Compare Trump to FDR

FDR is a piece of shit....

Trump is the sewage treatment plant.....

The world will be a bttter place after Trump does his job......

Yes but Dims will go to their graves defending the honor of FDR cuz he introduced positive rights that led to our current nanny state.

Interestingly, Hitler did the same.
Hitler came to power using racial and religious hatred. Interestingly, Trump did the same.

Trump did not. The media did that. The media is full of hate, bitterness, rage, and division.
FDR is a piece of shit....

Trump is the sewage treatment plant.....

The world will be a bttter place after Trump does his job......

Yes but Dims will go to their graves defending the honor of FDR cuz he introduced positive rights that led to our current nanny state.

Interestingly, Hitler did the same.
Hitler came to power using racial and religious hatred. Interestingly, Trump did the same.

You're an idiot

Trump merely stated what everyone was thinking, which was that the border needed to be secure. Then half wits like you ran with it saying that Trump was a racist for not wanting Mexicans in the US. Then you used pictures of children in cages that was taken during Obama's Presidency to try and bash him with it politically.

As far as religious hatred, there is not a religious bone in the man's body. You clearly are either a dim witted fool or a partisan hack, either way you are not worth talking to.
Take a deep breath lefties. FDR served almost four freaking terms. Trump hasn't even been in office for four weeks.
Two years in he’s acting like fdr only he’s locking up asylum seekers and separating them from there kids

FDR put actual japanese american citizens in internment camps. You're embarrassing yourself. Trump has done none of such thing. The thing is....the libs know this and twist and contort, trying to whitewash their egregious actions from decades ago ie japanese internment camps, slavery, and segregation. Its appalling and horrific.
And trump would have no problem putting actual Muslim Americans in camps if he had to and you would defend it even if only a few Muslim Americans went postal.
Leave the Muslims alone and focus on our real enemy. The NRA aka Nation`s Real Assholes.
So now that the left is convinced that Hitler has taken over the White House, let's compare Trump to their idol FDR.

So you say you don't like Trumps temporary ban on immigration when it comes to the 7 most terrorist ridden countries in the world? Compare this to FDR. The U.S. immigration system severely limited the number of German Jews admitted during the Nazi years to about 26,000 annually — but even that quota was less than 25% filled during most of the Hitler era, because the Roosevelt administration piled on so many extra requirements for would-be immigrants.

FDR was also hard on the black population.
The Wagner Act (1935) harmed blacks by making labor union monopolies legal. Economists Thomas E. Hall and J. David Ferguson explained: “By encouraging unionization, the Wagner Act raised the number of insiders (those with jobs) who had the incentive and ability to exclude outsiders (those without jobs). Once high wages have been negotiated, employers are less likely to hire outsiders, and thus the insiders could protect their own interest.”

By giving labor unions the monopoly power to exclusively represent employees in a workplace, the Wagner Act had the effect of excluding blacks, since the dominant unions discriminated against blacks. The Wagner Act had originally been drafted with a provision prohibiting racial discrimination. But the American Federation of Labor successfully lobbied against it, and it was dropped. AFL unions used their new power, granted by the Wagner Act, to exclude blacks on a large scale. Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. DuBois, and Marcus Garvey were all critical of compulsory unionism

You say Trump is a racist? How about FDR locking up Japanese Americans simply because they had slanty eyes. German Americans were left alone. No doubt, FDR would have hated Trump cuz he is orange, an color which is an obvious sign that he is genetically inferior.

So the next time a vacuous Dim comes up to you and starts railing against Trump, feed them full of these facts. Just be prepared to be shouted down or have your car torched cuz that's all Dims are capable of doing in response.
Wow, we are living in the 1930's..Who knew?
How does any of that absolve Trump? It's a strawman argument that belongs in 'History', not 'Politics'.

By pointing out that Liberals are hypocritical assholes.

In the 1930s and 1940s the Liberals that supported FDR rationalized his racist actions.

