Companies begin to fold under Biden.....Learjet closes its doors

when its at the point of a gun it is,, which is what a min wage is,,
So are tariffs on foreign goods to support US labor but I don’t see you whining about it.
thats not the topic of this discussion so you wouldnt see that,, FYI as long as we have an income tax I am against tariffs unless they are equal across the board and locked in,,
thats not the topic of this discussion so you wouldnt see that,, FYI as long as we have an income tax I am against tariffs unless they are equal across the board and locked in,,
Obviously it’s highly analogous, but it does take a little insight to see that.
A corporate jet manufacturer for the last 60 years has closed its doors.

It managed to hang on through the Trump years but no more.


So not even a month after Trump departed it is Biden's fault they went under, smfh. They probably have been struggling for 2yrs or more.

I know, it's amazing, it's like their entire survival depended on Donald Trump's reelection. Once he lost, the pink slips were mailed out the next day: "Unfortunately, with President Biden's election, we have decided that we can no longer operate under this new President. We will be ceasing operations in two weeks."
Fuel prices have already gone up over 25%, the Chinese Virus was supposed to be over last year, but thanks to the progs we just continue to have mutants from your country, so yeah, thank a lib for all the great times. NOT.
The coronavirus was supposed to be over last year according to Trump, and you fools believed him.
It would have been had been locking up or shooting governors purposely spreading the disease and isolated all chinese travelers around the world. But china owns so many western pols especially among the dems.

The virus is here to stay----do as nature intended ----allow exposure during the summer months and hope that isolating everyone last year hasn't really f'us by allowing the virus time to mutate instead of getting NATURAL HERD immunity during the summer. This summer will get better---come fall of next year--its anyone's guess.
The virus is here to stay----do as nature intended ----allow exposure during the summer months and hope that isolating everyone last year hasn't really f'us by allowing the virus time to mutate instead of getting NATURAL HERD immunity during the summer. This summer will get better---come fall of next year--its anyone's guess.
This is a very important point.

The virus doesn't need time to mutate. It needs replications. Getting to "natural herd immunity" means spread throughout many, many people which means many, many replications. Getting to "natural herd immunity" guarantees mutations, it doesn't prevent them.
where did he say they would dbl??
Because in order to wipe out the benefits of doubling the minimum wage, you’d have to double prices.

It’s not complex math.
still not what he said,, I suggest you stick to the words on the page and not put words in peoples mouths,,
It is if you can grasp plain English.

So I can see why you can’t see it.
as for the topic at hand,,
I havent received anytype of salary for several months and i'm not poor,, so your narrative that a higher min wage will lift [people out of poverty doesnt make sense,,
It won’t, prices will adjust to it and $15 won’t be a livable wage. I cannot believe you don't see that.
So you think prices are going to double just because a segment of the work force earns $15?

Yes it will because $15 will become a poverty wage. The half of american wages will have to be raised to make the adjustment. A little over 500,000 Americans make minimum wage. They say over a million jobs will be lost. Already it's reported that the Paris agreement will kill 2.5 million jobs. So Biden is going to kill over 3 million jobs with a stroke of a pen. We are screwed.
It won’t, prices will adjust to it and $15 won’t be a livable wage. I cannot believe you don't see that.
So you think prices are going to double just because a segment of the work force earns $15?

Yes it will because $15 will become a poverty wage. The half of american wages will have to be raised to make the adjustment. A little over 500,000 Americans make minimum wage. They say over a million jobs will be lost. Already it's reported that the Paris agreement will kill 2.5 million jobs. So Biden is going to kill over 3 million jobs with a stroke of a pen. We are screwed.
my guess is dems will call you a racist for that educated remark,,,

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