Comparing Obama to Hitler

Oh, I don't know... They kind of look alike...

So someone draws a picture to DELIBERATELY make Obama look like Hitler and you actually think this is accurate?

Holy FUCK, people are stupid.

It's not about stupidity. He and the the guy who posted the pic are just being dicks, that's all.
Hitler despised the Catholic Church - as does Obama.


Hitler and Pius were buds.

1st thing Hitler did after taking over was to have a picture of himself placed in every classroom and every crucifix and sign of Catholic Church removed from sight. He was very much against the RCC and a follower of Madame Blavatsky Occultist teachings.. So was Himmler.. look up the Third Reich and the Occult. Satan was their god. When they speak of the god of Germany they are speaking of the god of hell, not heaven.. Nazis were very crafty about how they went about this.. you need to do your own research because if you think Hitler worshiped the God of the bible you are seriously misinformed.. - Jeremiah
I can see Obama replacing the crucifix with a picture of himself. Can't you? Right up his alley!
"Fourteen words" is a Neo-Nazi/White Power thing, not an actual NSDAP thing. <- for whoever mentioned that earlier in the thread.

And if you visit Stormfront, you will find those people adore Hitler. Worship him.

Because they are Nazis. Just tell them you think black people and Jews and homosexuals should be treated equally, see what happens.

You will also find they are national socialists. They understand and follow EVERYTHING Hitler did. No careful filtering out of all that racial shit like some Gullible Fucks try to do here.

I'm aware.

But it's dangerous to confuse those who idolize Hitler now with those who followed him then.

Neo-Nazis idolize Hitler because he blamed the Jews for everything.
Nazis blamed the Jews for everything because they idolized Hitler.

No, the hatred of Jews was already part of German society.

Hitler - with help from the dire economic circumstances there, which were much worse than are currently here - was basically a flame to a puddle of gasoline that was already on the floor.
He said something stupid like:

Threatening to kill the President. Yeah..that illegal. As is..basically..threatening to kill people.

Funny though..that if Obama was anywhere anything like Hitler..those folks that threatened him..would be shot in the face.

Pedophile and shitty pants draft dodger, Ted Nugent got to sit in at the SOTU, after an invite by Republican Congressman.

That's after threatening the President on multiple occasions.

but threatening to kill american citizens with drones is OK with you, hypocrisy is your middle name.

Sounds like Jeremiah needs some better sources of "credible" information.

Coming from you, Lakohota that is hysterical. I've yet to find anything you are posting to be based on reliable facts so it doesn't surprise me you fail to recognize them when you see them.
Comparing Obama to Hitller is very stupid. A much more valid comparison is Carter.

Yeah, those comparisons to 1980 really turned out accurate, didn't they.

But he isn't like Carter at all. Is he. He is very much like Hitler right down to the thin skin that cannot tolerate anyone speaking against him. Obama can't wait for the day he can show his true colors - just like his mass murdering cousin Odinga who burned over 20,000 innocent villagers to alive.. after rape, slaughter, looting... that was how Odinga won his election.. Obamas first cousin.. yes.


And this is one of the biggest reasons why you right-wingnuts lost last November.

As I said in yet another thread, comparing a modern day American President to Hitler is a direct insult to the millions of Jews who were persecuted and slaughtered during WWII. It's also an insult to their families and other loved ones.

Partisan ideology makes people do and say stupid fucking things, and this is just another example.


"we cannot build socialism without doing away with individualism" "they are prisoners and reactionaries, they defend the individual against the state, haven't you read Lenin"

Does anyone know who said that? How does it compare with what obama is forcing on the USA today?

Be careful people, be very careful.

When I see this administration building gas chambers and prison camps, when I see them slaughtering millions of innocents, I'll buy into this absolutely stupid Obama/Hitler absurdity.

An insult to millions, that's what this is. And I thought conservatives supported Israel.


Yea, when I see Obama or any other American politician responsible for this, I'll start listening..........

Comparing Obama to Hitller is very stupid. A much more valid comparison is Carter.

Yeah, those comparisons to 1980 really turned out accurate, didn't they.

But he isn't like Carter at all. Is he. He is very much like Hitler right down to the thin skin that cannot tolerate anyone speaking against him. Obama can't wait for the day he can show his true colors - just like his mass murdering cousin Odinga who burned over 20,000 innocent villagers to alive.. after rape, slaughter, looting... that was how Odinga won his election.. Obamas first cousin.. yes.

Raila Odinga is NOT Obama's "first cousin".

There is really no connection between them at all, aside from having roots in the same tribe.

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