The only reason Liberals now are against the flood of Beaners is that they know Illegals are the only hope for the Democrat Party. They need the future voters.
Take a deep breath lefties. FDR served almost four freaking terms. Trump hasn't even been in office for four weeks.
Two years in he’s acting like fdr only he’s locking up asylum seekers and separating them from there kids

FDR put actual japanese american citizens in internment camps. You're embarrassing yourself. Trump has done none of such thing. The thing is....the libs know this and twist and contort, trying to whitewash their egregious actions from decades ago ie japanese internment camps, slavery, and segregation. Its appalling and horrific.
And trump would have no problem putting actual Muslim Americans in camps if he had to and you would defend it even if only a few Muslim Americans went postal.

That's a hypothetical. FDR actually DID put citizens in camps.
Thanks for pointing out the differences. Now do you see the similarities? If not, you should listen to a man who was in those Jap Am concentration camps because he does. He also sees the differences between what he went through and what the kids today are going through

George Takei: At least during my internment, I was not taken from my parents - CNNPolitics

At least during my internment, I was not taken from my parents

Take a deep breath lefties. FDR served almost four freaking terms. Trump hasn't even been in office for four weeks.
Two years in he’s acting like fdr only he’s locking up asylum seekers and separating them from there kids

FDR put actual japanese american citizens in internment camps. You're embarrassing yourself. Trump has done none of such thing. The thing is....the libs know this and twist and contort, trying to whitewash their egregious actions from decades ago ie japanese internment camps, slavery, and segregation. Its appalling and horrific.
Former jap am survivors see the similarities.

Is it ok to be cruel to non Americans?

No one is being cruel to illegals trying to escape into this county. You're just regurgitating liberal talking points that are non truths.


When Antar Davidson was ordered to separate two brothers and a sister tightly hugging each other, he realized his time as a youth care worker at an Arizona immigrant children's shelter was coming to an end.

"I was told that they should not be able to hug," said Davidson, "and (I) basically realized that being in Southwest Key would mean -- continuing to remain there, despite the good I was doing -- would mean that I had basically come up to doing things I felt were morally wrong."
Davidson spoke out Monday night and Tuesday morning with CNN about his former job at Southwest Key, a non-profit group that runs 26 immigrant children's shelters across Texas, Arizona and California.
The former shelter employee explained how the job sharply changed after the Trump administration began its zero-tolerance policy toward illegal immigrant crossings. The new policy has had the immediate effect of separating parents from their children with an unclear processfor getting them back together.

Davidson revealed one particular incident that he found especially disturbing. When three Brazilian migrant siblings (ages 6, 10, and 16) arrived at the shelter, a coworker reportedly instructed: "Tell them they can't hug." According to Davidson, the siblings were "huddled together, tears streaming down their faces," after being taken from their parents at the U.S. border. The children had been under the impression that their parents were dead, after another official reportedly told them they were "lost." Davidson remembers thinking as he watched them cry: "This is not healthy."
Take a deep breath lefties. FDR served almost four freaking terms. Trump hasn't even been in office for four weeks.
Two years in he’s acting like fdr only he’s locking up asylum seekers and separating them from there kids

FDR put actual japanese american citizens in internment camps. You're embarrassing yourself. Trump has done none of such thing. The thing is....the libs know this and twist and contort, trying to whitewash their egregious actions from decades ago ie japanese internment camps, slavery, and segregation. Its appalling and horrific.
Former jap am survivors see the similarities.

Is it ok to be cruel to non Americans?

No one is being cruel to illegals trying to escape into this county. You're just regurgitating liberal talking points that are non truths.

You don't understand that taking toys away from children who've been separated from their parents is cruel?

Kids Taken From Their Parents At The Border Get Their Toys Confiscated Too
Customs and Border Protection agents take away essentially all possessions carried by undocumented immigrants. It’s not clear if they ever get them back.

It's also not clear why they do this. Can you tell us why? And you don't think this is cruel? Of course not because your a con trumpbot
FDR is a piece of shit....

Trump is the sewage treatment plant.....

The world will be a bttter place after Trump does his job......

