Companies begin to fold under Biden.....Learjet closes its doors

A corporate jet manufacturer for the last 60 years has closed its doors.

It managed to hang on through the Trump years but no more.


So not even a month after Trump departed it is Biden's fault they went under, smfh. They probably have been struggling for 2yrs or more.

I know, it's amazing, it's like their entire survival depended on Donald Trump's reelection. Once he lost, the pink slips were mailed out the next day: "Unfortunately, with President Biden's election, we have decided that we can no longer operate under this new President. We will be ceasing operations in two weeks."
Welcome to the next Great Depression--moron. Biden started the pink slips with the Keystone shut down EO and he continued it with the Minimum Wage EO. Watch what happens to your job and your purchasing power with your free money, minimum wage and national debt that will never be paid off.

What % of Americans do you think earn minimum wage?
About 40% more if you raise it to $15, dumbass.

How many is it right now, Jdon'tknowshit.
Well now $15 is pretty good money, make it minimum wage and you will put people out of work, silly.

What % of Americans make min wage 2day?
Over 500,000 people do, but you will put about half of Americans on minimum wage if you raise it to $15 an hour. Making a bigger problem for us, typical liberal move. Ruin everything you touch.
But just think of all of these short sighted welfare recipients that just voted themselves off of welfare with the new min. wage.

Yep alot of white folks are going to have to get a job.
A corporate jet manufacturer for the last 60 years has closed its doors.

It managed to hang on through the Trump years but no more.


So not even a month after Trump departed it is Biden's fault they went under, smfh. They probably have been struggling for 2yrs or more.
tell yourself whatever you need to, to sleep at night.
xiden=a complete failure. this happened on xidens watch, therefore, it is xidens fault.
you assholes cant blame the best president, TRUMP, for all of xidens failures. grow up you asswipes

You're a dumbass Trump Humper that will believe anything your saviour tells you.
thats all you could come up with? not very intelligent at all, like you, dumb fuck. you are nothing but a xiden commie, that has to repeat LIES the demonRATS told you. what a sad life you must lead

Oh idk Trump Humper, you are the one crying like a little bitch.
look commie, i dont shed tears for dumb fucks like, are not worth the smell of my farts.

Let me tell you something fuck boy I am a disabled vet that fought Commies. Now run along and play with yourself.
You should know better then. The system of what is wrong is a two way street. Not one way.

A corporate jet manufacturer for the last 60 years has closed its doors.

It managed to hang on through the Trump years but no more.


So not even a month after Trump departed it is Biden's fault they went under, smfh. They probably have been struggling for 2yrs or more.
tell yourself whatever you need to, to sleep at night.
xiden=a complete failure. this happened on xidens watch, therefore, it is xidens fault.
you assholes cant blame the best president, TRUMP, for all of xidens failures. grow up you asswipes

You're a dumbass Trump Humper that will believe anything your saviour tells you.
thats all you could come up with? not very intelligent at all, like you, dumb fuck. you are nothing but a xiden commie, that has to repeat LIES the demonRATS told you. what a sad life you must lead

Oh idk Trump Humper, you are the one crying like a little bitch.
look commie, i dont shed tears for dumb fucks like, are not worth the smell of my farts.

Let me tell you something fuck boy I am a disabled vet that fought Commies. Now run along and play with yourself.
GOD bless. but that dont change the fact that you are a dumb fuck. i served also, you dont hear me bringing it up. does someone owe you something? i sure as hell dont
A corporate jet manufacturer for the last 60 years has closed its doors.

It managed to hang on through the Trump years but no more.


So not even a month after Trump departed it is Biden's fault they went under, smfh. They probably have been struggling for 2yrs or more.
tell yourself whatever you need to, to sleep at night.
xiden=a complete failure. this happened on xidens watch, therefore, it is xidens fault.
you assholes cant blame the best president, TRUMP, for all of xidens failures. grow up you asswipes

You're a dumbass Trump Humper that will believe anything your saviour tells you.
thats all you could come up with? not very intelligent at all, like you, dumb fuck. you are nothing but a xiden commie, that has to repeat LIES the demonRATS told you. what a sad life you must lead

Oh idk Trump Humper, you are the one crying like a little bitch.
look commie, i dont shed tears for dumb fucks like, are not worth the smell of my farts.

