Companies begin to fold under Biden.....Learjet closes its doors

The virus doesn’t spread as easily in the summer as heat, humidity and sun do tend to slow the spread, however this is a very contagious virus as we saw in October of last year.
This link just says that sunlight kills the virus on surfaces. That's fine.

Thing is, that transmission is rarely through contact with fomites so this would have little actual impact. Close human contact with infected individuals is far more important.
COVID-19 rarely spreads through surfaces. So why are we still deep cleaning? (
The virus doesn’t spread as easily in the summer as heat, humidity and sun do tend to slow the spread, however this is a very contagious virus as we saw in October of last year.
This link just says that sunlight kills the virus on surfaces. That's fine.

Thing is, that transmission is rarely through contact with fomites so this would have little actual impact. Close human contact with infected individuals is far more important.
COVID-19 rarely spreads through surfaces. So why are we still deep cleaning? (

I proved my point, it does slow it but I know you can’t admit it, just loke you can’t admit that the $15 minimum wage will cause 1,400,000 to be laid off.
I proved my point, it does slow it but I know you can’t admit it, just loke you can’t admit that the $15 minimum wage will cause 1,400,000 to be laid off.
No, you didn't. You provided a fact which is irrelevant as I explained.

Minimum wage will result in some jobs being lost and far more people with improved lives. I'll take the trade off.
I proved my point, it does slow it but I know you can’t admit it, just loke you can’t admit that the $15 minimum wage will cause 1,400,000 to be laid off.
No, you didn't. You provided a fact which is irrelevant as I explained.

Minimum wage will result in some jobs being lost and far more people with improved lives. I'll take the trade off.
You claimed it wouldn’t help at all, even your article tells us otherwise.

The minimum will result in 1.4 million in job layoffs, so your idea the it will pull more people out of poverty is wrong. The end result more layoffs and more people unemployed and I am sure you will take it because you won’t lose your job. Mighty nice if you.
A corporate jet manufacturer for the last 60 years has closed its doors.

It managed to hang on through the Trump years but no more.


So not even a month after Trump departed it is Biden's fault they went under, smfh. They probably have been struggling for 2yrs or more.
tell yourself whatever you need to, to sleep at night.
xiden=a complete failure. this happened on xidens watch, therefore, it is xidens fault.
you assholes cant blame the best president, TRUMP, for all of xidens failures. grow up you asswipes

You're a dumbass Trump Humper that will believe anything your saviour tells you.
thats all you could come up with? not very intelligent at all, like you, dumb fuck. you are nothing but a xiden commie, that has to repeat LIES the demonRATS told you. what a sad life you must lead

Oh idk Trump Humper, you are the one crying like a little bitch.
look commie, i dont shed tears for dumb fucks like, are not worth the smell of my farts.
You claimed it wouldn’t help at all, even your article tells us otherwise.

The minimum will result in 1.4 million in job layoffs, so your idea the it will pull more people out of poverty is wrong. The end result more layoffs and more people unemployed and I am sure you will take it because you won’t lose your job. Mighty nice if you.
I never said it wouldn't help at all, but it won't have any appreciable effect. This was a hope last winter that summer weather would help. It didn't.

CBO says that raising the minimum wage will decrease poverty by 900,000. It's in the same analysis as the 1.4 million layoffs.
A corporate jet manufacturer for the last 60 years has closed its doors.

It managed to hang on through the Trump years but no more.


So not even a month after Trump departed it is Biden's fault they went under, smfh. They probably have been struggling for 2yrs or more.
tell yourself whatever you need to, to sleep at night.
xiden=a complete failure. this happened on xidens watch, therefore, it is xidens fault.
you assholes cant blame the best president, TRUMP, for all of xidens failures. grow up you asswipes

You're a dumbass Trump Humper that will believe anything your saviour tells you.
thats all you could come up with? not very intelligent at all, like you, dumb fuck. you are nothing but a xiden commie, that has to repeat LIES the demonRATS told you. what a sad life you must lead

Oh idk Trump Humper, you are the one crying like a little bitch.
look commie, i dont shed tears for dumb fucks like, are not worth the smell of my farts.

Let me tell you something fuck boy I am a disabled vet that fought Commies. Now run along and play with yourself.
You claimed it wouldn’t help at all, even your article tells us otherwise.

The minimum will result in 1.4 million in job layoffs, so your idea the it will pull more people out of poverty is wrong. The end result more layoffs and more people unemployed and I am sure you will take it because you won’t lose your job. Mighty nice if you.
I never said it wouldn't help at all, but it won't have any appreciable effect. This was a hope last winter that summer weather would help. It didn't.

CBO says that raising the minimum wage will decrease poverty by 900,000. It's in the same analysis as the 1.4 million layoffs.