After FDR left, we had a New Deal and Social Security -- he also issued Executive Order 8802, which created the Fair Employment Practices Committee (FEPC). It was the most important federal move in support of the rights of African Americans between Reconstruction and the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Take a deep breath lefties. FDR served almost four freaking terms. Trump hasn't even been in office for four weeks.
Two years in he’s acting like fdr only he’s locking up asylum seekers and separating them from there kids

FDR put actual japanese american citizens in internment camps. You're embarrassing yourself. Trump has done none of such thing. The thing is....the libs know this and twist and contort, trying to whitewash their egregious actions from decades ago ie japanese internment camps, slavery, and segregation. Its appalling and horrific.
And trump would have no problem putting actual Muslim Americans in camps if he had to and you would defend it even if only a few Muslim Americans went postal.

That's a hypothetical. FDR actually DID put citizens in camps.
Thanks for pointing out the differences. Now do you see the similarities? If not, you should listen to a man who was in those Jap Am concentration camps because he does. He also sees the differences between what he went through and what the kids today are going through

George Takei: At least during my internment, I was not taken from my parents - CNNPolitics

At least during my internment, I was not taken from my parents

I actually know someone who was placed in the camps.
Take a deep breath lefties. FDR served almost four freaking terms. Trump hasn't even been in office for four weeks.
Two years in he’s acting like fdr only he’s locking up asylum seekers and separating them from there kids

FDR put actual japanese american citizens in internment camps. You're embarrassing yourself. Trump has done none of such thing. The thing is....the libs know this and twist and contort, trying to whitewash their egregious actions from decades ago ie japanese internment camps, slavery, and segregation. Its appalling and horrific.
Former jap am survivors see the similarities.

Is it ok to be cruel to non Americans?

No one is being cruel to illegals trying to escape into this county. You're just regurgitating liberal talking points that are non truths.


When Antar Davidson was ordered to separate two brothers and a sister tightly hugging each other, he realized his time as a youth care worker at an Arizona immigrant children's shelter was coming to an end.

"I was told that they should not be able to hug," said Davidson, "and (I) basically realized that being in Southwest Key would mean -- continuing to remain there, despite the good I was doing -- would mean that I had basically come up to doing things I felt were morally wrong."
Davidson spoke out Monday night and Tuesday morning with CNN about his former job at Southwest Key, a non-profit group that runs 26 immigrant children's shelters across Texas, Arizona and California.
The former shelter employee explained how the job sharply changed after the Trump administration began its zero-tolerance policy toward illegal immigrant crossings. The new policy has had the immediate effect of separating parents from their children with an unclear processfor getting them back together.

Davidson revealed one particular incident that he found especially disturbing. When three Brazilian migrant siblings (ages 6, 10, and 16) arrived at the shelter, a coworker reportedly instructed: "Tell them they can't hug." According to Davidson, the siblings were "huddled together, tears streaming down their faces," after being taken from their parents at the U.S. border. The children had been under the impression that their parents were dead, after another official reportedly told them they were "lost." Davidson remembers thinking as he watched them cry: "This is not healthy."

Bull true. Your sob story doesn't work. O was already doing this. Quit lying. These were pics under you glorious leader O. Spare us your righteous indignation. It falls on deaf ears.

Here Are The Photos Of Obama’s Illegal Immigrant Detention Facilities The Media Won’t Show You
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Take a deep breath lefties. FDR served almost four freaking terms. Trump hasn't even been in office for four weeks.
Two years in he’s acting like fdr only he’s locking up asylum seekers and separating them from there kids

FDR put actual japanese american citizens in internment camps. You're embarrassing yourself. Trump has done none of such thing. The thing is....the libs know this and twist and contort, trying to whitewash their egregious actions from decades ago ie japanese internment camps, slavery, and segregation. Its appalling and horrific.
Former jap am survivors see the similarities.

Is it ok to be cruel to non Americans?

No one is being cruel to illegals trying to escape into this county. You're just regurgitating liberal talking points that are non truths.

You don't understand that taking toys away from children who've been separated from their parents is cruel?

