"Comparative Effectiveness Center" in Reconciliation bill - oh you mean rationing


Council to Supreme Soviet
Dec 12, 2009
"Comparative Effectiveness Center" in Reconciliation bill - oh you mean rationing

Tip: HotAir

Page 1557 has the Comparative Effectiveness Center:


(1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall establish within the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality a Center for Comparative Effectiveness Research (in this section referred to as the ‘Center’) to conduct, support, and synthesize research (including research conducted or supported under section 1013 of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003) with respect to the outcomes, effectiveness, and appropriateness of health care services and procedures in order to identify the manner in which diseases, disorders, and other health conditions can most effectively and appropriately be prevented, diagnosed, treated, and managed clinically.

(i) DIVERSE REPRESENTATION OF PERSPECTIVES.—The members of the Commission shall represent a broad range of perspectives and shall collectively have experience in the following areas:

(I) Epidemiology.
(II) Health services research.
(III) Bioethics.
(IV) Decision sciences.
(V) Health disparities.
(VI) Economics.

What is “comparative effectiveness”? It’s a system of rationing scarce resources, and it has everything to do with economics.

Oh of course, Professor Altman in front of the Senate Finance Committee hearings on health-care reform summed it up well:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsx_QILgzjc]YouTube - Health Policy Professor Discusses The 'Cost-Benefit' Of Elderly Recieving Federal Healthcare[/ame]


I believe that our Most Great Leader, Papa Obama said it best when it comes to health care rationing and saving money- "take a pill"



A possible way the Comparative Effectiveness Center [Death Panels} might work ?
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Weird that Canada and Europe can do it but we can't? What happened to the American spirit that we can do all things better than you. Seems some are satisfied with third world status and are intent on making American just that.

But thankfully not all.

By T.R. Reid -- Five Myths About Health Care in the Rest of the World - washingtonpost.com
In Depth - In Depth: T.R. Reid - Book TV

You know what else is weird

Canadian Premier Williams goes to US to have heart surgery

He said:

“This was my heart, my choice and my health,” Williams said. ”I did not sign away my right to get the best possible health care for myself when I entered politics.”
Weird that Canada and Europe can do it but we can't? What happened to the American spirit that we can do all things better than you. Seems some are satisfied with third world status and are intent on making American just that.

But thankfully not all.

You know what else is weird

Canadian Premier Williams goes to US to have heart surgery

“This was my heart, my choice and my health,” Williams said. ”I did not sign away my right to get the best possible health care for myself when I entered politics.”

I wonder where he will go after we have Canada's like healthcare system. No where to run for help anymore after they destroy America's healthcare system that probally saved his life. .:cuckoo:
Weird that Canada and Europe can do it but we can't? What happened to the American spirit that we can do all things better than you. Seems some are satisfied with third world status and are intent on making American just that.

But thankfully not all.

The federal government was never given the power to do this in the first place. It has no right to control peoples lifes under the 10th's.
Well, you can go to Singapore, Costa Rica, and many other countries that have excellant doctors and facilities. These same countries have universal health care, also.

The level of ignorance demonstrated by those opposing fixing our broken health care system is truly amazing. Virtually all the nations with universal health care have better longevity and infant mortality stats than we do, yet they continue to insist ours is a better system. And we pay nearly twice as much per capita, and fail to cover tens of millions of our citizens.
Weird that Canada and Europe can do it but we can't? What happened to the American spirit that we can do all things better than you. Seems some are satisfied with third world status and are intent on making American just that.

But thankfully not all.

The federal government was never given the power to do this in the first place. It has no right to control peoples lifes under the 10th's.


We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Weird that Canada and Europe can do it but we can't? What happened to the American spirit that we can do all things better than you. Seems some are satisfied with third world status and are intent on making American just that.

But thankfully not all.

The federal government was never given the power to do this in the first place. It has no right to control peoples lifes under the 10th's.


We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Using your logic, then why even have a Constitution? Since the gov't can do anything it wants

The constitution is a document meant to LIMIT gov't power not enhance. Which is why it spends so much time telling us what the gov't CAN'T do

It does not find ways to increase it.

