Compared to capitalism, what has socialism and communism ever produced or manufactured?

They made it into orbit before we did, and China plans on having a moon base before long, far ahead of us.

Next stupid question.

Yet, they stole their space and missile technology from a capitalist country, Germany. Or from us, as in the case of China.

But I will give them credit for the AK-47. That is one magnificent piece of machinery.

According to most Trumbots, Nazi Germany was socialist.

BTW - The U.S. missile and space programs were initially developed by German scientists as well.
Wrong moron.

According to the doctrine of nazism it was socialist.

Nazism is NATIONAL socialism communism is INTERNATIONAL socialism
The Nazis we're socialists just like the DPRK is democratic.

Which is to say "not at all".
/——/ Wrong again.
Nazi (nätˈsē, nătˈ-)
  • n.
    A member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, founded in Germany in 1919 and brought to power in 1933 under Adolf Hitler.
  • n.
    An adherent or advocate of policies characteristic of Nazism; a fascist.
  • adj.
    Of, relating to, controlled by, or typical of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
I think you totally missed my point. Go back and read it again.
Just because someone made something a crime does not mean it is dishonest.


Socialism by definition is an autocratic form of government

No...the definition of socialism is the government ownership of the means of production.

Some definitions add "or regulation".

Nothing about autocrats.

And we are clearly not socialist in the first definition nor are many countries on the planet.

As far as the "or regulation" definition...we are admitting that we are a socialist nation if we have ANY regulation. We are then arguing about how MUCH socialism we require
Yes and by definition when the government seizes anything and declares itself the owner it is absolutely AUTOCRATIC

One more time

Just because the state passes a law making some form of behavior a crime does not mean said behavior is harmful of dishonest.

The insiders trade act outlaws nothing immoral dishonest or harmful

It is strictly meant to allow some in wider trading while selectively prosecuting others.

This was done to protect some traders from competition. The law itself is dishonest and immoral, insider trading is neither
So you favor anarchy?

Ok well we got that out of the way
No and nothing in my post suggested anarchy you total retard
Yet, they stole their space and missile technology from a capitalist country, Germany. Or from us, as in the case of China.

But I will give them credit for the AK-47. That is one magnificent piece of machinery.

According to most Trumbots, Nazi Germany was socialist.

BTW - The U.S. missile and space programs were initially developed by German scientists as well.
Wrong moron.

According to the doctrine of nazism it was socialist.

Nazism is NATIONAL socialism communism is INTERNATIONAL socialism
The Nazis we're socialists just like the DPRK is democratic.

Which is to say "not at all".
/——/ Wrong again.
Nazi (nätˈsē, nătˈ-)
  • n.
    A member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, founded in Germany in 1919 and brought to power in 1933 under Adolf Hitler.
  • n.
    An adherent or advocate of policies characteristic of Nazism; a fascist.
  • adj.
    Of, relating to, controlled by, or typical of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
I think you totally missed my point. Go back and read it again.
He got your point.

Your point was simply ignorant wrong and is now corrected
According to most Trumbots, Nazi Germany was socialist.

BTW - The U.S. missile and space programs were initially developed by German scientists as well.
Wrong moron.

According to the doctrine of nazism it was socialist.

Nazism is NATIONAL socialism communism is INTERNATIONAL socialism
The Nazis we're socialists just like the DPRK is democratic.

Which is to say "not at all".
/——/ Wrong again.
Nazi (nätˈsē, nătˈ-)
  • n.
    A member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, founded in Germany in 1919 and brought to power in 1933 under Adolf Hitler.
  • n.
    An adherent or advocate of policies characteristic of Nazism; a fascist.
  • adj.
    Of, relating to, controlled by, or typical of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
I think you totally missed my point. Go back and read it again.
He got your point.

Your point was simply ignorant wrong and is now corrected
No, he didn't.

You didn't either.
Wrong moron.

According to the doctrine of nazism it was socialist.

Nazism is NATIONAL socialism communism is INTERNATIONAL socialism
The Nazis we're socialists just like the DPRK is democratic.

Which is to say "not at all".
/——/ Wrong again.
Nazi (nätˈsē, nătˈ-)
  • n.
    A member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, founded in Germany in 1919 and brought to power in 1933 under Adolf Hitler.
  • n.
    An adherent or advocate of policies characteristic of Nazism; a fascist.
  • adj.
    Of, relating to, controlled by, or typical of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
I think you totally missed my point. Go back and read it again.
He got your point.

Your point was simply ignorant wrong and is now corrected
No, he didn't.

You didn't either.
He most certainly did and so did I

You have been corrected schooled and owned.
What you ignore is that in most cases (the countries forced into communism following WWII being the exception) where communism (not socialism) was because of the FAILURE of unregulated capitalism or systems very like those (Russia)

People didn't just say "Hey let's try this".

Life sucked. Look up serfdom in Russia.

