Comparing Obama to Hitler

Oh, I don't know... They kind of look alike...

So someone draws a picture to DELIBERATELY make Obama look like Hitler and you actually think this is accurate?

Holy FUCK, people are stupid.

There is a whole lot more in common for Hitler and Obama that a photograph.

No, there really isn't.
Hitler was a military genius, tactically. Obama is not. Hitler had a military that was evil and more than willing to commit mass murder. Our military is full of noble men of integrity.

Germany had two powerful world allies to help him in Italy and Japan.

Everyone in the world hates America now, so no one would help us much (see Iraq).

So if you ban guns, advocate universal healthcare, tolerate abortion, frown on obesity, and aren't particularly welcoming to minorities you must be Nazi Germany............or Canada.

What lengths some will go to in order to bring humor to us.

Hitler a military genius! Really good, that one.

Two powerful allies including - wait for it - ITALY! And Japan's major contribution to the German war effort was to draw America in and leave the Soviets alone. Did I say, "contribution"?

Then there's "everybody hates America" which is totally untrue. Many do hate the US, but certainly not because of the present president, despite all his faults and shortcomings (leading of which he is solidly part of the two-party dictatorship). Although the truth is often criticized here, Obama's predecessor did the most single-handed damage of any president ever (well, he was helped by his nefarious henchment).

America still has very powerful allies. No one thinks of America as Germany under the Nazis except for hyperbole-prone overenthusiastic Obama haters. I don't like him, didn't vote for him, want the two party system thrown out, but too far is too far in ridiculous attacking.
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When I see this administration building gas chambers and prison camps, when I see them slaughtering millions of innocents, I'll buy into this absolutely stupid Obama/Hitler absurdity.

An insult to millions, that's what this is. And I thought conservatives supported Israel.


its more subtle than that. its about the state taking precedence over the individual, its about the "common good". its about redistribution of wealth and "you didn't build that". its about an ideology that is in contradiction with the constitution. Its about taking the voice away from those who disagree with the state, its about a state controlled media.

pay attention.

Indeed, I AM paying attention.

There are plenty of other examples of wealth redistribution, of a state-controlled media, all the rest. Plenty. But you are choosing to bring up Hitler because he's the worst person you can think of. That's much hate you have for Obama.

So if you want to insult millions to vent your impotent rage, that's your call. I'm just shining a light on it.


Ok, who would you like to compare him to? castro, mao, chavez, pol pot, idi amin, ortega, noriega, mussolini, lenin, marx? pick one. they all had the same idelogy that obama has---punish success and reward failure, the state over the individual.

its history my friend, and we are witnessing it today. you choose to ignore the risk because you believe our system is strong enough to prevent a dictatorial take over. that is very dangerous
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Do your own google search under Hitler and Obama have this in common and see the thousands of comparisons that prove my point is a valid one. Here's one for you..

They were both of Ethnic Supremacist ideological support (Obama spent 20 YEARS under Black Liberation Theology with Jeremiah Wright....on that point he has Hitler beat)

They both came into power because of promising hope and change and prosperity to a nation that was politically angry with the current establishment and was suffering economic woes.

They both were ideologues who ironically wrote books defining their idealistic radical views Hitler "My Dream" and then Obama-"Dreams of my Father"

They both were very charismatic orators and symbols of pride.

They both had a very clear history and background in antisemitism.

They both claimed a very radical heretical skewed view of and indoctrination to Christianity.

They both were "fringe" politicians.

They both had a history in drug abuse and social dysfunction.

They both rose to power in a quantum leap with no actual accomplishments to speak of save rhetoric.

They were both proponents of a one world government ruled under the guidelines of what they preached as tolerable.

They both were narcissists.

They both were Anti-American!
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Hitler was a military genius, tactically. Obama is not. Hitler had a military that was evil and more than willing to commit mass murder. Our military is full of noble men of integrity.

Germany had two powerful world allies to help him in Italy and Japan.

Everyone in the world hates America now, so no one would help us much (see Iraq).

So if you ban guns, advocate universal healthcare, tolerate abortion, frown on obesity, and aren't particularly welcoming to minorities you must be Nazi Germany............or Canada.

Nazi Germany was allied with the well.

Is Obama on as good terms with the Pope as Hitler was with Pope Pius?



Just when I thought you couldn't be any more stupid, you prove me wrong. Impressive.