Let me tell you something fuck boy I am a disabled vet that fought Commies. Now run along and play with yourself.
GOD bless. but that dont change the fact that you are a dumb fuck. i served also, you dont hear me bringing it up. does someone owe you something? i sure as hell dont

No Fuck boy you don't owe me Jack, I was just letting you know you can shove that commie bs up your ass.
I have family members that do agriculture. They have been warned to look forward to $5/gal diesel fuel due to China Joe's energy policies.

That will be a major hit to our economy. Not only agriculture but trucking. That is on top of everything else China Joe is screwing up.

Anybody that voted for China Joe or looked the other way when he stole the election is a fucking moron.
A corporate jet manufacturer for the last 60 years has closed its doors.

It managed to hang on through the Trump years but no more.


So not even a month after Trump departed it is Biden's fault they went under, smfh. They probably have been struggling for 2yrs or more.
tell yourself whatever you need to, to sleep at night.
xiden=a complete failure. this happened on xidens watch, therefore, it is xidens fault.
you assholes cant blame the best president, TRUMP, for all of xidens failures. grow up you asswipes

You're a dumbass Trump Humper that will believe anything your saviour tells you.
thats all you could come up with? not very intelligent at all, like you, dumb fuck. you are nothing but a xiden commie, that has to repeat LIES the demonRATS told you. what a sad life you must lead

Oh idk Trump Humper, you are the one crying like a little bitch.
look commie, i dont shed tears for dumb fucks like, are not worth the smell of my farts.

Let me tell you something fuck boy I am a disabled vet that fought Commies. Now run along and play with yourself.
GOD bless. but that dont change the fact that you are a dumb fuck. i served also, you dont hear me bringing it up. does someone owe you something? i sure as hell dont

No Fuck boy you don't owe me Jack, I was just letting you know you can shove that commie bs up your ass.
well, you support the commie fucks, the xidens. go ahead, deny it---fuck boy
And not a single company went out of business during the Trump years.

Simply amazing the powers that manly man had.

Is there some school the leftists send their minion-wannabes to so they can learn to draw ignorant false equivalencies with a straight face, or is this just a skill that comes naturally to the terminally stupid?
A corporate jet manufacturer for the last 60 years has closed its doors.

It managed to hang on through the Trump years but no more.


So not even a month after Trump departed it is Biden's fault they went under, smfh. They probably have been struggling for 2yrs or more.
tell yourself whatever you need to, to sleep at night.
xiden=a complete failure. this happened on xidens watch, therefore, it is xidens fault.
you assholes cant blame the best president, TRUMP, for all of xidens failures. grow up you asswipes

You're a dumbass Trump Humper that will believe anything your saviour tells you.
thats all you could come up with? not very intelligent at all, like you, dumb fuck. you are nothing but a xiden commie, that has to repeat LIES the demonRATS told you. what a sad life you must lead

Oh idk Trump Humper, you are the one crying like a little bitch.
look commie, i dont shed tears for dumb fucks like, are not worth the smell of my farts.

Let me tell you something fuck boy I am a disabled vet that fought Commies. Now run along and play with yourself.
GOD bless. but that dont change the fact that you are a dumb fuck. i served also, you dont hear me bringing it up. does someone owe you something? i sure as hell dont

No Fuck boy you don't owe me Jack, I was just letting you know you can shove that commie bs up your ass.
well, you support the commie fucks, the xidens. go ahead, deny it---fuck boy

Biden wasn't my first choice, but I damn sure as hell wasn't voting for Trump. Sorry not a ass kissing Trump Humper like you.
I have family members that do agriculture. They have been warned to look forward to $5/gal diesel fuel due to China Joe's energy policies.

That will be a major hit to our economy. Not only agriculture but trucking. That is on top of everything else China Joe is screwing up.

Anybody that voted for China Joe or looked the other way when he stole the election is a fucking moron.

Do you Trump Humpers gaze into crystal balls? It is amazing how you can predict everything that is going to happen in the future. Funny you couldn't see Trump getting his ass out of office.
A corporate jet manufacturer for the last 60 years has closed its doors.

It managed to hang on through the Trump years but no more.


