Comparing Obama to Hitler

Katze - Sieg Heil - YouTube

But in all seriousness, You can protest protest infront of the secret service (peacefully).
Police departments made it illegal (which it's actually not illegal) to take photos/video during an arrest.
We draw the line for the mentally unfit because of guns, etc and for their better good.
We want to regulate guns, not control.

People elect officials who are shitting on them, such as the GOP and the Tea Party (Hence laws based on their beliefs).

That is not true. You cannot photograph a policeman beating a civilian, you cannot protest the president in the presence of his secret service men - we have indeed crossed the line that those who have been diagnosed with an eating disorder cannot own a gun, there is no mention of regulating weapons in the 2nd amendment. The bottom line is America is in deep trouble with this guy at the helm. - Jeremiah
But in all seriousness, You can protest protest infront of the secret service (peacefully).
Police departments made it illegal (which it's actually not illegal) to take photos/video during an arrest.
We draw the line for the mentally unfit because of guns, etc and for their better good.
We want to regulate guns, not control.

People elect officials who are shitting on them, such as the GOP and the Tea Party (Hence laws based on their beliefs).

Are you actually trying to justify these actions?
This response from a friend of mine is worthy of its own thread here. So here it is. It is a perfect comparison of what Barack Hussein Obama is doing vs. Adolph Hitler. Can you see?

The comment: I am amazed that we are going throughout the exact same steps in the exact same order as Germany. We made it illegal to photograph police in the process of arrest. We made it illegal to protest in the presence of the SS (secret service). We endorse "complete lives healthcare." We are restricting food and drawing lines for the mentally and clinically unfit. We are having frank endorsement of euthanasia. We are at the same point in the economy when germany started the gun control. We have the same people in power and we are introducing anti semitic elements into offices just as the Germans. The only thing that can change is that we have a constitution that allows us to fight back.

Time to wake up, America. - Jeremiah

Yes that is why 70% of us Jews voted for Obama along with Minorities. Make perfect sense that Obama is like hitler :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Which is why you don't have a leg to stand on, Polkow. - Jeremiah
When you factor in the likelihood that almost the entire media has become a propaganda arm of the government you can draw a parallel to the rise of the Nazi party. If you compare the evil deranged murder of late term babies by stabbing them in the back of the head and sucking their brains out and the mass murder of premature babies by throwing them alive into the garbage you have a basis to compare Obama to Hitler.
Hitler saw himself as a Christian warrior..doing the work of Christ.

Does the OP think Obama sees himself that way?
70% of the Jews didn't vote for Obama this time. Those were Roman Catholics. Time to pull out the old decree from the late 40's that warns of ex-communication for those who have anything to do with communist fascists.
Yes, Barack Obama blames Jews for all our problems. And he hates homosexuals, blacks, Mexicans, all other non-whites, multiculturalism, and affirmative action. He believes white Aryans are the Master Race.

Yep. He's a bloomin' Nazi all right. The similarities are remarkable!

He is building camps to put Jews and us good Americans in with the help of our armed forces. He has invaded Czechoslavakia and is about to move on Poland, France, and Russia, with an air bombing campaign of Great Britain to boot. Plus he wears a snifty uniform with a fabulous salute to go with it.

And just like Hitler, he has two hands, two arms, two legs, and two feet. Plus he has a dog! :eek:

Obama blames rich white men for all our troubles. Same modus operandi, different victim.

And where might I find the concentration camps these "victims" are in?

If all it takes to qualifty as a Hitler is to blame one group for your troubles, that a pretty low bar. That makes Romney Hitler. That makes every Fox News commentator Hitler.
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Who was it that said waterboarding is not torture? Oh, yeah. Bush.

Who was it that said we should not have to observe the constitutional rights of American citizens suspected of being terrorists? Oh, yeah. Bush.

Apparently Obama agrees because he executed some American citizens without a trial.

Who was it that actually Mirandized terrorist suspects which the Right found to be "shocking news"? Oh, yeah. Obama.

