Compared to capitalism, what has socialism and communism ever produced or manufactured?

Or to a far greater degree, Obama who you worship as a literal god....

You're projecting. That's how Republicans/Trumpers look at Trump. I do NOT see politicians that way. Ever.

BTW, most of us don't really like Trump, but we like his agenda and accomplishments.

You fuckers defend him like he was your 3 yr old child (which in many ways he is) and his agenda is no better than his personality. His accomplishments are nil.
We’ve had career politicians as president for decades and decades, What do we have to show for it... failure
What do we have to show for electing a reality TV host?

You may consider him a failure the nation in general is doing well

Unlike any socialist state.
Clinging to the lie that Nazism is somehow different than the Stalinism they follow is vital to the Communists. In fact, the governments of Hitler and Stalin were virtually identical, as will the the government that democrats impose on an enslaved America should they gain enough power.
They were quite different: read up on the subject.

But fast-forward today, Trump now thinks he's in germany 80 years ago.

You didn't bother to read what you cited, the Wiki article confirms what I said - you Stalinists are identical to Nazis.

Let's looks at Nazis with you democrat Stalinists?

Violent hatred of non-party members?

Concentration Camps?

Violent suppression of opposition ideas?

Use of Brown Shirt type thugs?

Oppression of religion?


Violent oppression of free speech?

Newspeak is an utterly useless Bolshevik hate rag. I don't bother with them or ThinkProgress.
by that standard, we have concentration camps in USA now also.

Major failage, hillbilly. You somehow managed to leave out Presidents Adams, Polk, Lincoln, Cleveland, Wilson, FDR, JFK, and Nixon, all of whom kept the press on a short leash.

Your Russian-style Politburo propaganda bullshit is exactly what it is: Russian-style Politburo propaganda bullshit.

Obama imprisoned more reporters than all other Presidents combined. This includes Bush (3) and Lincoln (5).
the right wing was in outright virtual rebellion against the "black guy". Wikileaks also happened. We know now the Russians were involved with that one.
Clinging to the lie that Nazism is somehow different than the Stalinism they follow is vital to the Communists. In fact, the governments of Hitler and Stalin were virtually identical, as will the the government that democrats impose on an enslaved America should they gain enough power.
They were quite different: read up on the subject.

But fast-forward today, Trump now thinks he's in germany 80 years ago.

You didn't bother to read what you cited, the Wiki article confirms what I said - you Stalinists are identical to Nazis.

Let's looks at Nazis with you democrat Stalinists?

Violent hatred of non-party members?

Concentration Camps?

Violent suppression of opposition ideas?

Use of Brown Shirt type thugs?

Oppression of religion?


Violent oppression of free speech?

Newspeak is an utterly useless Bolshevik hate rag. I don't bother with them or ThinkProgress.
by that standard, we have concentration camps in USA now also.

Major failage, hillbilly. You somehow managed to leave out Presidents Adams, Polk, Lincoln, Cleveland, Wilson, FDR, JFK, and Nixon, all of whom kept the press on a short leash.

Your Russian-style Politburo propaganda bullshit is exactly what it is: Russian-style Politburo propaganda bullshit.

Obama imprisoned more reporters than all other Presidents combined. This includes Bush (3) and Lincoln (5).

That's what happens when a community organizer who calls himself a "constitutional scholar does.
Or to a far greater degree, Obama who you worship as a literal god....

You're projecting. That's how Republicans/Trumpers look at Trump. I do NOT see politicians that way. Ever.

BTW, most of us don't really like Trump, but we like his agenda and accomplishments.

You fuckers defend him like he was your 3 yr old child (which in many ways he is) and his agenda is no better than his personality. His accomplishments are nil.
We’ve had career politicians as president for decades and decades, What do we have to show for it... failure
What do we have to show for electing a reality TV host?


Yes, Hillary did lose and the Democrats did fail, but that's beside the point.
our form of socialism is limited by our Constitution.

An public policy constitutes an public Use.

Eminent Domain is Socialism not capitalism.

Property-owners are compensated for their property under eminent domain, which is capitalistic in nature.

Under socialism and communism, private property is not allowed. So the government just takes the property and kills the owners.
Eminent domain is socialism and taking private property for public use. A "public sector means of production".
That is not socialism.
Yes, it is.
No it is not.

You always make up your own definition for socialism and are always proven wrong.

Just grow up boy you are not very smart.
Yes, it is; that Power is available to Government.

