Comparing the AR with other Legal Firearms

Thanks for denying your previous post:
none of what you posted is the Semi Automatic AR 15

And thanks for confirming my previous post: that you can't read:
I can. The semi auto AR 15 was not a military combat weapon.
Here ya go. The two links below provide a list of both milirary rifles and civilian rifles produced by Colt. On the military list you will not find a Semi Automatic OR a rifle with the name Colt AR 15. You will see the original Armalite Rifle that is automatic. You are looking for F or 3 in the fire control column.

S = safe
1 = semi automatic
F = Full Automatic
3 = Burst

Lets see if you can read:

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I just don't understand what the big deal is if any firearm was used by the military.

Shit 3 of the firearms I own are still used in the military today
It’s a “marketing“ ploy by the gunophobes. The meaner and scarier they can make these weapons sound the more people will join them.

Payton Gendron legally purchased the Bushmaster XM-15 E2S used in the attack on Tops Friendly Market from a federally licensed gun dealer near his home in Conklin, New York, about 200 miles (320 kilometers) southeast of Buffalo. In a personal, online diary that surfaced after the attack, Gendron said he bought the AR-15-style weapon in January, bought a shotgun in December and received a rifle as a Christmas present from his dad when he was 16. Last year, Gendron was taken to a hospital for a psychiatric evaluation under a state mental health law after writing “murder-suicide” in response to a teacher’s question. New York is one of 19 states with red flag laws that allow courts to take guns from people posing immediate danger, but that didn’t happen with Gendron, who was 17 at the time. State police described his threat as “general in nature” and said it didn’t “specifically mention shooting or firearms.” After the shooting, Gov. Kathy Hochul signed an executive order underscoring the need for red flag interventions and said she would seek to bar people under 21 from buying some semi-automatic weapons in the state.

This isn't about people like you and me - owning/possessing shot guns, or my beloved M1 Carbine (I even got a G36 at home) - and sometimes going for a hunt (not with the G36) or the shooting range.

So any good reason you could think off, as to why the retard didn't bring his shotgun to the killing-party?
The vanity, trendiness, shock and awe that black rifles impose on sheeple and the rush that it provides the shooter in their narcissistic moment of perceived the reason many shooters choose them.

Oh, you "even got a G36 at home"! 🤪
Whoop de fuckin' doo. So what?

"I don't hunt with it though."
Oh, Phew! Glad to hear THAT. What's with the disclaimer???? Why would I give a shit if you hunt with your G36??

I have an AK-47.
So what to that, also!
Your M1 is almost as deadly, almost in the same ballpark as AR and AK's. SO...WHAT???

We aren't going to compare our dicks now, are we??? 😧
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The BAN can't come fast enough. Joe Biden, if you are reading this, you have my full support to ban these weapons from the hands of these gunnutters forever.
You have my name on the volunteer list. I am ready. "come and take it" Ok, here we come.
Joe Biden advises us to buy a shotgun and shoot through our doors. Is that really who you want leading your charge?

Payton Gendron legally purchased the Bushmaster XM-15 E2S used in the attack on Tops Friendly Market from a federally licensed gun dealer near his home in Conklin, New York, about 200 miles (320 kilometers) southeast of Buffalo. In a personal, online diary that surfaced after the attack, Gendron said he bought the AR-15-style weapon in January, bought a shotgun in December and received a rifle as a Christmas present from his dad when he was 16. Last year, Gendron was taken to a hospital for a psychiatric evaluation under a state mental health law after writing “murder-suicide” in response to a teacher’s question. New York is one of 19 states with red flag laws that allow courts to take guns from people posing immediate danger, but that didn’t happen with Gendron, who was 17 at the time. State police described his threat as “general in nature” and said it didn’t “specifically mention shooting or firearms.” After the shooting, Gov. Kathy Hochul signed an executive order underscoring the need for red flag interventions and said she would seek to bar people under 21 from buying some semi-automatic weapons in the state.

This isn't about people like you and me - owning/possessing shot guns, or my beloved M1 Carbine (I even got a G36 at home) - and sometimes going for a hunt (not with the G36) or the shooting range.

