Comparing Republican "Christian Values" To Islamic Fundamentalism

The three techniques the Regressive Left uses in spinning for the PC-protected religion:
  1. Deflecting to the misdeeds of Christianity
  2. Equating modern-day Islam with modern-day Christianity
  3. Going straight to personal insults and name-calling.
  1. Rinse. Repeat. Get applause from Nutbags. Rinse. Repeat.
And right on cue, one of them jumps in with a beautiful example of #3 for me.

I swear, the Regressive Lefties CAN'T HELP THEMSELVES.


Gee. You've never said that before. There is no way we could have predicted that you'd say that.

Comparing Republican “Christian Values” To Islamic Fundamentalism


Let’s also not forget that both right-wing evangelicals and Islamic fundamentalists believe that a nation should be ruled by religion, also know as a theocratic form of government. Both groups believe their rights are given to them by God (or Allah), not the government. And while many Islamic nations on this planet are indeed ruled by religion, it is our secularist Constitution which has prevented Christian radicals here from ruling this nation as the theocracy they’d love for it to be.

Then there’s always intolerance of other religions. A nation such as Saudi Arabia has no tolerance for any other religions besides Islam. And I can’t help but think that, if many conservatives had their way, this nation would also ban other religions – especially Islam. But while we’re obviously much more tolerant to religious freedom here in the United States than some Islamic states, that is another example of secularism providing that freedom – not Christian fundamentalism.

But when you get right down to it, isn’t the goal of both right-wing Christian evangelicals and Islamic fundamentalists essentially the same – to build nations based upon theocracies and religious rule?


Mike Pence:
"A Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order"

Really Mike, really?
IOWs what Mike is saying is, Mike wants the Christian equivalent of Sharia Law for the USofA. Thank God the Constitution of the United States of America stands in the way of Mike and dumbasses like him...


That's correct.

Reason I'll vote for whomever allows me to bear arms.


Who is NOT allowing you to bear arms?

If Hillary wins then, Hillary and five of her SCOTUS hommies.


Are you really that delusional and paranoid? The right to bear arms isn't the same as reasonable gun control.

Comparing Republican “Christian Values” To Islamic Fundamentalism


Let’s also not forget that both right-wing evangelicals and Islamic fundamentalists believe that a nation should be ruled by religion, also know as a theocratic form of government. Both groups believe their rights are given to them by God (or Allah), not the government. And while many Islamic nations on this planet are indeed ruled by religion, it is our secularist Constitution which has prevented Christian radicals here from ruling this nation as the theocracy they’d love for it to be.

Then there’s always intolerance of other religions. A nation such as Saudi Arabia has no tolerance for any other religions besides Islam. And I can’t help but think that, if many conservatives had their way, this nation would also ban other religions – especially Islam. But while we’re obviously much more tolerant to religious freedom here in the United States than some Islamic states, that is another example of secularism providing that freedom – not Christian fundamentalism.

But when you get right down to it, isn’t the goal of both right-wing Christian evangelicals and Islamic fundamentalists essentially the same – to build nations based upon theocracies and religious rule?


Mike Pence:
"A Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order"

Really Mike, really?
IOWs what Mike is saying is, Mike wants the Christian equivalent of Sharia Law for the USofA. Thank God the Constitution of the United States of America stands in the way of Mike and dumbasses like him...


That's correct.

Reason I'll vote for whomever allows me to bear arms.


Who is NOT allowing you to bear arms?

If Hillary wins then, Hillary and five of her SCOTUS hommies.


Are you really that delusional and paranoid? The right to bear arms isn't the same as reasonable gun control.

Come on man, what do you expect?

You have really scared the shit out of me with that guy Pence.

What is a Patriot to do?

Let's vote for someone who support our right to bear arms for the next 8 years.

I will be 78y at the end of their terms. I will be probably be dead then . My prostate will then be the size of a watermelon.

After that you can vote for whoever you want to.

Be a pal.


.Mike Pence: "A Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order"

Really Mike, really?
IOWs what Mike is saying is, Mike wants the Christian equivalent of Sharia Law for the USofA. Thank God the Constitution of the United States of America stands in the way of Mike and dumbasses like him...
Ok, THIS is the DUMBEST thing I have read TO DATE on this board...AND THAT'S SAYING A LOT!