Crazy thing is, it's entirely possible that these people have really talked themselves into this, even down at a subconscious level. They look at Obama and can honestly compare him to murderers of millions of innocent people, without so much as a second thought, without so much as a contrary thought.

This is what can happen when a person keeps swallowing the madness that is hardcore right wing talk radio. It becomes a part of their regular thought process.

Creepy, scary, but true.

"Hitler "My Dream""

Come on! You really think that's how it translates?

"My Struggle" or "My Fight" is close, but mistranslating German to try to attack an English book title only makes you look even sillier than already.
I make no apologies for comparing Obama's politics - personality to that of Hitlers. Here is some more comparisons... in fact I hear there is a billboard in Texas now comparing Obama to Stalin and Hitler. I think Hitler is far more likely a match. - Jeremiah

Both are/were angry speakers

Hitler was angry at the Jews, Mr. Obama, however, is angry at the Anglo-Christian Republican Right in this country. He got Glenn Beck fired simply because he was a white guy. I’ll bet that when Hitler started he got some guy fired for being a Jew. That’s how it starts. The next thing you know the decent people in this country will all be herded into one of those FEMA camps Bush built for the terrorists.

Both come from a questionable background

Barack Obama’s mom was probably a lesbian, and a little known historical fact is that Hitlers’ mom probably was too. Both leaders were birthed out of wedlock and as the Bible and a quick look around an anti-abortion protest will quickly tell you, most single moms are also liberal lesbians. Being raised by lesbians, neither one of them could love Jesus. Hitler turned to the evil pagan gods and Obama embraced Mohammad.

Shady Propaganda

While Hitler blamed all of Germany’s problems on the Jewish, Barack Obama is doing the same thing with the Republican congress. He no doubt also blames good Christians for not letting Muslims walk the streets unwatched. If he had his way he would have closed down our decent and humane terrorist jails in Cuba and let Al Quida loose scott-free in the middle of Time Square. A suspiciously Hitler-like thing to do…

Both like to go to war with other countries

Hitler invaded Poland and Europe turns their heads. Barrack Obama invades Afghanistan and the same thing happens. I sense a pattern here. Everyone thought Hitler was done when he took Poland and everyone believes the same about Mr. Obama, but what happens when he decides to take Libya, or Turkey, or Iran? What’s to stop him from taking the entire world? Definitely not the Democrats.

Hitler tried to socialize medicine as well

Under a fascist system the government controls the health care you are allowed to receive. Obama is trying to do the very same thing. Adopting Nazi ideals, just like Europe has. Socialized health care was a direct product of Hitlers invading armies. It wouldn’t surprise me if Obama had Germany as a model in mind while he is trying to drive our great Physicians out of work and into the poorhouse. Don’t take my word for it though, just wait until you got a first year med student preforming your triple bypass…

Both used racial propaganda to get elected

While Hitler used his white European propaganda, Obama used Afro Saxon American propaganda. Hitler idolized Wagner, who was a German artist, Obama did the same thing with Jay Zee, who is an Afro Saxon artist. They both played the race card to get into office. Hitler claimed it was the Jews who were keeping him down while Obama lays the blame for that on the white man. They are practically the same person when it comes to running a campaign.

Both have a somewhat checkered criminal past

Hitler spent time in prison for his crimes, while Obama got away with drug use by his own admission. Europe during the 30′s and 40′s is what happens when you let criminals take hold of power. The only reason we haven’t invaded our good neighbors to the north is because Muslims want deserts, not mountains. Mexico, however, can be offered no such condolences if Obama is elected for another term.
They were both of Ethnic Supremacist ideological support (Obama spent 20 YEARS under Black Liberation Theology with Jeremiah Wright....on that point he has Hitler beat)

I'd love to see an example of how Rev. Wright preached "Ethnic Supremacy".

They both came into power because of promising hope and change and prosperity to a nation that was politically angry with the current establishment and was suffering economic woes.

The same can be said for Ronald Reagan, and thousands of other politicians.

They both were ideologues who ironically wrote books defining their idealistic radical views Hitler "My Dream" and then Obama-"Dreams of my Father"

If you think that Obama is an "ideologue", than you and I have significantly different definitions. Have you actually read "Dreams of my Father"?

They both were very charismatic orators and symbols of pride.

Again, the same can be said for thousands of other leaders, include Saint Reagan.