So not even a month after Trump departed it is Biden's fault they went under, smfh. They probably have been struggling for 2yrs or more.
tell yourself whatever you need to, to sleep at night.
xiden=a complete failure. this happened on xidens watch, therefore, it is xidens fault.
you assholes cant blame the best president, TRUMP, for all of xidens failures. grow up you asswipes

You're a dumbass Trump Humper that will believe anything your saviour tells you.
thats all you could come up with? not very intelligent at all, like you, dumb fuck. you are nothing but a xiden commie, that has to repeat LIES the demonRATS told you. what a sad life you must lead

Oh idk Trump Humper, you are the one crying like a little bitch.
look commie, i dont shed tears for dumb fucks like, are not worth the smell of my farts.

Let me tell you something fuck boy I am a disabled vet that fought Commies. Now run along and play with yourself.
GOD bless. but that dont change the fact that you are a dumb fuck. i served also, you dont hear me bringing it up. does someone owe you something? i sure as hell dont

No Fuck boy you don't owe me Jack, I was just letting you know you can shove that commie bs up your ass.
well, you support the commie fucks, the xidens. go ahead, deny it---fuck boy

Biden wasn't my first choice, but I damn sure as hell wasn't voting for Trump. Sorry not a ass kissing Trump Humper like you.
I don't kiss his ass, but I liked his policies. Didn't like how you loons constantly attacked him.
A corporate jet manufacturer for the last 60 years has closed its doors.

It managed to hang on through the Trump years but no more.


So not even a month after Trump departed it is Biden's fault they went under, smfh. They probably have been struggling for 2yrs or more.
tell yourself whatever you need to, to sleep at night.
xiden=a complete failure. this happened on xidens watch, therefore, it is xidens fault.
you assholes cant blame the best president, TRUMP, for all of xidens failures. grow up you asswipes

You're a dumbass Trump Humper that will believe anything your saviour tells you.
thats all you could come up with? not very intelligent at all, like you, dumb fuck. you are nothing but a xiden commie, that has to repeat LIES the demonRATS told you. what a sad life you must lead

Oh idk Trump Humper, you are the one crying like a little bitch.
look commie, i dont shed tears for dumb fucks like, are not worth the smell of my farts.

Let me tell you something fuck boy I am a disabled vet that fought Commies. Now run along and play with yourself.
GOD bless. but that dont change the fact that you are a dumb fuck. i served also, you dont hear me bringing it up. does someone owe you something? i sure as hell dont

No Fuck boy you don't owe me Jack, I was just letting you know you can shove that commie bs up your ass.
well, you support the commie fucks, the xidens. go ahead, deny it---fuck boy

Biden wasn't my first choice, but I damn sure as hell wasn't voting for Trump. Sorry not a ass kissing Trump Humper like you.
I don't kiss his ass, but I liked his policies. Didn't like how you loons constantly attacked him.

Yea you kissed his ass, you didn't have a problem when he was attacking folks though.
What % of Americans do you think earn minimum wage?


A smarter question would have been.......

What % of CHINESE or RUSSIANS or CUBANS earn a "living" wage ?

I guess that depends on how luxurious you consider living under a bridge.

Basichumanmoron did you say something worth listening to

Super Stupid Brutha

In communist countries, they have signs in PUBLIC that say no Blacks or Dogs allowed.

That's what your stupidity is fighting for.

America has more millionaire blacks than ALL other nations you work for the Billionaires to destroy it.

Smart. real smart.
What % of Americans do you think earn minimum wage?


A smarter question would have been.......

What % of CHINESE or RUSSIANS or CUBANS earn a "living" wage ?

I guess that depends on how luxurious you consider living under a bridge.

Basichumanmoron did you say something worth listening to

Super Stupid Brutha

In communist countries, they have signs in PUBLIC that say no Blacks or Dogs allowed.

That's what your stupidity is fighting for.

America has more millionaire blacks than ALL other nations you work for the Billionaires to destroy it.

Smart. real smart.

Come on Basichumanmoron, after what black folks have endured in America that is the best you've got. You are a fucking idiot.
What % of Americans do you think earn minimum wage?


A smarter question would have been.......

What % of CHINESE or RUSSIANS or CUBANS earn a "living" wage ?