That's not a defense in the's an explanation
Socialism/communism same difference, it’s just a case of running out of other peoples money
According to most Trumbots, Nazi Germany was socialist.

BTW - The U.S. missile and space programs were initially developed by German scientists as well.
Wrong moron.

According to the doctrine of nazism it was socialist.

Nazism is NATIONAL socialism communism is INTERNATIONAL socialism

Clinging to the lie that Nazism is somehow different than the Stalinism they follow is vital to the Communists. In fact, the governments of Hitler and Stalin were virtually identical, as will the the government that democrats impose on an enslaved America should they gain enough power.
They were quite different: read up on the subject.

But fast-forward today, Trump now thinks he's in germany 80 years ago.

You didn't bother to read what you cited, the Wiki article confirms what I said - you Stalinists are identical to Nazis.

Let's looks at Nazis with you democrat Stalinists?

Violent hatred of non-party members?

Concentration Camps?

Violent suppression of opposition ideas?

Use of Brown Shirt type thugs?

Oppression of religion?


Violent oppression of free speech?

Newspeak is an utterly useless Bolshevik hate rag. I don't bother with them or ThinkProgress.
by that standard, we have concentration camps in USA now also.
Socialism has never succeeded to long-term, because it always runs out of other peoples money. And people that believe in Socialism are fucking morons
What you ignore is that in most cases (the countries forced into communism following WWII being the exception) where communism (not socialism) was because of the FAILURE of unregulated capitalism or systems very like those (Russia)

People didn't just say "Hey let's try this".

Life sucked. Look up serfdom in Russia.

That's not a defense in the's an explanation

So which has been responsible for the deliberate murders of hundreds of millions of people throughout history? Unregulated capitalism, or communism and socialism?

Chose wisely now...

So which has been responsible for the deliberate murders of hundreds of millions of people throughout history? Unregulated capitalism, or communism and socialism?

Chose wisely now...
Capitalism got a head start in mass killing:

"A world war erupted — thanks, in large part, as historians agree, to a "); background-size: 1px 1px; background-position: 0px calc(1em + 1px); font-family: medium-content-serif-font, Georgia, Cambria, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; font-size: 21px; letter-spacing: -0.063px;">global depression.

"But what caused the Great Depression? Capitalism — the speculative frenzy and inequality of the rip-roaring 1920s.

"Capitalism poured the fuel of fascism all over the world, in nations like Germany and Italy, who were heavily indebted by that point, and it only took a handful of demagogues to set the world alight. "); background-size: 1px 1px; background-position: 0px calc(1em + 1px); font-family: medium-content-serif-font, Georgia, Cambria, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; font-size: 21px; letter-spacing: -0.063px;">How many people died in World War II? 25 million — just soldiers. 50 million — including civilians. 80 million — including famine, war crimes, and disease.

"We’re getting into some spectacular numbers, aren’t we? Let’s take the middle one, just for conservatism’s sake. We’re already at about 70 million."

If Communism Killed Millions, How Many Did Capitalism Kill?

Socialism is pure evil
Madura is So fucking corrupt and gas prices crashed

It’s what happens when you run out of other peoples money… Same story different day
Actually it's what happens when you steal so much money that the people start getting hungry

And that's what happened. Maduro is a MASSIVE crook
Really creep, exactly which of those do not go with both Stalinism and Nazis? :dunno:

Be specific.

Oh, you're just lying - MARXIST! :thup:
You are as SPECIFICALLY out of your mid as the Coast Guard terrorist.

Friend of yours?
No doubt the guy is lunatic, But the mainstream media said the guy had a huge arsenal… That is not a huge arsenal.
The Coast Guard MAGA terrorist had bullet proof vests, more than 20 guns including several assault weapons, thousands of rounds of ammunition and he had detailed plans of who and how he wanted to KILL people

Don't even TRY to diminish the lethality of this white nationalist MAGA killer
Only a fool would call that an arsenal.
That ammo would would not even last a weekend shooting prairie dogs...
Also they called sporting rifles… Nothing more nothing less.

And yes he was a lunatic. but guilt by association? Really? What about all of Obama’s buddies? Do you really want to go there? So shut the fuck up
First, you kids "go that route" almoalst daily.

Second "sporting rifles" is what RWNJs wanna call them to minimize the fact that they have repeatedly been used to kill large numbers of people quickly and easily.

Third, a stockpile of 20 firearms and thousands of rounds is indeed an arsenal for an individual.
Na, not really
Wrong moron.

According to the doctrine of nazism it was socialist.

Nazism is NATIONAL socialism communism is INTERNATIONAL socialism

Clinging to the lie that Nazism is somehow different than the Stalinism they follow is vital to the Communists. In fact, the governments of Hitler and Stalin were virtually identical, as will the the government that democrats impose on an enslaved America should they gain enough power.
They were quite different: read up on the subject.

But fast-forward today, Trump now thinks he's in germany 80 years ago.

You didn't bother to read what you cited, the Wiki article confirms what I said - you Stalinists are identical to Nazis.