Since they are enemy combatants collected on the battlefield, they have no Miranda rights. We didn't Mirandize German soldiers during WW II either.
When you factor in the likelihood that almost the entire media has become a propaganda arm of the government you can draw a parallel to the rise of the Nazi party. f you compare the evil deranged murder of late term babies by stabbing them in the back of the head and sucking their brains out and the mass murder of premature babies by throwing them alive into the garbage you have a basis to compare Obama to Hitler.

Yes under Obama if a baby is born alive that was meant to be aborted, they must leave it left alone in a room to die by itself. Obama does not want those babies comforted while they are dying. This is the man you people re- elected. Incredible.
This response from a friend of mine is worthy of its own thread here. So here it is. It is a perfect comparison of what Barack Hussein Obama is doing vs. Adolph Hitler. Can you see?

The comment: I am amazed that we are going throughout the exact same steps in the exact same order as Germany. We made it illegal to photograph police in the process of arrest. We made it illegal to protest in the presence of the SS (secret service). We endorse "complete lives healthcare." We are restricting food and drawing lines for the mentally and clinically unfit. We are having frank endorsement of euthanasia. We are at the same point in the economy when germany started the gun control. We have the same people in power and we are introducing anti semitic elements into offices just as the Germans. The only thing that can change is that we have a constitution that allows us to fight back.

Time to wake up, America. - Jeremiah

Sounds more like Israel.

See, you hate the Jews just like the Nazis did.
The very fact you are free to post your idiot ramblings on this message board without fear of the FBI knocking on your door and arresting you proves your arguement is a fallacy.

Right like the people on facebook who are being detained without charges currently because they posted on a message board something about Obama? Or are you talking about those who have been murdered for it such as Andrew Breitbart and the coroner who revealed he was poisoned with arsenic?

Or maybe you are referring to the comedian who used to impersonate presidents such as George Bush .... he was murdered right after being told Obama didn't like his jokes... yep... I can see what you are talking about there! - Jeremiah
The very fact you are free to post your idiot ramblings on this message board without fear of the FBI knocking on your door and arresting you proves your arguement is a fallacy.

Right like the people on facebook who are being detained without charges currently because they posted on a message board something about Obama? Or are you talking about those who have been murdered for it such as Andrew Breitbart and the coroner who revealed he was poisoned with arsenic?

Or maybe you are referring to the comedian who used to impersonate presidents such as George Bush .... he was murdered right after being told Obama didn't like his jokes... yep... I can see what you are talking about there! - Jeremiah


Oh..and there was no facebook in 1933.
This response from a friend of mine is worthy of its own thread here. So here it is. It is a perfect comparison of what Barack Hussein Obama is doing vs. Adolph Hitler. Can you see?

The comment: I am amazed that we are going throughout the exact same steps in the exact same order as Germany. We made it illegal to photograph police in the process of arrest. We made it illegal to protest in the presence of the SS (secret service). We endorse "complete lives healthcare." We are restricting food and drawing lines for the mentally and clinically unfit. We are having frank endorsement of euthanasia. We are at the same point in the economy when germany started the gun control. We have the same people in power and we are introducing anti semitic elements into offices just as the Germans. The only thing that can change is that we have a constitution that allows us to fight back.

Time to wake up, America. - Jeremiah

Sounds more like Israel.

See, you hate the Jews just like the Nazis did.

Of course he does... that is the bitter pill the few Jews who have stayed with Dems must swallow... that their party has turned against them and has rolled out the red carpet for communist fascists who are busy planning another holocaust.. against them...
70% of the Jews didn't vote for Obama this time. Those were Roman Catholics. Time to pull out the old decree from the late 40's that warns of ex-communication for those who have anything to do with communist fascists.

I stand corrected wasn't 70% was 69%:eek::eek::eek::eek:

The Republican survey in Florida matched the exit polls, giving Obama 66 percent and Romney 30 percent of the Jewish vote. But the overall margin in the Sunshine State remains close. If Obama's lead holds up, Jews, who made up a statistically significant 5 percent of the vote, may have helped to decide the outcome. And WE KNOW what the outcome was! 69% for Obama!
Who was it that said waterboarding is not torture? Oh, yeah. Bush.

Who was it that said we should not have to observe the constitutional rights of American citizens suspected of being terrorists? Oh, yeah. Bush.

