Comparing Obama to Hitler


As I said in yet another thread, comparing a modern day American President to Hitler is a direct insult to the millions of Jews who were persecuted and slaughtered during WWII. It's also an insult to their families and other loved ones.

Partisan ideology makes people do and say stupid fucking things, and this is just another example.


"we cannot build socialism without doing away with individualism" "they are prisoners and reactionaries, they defend the individual against the state, haven't you read Lenin"

Does anyone know who said that? How does it compare with what obama is forcing on the USA today?

Be careful people, be very careful.
The very fact you are free to post your idiot ramblings on this message board without fear of the FBI knocking on your door and arresting you proves your arguement is a fallacy.

Right like the people on facebook who are being detained without charges currently because they posted on a message board something about Obama? Or are you talking about those who have been murdered for it such as Andrew Breitbart and the coroner who revealed he was poisoned with arsenic?

Or maybe you are referring to the comedian who used to impersonate presidents such as George Bush .... he was murdered right after being told Obama didn't like his jokes... yep... I can see what you are talking about there! - Jeremiah


Oh..and there was no facebook in 1933.

There was NO facebook in 1933? Christ, it's amazing what you can learn here!
As for all the "similarities" mentioned in the OP - none of them are based in reality.

It's not "illegal" to protest in from of Secret Service members. Nor is "illegal" (at least on a federal level) to photograph police. Those laws are local laws, passed by local governments on behalf of local police forces.

The man "arrested" for comments on facebook was released 3 days later - I guess that Breitbart neglected to update you guys on that one.

What was he arrested for?

He said something stupid like:

That’s the last straw, if he gets re-elected I’m going to hunt him down and kill him watch the life disappear from his eyes.

Then, when the Secret Service visited him, they asked him what he would do if Obama was standing in front of him, and he said another stupid thing, like, "I would bitch slap him, and beat the shit out of him.”
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As I said in yet another thread, comparing a modern day American President to Hitler is a direct insult to the millions of Jews who were persecuted and slaughtered during WWII. It's also an insult to their families and other loved ones.

Partisan ideology makes people do and say stupid fucking things, and this is just another example.


"we cannot build socialism without doing away with individualism" "they are prisoners and reactionaries, they defend the individual against the state, haven't you read Lenin"

Does anyone know who said that? How does it compare with what obama is forcing on the USA today?

Be careful people, be very careful.

Lenin, you guys are all over the place.

What's next? Jeebus Christ?
"Fourteen words" is a Neo-Nazi/White Power thing, not an actual NSDAP thing. <- for whoever mentioned that earlier in the thread.

And if you visit Stormfront, you will find those people adore Hitler. Worship him.

Because they are Nazis. Just tell them you think black people and Jews and homosexuals should be treated equally, see what happens.

You will also find they are national socialists. They understand and follow EVERYTHING Hitler did. No careful filtering out of all that racial shit like some Gullible Fucks try to do here.

I'm aware.

But it's dangerous to confuse those who idolize Hitler now with those who followed him then.

Neo-Nazis idolize Hitler because he blamed the Jews for everything.
Nazis blamed the Jews for everything because they idolized Hitler.
I'm responding to Dutch reply - tell him not me - as for a link? It was all over the news - where do you live? Under a rock???! - Jeremiah

My bad.

I don't bother with breitbart.

But I don't consider that news.

Neither do I.. just like huffo puffo, stink progress, etc

Except Breitbart etc etc are totally FOS propaganda, and you're a brainwashed functional moron at this point. Change the channel. See sig pp 3.

As I said in yet another thread, comparing a modern day American President to Hitler is a direct insult to the millions of Jews who were persecuted and slaughtered during WWII. It's also an insult to their families and other loved ones.

Partisan ideology makes people do and say stupid fucking things, and this is just another example.


"we cannot build socialism without doing away with individualism" "they are prisoners and reactionaries, they defend the individual against the state, haven't you read Lenin"

Does anyone know who said that? How does it compare with what obama is forcing on the USA today?

Be careful people, be very careful.

Lenin, you guys are all over the place.

What's next? Jeebus Christ?

do you agree that individualism should be sacrificed for the state and that those who disagree should be put in prison?

history is repeating itself and yet you obama worshipers continue to bow and pay homage to your failed messiah. amazing stupidity.
As for all the "similarities" mentioned in the OP - none of them are based in reality.