Declaring that a man calling HIMSELF a Christian, declaring that Jesus Christ is the number 1 priority IN HIS OWN LIFE is equivalent to wanting to IMPOSE Sharia Law on the country requires an IQ just above PLANT LIFE.

It also demonstrates a COMPLETE LACK of knowledge of Christianity and about Jesus Christ.

Jesus declared 'give unto Caesar what is Caesar's' and explained His kingdom was / is not of this world. He could care less about politics and what governments did.

Jesus taught and then ASKED people to follow Him. Unlike Islamists today, He did not say follow me or I'll cut your head off. He never said, 'Vote for Caesar' OR 'Vote Republican or you're going to hell'. His teachings are about SHARING His word and then it's up to the individual to choose on their own. THAT, by the way, is the ORIGINAL concept of 'freedom of religion'!

If Pence is a true Christian, which I believe him to be until proven otherwise, he is not interested in FORCING Christianity on all Americans, unlike ISIS with Islam or Barry / Lynch with Global warming.

The idea, anyway, that the VICE PRESIDENT of the United States could FORCE his own such Christian-based legislation into law past the House, Senate, President, and USSC is BEYOND ignorant AND stupid! For one, it violates the Constitution forbidding the govt from picking/supporting any 1 specific religion. UNLIKE what the current Lib President has demonstrated, REPUBLICANS actually support, defend, and serk to PROTECT the Constitution. Liberals either use it and the rule of law like an 'a la carte' menu or just ignore and trample the shit out of it.

This ridiculous IGNORANT opinion piece is either condpiracy theorist-backed FEAR MONGERING with a little demonization of Christianity mixed in OR the author and the OP are utterly INSANE.
Both groups believe their rights are given to them by God (or Allah), not the government.

While there is plenty of humor in this diatribe, let's focus in on the lack of understanding of our country's founding.

Governments do not give rights to the People, because they do not own these rights in the first place. In our society, it is the People who delegates the government authority to act on their behalf. The People always maintain permanent ownership over the enumerated rights that no government may infringe upon....this is fundamental American history 101. I strongly suggest you avail yourself of the many foundational documents upon which our nation was founded. It spells this concept out very clearly...

Comparing Republican “Christian Values” To Islamic Fundamentalism


Let’s also not forget that both right-wing evangelicals and Islamic fundamentalists believe that a nation should be ruled by religion, also know as a theocratic form of government. Both groups believe their rights are given to them by God (or Allah), not the government. And while many Islamic nations on this planet are indeed ruled by religion, it is our secularist Constitution which has prevented Christian radicals here from ruling this nation as the theocracy they’d love for it to be.

Then there’s always intolerance of other religions. A nation such as Saudi Arabia has no tolerance for any other religions besides Islam. And I can’t help but think that, if many conservatives had their way, this nation would also ban other religions – especially Islam. But while we’re obviously much more tolerant to religious freedom here in the United States than some Islamic states, that is another example of secularism providing that freedom – not Christian fundamentalism.

But when you get right down to it, isn’t the goal of both right-wing Christian evangelicals and Islamic fundamentalists essentially the same – to build nations based upon theocracies and religious rule?


Mike Pence:
"A Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order"

Really Mike, really?
IOWs what Mike is saying is, Mike wants the Christian equivalent of Sharia Law for the USofA. Thank God the Constitution of the United States of America stands in the way of Mike and dumbasses like him...


That's correct.

Reason I'll vote for whomever allows me to bear arms.


Who is NOT allowing you to bear arms?

If Hillary wins then, Hillary and five of her SCOTUS hommies.


Are you really that delusional and paranoid? The right to bear arms isn't the same as reasonable gun control.

Come on man, what do you expect?

You have really scared the shit out of me with that guy Pence.

What is a Patriot to do?

Let's vote for someone who support our right to bear arms for the next 8 years.

I will be 78y at the end of their terms. I will be probably be dead then . My prostate will then be the size of a watermelon.

After that you can vote for whoever you want to.

Be a pal.



I'm 69 and been hunting since about 6. I have many guns and cherish them all. I support the 2nd Amendment - but I also support reasonable gun control laws. The NRA never-give-an-inch gun nuts are the greatest threat to my future gun rights. Where I live even the schools close for the first week of deer season, but no time off for bear hunting. We all cherish our hunting and gun rights - Democrats and Republicans alike.

