Compared to capitalism, what has socialism and communism ever produced or manufactured?

What you ignore is that in most cases (the countries forced into communism following WWII being the exception) where communism (not socialism) was because of the FAILURE of unregulated capitalism or systems very like those (Russia)

People didn't just say "Hey let's try this".

Life sucked. Look up serfdom in Russia.

That's not a defense in the's an explanation

So which has been responsible for the deliberate murders of hundreds of millions of people throughout history? Unregulated capitalism, or communism and socialism?

Chose wisely now...

So which has been responsible for the deliberate murders of hundreds of millions of people throughout history? Unregulated capitalism, or communism and socialism?

Chose wisely now...
Capitalism got a head start in mass killing:

"A world war erupted — thanks, in large part, as historians agree, to a "); background-size: 1px 1px; background-position: 0px calc(1em + 1px); font-family: medium-content-serif-font, Georgia, Cambria, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; font-size: 21px; letter-spacing: -0.063px;">global depression.

"But what caused the Great Depression? Capitalism — the speculative frenzy and inequality of the rip-roaring 1920s.

"Capitalism poured the fuel of fascism all over the world, in nations like Germany and Italy, who were heavily indebted by that point, and it only took a handful of demagogues to set the world alight. "); background-size: 1px 1px; background-position: 0px calc(1em + 1px); font-family: medium-content-serif-font, Georgia, Cambria, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; font-size: 21px; letter-spacing: -0.063px;">How many people died in World War II? 25 million — just soldiers. 50 million — including civilians. 80 million — including famine, war crimes, and disease.

"We’re getting into some spectacular numbers, aren’t we? Let’s take the middle one, just for conservatism’s sake. We’re already at about 70 million."

If Communism Killed Millions, How Many Did Capitalism Kill?

Socialism is pure evil

Socialism is pure evil?

That's disturbing because we are a socialist/capitalist nation

You know what the VA is right?

We know you think Social Security and Medicare should be destroyed...but that's you so...
What you ignore is that in most cases (the countries forced into communism following WWII being the exception) where communism (not socialism) was because of the FAILURE of unregulated capitalism or systems very like those (Russia)

People didn't just say "Hey let's try this".

Life sucked. Look up serfdom in Russia.

That's not a defense in the's an explanation

So which has been responsible for the deliberate murders of hundreds of millions of people throughout history? Unregulated capitalism, or communism and socialism?

Chose wisely now...

So which has been responsible for the deliberate murders of hundreds of millions of people throughout history? Unregulated capitalism, or communism and socialism?

Chose wisely now...
Capitalism got a head start in mass killing:

"A world war erupted — thanks, in large part, as historians agree, to a "); background-size: 1px 1px; background-position: 0px calc(1em + 1px); font-family: medium-content-serif-font, Georgia, Cambria, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; font-size: 21px; letter-spacing: -0.063px;">global depression.

"But what caused the Great Depression? Capitalism — the speculative frenzy and inequality of the rip-roaring 1920s.

"Capitalism poured the fuel of fascism all over the world, in nations like Germany and Italy, who were heavily indebted by that point, and it only took a handful of demagogues to set the world alight. "); background-size: 1px 1px; background-position: 0px calc(1em + 1px); font-family: medium-content-serif-font, Georgia, Cambria, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; font-size: 21px; letter-spacing: -0.063px;">How many people died in World War II? 25 million — just soldiers. 50 million — including civilians. 80 million — including famine, war crimes, and disease.

"We’re getting into some spectacular numbers, aren’t we? Let’s take the middle one, just for conservatism’s sake. We’re already at about 70 million."

If Communism Killed Millions, How Many Did Capitalism Kill?

Socialism is pure evil

Socialism is pure evil?

That's disturbing because we are a socialist/capitalist nation

You know what the VA is right?

We know you think Social Security and Medicare should be destroyed...but that's you so...

You do realize all that stuff has to be paid for...
What? The VA...Social Security and Medicare?

Yea...and it IS being paid for

But hey...we just gave away trillion dollars to the rich and corporations.

Boy would that money have helped those programs out huh?
Jesus was a liberal socialist

Rather ridiculous since the mythical Jesus character had nothing in common with socialists
Jesus was a champion of the poor, the weak, the meek, and downtrodden. He encouraged his followers to “sell their possessions” and give them to the poor. He hung out with hookers and crooks. The lifestyle of Jesus didn’t look anything like the politics of the Right.
Jesus was a liberal socialist

Rather ridiculous since the mythical Jesus character had nothing in common with socialists
Jesus was a champion of the poor, the weak, the meek, and downtrodden. He encouraged his followers to “sell their possessions” and give them to the poor. He hung out with hookers and crooks. The lifestyle of Jesus didn’t look anything like the politics of the Right.
Or the left
most of that happened during revolution or internal crises of Government.

how many people did we lose during our Civil War, under our form of Capitalism?

Economic ideologies had nothing to do with he Civil War. That was all about slavery, remember? And no socialist government came out of the Civil War, nor was one deposed.
nothing but capitalism; the socialism of eminent domain could have averted the war.