Let's looks at Nazis with you democrat Stalinists?

Violent hatred of non-party members?

Concentration Camps?

Violent suppression of opposition ideas?

Use of Brown Shirt type thugs?

Oppression of religion?


Violent oppression of free speech?

Newspeak is an utterly useless Bolshevik hate rag. I don't bother with them or ThinkProgress.
by that standard, we have concentration camps in USA now also.
Socialism has never succeeded to long-term, because it always runs out of other peoples money. And people that believe in Socialism are fucking morons
Madura is So fucking corrupt and gas prices crashed


I don't even buy the 'gas prices crash' argument. I've heard this over and over, that it was because the price of oil dropped, that all the problems started in Venezuela.

But that doesn't fit reality. When you look at when all the troubles in Venezuela started, it started all the way back in 2003. They hard shortages of food in 2003.

Why didn't they have food shortages in 1998? In 1998, I remember filling up my truck, with gasoline at the price of 78¢ a gallon. It has never been that cheap to this day. Why didn't Venezuela implode in 1998?

I'll tell you why. The economy was still largely free-market capitalist based. That's the only reason.

Equally prices were going UP from 2003 to 2008... and shortages were GROWING across Venezuela.

How can that happen if higher oil prices were such a boon for Venezuela? I'll tell you why. Left-wing socialist ideology was being rolled out across Venezuela. So it didn't matter how much oil was worth... socialism always fails.

Socialism ALWAYS... fails. Doesn't matter how much you feed it.... it will fail. Doesn't matter what the oil prices were, socialism never works. Government control, never works.
Far more complicated than that and almost always centered around oil

Economy of Venezuela - Wikipedia

Chavez was corrupt..but Maduro is off the charts

Again... if oil was the problem, then there should not have been any problems from 2003 to 2008, when oil prices were sky high.

But there were shortages during that time, and big problems besides shortages.

And yeah it is true that corruption is a problem..... the corruption in government is more a result of the economic system, than the individual in charge.

Any time any economy implodes.... the people in charge MUST find a way to keep all of their supporters in line. Otherwise they'll end up removed.

If Chavez had been a free-market capitalist, and the economy started booming... no one would want to remove him. Because all those people would be getting rich off the booming economy, along with all the public.

But because Chavez, and then Maduro put in place a socialized system that destroyed the economy.... then they have no choice but to pay off everyone as best they can, to maintain power.

Maduro is only more corrupt than Chavez, because the policies that Chavez put in place that destroyed the economy, had left Maduro with little to nothing. So he had to pay off, and grease more palms.

This is why every country that moves towards socialism, ends up with corruption.

Look at France.

French Left engulfed in corruption scandal

While the French economy has been anemic for years, Jean-Claude Méry recorded a video of himself detailing how construction firms were paying off left-wing socialist politicians for big over-priced projects that posed little real value to the public.

This is NORMAL. When you look at socialism, this is normal.
What you ignore is that in most cases (the countries forced into communism following WWII being the exception) where communism (not socialism) was because of the FAILURE of unregulated capitalism or systems very like those (Russia)

People didn't just say "Hey let's try this".

Life sucked. Look up serfdom in Russia.

That's not a defense in the's an explanation
Socialism/communism same difference, it’s just a case of running out of other peoples money
When you argue from ignorance...well you do

They are NOT the same and only very stupid people make that claim
Clinging to the lie that Nazism is somehow different than the Stalinism they follow is vital to the Communists. In fact, the governments of Hitler and Stalin were virtually identical, as will the the government that democrats impose on an enslaved America should they gain enough power.
They were quite different: read up on the subject.

But fast-forward today, Trump now thinks he's in germany 80 years ago.

You didn't bother to read what you cited, the Wiki article confirms what I said - you Stalinists are identical to Nazis.

Let's looks at Nazis with you democrat Stalinists?

Violent hatred of non-party members?

Concentration Camps?

Violent suppression of opposition ideas?

Use of Brown Shirt type thugs?

Oppression of religion?


Violent oppression of free speech?

Newspeak is an utterly useless Bolshevik hate rag. I don't bother with them or ThinkProgress.
by that standard, we have concentration camps in USA now also.
Socialism has never succeeded to long-term, because it always runs out of other peoples money. And people that believe in Socialism are fucking morons
Only a fool would call that long-term, Like the rest of Europe they are lost.
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
What you ignore is that in most cases (the countries forced into communism following WWII being the exception) where communism (not socialism) was because of the FAILURE of unregulated capitalism or systems very like those (Russia)

People didn't just say "Hey let's try this".

Life sucked. Look up serfdom in Russia.

That's not a defense in the's an explanation
Socialism/communism same difference, it’s just a case of running out of other peoples money
When you argue from ignorance...well you do

They are NOT the same and only very stupid people make that claim

If socialism is worth a shit people would keep it to themselves, instead of forcing people That want nothing to do with it into that shit...


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