As such, promoting general welfare would mean making sure the gov't is not intruding into the lives of the people

Keep the Pelosi talking points to yourself.
Let me guess, you think the "commerce clause" gives the Federal gov't the right as well?
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The federal government was never given the power to do this in the first place. It has no right to control peoples lifes under the 10th's.


We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Using your logic, then why even have a Constitution? Since the gov't can do anything it wants

The constitution is a document meant to LIMIT gov't power not enhance
Not find ways to increase it.

As such, promoting general welfare would mean making sure the gov't is not intruding into the lives of the people

Keep the Pelosi talking points to yourself.
Let me guess, you think the "commerce clause" gives the Federal gov't the right as well?

That is not what it means at all. It means things like National Parks, the CCC camps during the last Great Republican Depression, and other ways in which we, the people, use our mutual resources to enhance the lives of the citizens of this nation.

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Using your logic, then why even have a Constitution? Since the gov't can do anything it wants

The constitution is a document meant to LIMIT gov't power not enhance
Not find ways to increase it.

As such, promoting general welfare would mean making sure the gov't is not intruding into the lives of the people

Keep the Pelosi talking points to yourself.
Let me guess, you think the "commerce clause" gives the Federal gov't the right as well?

That is not what it means at all. It means things like National Parks, the CCC camps during the last Great Republican Depression, and other ways in which we, the people, use our mutual resources to enhance the lives of the citizens of this nation.

The free market has always allowed for things natural monopolies; public goods etc
A park is a lot different than taking over a large segment of our economy

Good god, we see what a mess the Federal gov't has done with Social Security
and people like you want to give them even more power and control

At what point does your denial of gov't failings stop?
Using your logic, then why even have a Constitution? Since the gov't can do anything it wants

The constitution is a document meant to LIMIT gov't power not enhance
Not find ways to increase it.

As such, promoting general welfare would mean making sure the gov't is not intruding into the lives of the people

Keep the Pelosi talking points to yourself.
Let me guess, you think the "commerce clause" gives the Federal gov't the right as well?

That is not what it means at all. It means things like National Parks, the CCC camps during the last Great Republican Depression, and other ways in which we, the people, use our mutual resources to enhance the lives of the citizens of this nation.

The free market has always allowed for things natural monopolies; public goods etc
A park is a lot different than taking over a large segment of our economy

Good god, we see what a mess the Federal gov't has done with Social Security
and people like you want to give them even more power and control

At what point does your denial of gov't failings stop?

If there were more Neotrotskies in America we 'd be safe from the Obami Salamies.
Using your logic, then why even have a Constitution? Since the gov't can do anything it wants

The constitution is a document meant to LIMIT gov't power not enhance
Not find ways to increase it.

As such, promoting general welfare would mean making sure the gov't is not intruding into the lives of the people

Keep the Pelosi talking points to yourself.
Let me guess, you think the "commerce clause" gives the Federal gov't the right as well?

That is not what it means at all. It means things like National Parks, the CCC camps during the last Great Republican Depression, and other ways in which we, the people, use our mutual resources to enhance the lives of the citizens of this nation.

The free market has always allowed for things natural monopolies; public goods etc
A park is a lot different than taking over a large segment of our economy

Good god, we see what a mess the Federal gov't has done with Social Security
and people like you want to give them even more power and control

At what point does your denial of gov't failings stop?

Are you saying anti-trust legislation is unconstitutional?
A mess of Social Security? No way. It is one of the most successful programs ever. And it will continue.

It was government, here and abroad, that had to bail out private business due to overweening greed and stupidity of the businessmen. Unfettered capitalism is a curse, and a one way street back to feudalism. Even Smith saw the neccessity of regulations on businesses for the protection of the public.
That is not what it means at all. It means things like National Parks, the CCC camps during the last Great Republican Depression, and other ways in which we, the people, use our mutual resources to enhance the lives of the citizens of this nation.

The free market has always allowed for things natural monopolies; public goods etc
A park is a lot different than taking over a large segment of our economy

Good god, we see what a mess the Federal gov't has done with Social Security
and people like you want to give them even more power and control

At what point does your denial of gov't failings stop?

If there were more Neotrotskies in America we 'd be safe from the Obami Salamies.

What an erudite, deep, thoughtful statement:lol:
Well, you can go to Singapore, Costa Rica, and many other countries that have excellant doctors and facilities. These same countries have universal health care, also.