Comparing Republican “Christian Values” To Islamic Fundamentalism


Let’s also not forget that both right-wing evangelicals and Islamic fundamentalists believe that a nation should be ruled by religion, also know as a theocratic form of government. Both groups believe their rights are given to them by God (or Allah), not the government. And while many Islamic nations on this planet are indeed ruled by religion, it is our secularist Constitution which has prevented Christian radicals here from ruling this nation as the theocracy they’d love for it to be.

Then there’s always intolerance of other religions. A nation such as Saudi Arabia has no tolerance for any other religions besides Islam. And I can’t help but think that, if many conservatives had their way, this nation would also ban other religions – especially Islam. But while we’re obviously much more tolerant to religious freedom here in the United States than some Islamic states, that is another example of secularism providing that freedom – not Christian fundamentalism.

But when you get right down to it, isn’t the goal of both right-wing Christian evangelicals and Islamic fundamentalists essentially the same – to build nations based upon theocracies and religious rule?


Mike Pence:
"A Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order"

Really Mike, really?
IOWs what Mike is saying is, Mike wants the Christian equivalent of Sharia Law for the USofA. Thank God the Constitution of the United States of America stands in the way of Mike and dumbasses like him...


That's correct.

Reason I'll vote for whomever allows me to bear arms.


Who is NOT allowing you to bear arms?

If Hillary wins then, Hillary and five of her SCOTUS hommies.


Are you really that delusional and paranoid? The right to bear arms isn't the same as reasonable gun control.
Control and right should never be used in the same sentence. Unless you're a brainwashed, armstretched, leftist drone.

Comparing Republican “Christian Values” To Islamic Fundamentalism


Let’s also not forget that both right-wing evangelicals and Islamic fundamentalists believe that a nation should be ruled by religion, also know as a theocratic form of government. Both groups believe their rights are given to them by God (or Allah), not the government. And while many Islamic nations on this planet are indeed ruled by religion, it is our secularist Constitution which has prevented Christian radicals here from ruling this nation as the theocracy they’d love for it to be.

Then there’s always intolerance of other religions. A nation such as Saudi Arabia has no tolerance for any other religions besides Islam. And I can’t help but think that, if many conservatives had their way, this nation would also ban other religions – especially Islam. But while we’re obviously much more tolerant to religious freedom here in the United States than some Islamic states, that is another example of secularism providing that freedom – not Christian fundamentalism.

But when you get right down to it, isn’t the goal of both right-wing Christian evangelicals and Islamic fundamentalists essentially the same – to build nations based upon theocracies and religious rule?


Mike Pence:
"A Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order"

Really Mike, really?
IOWs what Mike is saying is, Mike wants the Christian equivalent of Sharia Law for the USofA. Thank God the Constitution of the United States of America stands in the way of Mike and dumbasses like him...


That's correct.

Reason I'll vote for whomever allows me to bear arms.


Who is NOT allowing you to bear arms?

If Hillary wins then, Hillary and five of her SCOTUS hommies.


Are you really that delusional and paranoid? The right to bear arms isn't the same as reasonable gun control.
Control and right should never be used in the same sentence. Unless you're a brainwashed, armstretched, leftist drone.

Many restrictions (controls) have been placed on the 2nd Amendment since it was written - with more to come. Yes, it is a right - but not an "unconditional" one. Even NaziCon Scalia said that.
That's correct.

Reason I'll vote for whomever allows me to bear arms.


Who is NOT allowing you to bear arms?

If Hillary wins then, Hillary and five of her SCOTUS hommies.


Are you really that delusional and paranoid? The right to bear arms isn't the same as reasonable gun control.
Control and right should never be used in the same sentence. Unless you're a brainwashed, armstretched, leftist drone.

Many restrictions (controls) have been placed on the 2nd Amendment since it was written - with more to come. Yes, it is a right - but not an "unconditional" one. Even NaziCon Scalia said that.
When you put conditions on rights, rights become regulations.
Who is NOT allowing you to bear arms?

If Hillary wins then, Hillary and five of her SCOTUS hommies.


Are you really that delusional and paranoid? The right to bear arms isn't the same as reasonable gun control.
Control and right should never be used in the same sentence. Unless you're a brainwashed, armstretched, leftist drone.