I guess that depends on how luxurious you consider living under a bridge.

Basichumanmoron did you say something worth listening to

Super Stupid Brutha

In communist countries, they have signs in PUBLIC that say no Blacks or Dogs allowed.

That's what your stupidity is fighting for.

America has more millionaire blacks than ALL other nations you work for the Billionaires to destroy it.

Smart. real smart.

Come on Basichumanmoron, after what black folks have endured in America that is the best you've got. You are a fucking idiot.

They've endure a lot more in Africa. And still America has millions more rich blacks than Africa.

You are a fucking moron.
A corporate jet manufacturer for the last 60 years has closed its doors.

It managed to hang on through the Trump years but no more.


So not even a month after Trump departed it is Biden's fault they went under, smfh. They probably have been struggling for 2yrs or more.
tell yourself whatever you need to, to sleep at night.
xiden=a complete failure. this happened on xidens watch, therefore, it is xidens fault.
you assholes cant blame the best president, TRUMP, for all of xidens failures. grow up you asswipes

You're a dumbass Trump Humper that will believe anything your saviour tells you.
thats all you could come up with? not very intelligent at all, like you, dumb fuck. you are nothing but a xiden commie, that has to repeat LIES the demonRATS told you. what a sad life you must lead

Oh idk Trump Humper, you are the one crying like a little bitch.
look commie, i dont shed tears for dumb fucks like, are not worth the smell of my farts.

Let me tell you something fuck boy I am a disabled vet that fought Commies. Now run along and play with yourself.
GOD bless. but that dont change the fact that you are a dumb fuck. i served also, you dont hear me bringing it up. does someone owe you something? i sure as hell dont

No Fuck boy you don't owe me Jack, I was just letting you know you can shove that commie bs up your ass.
well, you support the commie fucks, the xidens. go ahead, deny it---fuck boy

Biden wasn't my first choice, but I damn sure as hell wasn't voting for Trump. Sorry not a ass kissing Trump Humper like you.
I don't kiss his ass, but I liked his policies. Didn't like how you loons constantly attacked him.

Yea you kissed his ass, you didn't have a problem when he was attacking folks though.
Lol, he got attacked 24/7 with media. There is no way Obama would've survived that.
What % of Americans do you think earn minimum wage?


A smarter question would have been.......

What % of CHINESE or RUSSIANS or CUBANS earn a "living" wage ?

I guess that depends on how luxurious you consider living under a bridge.

Basichumanmoron did you say something worth listening to

Super Stupid Brutha

In communist countries, they have signs in PUBLIC that say no Blacks or Dogs allowed.

That's what your stupidity is fighting for.

America has more millionaire blacks than ALL other nations you work for the Billionaires to destroy it.

Smart. real smart.

Come on Basichumanmoron, after what black folks have endured in America that is the best you've got. You are a fucking idiot.

They've endure a lot more in Africa. And still America has millions more rich blacks than Africa.

You are a fucking moron.

We are not in Africa idiot, we are in America and because we have a few rich black folks that makes it ok. You are one ignorant POS.
A corporate jet manufacturer for the last 60 years has closed its doors.

It managed to hang on through the Trump years but no more.


So not even a month after Trump departed it is Biden's fault they went under, smfh. They probably have been struggling for 2yrs or more.
tell yourself whatever you need to, to sleep at night.
xiden=a complete failure. this happened on xidens watch, therefore, it is xidens fault.
you assholes cant blame the best president, TRUMP, for all of xidens failures. grow up you asswipes

You're a dumbass Trump Humper that will believe anything your saviour tells you.
thats all you could come up with? not very intelligent at all, like you, dumb fuck. you are nothing but a xiden commie, that has to repeat LIES the demonRATS told you. what a sad life you must lead

Oh idk Trump Humper, you are the one crying like a little bitch.
look commie, i dont shed tears for dumb fucks like, are not worth the smell of my farts.

