Companies begin to fold under Biden.....Learjet closes its doors

A corporate jet manufacturer for the last 60 years has closed its doors.

It managed to hang on through the Trump years but no more.


So not even a month after Trump departed it is Biden's fault they went under, smfh. They probably have been struggling for 2yrs or more.
Precisely! Biden's been there 3 weeks.
A corporate jet manufacturer for the last 60 years has closed its doors.

It managed to hang on through the Trump years but no more.


So not even a month after Trump departed it is Biden's fault they went under, smfh. They probably have been struggling for 2yrs or more.
'Stinky Fingers' Biden has been blaming Trump for the fucking sun rising in the east since he took office.

Really, isn't that what Trump did to Pres Obama.
Trump was going to restore the economy. China Joe will destroy it.

During the China Joe/Obama administration we had increased poverty, decreased family income, higher taxes, higher debt and dismal economic growth. Expect more of the same.
Obama inherited the Great Recession from Bush and brought the country out of it and on the way to recovery. Read a book.
President Obama's Economic Policies and Accomplishments › ... › GDP Growth & Recessions

"His 14 significant accomplishments ended the recession and slowed the rise in health ... saving more than 4 million jobs.89 It forced the companies to become more ... ..."

You are confused about the record of the worthless Negro.

The economic problems started after the 2007 Democrat elected Congress took over and the CRA chickens came home to roost. The economy was fine for six year under Bush.

All that affirmative action asshole did was restore some of the jobs that the Democrats lost.

He did a piss poor job at that, Because looking at the day he took until he left poverty increased, welfare increased, family income decreased, taxes increased, debt soared with nothing to show for it and we had dismal economic growth. He gave away jobs and technology to China and he had terrible trade deals. That is in addition to allowing million of the Illegals to flood in and sign up for welfare. By the way the number of shitheads on welfare increased.

As far as health care the stupid sonofabitch increased the price of deductibles, co payments and premiums and, in addition, increased the cost of prescription drugs. That is failure no matter how you look at it.

Biden will do as bad a job if not a whole lost worse.

Anybody that voted for China Joe is a fucking moron.
The economy under Bush plunged into the greatest recession since the Depression. Your memory skills are non-existent as is your knowledge of history.
I suggest that you go to your nearest bar, without a mask, and chug a few more Buds.

You are confused Moon Bat. The economy was fine under Bush and the Republicans for six years untill the dumbass Democrats took over the House and Senate in 2007. Then it went to hell. Typical for Democrats.

China Joe will be a disaster for this country. He has already lost a shitload of jobs and he hasn't even started yet.
No, the country went into recession under Bush. Read a book. Did you finish high school?

Economic policy of the George W. Bush administration ... › wiki › Economic_policy_of_the_Ge...

Jump to Financial crisis and Great Recession — The last year of Bush's second term was dominated by the Great Recession. GDP declined in the ...
Overview · ‎Tax policy · ‎Budget deficit and... · ‎Regulatory philosophy
A corporate jet manufacturer for the last 60 years has closed its doors.

It managed to hang on through the Trump years but no more.


So not even a month after Trump departed it is Biden's fault they went under, smfh. They probably have been struggling for 2yrs or more.

I know, it's amazing, it's like their entire survival depended on Donald Trump's reelection. Once he lost, the pink slips were mailed out the next day: "Unfortunately, with President Biden's election, we have decided that we can no longer operate under this new President. We will be ceasing operations in two weeks."
Welcome to the next Great Depression--moron. Biden started the pink slips with the Keystone shut down EO and he continued it with the Minimum Wage EO. Watch what happens to your job and your purchasing power with your free money, minimum wage and national debt that will never be paid off.

What % of Americans do you think earn minimum wage?
About 40% more if you raise it to $15, dumbass.

How many is it right now, Jdon'tknowshit.
Well now $15 is pretty good money, make it minimum wage and you will put people out of work, silly.

What % of Americans make min wage 2day?
A corporate jet manufacturer for the last 60 years has closed its doors.

It managed to hang on through the Trump years but no more.


So not even a month after Trump departed it is Biden's fault they went under, smfh. They probably have been struggling for 2yrs or more.