Many restrictions (controls) have been placed on the 2nd Amendment since it was written - with more to come. Yes, it is a right - but not an "unconditional" one. Even NaziCon Scalia said that.
When you put conditions on rights, rights become regulations.

No shit, Sherlock. So, the 2nd Amendment is "regulated"...

The 2nd Amendment must be regulated because it's a confusing piece of shit the way it's worded.
If Hillary wins then, Hillary and five of her SCOTUS hommies.


Are you really that delusional and paranoid? The right to bear arms isn't the same as reasonable gun control.
Control and right should never be used in the same sentence. Unless you're a brainwashed, armstretched, leftist drone.

Many restrictions (controls) have been placed on the 2nd Amendment since it was written - with more to come. Yes, it is a right - but not an "unconditional" one. Even NaziCon Scalia said that.
When you put conditions on rights, rights become regulations.

No shit, Sherlock. So, the 2nd Amendment is "regulated"...


The militia mentioned in the 2nd is regulated
Are you really that delusional and paranoid? The right to bear arms isn't the same as reasonable gun control.
Control and right should never be used in the same sentence. Unless you're a brainwashed, armstretched, leftist drone.

Many restrictions (controls) have been placed on the 2nd Amendment since it was written - with more to come. Yes, it is a right - but not an "unconditional" one. Even NaziCon Scalia said that.
When you put conditions on rights, rights become regulations.

No shit, Sherlock. So, the 2nd Amendment is "regulated"...


The militia mentioned in the 2nd is regulated

Well, if you ain't in a regulated militia - you shouldn't even have a firearm according to the 2nd Amendment. The 2nd Amendment is a confusing piece of shit the way it's worded - which is why it has been regulated and restricted since it was written. Even NaziCon Scalia said the 2nd Amendment is not absolute.
Control and right should never be used in the same sentence. Unless you're a brainwashed, armstretched, leftist drone.

Many restrictions (controls) have been placed on the 2nd Amendment since it was written - with more to come. Yes, it is a right - but not an "unconditional" one. Even NaziCon Scalia said that.
When you put conditions on rights, rights become regulations.

No shit, Sherlock. So, the 2nd Amendment is "regulated"...


The militia mentioned in the 2nd is regulated

Well, if you ain't in a regulated militia - you shouldn't even have a firearm according to the 2nd Amendment. The 2nd Amendment is a confusing piece of shit the way it's worded - which is why it has been regulated and restricted since it was written. Even NaziCon Scalia said the 2nd Amendment is not absolute.

you shouldn't even have a firearm according to the 2nd Amendment.

what part of it says that?

The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms part?
That's correct.

Reason I'll vote for whomever allows me to bear arms.


Who is NOT allowing you to bear arms?

If Hillary wins then, Hillary and five of her SCOTUS hommies.


Are you really that delusional and paranoid? The right to bear arms isn't the same as reasonable gun control.

Come on man, what do you expect?

You have really scared the shit out of me with that guy Pence.

What is a Patriot to do?

Let's vote for someone who support our right to bear arms for the next 8 years.

I will be 78y at the end of their terms. I will be probably be dead then . My prostate will then be the size of a watermelon.

After that you can vote for whoever you want to.

Be a pal.



I'm 69 and been hunting since about 6. I have many guns and cherish them all. I support the 2nd Amendment - but I also support reasonable gun control laws. The NRA never-give-an-inch gun nuts are the greatest threat to my future gun rights. Where I live even the schools close for the first week of deer season, but no time off for bear hunting. We all cherish our hunting and gun rights - Democrats and Republicans alike.

Understand that you have scare the shit out of me with this fellow Pence -

I need to bear arms WITHOUT any federal restrictions until I die.

Am I asking you too much?
Many restrictions (controls) have been placed on the 2nd Amendment since it was written - with more to come. Yes, it is a right - but not an "unconditional" one. Even NaziCon Scalia said that.
When you put conditions on rights, rights become regulations.

No shit, Sherlock. So, the 2nd Amendment is "regulated"...


The militia mentioned in the 2nd is regulated

Well, if you ain't in a regulated militia - you shouldn't even have a firearm according to the 2nd Amendment. The 2nd Amendment is a confusing piece of shit the way it's worded - which is why it has been regulated and restricted since it was written. Even NaziCon Scalia said the 2nd Amendment is not absolute.

you shouldn't even have a firearm according to the 2nd Amendment.

what part of it says that?

