Comparing the AR with other Legal Firearms

Since you seem to be mentally trouble, to you it just might be a ban. But to me, it just means that I might have to file a paper for justification. BTW, an EFL Federal Firearms License can be had by almost anyone that can pass a gun registration report. If you can't pass one it would probably be better if we came in taking all your firearms, sharp objects and even your toaster.

The above has nothing to do with the gun ban that is expected to pass in Washington State.

Changing the clear intention of the gun ban by claiming it's not a ban is just dishonest.

I'm still waiting for you to support your claim that shotguns and firearm parts kits are an "AR". You AR Cultists have some very strange ideas about things you know nothing about.
The above has nothing to do with the gun ban that is expected to pass in Washington State.

Changing the clear intention of the gun ban by claiming it's not a ban is just dishonest.

I'm still waiting for you to support your claim that shotguns and firearm parts kits are an "AR". You AR Cultists have some very strange ideas about things you know nothing about.

Sorry, I wasn't listening, Achmed.

Sorry, I wasn't listening. Am I supposed to be scared?

Sorry. Do you think spamming the thread will somehow provide an excuse for your inability to provide a coherent response?

Identify for us what shotguns fire the .556 round that you think has magical powers to blow the lungs out of people, to knock down wall, to stop armour and down aircraft?

If a shotgun is an AR, why call it a shotgun?
Sorry. Do you think spamming the thread will somehow provide an excuse for your inability to provide a coherent response?

Identify for us what shotguns fire the .556 round that you think has magical powers to blow the lungs out of people, to knock down wall, to stop armour and down aircraft?

If a shotgun is an AR, why call it a shotgun?

Hate to break it to you but your attempt at spreading hate and fear to the rubs doesn't really work that well today. Am I scared? Maybe if I actually listened.

Hate to break it to you but your attempt at spreading hate and fear to the rubs doesn't really work that well today. Am I scared? Maybe if I actually listened.

Spamming the thread with silly YouTube videos does nothing to hide your inability to address the gun ban you insist is not a gun ban.

When did shotguns and firearm parts kits suddenly become AR"s or "assault weapons"

Can you identify where anyone can provide a coherent definition of what an "assault weapon" is?

What features of a shotguns make them "assault weapons"?
There you go again. Trying do dishonestly scare the rubes. Regulation is NOT a gungrab. If you own your AR you get to keep it but you can't sell it except to an authorized dealer and spare parts are going to be hard to find. The Thompson M1921 was done the same way and it took about 10 years before all of them became wall hangars, got turned in or the person that owned them complied with the law to own them.
Sooo stupid and too many inconsistencies to even address. You can still buy semi-automatic Thompsons! They're not as.popular because they're big clunky archaic things. AR's are also mostly semi-auto. You don't even know about most of the shit you regurgitate.

Well, majority decides - no matter how whatever people might want to bend it.
It's really much more complicated than "majority". Government has passed laws that majorities have opposed. Once lawmakers are voted in and find the right judges and enforcement directors to team up with, things can happen which can take a long time to undo.

So, either you don't understand how government works in ADDITION to being rather ignorant of firearms facts, or you think I am stupid to buy the bullshit you are trying to sell. It's one or the other.
Since you seem to be mentally trouble, to you it just might be a ban. But to me, it just means that I might have to file a paper for justification. BTW, an EFL Federal Firearms License can be had by almost anyone that can pass a gun registration report. If you can't pass one it would probably be better if we came in taking all your firearms, sharp objects and even your toaster.
You mean an FFL.

And it is a little harder than you think. Additionally, you just can't have one to because you want to. You have to have or work for a legitimate business selling or manufacturing firearms.

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No dummy - raise the requirements/standards to obtain and maintain a drivers license.
No, we have a culture of speed in this country that venerates driving fast. How do you think NASCAR got started? Guys running moonshine beefed up their cars so they could outrun the Police. Then we have the culture of speed irresponsibly displayed in Hollywood movies with car chases, and of course, we've all seen the idiots weaving in and out through traffic, desperate to get 6 inches ahead of the car next to them. No, we have to put restrictor plates and governors on all cars to prevent them from going too fast. Too many people are too enamored with speed and have to be forced to slow down. That's the only way we can save the children from dying on the road.

