNAPPED, what better endorsement can a candidate get?!

its very easy to get you contards to crap your pants


"The Communist Party USA may not control many actual votes, but what they lack in support is made up for in enthusiasm.

That passion was in full display with a seven-person team of “reporters” covering their national political convention last month. And their convention was the Democratic National Convention that nominated Hillary Rodham Clinton as their undisputed candidate for president of the United States."

Communist Party unites behind Hillary

Aside from Kaine declaring being picked as Hillary's VP Is like being KIDNAPPED, what better endorsement can a candidate get?!

its very easy to get you cantards to crap your pants

Thanks for the picture of HILLARY DONORS. :p

"The Communist Party USA may not control many actual votes, but what they lack in support is made up for in enthusiasm.

That passion was in full display with a seven-person team of “reporters” covering their national political convention last month. And their convention was the Democratic National Convention that nominated Hillary Rodham Clinton as their undisputed candidate for president of the United States."

Communist Party unites behind Hillary

Aside from Kaine declaring being picked as Hillary's VP Is like being KIDNAPPED, what better endorsement can a candidate get?!

So you got the communist behind Hillary and the White Supremacists behind Trump... Whats your point?
Trump disavowed the white supremacists, did Hillary ever disavow the communists?

He did? Well, just so you understand, I don't know anything about disavowing David Duke. okay? I don't know anything about what you're even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists. So, I don't know. I don't know, did he disavow him or what's going on, because, you know, I know nothing about disavowing David Duke. I know nothing about white supremacists. And so you're asking me a question that I'm supposed to be talking about people that I know nothing about.

It seems to sail over the pointy little heads of you partisan hacks but a political candy has no control over outside groups or people opining on them. It's not something they do unless they've sought that endorsement. So nobody needs to "disavow" anything they didn't do.

In other news --- "duh".

What's also interesting --- when Rump finally did figure out he didn't want Dukey's support he used NONE of the emotional-hook put-downs he used for his Republican opponents ... his Democratic opponents.... or even reporters, debate moderators, the Chicago Cubs or obscure media figures.

Did he call Dukey a "loser"? Nope. "Pathetic"? Nope. "Basket case"? uh-uh. "Disgusting pig"? Didn't happen.
"Total failure"? "a disgrace"? a "zero"? a "low-life"? None of the above.
The RNC must really be in full panic mode. They usually don't send out the flacks with the Commie slander until later in the campaign!
Socialism is a product of envy. Communism is even worse. Worthless people want their "free sh*t", which means to rob those who work hard.

Hitlery is worthless, no wonder she'll be with worthless ones and "stand for them".

Just so you understand who backs the Hildabeast.
Communist Party unites behind Hillary

And yet former KGB agent Putin loves his Donald John Trump...
When did he say that?

Putin never said he loved Trump, it's another political spin.

Putin Crushes CNN Smartass Fareed Zakaria Before Live Audience

Mr. Zakaria asked Putin why he complimented Donald Trump, calling him "brilliant, talented, and smart." Putin's response was, essentially, "I called him colorful - what part of 'colorful' don't you understand?" He then proceeded on a rhetorical tour de force against the hypocrisy of US foreign policy and criticism of Russia that left poor Fareed clearly looking like he'd been humbled.

! Watch the face of Italian prime minister, he’s definitely enjoying Putin’s answers.

Putin Crushes CNN Smartass Fareed Zakaria Before Live Audience (Video)
Yes, I saw that on RT a week or so ago. It's like the "Trump has ties to Russia" meme the leftists are running with. Just more political propaganda from a intellectually bankrupt party.

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