Lol! Thanks for the laughs.
And? .9 million come out and 1.4 go into. Net loss of .5.
What? No. These aren't the same measures, you can't just subtract them.

From the report:
" The net effect of the Raise the Wage Act of 2021 on income would vary considerably among families. In 2025, 0.9 million fewer people would have income below the federal poverty thresholds, CBO estimates. "

NET effect.
A corporate jet manufacturer for the last 60 years has closed its doors.

It managed to hang on through the Trump years but no more.


So not even a month after Trump departed it is Biden's fault they went under, smfh. They probably have been struggling for 2yrs or more.

I know, it's amazing, it's like their entire survival depended on Donald Trump's reelection. Once he lost, the pink slips were mailed out the next day: "Unfortunately, with President Biden's election, we have decided that we can no longer operate under this new President. We will be ceasing operations in two weeks."
Welcome to the next Great Depression--moron. Biden started the pink slips with the Keystone shut down EO and he continued it with the Minimum Wage EO. Watch what happens to your job and your purchasing power with your free money, minimum wage and national debt that will never be paid off.

What % of Americans do you think earn minimum wage?
About 40% more if you raise it to $15, dumbass.

How many is it right now, Jdon'tknowshit.
Well now $15 is pretty good money, make it minimum wage and you will put people out of work, silly.

What % of Americans make min wage 2day?
Over 500,000 people do, but you will put about half of Americans on minimum wage if you raise it to $15 an hour. Making a bigger problem for us, typical liberal move. Ruin everything you touch.
But just think of all of these short sighted welfare recipients that just voted themselves off of welfare with the new min. wage.
A corporate jet manufacturer for the last 60 years has closed its doors.

It managed to hang on through the Trump years but no more.


So not even a month after Trump departed it is Biden's fault they went under, smfh. They probably have been struggling for 2yrs or more.
tell yourself whatever you need to, to sleep at night.
xiden=a complete failure. this happened on xidens watch, therefore, it is xidens fault.
you assholes cant blame the best president, TRUMP, for all of xidens failures. grow up you asswipes

You're a dumbass Trump Humper that will believe anything your saviour tells you.
thats all you could come up with? not very intelligent at all, like you, dumb fuck. you are nothing but a xiden commie, that has to repeat LIES the demonRATS told you. what a sad life you must lead

Oh idk Trump Humper, you are the one crying like a little bitch.
look commie, i dont shed tears for dumb fucks like, are not worth the smell of my farts.

Let me tell you something fuck boy I am a disabled vet that fought Commies. Now run along and play with yourself.
You should know better then. The system of what is wrong is a two way street. Not one way.
A corporate jet manufacturer for the last 60 years has closed its doors.

It managed to hang on through the Trump years but no more.


So not even a month after Trump departed it is Biden's fault they went under, smfh. They probably have been struggling for 2yrs or more.
Precisely! Biden's been there 3 weeks.
And he's done four years of damage.
Yes it will because $15 will become a poverty wage. The half of american wages will have to be raised to make the adjustment. A little over 500,000 Americans make minimum wage. They say over a million jobs will be lost. Already it's reported that the Paris agreement will kill 2.5 million jobs. So Biden is going to kill over 3 million jobs with a stroke of a pen. We are screwed.
No, $15 won't become a poverty wage unless inflation were to double CPI.
Lol, the guy that stands on the road because he is stupid will make $15 an hour now. Goods and service prices will go up to adjust to the wage increase.
And that is just the half of it--benefits usually double the wage burden on the employer. Soooo, jobs will be lost, service will suffer and many employers will go out of business with the attendant loss in tax $$$.
A corporate jet manufacturer for the last 60 years has closed its doors.

It managed to hang on through the Trump years but no more.


So not even a month after Trump departed it is Biden's fault they went under, smfh. They probably have been struggling for 2yrs or more.

I know, it's amazing, it's like their entire survival depended on Donald Trump's reelection. Once he lost, the pink slips were mailed out the next day: "Unfortunately, with President Biden's election, we have decided that we can no longer operate under this new President. We will be ceasing operations in two weeks."
Welcome to the next Great Depression--moron. Biden started the pink slips with the Keystone shut down EO and he continued it with the Minimum Wage EO. Watch what happens to your job and your purchasing power with your free money, minimum wage and national debt that will never be paid off.

What % of Americans do you think earn minimum wage?
About 40% more if you raise it to $15, dumbass.

How many is it right now, Jdon'tknowshit.
Well now $15 is pretty good money, make it minimum wage and you will put people out of work, silly.

What % of Americans make min wage 2day?
Over 500,000 people do, but you will put about half of Americans on minimum wage if you raise it to $15 an hour. Making a bigger problem for us, typical liberal move. Ruin everything you touch.
But just think of all of these short sighted welfare recipients that just voted themselves off of welfare with the new min. wage.
Lol, I know idiots.

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