Let me tell you something fuck boy I am a disabled vet that fought Commies. Now run along and play with yourself.
GOD bless. but that dont change the fact that you are a dumb fuck. i served also, you dont hear me bringing it up. does someone owe you something? i sure as hell dont

No Fuck boy you don't owe me Jack, I was just letting you know you can shove that commie bs up your ass.
well, you support the commie fucks, the xidens. go ahead, deny it---fuck boy

Biden wasn't my first choice, but I damn sure as hell wasn't voting for Trump. Sorry not a ass kissing Trump Humper like you.
I don't kiss his ass, but I liked his policies. Didn't like how you loons constantly attacked him.

Yea you kissed his ass, you didn't have a problem when he was attacking folks though.
Lol, he got attacked 24/7 with media. There is no way Obama would've survived that.

He didn't need to, when you claim to be a tough guy and declare war on someone don't cry when they turn around and hand you your ass.
A corporate jet manufacturer for the last 60 years has closed its doors.

It managed to hang on through the Trump years but no more.


So not even a month after Trump departed it is Biden's fault they went under, smfh. They probably have been struggling for 2yrs or more.
tell yourself whatever you need to, to sleep at night.
xiden=a complete failure. this happened on xidens watch, therefore, it is xidens fault.
you assholes cant blame the best president, TRUMP, for all of xidens failures. grow up you asswipes

You're a dumbass Trump Humper that will believe anything your saviour tells you.
thats all you could come up with? not very intelligent at all, like you, dumb fuck. you are nothing but a xiden commie, that has to repeat LIES the demonRATS told you. what a sad life you must lead

Oh idk Trump Humper, you are the one crying like a little bitch.
look commie, i dont shed tears for dumb fucks like, are not worth the smell of my farts.

Let me tell you something fuck boy I am a disabled vet that fought Commies. Now run along and play with yourself.
GOD bless. but that dont change the fact that you are a dumb fuck. i served also, you dont hear me bringing it up. does someone owe you something? i sure as hell dont

No Fuck boy you don't owe me Jack, I was just letting you know you can shove that commie bs up your ass.
well, you support the commie fucks, the xidens. go ahead, deny it---fuck boy

Biden wasn't my first choice, but I damn sure as hell wasn't voting for Trump. Sorry not a ass kissing Trump Humper like you.
yo, fuck boy, i kiss no ones ass. if you so choose to suck the commies dick, by all means, have at it. personally, i would rather have a booming economy, TRUMP, than be in lockdown cuz some commie piece of shit says so.
AMERICA was booming before the demonRATS lied, cheated and stoled. if you didnt see that, i suggest you go back under that rock
A corporate jet manufacturer for the last 60 years has closed its doors.

It managed to hang on through the Trump years but no more.


So not even a month after Trump departed it is Biden's fault they went under, smfh. They probably have been struggling for 2yrs or more.
tell yourself whatever you need to, to sleep at night.
xiden=a complete failure. this happened on xidens watch, therefore, it is xidens fault.
you assholes cant blame the best president, TRUMP, for all of xidens failures. grow up you asswipes

You're a dumbass Trump Humper that will believe anything your saviour tells you.
thats all you could come up with? not very intelligent at all, like you, dumb fuck. you are nothing but a xiden commie, that has to repeat LIES the demonRATS told you. what a sad life you must lead

Oh idk Trump Humper, you are the one crying like a little bitch.
look commie, i dont shed tears for dumb fucks like, are not worth the smell of my farts.

Let me tell you something fuck boy I am a disabled vet that fought Commies. Now run along and play with yourself.
GOD bless. but that dont change the fact that you are a dumb fuck. i served also, you dont hear me bringing it up. does someone owe you something? i sure as hell dont

No Fuck boy you don't owe me Jack, I was just letting you know you can shove that commie bs up your ass.
well, you support the commie fucks, the xidens. go ahead, deny it---fuck boy

Biden wasn't my first choice, but I damn sure as hell wasn't voting for Trump. Sorry not a ass kissing Trump Humper like you.
yo, fuck boy, i kiss no ones ass. if you so choose to suck the commies dick, by all means, have at it. personally, i would rather have a booming economy, TRUMP, than be in lockdown cuz some commie piece of shit says so.

All you have done is suck Trump's ass Trump Humper. This country was booming long b4 Trump fool..
AMERICA was booming before the demonRATS lied, cheated and stoled. if you didnt see that, i suggest you go back under that rock

I suggest you pull your head out of Trump's ass and WTF up. Dumbass.

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