Comparing the AR with other Legal Firearms

Hey Hollie

Stop quoting my posts! - I have no interest in discussing with morons like you.

But since you are too stupid to source: - enter into an internet search function: how many mass shootings in America 2021
is what you are presently using, to get onto this site, it is characterized by www. (World Wide Web)
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Krusty said:

Fake News

Curious that when Krusty is tasked with supporting data he posts, he responds to that task as somehow being “fake news”.

This is the most difficult part about dealing with spammers and AR Cultists. Everything they post becomes suspect as they refuse to identify the source of the data they use.
Hey Hollie

Stop quoting my posts! - I have no interest in discussing with morons like you.

But since you are too stupid to source: - enter into an internet search function: how many mass shootings in America 2021
is what you are presently using, to get onto this site, it is characterized by www. (World Wide Web)
I will quote you posts and point out how fraudulent they are.

How many of the “694 mass-shooters” had any connection to AR’s?
Considering most of these are variants of the AR most would be caught. You also listed some that are already highly regulated that are full auto weapons. There are a couple in there that I would disagree with but overall, it's a good list of combat rifle and variants. But once again, you see the word ban. In reality, it's regulated. You can have these weapons if you meet the criteria to own it. I can apply for a EFL license and get it with nothing more than the same information that one would have on a Gun Check. If you can't then you shouldn't have any firearms or butter knives or even toasters.

Wow...regulated to the point they are banned.....but without calling it a ban....

Sell that bulls**t to biden voters

When you democrats were beaten by the Reoublicans in the Civil War and had to free your disnt say blacks couldnt simply regulated the vote with poll taxes and literacy tests...

Sell you BS ti biden voters
This is what you stated:
Awww, look at you... Playing around with words now to support your anti-gun cult buddy.

Hayabusa never stated in this thread, that he is anti-gun, but that he opposes the AR15 cult and therefore want's to see the AR15 getting banned.
Now what makes you think, that just because he is against the AR15 and those AR15 defending cult-members, that he is anti-gun ( anti-gun - would mean every gun).

And if someone, such as you in this case - opposes efforts towards regulating an AR15, well then IMO you are indeed a gun nutter.


I KNOW what he said and it's my opinion that that is gun-grabbing horseshit which will not have much impact if any on the gun violence situation. And then there's the stupid subjective labeling and stereotyping of people who call you out on it which fails to make any point other than youre fanatical asshole yourself.

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Who is Krusty?
My site name is Kruska - you can't even read - it's obvious that you are some 16 year old nerd - or an adult with serious mental disabilities.
You poor fellow you, and my heart pumps piss for you.
Do I take this to mean that you have no ability to support the claims you made?
It’s not going to court. Don’t be such a drama queen.

Read the Washington State house bill. AR-15’s and hundreds of similar semi-automatic rifles, shotguns and parts kits will be banned.

Again, not banned. Since the Colt Model LE6920 is still in production, parts can be had as long as you possess the proper licensing and file the proper paperwork. It's called regulation. If you want to repair your AR then you get the proper licensing. If you just want to keep it as a wall hangar, fill the barrel with lead. Are they going to require you to turn the AR in? Nope. That would be banning and this is regulation. You are going to lose this one unless your AR is more important than our children.
I KNOW what he said and it's my opinion that that is gun-grabbing horseshit which will not have much impact if any on the gun violence situation. And then there's the stupid subjective labeling and stereotyping of people who call you out on it which fails to make any point other than youre fanatical asshole yourself.


There you go again. Trying do dishonestly scare the rubes. Regulation is NOT a gungrab. If you own your AR you get to keep it but you can't sell it except to an authorized dealer and spare parts are going to be hard to find. The Thompson M1921 was done the same way and it took about 10 years before all of them became wall hangars, got turned in or the person that owned them complied with the law to own them.
I KNOW what he said and it's my opinion that that is gun-grabbing horseshit which will not have much impact if any on the gun violence situation. And then there's the stupid subjective labeling and stereotyping of people who call you out on it which fails to make any point other than youre fanatical asshole yourself.