Only socialism resorts to Powers.
Or to a far greater degree, Obama who you worship as a literal god....

You're projecting. That's how Republicans/Trumpers look at Trump. I do NOT see politicians that way. Ever.

BTW, most of us don't really like Trump, but we like his agenda and accomplishments.

You fuckers defend him like he was your 3 yr old child (which in many ways he is) and his agenda is no better than his personality. His accomplishments are nil.
We’ve had career politicians as president for decades and decades, What do we have to show for it... failure
What do we have to show for electing a reality TV host?

Only in your opinion. Rural America actually has some hope for once in many, many decades.

There is no doubt Trump is far from an saint, And his personal life was not to be admired, But that was before he became an elected official. While in office his personal life has been drama free. But the part that matters he governs like a conservative… Rural America will never succeed under the thumb of urban America. Under Obama rural America Was dying on the vine just like every other career politician before him.
Most every advancement in technology, medicine, agriculture, transportation, communication, construction, energy and power, etc. this world has ever seen was conceived and developed by countries that practiced a capitalist ideology. Yet many Democrats are pushing socialism, the goal of which is communism as Lenin explained.

So what groundbreaking things have socialism/communism ever contributed to this world, aside from what they stole from capitalist countries?
Poverty, starvation, mass graves and misery are the specialty of socialists. It’s what they import into every nation they get control of.
Basically everyone in the world but Republicans knows that socialists are always Democratic Fair capitalists with a good safety net these days. Check any socialists from developed countries or any Socialist Party in developed countries. Or Bernie or AOC. Brainwashed functional morons.
I see we’re renaming shit again. WTF is fair capitalism? The kind where you can make as much as you want as long as it’s not more than anyone else? Those Venezuela socialists are sure fair capitalisming the hell out of that place. Don’t get me started praising their safety nets I’ll never be able to stop with all that gloriousness.
They were quite different: read up on the subject.

But fast-forward today, Trump now thinks he's in germany 80 years ago.

You didn't bother to read what you cited, the Wiki article confirms what I said - you Stalinists are identical to Nazis.

Let's looks at Nazis with you democrat Stalinists?

Violent hatred of non-party members?

Concentration Camps?

Violent suppression of opposition ideas?

Use of Brown Shirt type thugs?

Oppression of religion?


Violent oppression of free speech?

Newspeak is an utterly useless Bolshevik hate rag. I don't bother with them or ThinkProgress.
by that standard, we have concentration camps in USA now also.

Major failage, hillbilly. You somehow managed to leave out Presidents Adams, Polk, Lincoln, Cleveland, Wilson, FDR, JFK, and Nixon, all of whom kept the press on a short leash.

Your Russian-style Politburo propaganda bullshit is exactly what it is: Russian-style Politburo propaganda bullshit.

Obama imprisoned more reporters than all other Presidents combined. This includes Bush (3) and Lincoln (5).
the right wing was in outright virtual rebellion against the "black guy". Wikileaks also happened. We know now the Russians were involved with that one.
Na, not really
Or to a far greater degree, Obama who you worship as a literal god....

You're projecting. That's how Republicans/Trumpers look at Trump. I do NOT see politicians that way. Ever.

BTW, most of us don't really like Trump, but we like his agenda and accomplishments.

You fuckers defend him like he was your 3 yr old child (which in many ways he is) and his agenda is no better than his personality. His accomplishments are nil.
We’ve had career politicians as president for decades and decades, What do we have to show for it... failure
What do we have to show for electing a reality TV host?

Only in your opinion. Rural America actually has some hope for once in many, many decades.

There is no doubt Trump is far from an saint, And his personal life was not to be admired, But that was before he became an elected official. While in office his personal life has been drama free. But the part that matters he governs like a conservative… Rural America will never succeed under the thumb of urban America. Under Obama rural America Was dying on the vine just like every other career politician before him.
I understand that you want to pit rural against state against blue

But Trump is screwing all of us.

Check out the Governor of South Dakota.

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem said Friday that President Donald Trump’s trade wars have “devastated” her state, and though she agreed that countries like China were not following fair trade practices, she urged the Trump administration to quickly wrap up its trade talks there.

“South Dakota has been devastated by the trade wars that are going on,” Noem said at POLITICO’s State Solutions Conference, noting that agriculture is “by far” the largest industry in the state. The Republican governor warned that the trade woes of farmers can trickle down to the rest of the state, impacting “every main street business, everybody that has another entity out there that relies on a successful ag industry.”
I am not here to defend communism which is a dictatorship that owns all business and industry. A failure.

