Comp. Immg. Reform. A pack of lies.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009

It give the false impression that is mean reforming a broken immigration system, but our immigration system works. Over a million immigrants are allowed to enter each year including asylum seekers and refugees. 8.5 million apply for citizenship each year. Immigration Frequently Asked Questions and Answers |

The left want to let more in that are dependent on their hand outs to make them most like to vote democrat. The 12 million that stole across the border under the cover of darkness, avoiding detection did not bring with them degrees in engineering, teaching, law, medical, business so they would be financially independent and not be a drain on the welfare system. Obama’s Comp. Immg. Reform would allow more of those in that do not have a high school education and cannot speak English and has nothing to contribute to the economy.
1986 amnesty was supposed to “settle the immigration issue once and for all” but it allowed 12 million more to enter and remain illegally, why should we believe Comp. Immg. Reform would “settle it once and for all?” and we will not be dealing with the same issue in 20 more years. We can still do what the 1986 amnesty was suppose to do by closing the border to Illegal Aliens and drugs, create a temporary work program and enforce our immigration laws that was promised and Comp. Immg. Reform promises.
Enforcing the immigration laws already on the books will fix our alleged broken immigration system once and for all. But that would offend Hispanic voters and GOD forbid Demwits cannot let that happen.

It is called “illegal immigration” because it is “illegal” to enter the country “illegally.”
They are called “Illegal Aliens” because they are not “legal aliens” or “resident aliens.” Lets call a pig a pig and not try to dress it up to look like a doll.
But there just might be an upside to Comp. Immg. Reform. And it just might back fire against Illegal Aliens and Demowits. Might turn out to be a process of elimination if implemented correctly and send most of the packing up and self deporting. How many will come out of the shadows and undergo and criminals back ground check and take a drug test? Yes, a drug test which should be part of the process. Those that will not come out of the shadows and fess up will not be able to work if the E-Verify system is in place and they will not be able to work and will self deport. If we are serious about this they will have to be rounded up and deported or they will continue to be a source of cheap illegal labor for businesses. Will a convicted felon qualify for a work permit and path to citizenship? They are all felons.
How many of these Dreamers who have actually taking advantage of the Dream Act? How many of the 12 million here illegally will actually come out of the shadows and fess up?
We are so screwed up as a nation that we need to fix ourselves before we can even think about fixing illegal immigrants problems. There are so many questions about Comp. Immg. Reform that have gone unanswered that I don’t think it can be implemented effectively and solve anything.

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