That, in a nutshell, is the heart of the argument I hear from extreme anti-gunners. Because some people use guns to hurt other people, we need to take scary looking guns away from everyone. That makes as much sense as taking away high powered cars from everyone because some people use them to drive crazy and hurt other people.
Then keep your false opinions based on theory for yourself
That makes as much sense as insisting only those who have ever had an abortion are allowed to comment on it, or only those who have served in the military are allowed to comment on that.
Well, majority decides - no matter how whatever people might want to bend it.
You mean like the "majority" in this thread, like TWO people ...😆...who actually echo this bullshit like they work at the same office and went through the same training program? You mean that majority?

Kind of like the majority that was going to vote Hillary in by a landslide in 2016? Kind of like that? Kind of like the majority of Biden votes that mysteriously appeared in the middle of the night?

The real majority is avoiding this thread because they see what a crock of shit it is.
So, either you don't understand how government works in ADDITION to being rather ignorant of firearms facts, or you think I am stupid to buy the bullshit you are trying to sell. It's one or the other.
Obviously YOU don't understand as to how the law making process in YOUR democratic country works.
You are starting to bore me with your meaningless posts - and your MAGA agenda is starting to show more and more. Bye bye.
Obviously YOU don't understand as to how the law making process in YOUR democratic country works.
You are starting to bore me with your meaningless posts - and your MAGA agenda is starting to show more and more. Bye bye.
Nice last-minute pathetic attempt to retain what little dignity you have left.
Obviously YOU don't understand as to how the law making process in YOUR democratic country works.
You are starting to bore me with your meaningless posts - and your MAGA agenda is starting to show more and more. Bye bye.
Now that's pretty darn funny. This from the poster who believes "majority rules" is the description of a representative republic.

Still not clear on that "majority rules" voter turnout in Washington State where the majority of voters endorsed a gun ban.

BTW, why are all the gun ban states Democrat controlled? Does that have something to do with the leftist / Stalinist political ideology of Authoritarian control of the population?
Banning is taking every one of them. Regulating means that you can have a method to keep it. YOu keep calling it banning and we keep regulating even more. Another state is on the precipice of passing a Regulation concerning the AR. You AR Cultist just keep making things even worse spreading your Hate.
The fucking government has no need to know which guns a person owns.

And what is the aim of this "regulation" you want? You obviously want to deny some people of their right to own a legal firearm.
Awww, look at you - wriggling yourself out of a totally different issue, via forwarding false statements towards another issue.
I have not come across a post from Hayabusa in this thread - stating that he want's to ban all kind of firearms - but only directing his disdain towards AR15 Cult members and the AR15 as such.

And then when the psychos this society of ours is breeding start to use another semiautomatic weapon instead of the AR you'll want "special "regulations for that gun too right?

Then when psychos start arming themselves with 3 or 4 handguns instead of rifles you'll want "special" regulations for those too.

Your position is untenable, ill considered and and based on emotion not intelligence.
Sooo stupid and too many inconsistencies to even address. You can still buy semi-automatic Thompsons! They're not as.popular because they're big clunky archaic things. AR's are also mostly semi-auto. You don't even know about most of the shit you regurgitate.

You sure can and I already listed how to do it. But if you are thinking about buying a M1921 in the street, be very careful. It just might be an ATF sale. But you smart, everyone else is dumb.,

It's really much more complicated than "majority". Government has passed laws that majorities have opposed. Once lawmakers are voted in and find the right judges and enforcement directors to team up with, things can happen which can take a long time to undo.

So, either you don't understand how government works in ADDITION to being rather ignorant of firearms facts, or you think I am stupid to buy the bullshit you are trying to sell. It's one or the other.

You smart, me dumb. You make about as much sense as Achmed the Dead Terrorist.

And then when the psychos this society of ours is breeding start to use another semiautomatic weapon instead of the AR you'll want "special "regulations for that gun too right?

Then when psychos start arming themselves with 3 or 4 handguns instead of rifles you'll want "special" regulations for those too.

Your position is untenable, ill considered and and based on emotion not intelligence.
UK is considering banning knives and giving the ability for police to confiscate kitchen knives. (I posted a thread on this too)

UK is considering banning knives and giving the ability for police to confiscate kitchen knives. (I posted a thread on this too)

The UK is one of the single worst nanny states around.

The people there obviously enjoy being treated like children.

Next thing you know they'll be creating a government funded Nanny Army to come to everyone's home so as to cut their food for them
The UK is one of the single worst nanny states around.

The people there obviously enjoy being treated like children.

Next thing you know they'll be creating a government funded Nanny Army to come to everyone's home so as to cut their food for them'
And this is exactly what our founding fathers didn't want. Thus the 2A.
We are up against political and gov't ignorance. Where some give no two shits about how and why this country was founded and want to suck the tits of the gov't as long as the gov't keeps giving them what they want.

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