It's not "illegal" to protest in from of Secret Service members. Nor is "illegal" (at least on a federal level) to photograph police. Those laws are local laws, passed by local governments on behalf of local police forces.

The man "arrested" for comments on facebook was released 3 days later - I guess that Breitbart neglected to update you guys on that one.

What was he arrested for?

I don't remember the whole story, but I don't think he was "arrested", I think he was involuntarily committed for 3 days for a psych eval.
As for all the "similarities" mentioned in the OP - none of them are based in reality.

It's not "illegal" to protest in from of Secret Service members. Nor is "illegal" (at least on a federal level) to photograph police. Those laws are local laws, passed by local governments on behalf of local police forces.

The man "arrested" for comments on facebook was released 3 days later - I guess that Breitbart neglected to update you guys on that one.

What was he arrested for?

He said something stupid like:

That’s the last straw, if he gets re-elected I’m going to hunt him down and kill him watch the life disappear from his eyes.

Threatening to kill the President. Yeah..that illegal. As is..basically..threatening to kill people.

Funny though..that if Obama was anywhere anything like Hitler..those folks that threatened him..would be shot in the face.

Pedophile and shitty pants draft dodger, Ted Nugent got to sit in at the SOTU, after an invite by Republican Congressman.

That's after threatening the President on multiple occasions.
"Fourteen words" is a Neo-Nazi/White Power thing, not an actual NSDAP thing. <- for whoever mentioned that earlier in the thread.

And if you visit Stormfront, you will find those people adore Hitler. Worship him.

Because they are Nazis. Just tell them you think black people and Jews and homosexuals should be treated equally, see what happens.

You will also find they are national socialists. They understand and follow EVERYTHING Hitler did. No careful filtering out of all that racial shit like some Gullible Fucks try to do here.

I'm aware.

But it's dangerous to confuse those who idolize Hitler now with those who followed him then.

Neo-Nazis idolize Hitler because he blamed the Jews for everything.
Nazis blamed the Jews for everything because they idolized Hitler.

I know how much you want to separate a modern Nazi from a Hitler Nazi because you can't pretend Obama is like Hitler unless you can.

The modern Nazis are national socialists, identical to Hitler in every way. How ironic is it you are trying to say they aren't the REAL Nazis? :lol:

But Obama is. BWA-HA-HA! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Man, these topics are such a hoot!
"we cannot build socialism without doing away with individualism" "they are prisoners and reactionaries, they defend the individual against the state, haven't you read Lenin"

Does anyone know who said that? How does it compare with what obama is forcing on the USA today?

Be careful people, be very careful.

Lenin, you guys are all over the place.

What's next? Jeebus Christ?

do you agree that individualism should be sacrificed for the state and that those who disagree should be put in prison?

history is repeating itself and yet you obama worshipers continue to bow and pay homage to your failed messiah. amazing stupidity.

Worship is a religious thing.

I am not religious.
What was he arrested for?

He said something stupid like:

That’s the last straw, if he gets re-elected I’m going to hunt him down and kill him watch the life disappear from his eyes.

Threatening to kill the President. Yeah..that illegal. As is..basically..threatening to kill people.

Funny though..that if Obama was anywhere anything like Hitler..those folks that threatened him..would be shot in the face.

Pedophile and shitty pants draft dodger, Ted Nugent got to sit in at the SOTU, after an invite by Republican Congressman.

That's after threatening the President on multiple occasions.

but threatening to kill american citizens with drones is OK with you, hypocrisy is your middle name.

As I said in yet another thread, comparing a modern day American President to Hitler is a direct insult to the millions of Jews who were persecuted and slaughtered during WWII. It's also an insult to their families and other loved ones.

Partisan ideology makes people do and say stupid fucking things, and this is just another example.


"we cannot build socialism without doing away with individualism" "they are prisoners and reactionaries, they defend the individual against the state, haven't you read Lenin"

Does anyone know who said that? How does it compare with what obama is forcing on the USA today?

Be careful people, be very careful.

When I see this administration building gas chambers and prison camps, when I see them slaughtering millions of innocents, I'll buy into this absolutely stupid Obama/Hitler absurdity.

An insult to millions, that's what this is. And I thought conservatives supported Israel.

He said something stupid like:

Threatening to kill the President. Yeah..that illegal. As is..basically..threatening to kill people.