I know, it's amazing, it's like their entire survival depended on Donald Trump's reelection. Once he lost, the pink slips were mailed out the next day: "Unfortunately, with President Biden's election, we have decided that we can no longer operate under this new President. We will be ceasing operations in two weeks."
Welcome to the next Great Depression--moron. Biden started the pink slips with the Keystone shut down EO and he continued it with the Minimum Wage EO. Watch what happens to your job and your purchasing power with your free money, minimum wage and national debt that will never be paid off.

What % of Americans do you think earn minimum wage?
About 40% more if you raise it to $15, dumbass.

How many is it right now, Jdon'tknowshit.
Well now $15 is pretty good money, make it minimum wage and you will put people out of work, silly.

What % of Americans make min wage 2day?
Over 500,000 people do, but you will put about half of Americans on minimum wage if you raise it to $15 an hour. Making a bigger problem for us, typical liberal move. Ruin everything you touch.
A corporate jet manufacturer for the last 60 years has closed its doors.

It managed to hang on through the Trump years but no more.


So not even a month after Trump departed it is Biden's fault they went under, smfh. They probably have been struggling for 2yrs or more.

I know, it's amazing, it's like their entire survival depended on Donald Trump's reelection. Once he lost, the pink slips were mailed out the next day: "Unfortunately, with President Biden's election, we have decided that we can no longer operate under this new President. We will be ceasing operations in two weeks."
Welcome to the next Great Depression--moron. Biden started the pink slips with the Keystone shut down EO and he continued it with the Minimum Wage EO. Watch what happens to your job and your purchasing power with your free money, minimum wage and national debt that will never be paid off.

What % of Americans do you think earn minimum wage?
About 40% more if you raise it to $15, dumbass.

How many is it right now, Jdon'tknowshit.
Well now $15 is pretty good money, make it minimum wage and you will put people out of work, silly.

What % of Americans make min wage 2day?
Over 500,000 people do, but you will put about half of Americans on minimum wage if you raise it to $15 an hour. Making a bigger problem for us, typical liberal move. Ruin everything you touch.

So you mean most Americans don't even make 15 an hour.
A corporate jet manufacturer for the last 60 years has closed its doors.

It managed to hang on through the Trump years but no more.

Politicians have

So not even a month after Trump departed it is Biden's fault they went under, smfh. They probably have been struggling for 2yrs or more.

I know, it's amazing, it's like their entire survival depended on Donald Trump's reelection. Once he lost, the pink slips were mailed out the next day: "Unfortunately, with President Biden's election, we have decided that we can no longer operate under this new President. We will be ceasing operations in two weeks."
It is obvious you do not think manufacturing, factories and industries are not important components in American employment. Politicians a lot of the times get in the way and cause companies to go out of business or move overseas. They need to get as many companies back on our territory as they can.

Politicians have nothing to do with Corporations moving overseas. The high costs of doing business here is generally the reason, meaning labor costs, health costs,
etc. Since they are unable to be competitive in the marketplace, they either close or move as it is too difficult to be profitable.
A corporate jet manufacturer for the last 60 years has closed its doors.

It managed to hang on through the Trump years but no more.


So not even a month after Trump departed it is Biden's fault they went under, smfh. They probably have been struggling for 2yrs or more.

I know, it's amazing, it's like their entire survival depended on Donald Trump's reelection. Once he lost, the pink slips were mailed out the next day: "Unfortunately, with President Biden's election, we have decided that we can no longer operate under this new President. We will be ceasing operations in two weeks."
Welcome to the next Great Depression--moron. Biden started the pink slips with the Keystone shut down EO and he continued it with the Minimum Wage EO. Watch what happens to your job and your purchasing power with your free money, minimum wage and national debt that will never be paid off.

What % of Americans do you think earn minimum wage?
About 40% more if you raise it to $15, dumbass.

How many is it right now, Jdon'tknowshit.
Well now $15 is pretty good money, make it minimum wage and you will put people out of work, silly.

What % of Americans make min wage 2day?
Over 500,000 people do, but you will put about half of Americans on minimum wage if you raise it to $15 an hour. Making a bigger problem for us, typical liberal move. Ruin everything you touch.