Well, majority decides - no matter how whatever people might want to bend it.
Again, not banned. Since the Colt Model LE6920 is still in production, parts can be had as long as you possess the proper licensing and file the proper paperwork. It's called regulation. If you want to repair your AR then you get the proper licensing. If you just want to keep it as a wall hangar, fill the barrel with lead. Are they going to require you to turn the AR in? Nope. That would be banning and this is regulation. You are going to lose this one unless your AR is more important than our children.

Again, you're dishonestly claiming the list of firearms identified in the Washington State list of banned firearms are not banned when the language of the law makes illegal the "manufacture, importation, distribution, sale or offer for sale of any assault weapon"

The law also bans a list of shotguns. The law bans parts and parts kits.When did a shotgun become an AR?

You seem to have this need to make up some interpretation of the law that placates an emotional requirement to deny the actual intent of the law.

You might want to have a nice hot cup of what we call "a reality based worldview.

Let's not pretend a ban is not a ban.
Again, you're dishonestly claiming the list of firearms identified in the Washington State list of banned firearms are not banned when the language of the law makes illegal the "manufacture, importation, distribution, sale or offer for sale of any assault weapon"

Once again, the courts will not put up with a complete ban. What it will do is not allow any new weapons or even old weapons on the list to be sold, traded or gifted. If you have one, you can keep it. But don't be walking down the street strutting your AR. That will get you arrested. What do you believe is going to happen, Dudes in Green Jumpsuits driving around in Vans raiding every home? Even the Nazi didn't do that.

The law also bans a list of shotguns. The law bans parts and parts kits.When did a shotgun become an AR?

When you base a shotgun off of an AR then expect it.

You seem to have this need to make up some interpretation of the law that placates an emotional requirement to deny the actual intent of the law.

You might want to have a nice hot cup of what we call "a reality based worldview.

Let's not pretend a ban is not a ban.

Let's not pretend that you are attempting to spread hate and fear to the rubes.
Well, majority decides - no matter how whatever people might want to bend it.
No kidding? Show us the vote tally from Washingtin State residents that identifies the majority of the voting population deciding to implement the gun ban.
According to you,
Clearly delusional that you think you can read minds.
cars are designed and build, to kill people - you are nuts.
I would be nuts if I believed that.
Forgetting that DUI was the cause in your given example - and is punishable by law - shows who and what you are.
Nope. Make cars physically incapable of travelling faster than 35 mph and watch the deaths plummet.
These two statements of yours - are enough to declare you to be a mentally disturbed person - who's guns need to be confiscated.
I don't own any guns, so good luck finding them.
No kidding? Show us the vote tally from Washingtin State residents that identifies the majority of the voting population deciding to implement the gun ban.

Since you seem to be mentally trouble, to you it just might be a ban. But to me, it just means that I might have to file a paper for justification. BTW, an EFL Federal Firearms License can be had by almost anyone that can pass a gun registration report. If you can't pass one it would probably be better if we came in taking all your firearms, sharp objects and even your toaster.
Once again, the courts will not put up with a complete ban. What it will do is not allow any new weapons or even old weapons on the list to be sold, traded or gifted. If you have one, you can keep it. But don't be walking down the street strutting your AR. That will get you arrested. What do you believe is going to happen, Dudes in Green Jumpsuits driving around in Vans raiding every home? Even the Nazi didn't do that.

When you base a shotgun off of an AR then expect it.

Let's not pretend that you are attempting to spread hate and fear to the rubes.
Once again, you are trying to deny the gun ban by the leftists in Washington State.

Once again, you have this notion that shotguns and parts kits are AR's. That's just not the case but we see so often that the totalitarian left hears the term "AR" and reflexively groups all firearms as "assault rifles".

You may have this odd notion that banning firearms is not actually a ban, but that reinforces the obvious leftist agenda of totalitarianism as the long, lurid history of your Stalinist / Leninist regimes.
Once again, you are trying to deny the gun ban by the leftists in Washington State.

Once again, you have this notion that shotguns and parts kits are AR's. That's just not the case but we see so often that the totalitarian left hears the term "AR" and reflexively groups all firearms as "assault rifles".

You may have this odd notion that banning firearms is not actually a ban, but that reinforces the obvious leftist agenda of totalitarianism as the long, lurid history of your Stalinist / Leninist regimes.

Sorry, I wasn't listening. Am I supposed to be scared?


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