Socialism is no longer looked at as USSR communism since it was discovered that there was absolutely no democracy involved. After World War II socialism has meant fairc capitalismwith a good safety net and always democratic, except in Cold War conservative propaganda more and more.

Today socialism has given us all modern countries except the United States,and probably the final solution to man's government problems. When we get Healthcare we will be socialist, barely...."We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when Obamacare passed.

The ONLY reason you are here is to promote and defend Communism.
That's ridiculous, communism is a dictatorship--socialism is always democratic, just like in every modern Nation but us. Welcome to the 21st century.


You should take an introductory history class. I'm sure there is night school near you that offers remedial courses.

Capitalism - the means of production rests in the hands of the people. The role of government is to settle disputes and torts using a system of justices, typically courts.

Socialism - the means of production is entirely controlled by government. The state or king may and usually does appoint overseers for various lands and industries. (Feudalism differs from other socialism only in that is agrarian in nature). The state gives to people as the state sees fit. All assets including the people are the property of the rulers.

Communism - There is no government. This is a Utopian society where all things are open to all. Production is done because people want to produce. Marx based much of his ideal of Communism on descriptions of Aborigine Tribal structure by Charles Darwin. What Marx failed to grasp or mention is that the lives of the Aborigines were short and brutal. That the tribes existed in a perpetual state of near starvation. The fairy tale of communism has never existed, nor will it ever exist.
So. I think we can all agree one one thing: If socialism and communism ever produced or manufactured anything, it's propaganda. It has a long history of trying to convince the rest of the world that it is capable of working successfully, even though it very seldom does.

Socialism and communism has manufactured a shit-ton of propaganda as well as the network with which to spread that propaganda, including useful idiots, tools, stooges, trolls, and bots, liberal academia, the media, the arts, and so on.

What communism and socialism has created is the lie that "we would all be happier" under communism and socialism, and the liars who spread the lie.
Last edited:
Or to a far greater degree, Obama who you worship as a literal god....

You're projecting. That's how Republicans/Trumpers look at Trump. I do NOT see politicians that way. Ever.

BTW, most of us don't really like Trump, but we like his agenda and accomplishments.

You fuckers defend him like he was your 3 yr old child (which in many ways he is) and his agenda is no better than his personality. His accomplishments are nil.
We’ve had career politicians as president for decades and decades, What do we have to show for it... failure
What do we have to show for electing a reality TV host?

You may consider him a failure the nation in general is doing well

Unlike any socialist state.

What are the socialist states anyway? Other than Venezuela.
Property-owners are compensated for their property under eminent domain, which is capitalistic in nature.

Under socialism and communism, private property is not allowed. So the government just takes the property and kills the owners.
Eminent domain is socialism and taking private property for public use. A "public sector means of production".
That is not socialism.
Yes, it is.
No it is not.

You always make up your own definition for socialism and are always proven wrong.

Just grow up boy you are not very smart.
Yes, it is; that Power is available to Government.

Only socialism resorts to Powers.
We have been down this before.
Any form of government resorts to power.

It is not social power dumbass

You always lose these arguments
What you ignore is that in most cases (the countries forced into communism following WWII being the exception) where communism (not socialism) was because of the FAILURE of unregulated capitalism or systems very like those (Russia)

People didn't just say "Hey let's try this".

Life sucked. Look up serfdom in Russia.

That's not a defense in the's an explanation

So which has been responsible for the deliberate murders of hundreds of millions of people throughout history? Unregulated capitalism, or communism and socialism?

Chose wisely now...

So which has been responsible for the deliberate murders of hundreds of millions of people throughout history? Unregulated capitalism, or communism and socialism?

Chose wisely now...
Capitalism got a head start in mass killing:

"A world war erupted — thanks, in large part, as historians agree, to a "); background-size: 1px 1px; background-position: 0px calc(1em + 1px); font-family: medium-content-serif-font, Georgia, Cambria, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; font-size: 21px; letter-spacing: -0.063px;">global depression.

"But what caused the Great Depression? Capitalism — the speculative frenzy and inequality of the rip-roaring 1920s.

"Capitalism poured the fuel of fascism all over the world, in nations like Germany and Italy, who were heavily indebted by that point, and it only took a handful of demagogues to set the world alight. "); background-size: 1px 1px; background-position: 0px calc(1em + 1px); font-family: medium-content-serif-font, Georgia, Cambria, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; font-size: 21px; letter-spacing: -0.063px;">How many people died in World War II? 25 million — just soldiers. 50 million — including civilians. 80 million — including famine, war crimes, and disease.

