Compare the "Hope and Change" campaign of '08 to Obama's dirty tactics campaign now


Silver Member
Mar 2, 2012
What a difference !
In '08 it was a very upbeat campaign, with all the bells and whistles of a positive message and the dreams of millions of Americans.
With Americans sick of the wars, and of Bush, the campaign was reminiscent of the Berlin Wall coming down.
Now don't get me wrong, I knew the poison that Obama wanted in his version of transforming America, but with Obama's newness and Americans hungry for change it's easy to see how he won against an old white male.

Fast forward to today, and we see a dramatic change in the Obama campaign.
This now is nothing more than a poisonous run to destroy the character of a good man.
A man that has lived out the American Dream to it's fullest.
We now have Obama and the rest of the Gimmecrat party, attempting to make the American Dream, where a person can (could) go just about as far as their hard work can (could) take them, look evil. Capitalism is what has always made this country so wonderfully great. Today's Dems led by this evil man, want you to believe that capitalism is evil, and therefore Romney is one of the evilest of all.

We know that Obama has to attempt to take the minds of Americans off of his god awful economy, but we didn't know he would become such a snake.
We are still 3 months away from the election and Obama is already running a really dirty campaign. He uses personal attacks on Romney because his record is so bad. Obama is a not a nice person like some people think. He is a ruthless politicians who will do anything to win!
you people are fucking crazy.

Dirty is when you LIE about where someone is born or TRASH a military heros service for poltical gain.
What a difference !
In '08 it was a very upbeat campaign, with all the bells and whistles of a positive message and the dreams of millions of Americans.
With Americans sick of the wars, and of Bush, the campaign was reminiscent of the Berlin Wall coming down.
Now don't get me wrong, I knew the poison that Obama wanted in his version of transforming America, but with Obama's newness and Americans hungry for change it's easy to see how he won against an old white male.

Fast forward to today, and we see a dramatic change in the Obama campaign.
This now is nothing more than a poisonous run to destroy the character of a good man.
A man that has lived out the American Dream to it's fullest.
We now have Obama and the rest of the Gimmecrat party, attempting to make the American Dream, where a person can (could) go just about as far as their hard work can (could) take them, look evil. Capitalism is what has always made this country so wonderfully great. Today's Dems led by this evil man, want you to believe that capitalism is evil, and therefore Romney is one of the evilest of all.

We know that Obama has to attempt to take the minds of Americans off of his god awful economy, but we didn't know he would become such a snake.
The difference is that in 08, he had no record to run on and was counting on the race vote.

Today, he is a failed president, with a ruined economy and a worthless economic policy, and the race vote is deserting him in droves over his......evolution.
yeah and that is why wages are growing along with job openings and your guy is tanking in the polls
Robmoney made his money from inheritance and being a corporat raider.

your party is lame as hell for running a corporate raider who refuses to fill out his application for the job
Robmoney has been on EVERY side of EVERY issue in the last few years.

flippity floppity
What a difference !
In '08 it was a very upbeat campaign, with all the bells and whistles of a positive message and the dreams of millions of Americans.
With Americans sick of the wars, and of Bush, the campaign was reminiscent of the Berlin Wall coming down.
Now don't get me wrong, I knew the poison that Obama wanted in his version of transforming America, but with Obama's newness and Americans hungry for change it's easy to see how he won against an old white male.

Fast forward to today, and we see a dramatic change in the Obama campaign.
This now is nothing more than a poisonous run to destroy the character of a good man.
A man that has lived out the American Dream to it's fullest.
We now have Obama and the rest of the Gimmecrat party, attempting to make the American Dream, where a person can (could) go just about as far as their hard work can (could) take them, look evil. Capitalism is what has always made this country so wonderfully great. Today's Dems led by this evil man, want you to believe that capitalism is evil, and therefore Romney is one of the evilest of all.

We know that Obama has to attempt to take the minds of Americans off of his god awful economy, but we didn't know he would become such a snake.
The difference is that in 08, he had no record to run on and was counting on the race vote.

Today, he is a failed president, with a ruined economy and a worthless economic policy, and the race vote is deserting him in droves over his......evolution.

It's true, he has to change the subject, but doing it like this, how disgusting.
What a difference !
In '08 it was a very upbeat campaign, with all the bells and whistles of a positive message and the dreams of millions of Americans.
With Americans sick of the wars, and of Bush, the campaign was reminiscent of the Berlin Wall coming down.
Now don't get me wrong, I knew the poison that Obama wanted in his version of transforming America, but with Obama's newness and Americans hungry for change it's easy to see how he won against an old white male.

Fast forward to today, and we see a dramatic change in the Obama campaign.
This now is nothing more than a poisonous run to destroy the character of a good man.
A man that has lived out the American Dream to it's fullest.
We now have Obama and the rest of the Gimmecrat party, attempting to make the American Dream, where a person can (could) go just about as far as their hard work can (could) take them, look evil. Capitalism is what has always made this country so wonderfully great. Today's Dems led by this evil man, want you to believe that capitalism is evil, and therefore Romney is one of the evilest of all.

We know that Obama has to attempt to take the minds of Americans off of his god awful economy, but we didn't know he would become such a snake.
The difference is that in 08, he had no record to run on and was counting on the race vote.

Today, he is a failed president, with a ruined economy and a worthless economic policy, and the race vote is deserting him in droves over his......evolution.

It's true, he has to change the subject, but doing it like this, how disgusting.
Yes, but expected. Look at who his mentors have been? A demented priest and a domestic terrorist. What did you really expect?
What a difference !
In '08 it was a very upbeat campaign, with all the bells and whistles of a positive message and the dreams of millions of Americans.
With Americans sick of the wars, and of Bush, the campaign was reminiscent of the Berlin Wall coming down.
Now don't get me wrong, I knew the poison that Obama wanted in his version of transforming America, but with Obama's newness and Americans hungry for change it's easy to see how he won against an old white male.

Fast forward to today, and we see a dramatic change in the Obama campaign.
This now is nothing more than a poisonous run to destroy the character of a good man.
A man that has lived out the American Dream to it's fullest.
We now have Obama and the rest of the Gimmecrat party, attempting to make the American Dream, where a person can (could) go just about as far as their hard work can (could) take them, look evil. Capitalism is what has always made this country so wonderfully great. Today's Dems led by this evil man, want you to believe that capitalism is evil, and therefore Romney is one of the evilest of all.

We know that Obama has to attempt to take the minds of Americans off of his god awful economy, but we didn't know he would become such a snake.

poor deramged baby....


Night and day between 08 and today.

In 08, Obama wanted to talk about issues and not distracted by BS.

Today, it's Obama's last election. He can't run on issues because he failed. So all he can do is distract with BS, lies, and smear. It's a typical Chicago politics campaign.

Romney is running a much classier campaign. Romneys campaign is presidential.
If I was a Democrat, I'd be too embarrassed to put a Obama 2012 sticker on my Prius because I wouldnt want people to think I was a slime ball like that whole campaign is.
Night and day between 08 and today.

In 08, Obama wanted to talk about issues and not distracted by BS.

Today, it's Obama's last election. He can't run on issues because he failed. So all he can do is distract with BS, lies, and smear. It's a typical Chicago politics campaign.

Romney is running a much classier campaign. Romneys campaign is presidential.

Definitely has Chicago stamped all over it !

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