Companies begin to fold under Biden.....Learjet closes its doors

A corporate jet manufacturer for the last 60 years has closed its doors.
Well, it's a corporation, and an man in a suit and tie can't "lear" at a woman in this day and age, or she'll file a sexual harassment suit to put him out of business. Not to mention all the stewardesses and female flight attendants on the commercial airlines, and the heavy prostitution at airports -- Airports today are not like train stations in the 1800s are they?
A corporate jet manufacturer for the last 60 years has closed its doors.

It managed to hang on through the Trump years but no more.
The BDS is kicking in early i see.

The Learjet is a small business jet manufactured by Bombardier. They are stopping production of that plane because larger, more luxurious business jets are outselling it.

Bombardier, the company that makes the Learjet isn't going anywhere.

I Am curious, though. Do you really think a company can go from a multinational success to closing their doors in three weeks because the American administration changed? Doesn't that strike you as something only a low information partisan idjit would think?

I don’t think so however you have left wingers on here giving Biden the credit for the downturn in Covid-19 cases, that started before he even stepped into office. Did you question your lefty buds on that thread?
A corporate jet manufacturer for the last 60 years has closed its doors.

It managed to hang on through the Trump years but no more.


So not even a month after Trump departed it is Biden's fault they went under, smfh. They probably have been struggling for 2yrs or more.

I know, it's amazing, it's like their entire survival depended on Donald Trump's reelection. Once he lost, the pink slips were mailed out the next day: "Unfortunately, with President Biden's election, we have decided that we can no longer operate under this new President. We will be ceasing operations in two weeks."
Welcome to the next Great Depression--moron. Biden started the pink slips with the Keystone shut down EO and he continued it with the Minimum Wage EO. Watch what happens to your job and your purchasing power with your free money, minimum wage and national debt that will never be paid off.

What % of Americans do you think earn minimum wage?
1.9% or 1.6 million workers. In 1980 13% or 7.7 million workers made minimum age.
A corporate jet manufacturer for the last 60 years has closed its doors.

It managed to hang on through the Trump years but no more.


So not even a month after Trump departed it is Biden's fault they went under, smfh. They probably have been struggling for 2yrs or more.

I know, it's amazing, it's like their entire survival depended on Donald Trump's reelection. Once he lost, the pink slips were mailed out the next day: "Unfortunately, with President Biden's election, we have decided that we can no longer operate under this new President. We will be ceasing operations in two weeks."
Fuel prices have already gone up over 25%, the Chinese Virus was supposed to be over last year, but thanks to the progs we just continue to have mutants from your country, so yeah, thank a lib for all the great times. NOT.
A corporate jet manufacturer for the last 60 years has closed its doors.

It managed to hang on through the Trump years but no more.


So not even a month after Trump departed it is Biden's fault they went under, smfh. They probably have been struggling for 2yrs or more.
More jobs down the drain------and Learjet would have been able to find a financial help if there was a possibility that the Biden years would have been kind to businesses who purchase such planes.

So far I think since Biden has gotten in what over 300,000 jobs loss and more to come.
A corporate jet manufacturer for the last 60 years has closed its doors.

It managed to hang on through the Trump years but no more.

It hung on as long as it could, as nobody was flying and profits sagged. The pandemic caught up to them and plans to close were on the table during the Trump years. Corporations simply do not decide to close overnight.
A corporate jet manufacturer for the last 60 years has closed its doors.

It managed to hang on through the Trump years but no more.


So not even a month after Trump departed it is Biden's fault they went under, smfh. They probably have been struggling for 2yrs or more.

I know, it's amazing, it's like their entire survival depended on Donald Trump's reelection. Once he lost, the pink slips were mailed out the next day: "Unfortunately, with President Biden's election, we have decided that we can no longer operate under this new President. We will be ceasing operations in two weeks."
Fuel prices have already gone up over 25%, the Chinese Virus was supposed to be over last year, but thanks to the progs we just continue to have mutants from your country, so yeah, thank a lib for all the great times. NOT.
The coronavirus was supposed to be over last year according to Trump, and you fools believed him.
A corporate jet manufacturer for the last 60 years has closed its doors.

It managed to hang on through the Trump years but no more.


So not even a month after Trump departed it is Biden's fault they went under, smfh. They probably have been struggling for 2yrs or more.

I know, it's amazing, it's like their entire survival depended on Donald Trump's reelection. Once he lost, the pink slips were mailed out the next day: "Unfortunately, with President Biden's election, we have decided that we can no longer operate under this new President. We will be ceasing operations in two weeks."
Welcome to the next Great Depression--moron. Biden started the pink slips with the Keystone shut down EO and he continued it with the Minimum Wage EO. Watch what happens to your job and your purchasing power with your free money, minimum wage and national debt that will never be paid off.

Yup. Once all of his EO's kick in we will be looking at the Second Great Depression.

Hell Biden didn't even know what he was signing. 50 EO's in ten days?? We are in for four years of misery with that jack ass and those that voted for him will be regretting it big time.
A corporate jet manufacturer for the last 60 years has closed its doors.

It managed to hang on through the Trump years but no more.


So not even a month after Trump departed it is Biden's fault they went under, smfh. They probably have been struggling for 2yrs or more.