So any good reason you could think off, as to why the retard didn't bring his shotgun to the killing-party?
G36…just another semi automatic
AR is a weapon of war. Gunnutters have no need for these weapons. They are designed for killing and war. Look at all the classrooms and churches and places shot up with these weapons of war. Assault. That is what they are designed to do. Lightweight, hang all the toys and silly lights and scopes and red and green dots and back up iron sights.
The people who collect and enjoy those weapons are not the ones shooting up schools. Those are mentally ill people who do not care what gun they use as long as they can kill.
Like children dressing up an action figure. Really childish and silly.
The people who collect and enjoy those weapons are not the ones shooting up schools. Those are mentally ill people who do not care what gun they use as long as they can kill.
Like you going to war in a church? In your house? In a school? In the news all the time. Uvalde ring a bell? They need to be banned. Designed to shoot a cartridge that is designed to cause MASSIVE cavitation and tumble and break apart in the body and take out as many organs as possible and kill dead on the spot whatever it hits. Yes humans.
The people who collect and enjoy those weapons are not the ones shooting up schools. Those are mentally ill people who do not care what gun they use as long as they can kill. IOW, you're trying to take them away from the wrong people.
No you don't need these. You 2A'rs crack me up. Come and take it. Molon labe :rolleyes:
I see these stickers on the back of smelly pickup trucks. I laugh. Pictures of how many guns. They have more money in the guns than the truck and trailer they live in.
But hey, "Murica". Do the best thing for America, turn in your weapons of war. Heck, buy a pump shotgun. Joe Biden said "Buy a Shotgun".
He also advised us to shoot through the door. He's not a very wise man.
You don't need any guns. Heck, you can hunt with a crossbow. Imagine how safe it will be when the only guns allowed are for Police and Military.
Says every gun grabber about 1 year before a tyrant seizes control of the military and cracks down on the population.
The people who collect and enjoy those weapons are not the ones shooting up schools. Those are mentally ill people who do not care what gun they use as long as they can kill.

The people who collect and enjoy those weapons are not the ones shooting up schools. Those are mentally ill people who do not care what gun they use as long as they can kill.

The people who collect and enjoy those weapons are not the ones shooting up schools. Those are mentally ill people who do not care what gun they use as long as they can kill. IOW, you're trying to take them away from the wrong people.

He also advised us to shoot through the door. He's not a very wise man.

Says every gun grabber about 1 year before a tyrant seizes control of the military and cracks down on the population.
60% OF ALL US CITIZENS SUPPORT BANNING THE AR-15. Peddle your bunk elsewhere.
40% of GUN ENTHUSIASTS SUPPORT BANNING THE AR-15. Peddle your bunk elsewhere.
60% OF ALL US CITIZENS SUPPORT BANNING THE AR-15. Peddle your bunk elsewhere.
40% of GUN ENTHUSIASTS SUPPORT BANNING THE AR-15. Peddle your bunk elsewhere.
You're trying to take guns away from the wrong people. Your targets aren't shooting and killing anyone. "Oops, had a couple people die in a drunk driving accident, better ban all the cars and take them from everyone. We lose too many lives every year just because we like to go fast and get mad at the guy who's going too slow. No one needs an assault vehicle that can do 0-60 in less than 10 seconds."
You're trying to take guns away from the wrong people. Your targets aren't shooting and killing anyone. "Oops, had a couple people die in a drunk driving accident, better ban all the cars and take them from everyone. We lose too many lives every year just because we like to go fast and get mad at the guy who's going too slow. No one needs an assault vehicle that can do 0-60 in less than 10 seconds."
I nominate this as the stupidest post I have read so far in 2023.

Vrenn is there a "most stupidest post" button?

Comparing the AR with other Legal Firearms​

When comparing the AR with other Legal Firearms, the gunnutters here come up with the most "half-assed", lame, pathetic, and frankly insulting excuses that support this CHILD KILLING ASSAULT WEAPON OF WAR. Some of these GUNNUTTERS act like CHILDREN and put us on IGNORE, because they can not handle the truth. :dance:

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I nominate this as the stupidest post I have read so far in 2023.

Vrenn is there a "most stupidest post" button?
I guess it went over your head and was too hard to understand. Oh, well.

Think next time. How many people have to die before you accept extreme limits on how fast you can drive? You don't need to have a car that can accelerate that fast or have that top speed. You don't need to be able to pass slower cars, you're willing to have tens of thousands of people die every year just so you can feel important and powerful by driving fast.

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