So you mean most Americans don't even make 15 an hour.
Almost half yes.
As the price of everything goes up and he is screwed along with the guy with no skills.
It won’t.
I think that employers will hire fewer people who have no skills and skilled labor will have to get a raise to offset the $15 rate, or there will be disharmony in the workplace and work production will be negatively affected. The minimum wage is supposed to be a "learning" wage and not an "earning" wage.
A corporate jet manufacturer for the last 60 years has closed its doors.

It managed to hang on through the Trump years but no more.


So not even a month after Trump departed it is Biden's fault they went under, smfh. They probably have been struggling for 2yrs or more.
tell yourself whatever you need to, to sleep at night.
xiden=a complete failure. this happened on xidens watch, therefore, it is xidens fault.
you assholes cant blame the best president, TRUMP, for all of xidens failures. grow up you asswipes
As the price of everything goes up and he is screwed along with the guy with no skills.
It won’t.
I think that employers will hire fewer people who have no skills and skilled labor will have to get a raise to offset the $15 rate, or there will be disharmony in the workplace and work production will be negatively affected. The minimum wage is supposed to be a "learning" wage and not an "earning" wage.
The fewer hires will be mostly teenagers and seasonal work. There’s only disharmony if people are more upset with their coworkers for earning money than with their employer for underpaying them.

The minimum is “supposed” to be the minimum value of human labor. Employers don’t adhere to your concept of what it is and isn’t.
A corporate jet manufacturer for the last 60 years has closed its doors.

It managed to hang on through the Trump years but no more.


So not even a month after Trump departed it is Biden's fault they went under, smfh. They probably have been struggling for 2yrs or more.

I know, it's amazing, it's like their entire survival depended on Donald Trump's reelection. Once he lost, the pink slips were mailed out the next day: "Unfortunately, with President Biden's election, we have decided that we can no longer operate under this new President. We will be ceasing operations in two weeks."
Welcome to the next Great Depression--moron. Biden started the pink slips with the Keystone shut down EO and he continued it with the Minimum Wage EO. Watch what happens to your job and your purchasing power with your free money, minimum wage and national debt that will never be paid off.

Yup. Once all of his EO's kick in we will be looking at the Second Great Depression.

Hell Biden didn't even know what he was signing. 50 EO's in ten days?? We are in for four years of misery with that jack ass and those that voted for him will be regretting it big time.
The EO's were to remove Trump's disastrous destruction of environmental protections and other myriad and sundry items. Trump never could see the big picture but could see only what was in front of his nose.

LMAO Trump saw the big picture from the time he was elected. That's why he made the decisions he did make. Biden has already undone every good thing Trump did.

Under the Biden/Harris shit show we will have a Second Great Depression. On day one he kicked every tax paying American in the teeth. None of his EO's will help America or Americans. You will find that out and regret voting for that jack ass.
Any recession will be the result of Trump's ignorance and lack of ability to see the big picture. Biden kicked "every taxpaying American in the teeth" by doing what?
All of his EOs will help Americans in the long and short run. Trump's EOs were good for today and would have come back to kick "every taxpaying American in the teeth". The jackass is finally out of the White House and took his divisiveness and bad behavior with him, but not before he sent a mob to attack the seat of our Democracy, leaving 7 people dead.

Biden's EOs will hurt the economy, growth is expected at 4% by summer according to the CBO, so anything less, will be on Biden.
Nah. We will have Trump's fuckups to deal with for a long time.
you are a very delusional retarded demonRAT. this is all on your dementia, geriatric, corrupt piece of shit, xidens resume. deal with it
Quick! Bigger tax cuts for rich people so they can start buying private jets again!
Define "rich people" please.
"Rich" people are being described as those making $400,000 or more and they will get a tax increase. Does that help you? Do you have an ulterior motive for that request? Nah
So $400k in Atlanta carries more weight that $400k in SF or NYC. Why such a myopic view. So we are raising taxes on those who are essentially middle class in NYC, SF and LA. No wonder people are fleeing those cities/states.

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