Kids Taken From Their Parents At The Border Get Their Toys Confiscated Too
Customs and Border Protection agents take away essentially all possessions carried by undocumented immigrants. It’s not clear if they ever get them back.

It's also not clear why they do this. Can you tell us why? And you don't think this is cruel? Of course not because your a con trumpbot

O was already doing this yet not a PEEP from libs.
FDR is a piece of shit....

Trump is the sewage treatment plant.....

The world will be a bttter place after Trump does his job......

Yes but Dims will go to their graves defending the honor of FDR cuz he introduced positive rights that led to our current nanny state.

Interestingly, Hitler did the same.
Hitler came to power using racial and religious hatred. Interestingly, Trump did the same.

You're an idiot

Trump merely stated what everyone was thinking, which was that the border needed to be secure. Then half wits like you ran with it saying that Trump was a racist for not wanting Mexicans in the US. Then you used pictures of children in cages that was taken during Obama's Presidency to try and bash him with it politically.

As far as religious hatred, there is not a religious bone in the man's body. You clearly are either a dim witted fool or a partisan hack, either way you are not worth talking to.
Two thirds of America disagreed with Trump.
Two years in he’s acting like fdr only he’s locking up asylum seekers and separating them from there kids

FDR put actual japanese american citizens in internment camps. You're embarrassing yourself. Trump has done none of such thing. The thing is....the libs know this and twist and contort, trying to whitewash their egregious actions from decades ago ie japanese internment camps, slavery, and segregation. Its appalling and horrific.
And trump would have no problem putting actual Muslim Americans in camps if he had to and you would defend it even if only a few Muslim Americans went postal.

That's a hypothetical. FDR actually DID put citizens in camps.
Thanks for pointing out the differences. Now do you see the similarities? If not, you should listen to a man who was in those Jap Am concentration camps because he does. He also sees the differences between what he went through and what the kids today are going through

George Takei: At least during my internment, I was not taken from my parents - CNNPolitics

At least during my internment, I was not taken from my parents

I actually know someone who was placed in the camps.
So do I

'Star Trek' star George Takei says US family separation policy is worse than Japanese internment camps

Now you can say you know someone and what they tell you but I can show you what George says so you know I'm not making it up.
Two years in he’s acting like fdr only he’s locking up asylum seekers and separating them from there kids

FDR put actual japanese american citizens in internment camps. You're embarrassing yourself. Trump has done none of such thing. The thing is....the libs know this and twist and contort, trying to whitewash their egregious actions from decades ago ie japanese internment camps, slavery, and segregation. Its appalling and horrific.
Former jap am survivors see the similarities.

Is it ok to be cruel to non Americans?

No one is being cruel to illegals trying to escape into this county. You're just regurgitating liberal talking points that are non truths.

You don't understand that taking toys away from children who've been separated from their parents is cruel?

Kids Taken From Their Parents At The Border Get Their Toys Confiscated Too
Customs and Border Protection agents take away essentially all possessions carried by undocumented immigrants. It’s not clear if they ever get them back.

It's also not clear why they do this. Can you tell us why? And you don't think this is cruel? Of course not because your a con trumpbot

O was already doing this yet not a PEEP from libs.
Nonsense. This is much different. If you could read you'd see how and why what's going on today is very very much different.

But this is typical Republican bullshit. Blame the Democrats when you're fucking up.
FDR put actual japanese american citizens in internment camps. You're embarrassing yourself. Trump has done none of such thing. The thing is....the libs know this and twist and contort, trying to whitewash their egregious actions from decades ago ie japanese internment camps, slavery, and segregation. Its appalling and horrific.
Former jap am survivors see the similarities.

Is it ok to be cruel to non Americans?

No one is being cruel to illegals trying to escape into this county. You're just regurgitating liberal talking points that are non truths.

You don't understand that taking toys away from children who've been separated from their parents is cruel?

Kids Taken From Their Parents At The Border Get Their Toys Confiscated Too
Customs and Border Protection agents take away essentially all possessions carried by undocumented immigrants. It’s not clear if they ever get them back.

