Comparing the AR with other Legal Firearms

Because you loons said the info on laws I posted, from the website created in her name, as fake news.

Learn to read, loser.

Except you say that you do it in her name. Reality, you are lying out your ass, Achmed.
The right to bear arms is not a British invention.

It is fairly clear that its origin lay in the customs of Germanic tribes, under which arms bearing was a right and a duty of free men; in fact, the ceremony for giving freedom to a slave required that the former slave be presented with the armament of a free man.[4] He then acquired the duty to serve in an equivalent of a citizen army

Care to give us a year, place and wording? I can under the Magna Carte in 1215 by the King of England. Not a small band wandering, it was done by an entire country and stands even today. Your Germanic Tribes weren't a country and wouldn't be for the next 1000 years.

Okay, I get it. You are arguing just to argue. Now we got that out of the way.
Care to give us a year, place and wording? I can under the Magna Carte in 1215 by the King of England. Not a small band wandering, it was done by an entire country and stands even today. Your Germanic Tribes weren't a country and wouldn't be for the next 1000 years.

Okay, I get it. You are arguing just to argue. Now we got that out of the way.
I get it. You're spamming just for the sake of spamming.
Except you say that you do it in her name. Reality, you are lying out your ass, Achmed.
I didn't say I did it in her, Dum Dum. It took you a google search to find out who she is. That website is a great resource for laws in states and at the federal level. I posted a link explaining the 1986 GCA from that site and you lunatics did not read it, understand where it was from and had a kneejerk reaction labeling it fake news.

You're busted.
I didn't say I did it in her, Dum Dum. It took you a google search to find out who she is. That website is a great resource for laws in states and at the federal level. I posted a link explaining the 1986 GCA from that site and you lunatics did not read it, understand where it was from and had a kneejerk reaction labeling it fake news.

You're busted.
That whole slippery slope argument is all you got isn't it? You can't rationally argue against banning assault weapons so you got to attempt to claim it is a "foot in the door", fear monger people into thinking that other guns will follow the assault rifle and be banned. But the slippery slope argument is STUPID, and easily proven wrong.

The assault rifle was banned for TEN DAMN YEARS. In that ten years, name one, JUST FLIPPIN ONE, other gun that was banned. The gun grabbers had their "foot in the door" for TEN DAMN YEARS, and yet they never even bothered to try and ban another type of gun. So, don't walk that stupid ass argument up in here. That dog ain't going to hunt.

Everytuing we post is a rational idiots are the ones who just use emotional black mail and then make demands
"that the Second Amendment does not protect those weapons not typically possessed by law-abiding citizens for lawful purposes, such as short-barreled shotguns.”
“nothing in our opinion should be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of firearms,”

Poll: One in Twenty Americans Own an AR-15​

One in twenty ain't "typically possessed".

And in Friedman v Highland Park Scalia stated that the a protected rifle you dumb ass...

But you wont quite that

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