"We’re getting into some spectacular numbers, aren’t we? Let’s take the middle one, just for conservatism’s sake. We’re already at about 70 million."

If Communism Killed Millions, How Many Did Capitalism Kill?

Communism has murdered over 5 times as many and at least under capitalism, those people had the opportunity to survive. Unlike communism, which didn't offer their victims a choice.

George is a liar, as all Communists are.

His numbers count Somalia, Liberia, and Angola as "capitalist".

Debate can only happen among honest men. georgephillip is not honest, nor anywhere near honest.
WHat we dan agree on is that your "construct" is bullshit.

We LIVE in a system that is a mix of socialism and capitalism. The question you posed is a strawman.

The real question is how MUCH socialism is the correct amount to mitigate the flaws and excesses of capitalism
What you ignore is that in most cases (the countries forced into communism following WWII being the exception) where communism (not socialism) was because of the FAILURE of unregulated capitalism or systems very like those (Russia)

People didn't just say "Hey let's try this".

Life sucked. Look up serfdom in Russia.

That's not a defense in the's an explanation

So which has been responsible for the deliberate murders of hundreds of millions of people throughout history? Unregulated capitalism, or communism and socialism?

Chose wisely now...

So which has been responsible for the deliberate murders of hundreds of millions of people throughout history? Unregulated capitalism, or communism and socialism?

Chose wisely now...
Capitalism got a head start in mass killing:

"A world war erupted — thanks, in large part, as historians agree, to a "); background-size: 1px 1px; background-position: 0px calc(1em + 1px); font-family: medium-content-serif-font, Georgia, Cambria, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; font-size: 21px; letter-spacing: -0.063px;">global depression.

"But what caused the Great Depression? Capitalism — the speculative frenzy and inequality of the rip-roaring 1920s.

"Capitalism poured the fuel of fascism all over the world, in nations like Germany and Italy, who were heavily indebted by that point, and it only took a handful of demagogues to set the world alight. "); background-size: 1px 1px; background-position: 0px calc(1em + 1px); font-family: medium-content-serif-font, Georgia, Cambria, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; font-size: 21px; letter-spacing: -0.063px;">How many people died in World War II? 25 million — just soldiers. 50 million — including civilians. 80 million — including famine, war crimes, and disease.

"We’re getting into some spectacular numbers, aren’t we? Let’s take the middle one, just for conservatism’s sake. We’re already at about 70 million."

If Communism Killed Millions, How Many Did Capitalism Kill?

Communism has murdered over 5 times as many and at least under capitalism, those people had the opportunity to survive. Unlike communism, which didn't offer their victims a choice.

George is a liar, as all Communists are.

His numbers count Somalia, Liberia, and Angola as "capitalist".

Debate can only happen among honest men. georgephillip is not honest, nor anywhere near honest.

The products of socialism and communism usually stick out like a sore thumb. They don't even try to hide it any more.

The products of socialism and communism are the walking dead. Even though they walk the earth and talk, they are as dead inside as the hundreds of millions of other victims of communism and socialism.
What you ignore is that in most cases (the countries forced into communism following WWII being the exception) where communism (not socialism) was because of the FAILURE of unregulated capitalism or systems very like those (Russia)

People didn't just say "Hey let's try this".

Life sucked. Look up serfdom in Russia.

That's not a defense in the's an explanation

So which has been responsible for the deliberate murders of hundreds of millions of people throughout history? Unregulated capitalism, or communism and socialism?

Chose wisely now...

So which has been responsible for the deliberate murders of hundreds of millions of people throughout history? Unregulated capitalism, or communism and socialism?

Chose wisely now...
Capitalism got a head start in mass killing:

"A world war erupted — thanks, in large part, as historians agree, to a "); background-size: 1px 1px; background-position: 0px calc(1em + 1px); font-family: medium-content-serif-font, Georgia, Cambria, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; font-size: 21px; letter-spacing: -0.063px;">global depression.

"But what caused the Great Depression? Capitalism — the speculative frenzy and inequality of the rip-roaring 1920s.