It's also not clear why they do this. Can you tell us why? And you don't think this is cruel? Of course not because your a con trumpbot

O was already doing this yet not a PEEP from libs.
Nonsense. This is much different. If you could read you'd see how and why what's going on today is very very much different.

But this is typical Republican bullshit. Blame the Democrats when you're fucking up.

Nope, not different at all. This is what dems did.
Former jap am survivors see the similarities.

Is it ok to be cruel to non Americans?

No one is being cruel to illegals trying to escape into this county. You're just regurgitating liberal talking points that are non truths.

You don't understand that taking toys away from children who've been separated from their parents is cruel?

Kids Taken From Their Parents At The Border Get Their Toys Confiscated Too
Customs and Border Protection agents take away essentially all possessions carried by undocumented immigrants. It’s not clear if they ever get them back.

It's also not clear why they do this. Can you tell us why? And you don't think this is cruel? Of course not because your a con trumpbot

O was already doing this yet not a PEEP from libs.
Nonsense. This is much different. If you could read you'd see how and why what's going on today is very very much different.

But this is typical Republican bullshit. Blame the Democrats when you're fucking up.

Nope, not different at all. This is what dems did.
As usual conservatives, from both parties at that time, were behind this. And actually protected Japanese Americans from typical racist conservative and right wing mob violence...
No one is being cruel to illegals trying to escape into this county. You're just regurgitating liberal talking points that are non truths.

You don't understand that taking toys away from children who've been separated from their parents is cruel?

Kids Taken From Their Parents At The Border Get Their Toys Confiscated Too
Customs and Border Protection agents take away essentially all possessions carried by undocumented immigrants. It’s not clear if they ever get them back.

It's also not clear why they do this. Can you tell us why? And you don't think this is cruel? Of course not because your a con trumpbot

O was already doing this yet not a PEEP from libs.
Nonsense. This is much different. If you could read you'd see how and why what's going on today is very very much different.

But this is typical Republican bullshit. Blame the Democrats when you're fucking up.

Nope, not different at all. This is what dems did.
As usual conservatives, from both parties at that time, were behind this. And actually protected Japanese Americans from typical racist conservative and right wing mob violence...

Dems had complete controll of congress and the presidency.
So now that the left is convinced that Hitler has taken over the White House, let's compare Trump to their idol FDR.

So you say you don't like Trumps temporary ban on immigration when it comes to the 7 most terrorist ridden countries in the world? Compare this to FDR. The U.S. immigration system severely limited the number of German Jews admitted during the Nazi years to about 26,000 annually — but even that quota was less than 25% filled during most of the Hitler era, because the Roosevelt administration piled on so many extra requirements for would-be immigrants.

FDR was also hard on the black population.
The Wagner Act (1935) harmed blacks by making labor union monopolies legal. Economists Thomas E. Hall and J. David Ferguson explained: “By encouraging unionization, the Wagner Act raised the number of insiders (those with jobs) who had the incentive and ability to exclude outsiders (those without jobs). Once high wages have been negotiated, employers are less likely to hire outsiders, and thus the insiders could protect their own interest.”

By giving labor unions the monopoly power to exclusively represent employees in a workplace, the Wagner Act had the effect of excluding blacks, since the dominant unions discriminated against blacks. The Wagner Act had originally been drafted with a provision prohibiting racial discrimination. But the American Federation of Labor successfully lobbied against it, and it was dropped. AFL unions used their new power, granted by the Wagner Act, to exclude blacks on a large scale. Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. DuBois, and Marcus Garvey were all critical of compulsory unionism

You say Trump is a racist? How about FDR locking up Japanese Americans simply because they had slanty eyes. German Americans were left alone. No doubt, FDR would have hated Trump cuz he is orange, an color which is an obvious sign that he is genetically inferior.

So the next time a vacuous Dim comes up to you and starts railing against Trump, feed them full of these facts. Just be prepared to be shouted down or have your car torched cuz that's all Dims are capable of doing in response.

Trump is a much better POTUS than FDR was.

In fact FDR was a lousy peace time POTUS. He was much better as a war POTUS.

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