I know, it's amazing, it's like their entire survival depended on Donald Trump's reelection. Once he lost, the pink slips were mailed out the next day: "Unfortunately, with President Biden's election, we have decided that we can no longer operate under this new President. We will be ceasing operations in two weeks."
Fuel prices have already gone up over 25%, the Chinese Virus was supposed to be over last year, but thanks to the progs we just continue to have mutants from your country, so yeah, thank a lib for all the great times. NOT.
The coronavirus was supposed to be over last year according to Trump, and you fools believed him.

Well according to Biden he can control a pandemic.

I'd say he's the liar and Trump never said the pandemic would be over in a year. He probably wished it would be over and that's all it was. A wish. LOL
A corporate jet manufacturer for the last 60 years has closed its doors.

It managed to hang on through the Trump years but no more.


So not even a month after Trump departed it is Biden's fault they went under, smfh. They probably have been struggling for 2yrs or more.

I know, it's amazing, it's like their entire survival depended on Donald Trump's reelection. Once he lost, the pink slips were mailed out the next day: "Unfortunately, with President Biden's election, we have decided that we can no longer operate under this new President. We will be ceasing operations in two weeks."
Fuel prices have already gone up over 25%, the Chinese Virus was supposed to be over last year, but thanks to the progs we just continue to have mutants from your country, so yeah, thank a lib for all the great times. NOT.
The coronavirus was supposed to be over last year according to Trump, and you fools believed him.

Well according to Biden he can control a pandemic.

I'd say he's the liar and Trump never said the pandemic would be over in a year. He probably wished it would be over and that's all it was. A wish. LOL
No, you are wrong on several points. Biden is hardly a liar and said that control would come as the vaccine is distributed. Trump said that the virus would quickly dissipate.

40 times Trump said the coronavirus would go away › politics › 2020/04/30

Nov 2, 2020 — Since the start of the coronavirus outbreak, President Trump has repeatedly said that the virus will disappear
A corporate jet manufacturer for the last 60 years has closed its doors.

It managed to hang on through the Trump years but no more.


So not even a month after Trump departed it is Biden's fault they went under, smfh. They probably have been struggling for 2yrs or more.

I know, it's amazing, it's like their entire survival depended on Donald Trump's reelection. Once he lost, the pink slips were mailed out the next day: "Unfortunately, with President Biden's election, we have decided that we can no longer operate under this new President. We will be ceasing operations in two weeks."
Welcome to the next Great Depression--moron. Biden started the pink slips with the Keystone shut down EO and he continued it with the Minimum Wage EO. Watch what happens to your job and your purchasing power with your free money, minimum wage and national debt that will never be paid off.

Yup. Once all of his EO's kick in we will be looking at the Second Great Depression.

Hell Biden didn't even know what he was signing. 50 EO's in ten days?? We are in for four years of misery with that jack ass and those that voted for him will be regretting it big time.
The EO's were to remove Trump's disastrous destruction of environmental protections and other myriad and sundry items. Trump never could see the big picture but could see only what was in front of his nose.
A corporate jet manufacturer for the last 60 years has closed its doors.

It managed to hang on through the Trump years but no more.

Future President Trump voters...
Hmmm seems like its the libber Dim ninnies that all travel by jet no??
No. Corporations send management on these jets. Nothing to do with politics, but you just keep flapping anyway.
A corporate jet manufacturer for the last 60 years has closed its doors.

It managed to hang on through the Trump years but no more.

Future President Trump voters...
Hmmm seems like its the libber Dim ninnies that all travel by jet no??
No. Corporations send management on these jets. Nothing to do with politics, but you just keep flapping anyway.
Oh right....and since all corporations are bad, being shut down or taxed by the new Gestapo need for Lears anymore. Especially since the Dims all fly in much larger ones right looney?
A corporate jet manufacturer for the last 60 years has closed its doors.

It managed to hang on through the Trump years but no more.
The BDS is kicking in early i see.

The Learjet is a small business jet manufactured by Bombardier. They are stopping production of that plane because larger, more luxurious business jets are outselling it.

Bombardier, the company that makes the Learjet isn't going anywhere.

I Am curious, though. Do you really think a company can go from a multinational success to closing their doors in three weeks because the American administration changed? Doesn't that strike you as something only a low information partisan idjit would think?
LearJet decision makers didn't look at 3 weeks of Biden but 8 years of Obama as Biden is just an extension of that administration. These decision makers are well aware of Biden/Obama history as this attachment shows, why should these decision makers continue in business with this totally anti-business administration signs EOs as Biden/Obama did.
These examples of hoping businesses go out of business including over 1,400 insurance companies that "buy" LearJets from Obama/Biden are just a couple of anti-business statements and policies.
A corporate jet manufacturer for the last 60 years has closed its doors.

It managed to hang on through the Trump years but no more.

Future President Trump voters...
Hmmm seems like its the libber Dim ninnies that all travel by jet no??
No. Corporations send management on these jets. Nothing to do with politics, but you just keep flapping anyway.
Oh right....and since all corporations are bad, being shut down or taxed by the new Gestapo need for Lears anymore. Especially since the Dims all fly in much larger ones right looney?
Oh right.....and since all corporations do not fly their management, starting in the Trump years, these Corporate jet companies have taken it on the chin and are now closing and this has nothing to do with Biden, right looney?

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