They both had a very clear history and background in antisemitism.

Obama has no "clear history" or "background" in antisemitism.

They both claimed a very radical heretical skewed view of and indoctrination to Christianity.

UCC is neither radical nor heretical. In fact, it's one of the largest Christian sects in this country.

They both were "fringe" politicians.

Again, I don't think you know what a "fringe politician" is.

Dennis Kucinich is a "fringe politician". Obama is just a politician.

They both had a history in drug abuse and social dysfunction.

Drug use and social dysfunction are entirely different things.

They both rose to power in a quantum leap with no actual accomplishments to speak of save rhetoric.

Whether or not you realize it, graduating with honors and being editor of the Law Review are "accomplishments". Obama didn't come "out of nowhere", he's spent more than 2 decades working in politics.

They were both proponents of a one world government ruled under the guidelines of what they preached as tolerable.

When has Obama suggested a "one world government", to be ruled under his "guidelines"?

They both were narcissists.

There's nothing more entertaining to me than listening to people on message boards diagnose personality disorders from their armchairs.

They both were Anti-American!

Hitler was a military genius, tactically. Obama is not. Hitler had a military that was evil and more than willing to commit mass murder. Our military is full of noble men of integrity.

Germany had two powerful world allies to help him in Italy and Japan.

Everyone in the world hates America now, so no one would help us much (see Iraq).

So if you ban guns, advocate universal healthcare, tolerate abortion, frown on obesity, and aren't particularly welcoming to minorities you must be Nazi Germany............or Canada.

Nazi Germany was allied with the well.

Is Obama on as good terms with the Pope as Hitler was with Pope Pius?



Just when I thought you couldn't be any more stupid, you prove me wrong. Impressive.
Like sand through an hourglass.

So are the days of our lives.
Hitler had two arms. OBAMA HAS TWO ARMS!!! ZOMG!

Hitler had two legs. OBAMA HAS TWO LEGS!!! ZOMG!11!

Hitler had a dog. OBAMA HAS A DOG!!! ZOMG!11!

Hitler was the leader of his country. OBAMA IS THE LEADER OF HIS COUNTRY!!! ZOMG!11!

Oh. My. God. That is SO creepy!
Hitler was a military genius, tactically. Obama is not. Hitler had a military that was evil and more than willing to commit mass murder. Our military is full of noble men of integrity.

Germany had two powerful world allies to help him in Italy and Japan.

Everyone in the world hates America now, so no one would help us much (see Iraq).

So if you ban guns, advocate universal healthcare, tolerate abortion, frown on obesity, and aren't particularly welcoming to minorities you must be Nazi Germany............or Canada.

Nazi Germany was allied with the well.

The Jesuits. Yes, Argentina Jesuits are the ones who hid Eichmann and gave safe passage to many Nazis via the RCC. Argentina was always the preferred haven for NAZI CRIMINALS after the war. As for Obama?

He's good to go with the Grand Mufti of Islam and all terrorist organization outfits for Islam just as Hitler was - they got the new pope in just in time - he is a Jesuit and all in for Black Liberation Theology. ( Jesuits ) Pope was told to resign same day Obamas trip to Israel ( Next week - March 20 ) was announced. 6 days later? He did.. Same day Obama trip was announced. Did I mention the pope who resigned was very anti - communist? He is. Did I mention the date Obama chose for this trip has prophetic implications? He certainly hopes you'll notice. lol...... - Jeremiah
Comparing Obama to Hitller is very stupid. A much more valid comparison is Carter.

Yeah, those comparisons to 1980 really turned out accurate, didn't they.

But he isn't like Carter at all. Is he. He is very much like Hitler right down to the thin skin that cannot tolerate anyone speaking against him. Obama can't wait for the day he can show his true colors - just like his mass murdering cousin Odinga who burned over 20,000 innocent villagers to alive.. after rape, slaughter, looting... that was how Odinga won his election.. Obamas first cousin.. yes.
I'm responding to Dutch reply - tell him not me - as for a link? It was all over the news - where do you live? Under a rock???! - Jeremiah

My bad.

I don't bother with breitbart.

But I don't consider that news.

Right, the truth has to agree with your point of view first. Otherwise you can't consider it. We know the drill...

No, some things are just shit for sources. Breitbart, WorldNutDaily, NewsMax...

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