Funny though..that if Obama was anywhere anything like Hitler..those folks that threatened him..would be shot in the face.

Pedophile and shitty pants draft dodger, Ted Nugent got to sit in at the SOTU, after an invite by Republican Congressman.

That's after threatening the President on multiple occasions.

but threatening to kill american citizens with drones is OK with you, hypocrisy is your middle name.

Not it's not.

My middle name starts with a "D".

Threatening to kill the President. Yeah..that illegal. As is..basically..threatening to kill people.

Funny though..that if Obama was anywhere anything like Hitler..those folks that threatened him..would be shot in the face.

Pedophile and shitty pants draft dodger, Ted Nugent got to sit in at the SOTU, after an invite by Republican Congressman.

That's after threatening the President on multiple occasions.

but threatening to kill american citizens with drones is OK with you, hypocrisy is your middle name.

Not it's not.

My middle name starts with a "D".

oops, sorry -- sallow dipshit jones
And if you visit Stormfront, you will find those people adore Hitler. Worship him.

Because they are Nazis. Just tell them you think black people and Jews and homosexuals should be treated equally, see what happens.

You will also find they are national socialists. They understand and follow EVERYTHING Hitler did. No careful filtering out of all that racial shit like some Gullible Fucks try to do here.

I'm aware.

But it's dangerous to confuse those who idolize Hitler now with those who followed him then.

Neo-Nazis idolize Hitler because he blamed the Jews for everything.
Nazis blamed the Jews for everything because they idolized Hitler.

I know how much you want to separate a modern Nazi from a Hitler Nazi because you can't pretend Obama is like Hitler unless you can.

The modern Nazis are national socialists, identical to Hitler in every way. How ironic is it you are trying to say they aren't the REAL Nazis? :lol:

But Obama is. BWA-HA-HA! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Man, these topics are such a hoot!

I think you should re-read my posts in this thread, or perhaps my posts in general.

I've never said anything close to "Obama is Hitler". The idea is absurd. In fact, I've pointed out in this thread that all of the OP's claims were in fact fiction.

Perhaps you were confusing me with someone else?

As I said in yet another thread, comparing a modern day American President to Hitler is a direct insult to the millions of Jews who were persecuted and slaughtered during WWII. It's also an insult to their families and other loved ones.

Partisan ideology makes people do and say stupid fucking things, and this is just another example.


"we cannot build socialism without doing away with individualism" "they are prisoners and reactionaries, they defend the individual against the state, haven't you read Lenin"

Does anyone know who said that? How does it compare with what obama is forcing on the USA today?

Be careful people, be very careful.

When I see this administration building gas chambers and prison camps, when I see them slaughtering millions of innocents, I'll buy into this absolutely stupid Obama/Hitler absurdity.

An insult to millions, that's what this is. And I thought conservatives supported Israel.


its more subtle than that. its about the state taking precedence over the individual, its about the "common good". its about redistribution of wealth and "you didn't build that". its about an ideology that is in contradiction with the constitution. Its about taking the voice away from those who disagree with the state, its about a state controlled media.

pay attention.
"we cannot build socialism without doing away with individualism" "they are prisoners and reactionaries, they defend the individual against the state, haven't you read Lenin"

Does anyone know who said that? How does it compare with what obama is forcing on the USA today?

Be careful people, be very careful.

When I see this administration building gas chambers and prison camps, when I see them slaughtering millions of innocents, I'll buy into this absolutely stupid Obama/Hitler absurdity.

An insult to millions, that's what this is. And I thought conservatives supported Israel.


its more subtle than that. its about the state taking precedence over the individual, its about the "common good". its about redistribution of wealth and "you didn't build that". its about an ideology that is in contradiction with the constitution. Its about taking the voice away from those who disagree with the state, its about a state controlled media.

pay attention.

Indeed, I AM paying attention.

There are plenty of other examples of wealth redistribution, of a state-controlled media, all the rest. Plenty. But you are choosing to bring up Hitler because he's the worst person you can think of. That's much hate you have for Obama.

So if you want to insult millions to vent your impotent rage, that's your call. I'm just shining a light on it.

Oh, I don't know... They kind of look alike...

So someone draws a picture to DELIBERATELY make Obama look like Hitler and you actually think this is accurate?

Holy FUCK, people are stupid.

There is a whole lot more in common for Hitler and Obama that a photograph.

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