Comparing Obama to Hitler

Hitler was a brilliant war strategist. He rebuilt the German economy from the post WWI disaster caused by rampant inflation. obama is a dolt who invites others to treat the nation as a doormat. He intends rampant inflation. There is no evidence that Hitler hated Germany the way obama hates the US.
70% of the Jews didn't vote for Obama this time. Those were Roman Catholics. Time to pull out the old decree from the late 40's that warns of ex-communication for those who have anything to do with communist fascists.

I stand corrected wasn't 70% was 69%:eek::eek::eek::eek:

The Republican survey in Florida matched the exit polls, giving Obama 66 percent and Romney 30 percent of the Jewish vote. But the overall margin in the Sunshine State remains close. If Obama's lead holds up, Jews, who made up a statistically significant 5 percent of the vote, may have helped to decide the outcome. And WE KNOW what the outcome was! 69% for Obama!

Not this time around.. J Street has lost its punch... tell me Polkow, what shall you do when you face God and he asks you about your communist ties? Any ideas on that one? Good to be prepared you know.. - Jeremiah
Who was it that said waterboarding is not torture? Oh, yeah. Bush.

Who was it that said we should not have to observe the constitutional rights of American citizens suspected of being terrorists? Oh, yeah. Bush.

Apparently Obama agrees because he executed some American citizens without a trial.

Apples and oranges. How do you try an "enemy combatant" who is senior Al Qaeda terrorist operating outside the US in Al Qaeda controlled territory?

How can someone be an "enemy combatant" if they aren't on a battlefield? There are lots of people running around that are difficult for the U.S. government to arrest. That doesn't give the government license to kill them without so much as a hearing.
Oh, I don't know... They kind of look alike...

Oh..and there was no facebook in 1933.

I'm responding to Dutch reply - tell him not me - as for a link? It was all over the news - where do you live? Under a rock???! - Jeremiah

My bad.

I don't bother with breitbart.

But I don't consider that news.

Right, the truth has to agree with your point of view first. Otherwise you can't consider it. We know the drill...
70% of the Jews didn't vote for Obama this time. Those were Roman Catholics. Time to pull out the old decree from the late 40's that warns of ex-communication for those who have anything to do with communist fascists.

I stand corrected wasn't 70% was 69%:eek::eek::eek::eek:

The Republican survey in Florida matched the exit polls, giving Obama 66 percent and Romney 30 percent of the Jewish vote. But the overall margin in the Sunshine State remains close. If Obama's lead holds up, Jews, who made up a statistically significant 5 percent of the vote, may have helped to decide the outcome. And WE KNOW what the outcome was! 69% for Obama!

Not this time around.. J Street has lost its punch... tell me Polkow, what shall you do when you face God and he asks you about your communist ties? Any ideas on that one? Good to be prepared you know.. - Jeremiah

The christer god is your god not mine :eek::eek::eek:
Apparently Obama agrees because he executed some American citizens without a trial.

Apples and oranges. How do you try an "enemy combatant" who is senior Al Qaeda terrorist operating outside the US in Al Qaeda controlled territory?

How can someone be an "enemy combatant" if they aren't on a battlefield? There are lots of people running around that are difficult for the U.S. government to arrest. That doesn't give the government license to kill them without so much as a hearing.

Sorry if you are mourning the death of Osama Bin Laden.

I for one..would have liked to have join the party in Times Square. But I was working.
I'm responding to Dutch reply - tell him not me - as for a link? It was all over the news - where do you live? Under a rock???! - Jeremiah

My bad.

I don't bother with breitbart.

But I don't consider that news.

Right, the truth has to agree with your point of view first. Otherwise you can't consider it. We know the drill...

Brietbart and the Truth have nothing to do with each other.

As I said in yet another thread, comparing a modern day American President to Hitler is a direct insult to the millions of Jews who were persecuted and slaughtered during WWII. It's also an insult to their families and other loved ones.

Partisan ideology makes people do and say stupid fucking things, and this is just another example.

Oh, I don't know... They kind of look alike...

So someone draws a picture to DELIBERATELY make Obama look like Hitler and you actually think this is accurate?

Holy FUCK, people are stupid.
"Fourteen words" is a Neo-Nazi/White Power thing, not an actual NSDAP thing. <- for whoever mentioned that earlier in the thread.

And if you visit Stormfront, you will find those people adore Hitler. Worship him.

Because they are Nazis. Just tell them you think black people and Jews and homosexuals should be treated equally, see what happens.

You will also find they are national socialists. They understand and believe in EVERYTHING Hitler did. The whole package. No careful filtering out of all that Master Race shit like some Gullible Fucks try to do here in their incredibly retarded attempts at Obama = Hitler. The bozos here have zero understanding of Nazis.

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As for all the "similarities" mentioned in the OP - none of them are based in reality.

It's not "illegal" to protest in from of Secret Service members. Nor is "illegal" (at least on a federal level) to photograph police. Those laws are local laws, passed by local governments on behalf of local police forces.

The man "arrested" for comments on facebook was released 3 days later - I guess that Breitbart neglected to update you guys on that one.
As for all the "similarities" mentioned in the OP - none of them are based in reality.

It's not "illegal" to protest in from of Secret Service members. Nor is "illegal" (at least on a federal level) to photograph police. Those laws are local laws, passed by local governments on behalf of local police forces.

The man "arrested" for comments on facebook was released 3 days later - I guess that Breitbart neglected to update you guys on that one.

What was he arrested for?

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