The level of ignorance demonstrated by those opposing fixing our broken health care system is truly amazing. Virtually all the nations with universal health care have better longevity and infant mortality stats than we do, yet they continue to insist ours is a better system. And we pay nearly twice as much per capita, and fail to cover tens of millions of our citizens.

Rocks tell the truth once in a while.....no one is against fixing our system,as you always mention,they are against the current plan to "fix it"....70-80% of the people in this country agree that the System needs to be reformed....they just dont like the reform being offered....
"Comparative Effectiveness Center" in Reconciliation bill - oh you mean rationing

Tip: HotAir

Page 1557 has the Comparative Effectiveness Center:


(1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall establish within the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality a Center for Comparative Effectiveness Research (in this section referred to as the ‘Center’) to conduct, support, and synthesize research (including research conducted or supported under section 1013 of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003) with respect to the outcomes, effectiveness, and appropriateness of health care services and procedures in order to identify the manner in which diseases, disorders, and other health conditions can most effectively and appropriately be prevented, diagnosed, treated, and managed clinically.

(i) DIVERSE REPRESENTATION OF PERSPECTIVES.—The members of the Commission shall represent a broad range of perspectives and shall collectively have experience in the following areas:

(I) Epidemiology.
(II) Health services research.
(III) Bioethics.
(IV) Decision sciences.
(V) Health disparities.
(VI) Economics.

What is “comparative effectiveness”? It’s a system of rationing scarce resources, and it has everything to do with economics.

Oh of course, Professor Altman in front of the Senate Finance Committee hearings on health-care reform summed it up well:

YouTube - Health Policy Professor Discusses The 'Cost-Benefit' Of Elderly Recieving Federal Healthcare


I believe that our Most Great Leader, Papa Obama said it best when it comes to health care rationing and saving money- "take a pill"

YouTube - Obama to Jane Sturm: Hey, take a pill


A possible way the Comparative Effectiveness Center [Death Panels} might work ?

You DO realize how stupid you look when you post the actual language of the bill and STILL try to make shit up that fits your agenda, right?:cuckoo:
A mess of Social Security? No way. It is one of the most successful programs ever. And it will continue.

It was government, here and abroad, that had to bail out private business due to overweening greed and stupidity of the businessmen. Unfettered capitalism is a curse, and a one way street back to feudalism. Even Smith saw the neccessity of regulations on businesses for the protection of the public.

Talk to me in 20 years

Those must be good drugs they are giving you
"Comparative Effectiveness Center" in Reconciliation bill - oh you mean rationing

Tip: HotAir

Page 1557 has the Comparative Effectiveness Center:


(1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall establish within the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality a Center for Comparative Effectiveness Research (in this section referred to as the ‘Center’) to conduct, support, and synthesize research (including research conducted or supported under section 1013 of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003) with respect to the outcomes, effectiveness, and appropriateness of health care services and procedures in order to identify the manner in which diseases, disorders, and other health conditions can most effectively and appropriately be prevented, diagnosed, treated, and managed clinically.

(i) DIVERSE REPRESENTATION OF PERSPECTIVES.—The members of the Commission shall represent a broad range of perspectives and shall collectively have experience in the following areas:

(I) Epidemiology.
(II) Health services research.
(III) Bioethics.
(IV) Decision sciences.
(V) Health disparities.
(VI) Economics.

What is “comparative effectiveness”? It’s a system of rationing scarce resources, and it has everything to do with economics.

Oh of course, Professor Altman in front of the Senate Finance Committee hearings on health-care reform summed it up well:

YouTube - Health Policy Professor Discusses The 'Cost-Benefit' Of Elderly Recieving Federal Healthcare


I believe that our Most Great Leader, Papa Obama said it best when it comes to health care rationing and saving money- "take a pill"

YouTube - Obama to Jane Sturm: Hey, take a pill


A possible way the Comparative Effectiveness Center [Death Panels} might work ?

You DO realize how stupid you look when you post the actual language of the bill and STILL try to make shit up that fits your agenda, right?:cuckoo:

Strange, I think the same about you
Funny how that works

You DO realize how stupid you look when you read the actual language of the bill and STILL try to deny and make up shit that fits your agenda, right?:cuckoo:

Truth is the worst enemy of the left

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