"Capitalism poured the fuel of fascism all over the world, in nations like Germany and Italy, who were heavily indebted by that point, and it only took a handful of demagogues to set the world alight. "); background-size: 1px 1px; background-position: 0px calc(1em + 1px); font-family: medium-content-serif-font, Georgia, Cambria, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; font-size: 21px; letter-spacing: -0.063px;">How many people died in World War II? 25 million — just soldiers. 50 million — including civilians. 80 million — including famine, war crimes, and disease.

"We’re getting into some spectacular numbers, aren’t we? Let’s take the middle one, just for conservatism’s sake. We’re already at about 70 million."

If Communism Killed Millions, How Many Did Capitalism Kill?

Communism has murdered over 5 times as many and at least under capitalism, those people had the opportunity to survive. Unlike communism, which didn't offer their victims a choice.

Communism has murdered over 5 times as many and at least under capitalism, those people had the opportunity to survive. Unlike communism, which didn't offer their victims a choice.
German capitalists killed millions of socialists in Russia and Ukraine.

Operation Barbarossa - Wikipedia

"The failure of Operation Barbarossa proved a turning point in the fortunes of the Third Reich.[25]

"Most importantly, the operation opened up the Eastern Front, in which more forces were committed than in any other theater of war in world history.

"The Eastern Front became the site of some of the largest battles, most horrific atrocities, and highest casualties (for Soviet and Axis forces alike), all of which influenced the course of both World War II and the subsequent history of the 20th century.

"The German armies captured 5,000,000 Red Army troops, who were denied the protection guaranteed by the Hague Conventions and the 1929 Geneva Convention.

"A majority of Red Army POWs never returned alive.

"The Nazis deliberately starved to death, or otherwise killed, 3.3 million prisoners of war, as well as a huge number of civilians (through the 'Hunger Plan' which aimed at largely replacing the Slavic population with German settlers).[26]

"Einsatzgruppen death-squads and gassing operations murdered over a million Soviet Jews as part of the Holocaust.[27]"

The National Socialists were "capitalists?" :lmao:

You lying fuck.
Jesus was a champion of the poor, the weak, the meek, and downtrodden. He encouraged his followers to “sell their possessions” and give them to the poor. He hung out with hookers and crooks. The lifestyle of Jesus didn’t look anything like the politics of the Right.

How would you know, Comrade?

Because an Oberfuhrer over at ThinkProgress gave you cartoons?
Most every advancement in technology, medicine, agriculture, transportation, communication, construction, energy and power, etc. this world has ever seen was conceived and developed by countries that practiced a capitalist ideology. Yet many Democrats are pushing socialism, the goal of which is communism as Lenin explained.

So what groundbreaking things have socialism/communism ever contributed to this world, aside from what they stole from capitalist countries?
Poverty, starvation, mass graves and misery are the specialty of socialists. It’s what they import into every nation they get control of.
Basically everyone in the world but Republicans knows that socialists are always Democratic Fair capitalists with a good safety net these days. Check any socialists from developed countries or any Socialist Party in developed countries. Or Bernie or AOC. Brainwashed functional morons.
I see we’re renaming shit again. WTF is fair capitalism? The kind where you can make as much as you want as long as it’s not more than anyone else? Those Venezuela socialists are sure fair capitalisming the hell out of that place. Don’t get me started praising their safety nets I’ll never be able to stop with all that gloriousness.
equal protection of the law regarding the legal concept of employment at will, for unemployment compensation.

and, a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.
You didn't bother to read what you cited, the Wiki article confirms what I said - you Stalinists are identical to Nazis.

Let's looks at Nazis with you democrat Stalinists?

Violent hatred of non-party members?

Concentration Camps?

Violent suppression of opposition ideas?

Use of Brown Shirt type thugs?

Oppression of religion?


Violent oppression of free speech?

Newspeak is an utterly useless Bolshevik hate rag. I don't bother with them or ThinkProgress.
by that standard, we have concentration camps in USA now also.

Major failage, hillbilly. You somehow managed to leave out Presidents Adams, Polk, Lincoln, Cleveland, Wilson, FDR, JFK, and Nixon, all of whom kept the press on a short leash.

Your Russian-style Politburo propaganda bullshit is exactly what it is: Russian-style Politburo propaganda bullshit.

Obama imprisoned more reporters than all other Presidents combined. This includes Bush (3) and Lincoln (5).
the right wing was in outright virtual rebellion against the "black guy". Wikileaks also happened. We know now the Russians were involved with that one.
Na, not really
nothing but repeal, is all the right wing had. not any form of better solutions at lower cost.

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