The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms part?

Well, try reading the full 2nd Amendment - in CONTEXT.
Who is NOT allowing you to bear arms?

If Hillary wins then, Hillary and five of her SCOTUS hommies.


Are you really that delusional and paranoid? The right to bear arms isn't the same as reasonable gun control.

Come on man, what do you expect?

You have really scared the shit out of me with that guy Pence.

What is a Patriot to do?

Let's vote for someone who support our right to bear arms for the next 8 years.

I will be 78y at the end of their terms. I will be probably be dead then . My prostate will then be the size of a watermelon.

After that you can vote for whoever you want to.

Be a pal.



I'm 69 and been hunting since about 6. I have many guns and cherish them all. I support the 2nd Amendment - but I also support reasonable gun control laws. The NRA never-give-an-inch gun nuts are the greatest threat to my future gun rights. Where I live even the schools close for the first week of deer season, but no time off for bear hunting. We all cherish our hunting and gun rights - Democrats and Republicans alike.

Understand that you have scare the shit out of me with this fellow Pence -

I need to bear arms WITHOUT any federal restrictions until I die.

Am I asking you too much?

Well, sparky, what ya gonna do about the federal restrictions already on your right to bear arms?
When you put conditions on rights, rights become regulations.

No shit, Sherlock. So, the 2nd Amendment is "regulated"...


The militia mentioned in the 2nd is regulated

Well, if you ain't in a regulated militia - you shouldn't even have a firearm according to the 2nd Amendment. The 2nd Amendment is a confusing piece of shit the way it's worded - which is why it has been regulated and restricted since it was written. Even NaziCon Scalia said the 2nd Amendment is not absolute.

you shouldn't even have a firearm according to the 2nd Amendment.

what part of it says that?

The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms part?

Well, try reading the full 2nd Amendment - in CONTEXT.

I have, dozens of times.

what part of it states "you shouldn't even have a firearm according to the 2nd Amendment."
That's correct.

Reason I'll vote for whomever allows me to bear arms.


Who is NOT allowing you to bear arms?

If Hillary wins then, Hillary and five of her SCOTUS hommies.


Are you really that delusional and paranoid? The right to bear arms isn't the same as reasonable gun control.
Control and right should never be used in the same sentence. Unless you're a brainwashed, armstretched, leftist drone.

Many restrictions (controls) have been placed on the 2nd Amendment since it was written - with more to come. Yes, it is a right - but not an "unconditional" one. Even NaziCon Scalia said that.

Well true. We are being governed by a continuing criminal enterprise.

But we will ignore all the restrictions previously imposed and the ones that will come.

We will buy our firearms from licensed dealers or from black marketeers.



If Hillary wins then, Hillary and five of her SCOTUS hommies.


Are you really that delusional and paranoid? The right to bear arms isn't the same as reasonable gun control.

Come on man, what do you expect?

You have really scared the shit out of me with that guy Pence.

What is a Patriot to do?

Let's vote for someone who support our right to bear arms for the next 8 years.

I will be 78y at the end of their terms. I will be probably be dead then . My prostate will then be the size of a watermelon.

After that you can vote for whoever you want to.

Be a pal.



I'm 69 and been hunting since about 6. I have many guns and cherish them all. I support the 2nd Amendment - but I also support reasonable gun control laws. The NRA never-give-an-inch gun nuts are the greatest threat to my future gun rights. Where I live even the schools close for the first week of deer season, but no time off for bear hunting. We all cherish our hunting and gun rights - Democrats and Republicans alike.

Understand that you have scare the shit out of me with this fellow Pence -

I need to bear arms WITHOUT any federal restrictions until I die.

Am I asking you too much?

Well, sparky, what ya gonna do about the federal restrictions already on your right to bear arms?


The General rule is that an unconstitutional statute, though having the form and name of law is in reality no law, but is wholly void, and ineffective for any purpose; since unconstitutionality dates from the time of it's enactment and not merely from the date of the decision so branding it. An unconstitutional law, in legal contemplation, is as inoperative as if it had never been passed. Such a statute leaves the question that it purports to settle just as it would be had the statute not been enacted.

Since an unconstitutional law is void, the general principles follow that it imposes no duties, confers no rights, creates no office, bestows no power or authority on anyone, affords no protection, and justifies no acts performed under it.....


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