Eminent domain has always been used by the state/local governments to buy up privately-held land for wealthy developers to make a fortune off of poorer landowners, so basically it's not socialist.

In a socialistic society, there is no privately-held land, as it's already property of the government.
our form of socialism is limited by our Constitution.

An public policy constitutes an public Use.

Eminent Domain is Socialism not capitalism.

Property-owners are compensated for their property under eminent domain, which is capitalistic in nature.

Under socialism and communism, private property is not allowed. So the government just takes the property and kills the owners.
Eminent domain is socialism and taking private property for public use. A "public sector means of production".
Economic ideologies had nothing to do with he Civil War. That was all about slavery, remember? And no socialist government came out of the Civil War, nor was one deposed.
nothing but capitalism; the socialism of eminent domain could have averted the war.

Eminent domain has always been used by the state/local governments to buy up privately-held land for wealthy developers to make a fortune off of poorer landowners, so basically it's not socialist.

In a socialistic society, there is no privately-held land, as it's already property of the government.
our form of socialism is limited by our Constitution.

An public policy constitutes an public Use.

Eminent Domain is Socialism not capitalism.

Property-owners are compensated for their property under eminent domain, which is capitalistic in nature.

Under socialism and communism, private property is not allowed. So the government just takes the property and kills the owners.
Eminent domain is socialism and taking private property for public use. A "public sector means of production".
/—-/ I agree Eminent Doman is bad, but the owner is paid market value. It’s not just taken.
nothing but capitalism; the socialism of eminent domain could have averted the war.

Eminent domain has always been used by the state/local governments to buy up privately-held land for wealthy developers to make a fortune off of poorer landowners, so basically it's not socialist.

In a socialistic society, there is no privately-held land, as it's already property of the government.
our form of socialism is limited by our Constitution.

An public policy constitutes an public Use.

Eminent Domain is Socialism not capitalism.

Property-owners are compensated for their property under eminent domain, which is capitalistic in nature.

Under socialism and communism, private property is not allowed. So the government just takes the property and kills the owners.
Eminent domain is socialism and taking private property for public use. A "public sector means of production".
/—-/ I agree Eminent Doman is bad, but the owner is paid market value. It’s not just taken.
/——/ Here is a street map of lower Manhattan before there was Eminent Domain, see how the streets are laid out haphazardly because the city couldn’t buy the land to straighten out the streets. I worked there for years. It’s a mishmash and tangled mess. Midtown and uptown are laid out in a perfect grid.
The Nazis we're socialists just like the DPRK is democratic.

Which is to say "not at all".
/——/ Wrong again.
Nazi (nätˈsē, nătˈ-)
  • n.
    A member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, founded in Germany in 1919 and brought to power in 1933 under Adolf Hitler.
  • n.
    An adherent or advocate of policies characteristic of Nazism; a fascist.
  • adj.
    Of, relating to, controlled by, or typical of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
I think you totally missed my point. Go back and read it again.
He got your point.

Your point was simply ignorant wrong and is now corrected
No, he didn't.

You didn't either.
He most certainly did and so did I

You have been corrected schooled and owned.
You just keep on believing that.
/——/ Wrong again.
Nazi (nätˈsē, nătˈ-)
  • n.
    A member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, founded in Germany in 1919 and brought to power in 1933 under Adolf Hitler.
  • n.
    An adherent or advocate of policies characteristic of Nazism; a fascist.
  • adj.
    Of, relating to, controlled by, or typical of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
I think you totally missed my point. Go back and read it again.
He got your point.

Your point was simply ignorant wrong and is now corrected
No, he didn't.

You didn't either.
He most certainly did and so did I

You have been corrected schooled and owned.
You just keep on believing that.
Fact not belief.

You know it
Economic ideologies had nothing to do with he Civil War. That was all about slavery, remember? And no socialist government came out of the Civil War, nor was one deposed.
nothing but capitalism; the socialism of eminent domain could have averted the war.

Eminent domain has always been used by the state/local governments to buy up privately-held land for wealthy developers to make a fortune off of poorer landowners, so basically it's not socialist.

In a socialistic society, there is no privately-held land, as it's already property of the government.
our form of socialism is limited by our Constitution.

An public policy constitutes an public Use.

Eminent Domain is Socialism not capitalism.

Property-owners are compensated for their property under eminent domain, which is capitalistic in nature.

Under socialism and communism, private property is not allowed. So the government just takes the property and kills the owners.
Eminent domain is socialism and taking private property for public use. A "public sector means of production".
That is not socialism.
Most every advancement in technology, medicine, agriculture, transportation, communication, construction, energy and power, etc. this world has ever seen was conceived and developed by countries that practiced a capitalist ideology. Yet many Democrats are pushing socialism, the goal of which is communism as Lenin explained.

So what groundbreaking things have socialism/communism ever contributed to this world, aside from what they stole from capitalist countries?
Poverty, starvation, mass graves and misery are the specialty of socialists. It’s what they import into every nation they get control of.
Basically everyone in the world but Republicans knows that socialists are always Democratic Fair capitalists with a good safety net these days. Check any socialists from developed countries or any Socialist Party in developed countries. Or Bernie or AOC. Brainwashed functional morons.

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