Apparently Obama agrees because he executed some American citizens without a trial.

Apples and oranges. How do you try an "enemy combatant" who is senior Al Qaeda terrorist operating outside the US in Al Qaeda controlled territory?
The very fact you are free to post your idiot ramblings on this message board without fear of the FBI knocking on your door and arresting you proves your arguement is a fallacy.

Right like the people on facebook who are being detained without charges currently because they posted on a message board something about Obama? Or are you talking about those who have been murdered for it such as Andrew Breitbart and the coroner who revealed he was poisoned with arsenic?

Or maybe you are referring to the comedian who used to impersonate presidents such as George Bush .... he was murdered right after being told Obama didn't like his jokes... yep... I can see what you are talking about there! - Jeremiah


Oh..and there was no facebook in 1933.

I'm responding to Dutch reply - tell him not me - as for a link? It was all over the news - where do you live? Under a rock???! - Jeremiah
Right like the people on facebook who are being detained without charges currently because they posted on a message board something about Obama? Or are you talking about those who have been murdered for it such as Andrew Breitbart and the coroner who revealed he was poisoned with arsenic?

Or maybe you are referring to the comedian who used to impersonate presidents such as George Bush .... he was murdered right after being told Obama didn't like his jokes... yep... I can see what you are talking about there! - Jeremiah


Oh..and there was no facebook in 1933.

I'm responding to Dutch reply - tell him not me - as for a link? It was all over the news - where do you live? Under a rock???! - Jeremiah

My bad.

I don't bother with breitbart.

But I don't consider that news.
The Obama = Hitler is built upon a pile of false premises and deranged delusions.

Hitler confiscated guns, Hitler dissolved the Reichstag, Hitler was a dictator. All of these prerequisites have to be constructed around Obama to make him like Hitler.

So a lie is invented which says Obama's DOJ recommends confiscating guns.

Only, it didn't.

Many lies are invented that Obama is writing, or going to write, unconstitutional EOs.

Only, he didn't.

The mere existence of EOs by Obama are somehow proof he is a dictator.

Only, you have to go back more than 100 years to find a President who has written less EOs. Not even the truncated administrations of JFK or Ford have less EOs.

Obama has done none of these things which are claimed.

But each of these lies is used as a mountain of "evidence" to faciliate the next manufactured lie's acceptance as truth. So obviously true to the Gullible Fuck demographic that not one of them ever stops to fact check. Not one ever notices the glaring holes in each lie. They only see the overlapping lies as the very foundations of truth that Obama = Hitler.

Each one is evidence to support the "I wouldn't put it past him!" argument. And so it seems as natural as breathing to believe the latest lunacy du jour that our US troops are coming to slaughter us and put the survivors in FEMA camps. know who put people in concentration camps.
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70% of the Jews didn't vote for Obama this time. Those were Roman Catholics. Time to pull out the old decree from the late 40's that warns of ex-communication for those who have anything to do with communist fascists.

I stand corrected wasn't 70% was 69%:eek::eek::eek::eek:

The Republican survey in Florida matched the exit polls, giving Obama 66 percent and Romney 30 percent of the Jewish vote. But the overall margin in the Sunshine State remains close. If Obama's lead holds up, Jews, who made up a statistically significant 5 percent of the vote, may have helped to decide the outcome. And WE KNOW what the outcome was! 69% for Obama!

OBAMA'S Cousin is a Rabbi

Rabbi Capers Funnye celebrated Martin Luther King Day this year in New York City at the Stephen Wise Free Synagogue, a mainstream Reform congregation, in the company of about 700 fellow Jews — many of them black. The organizers of the event had reached out to four of New York’s Black Jewish synagogues in the hope of promoting Jewish diversity, and they weren’t disappointed. African-American Jews, largely from Brooklyn, the Bronx and Queens, many of whom had never been in a predominantly white synagogue, made up about a quarter of the audience. Most of the visiting women wore traditional African garb; the men stood out because, though it was a secular occasion, most kept their heads covered. But even with your eyes closed you could tell who was who: the black Jews and the white Jews clapped to the music on different beats.

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