Comparing the AR with other Legal Firearms

That whole slippery slope argument is all you got isn't it? You can't rationally argue against banning assault weapons so you got to attempt to claim it is a "foot in the door", fear monger people into thinking that other guns will follow the assault rifle and be banned. But the slippery slope argument is STUPID, and easily proven wrong.

The assault rifle was banned for TEN DAMN YEARS. In that ten years, name one, JUST FLIPPIN ONE, other gun that was banned. The gun grabbers had their "foot in the door" for TEN DAMN YEARS, and yet they never even bothered to try and ban another type of gun. So, don't walk that stupid ass argument up in here. That dog ain't going to hunt.
Name one mass shooting it stopped, faggot. You can't because it's none.

Matter of fact, that's when the mass shootings started, moron; Just after the "Assault Weapons Ban".

Now, I don't like them little itty bitty bullet shootin' guns, but nobody is giving an inch to you fucking commie shitlord gun grabbers.
UK is considering banning knives and giving the ability for police to confiscate kitchen knives. (I posted a thread on this too)
OMG :eek:

- last time I flew with American Airlines, I was not permitted to carry my pocketknife on me, neither my Zippo lighter - Damn AA Nazis - taking away my possibility to fight terrorists in order to protect myself and my family, and the MAGA fucker in front of me, taking away my leg-space.
UK is considering banning knives and giving the ability for police to confiscate kitchen knives. (I posted a thread on this too)

The right to bear arms is a british invention. It was written long before there were firearms. It's Britain's answer to the Red Flag Law.

You guys really don't know who Gabbi Giffords is, that website, and what side of the gun control debate that site supports? Too Funny.

Oh, you mean the founder of the AR Ban or Regulation? Before she was permanently injured by a shooting, the NRA ran rampant and no new gun regs could happen. Many of the modern ideas actually were started by Gabbi Gifford. Now I don't know why you keep throwing her into your nonsense but she is against the nonsense because she lives the hut each and every day.

For Giffords, Progress on Gun Safety Is Like Her Recovery: ‘Inch by Inch’

Giffords launches national Gun Owners for Safety group to combat the NRA

I agree with her and her husband. But I will say this. If you have a militant violent group that refuses to put into place or discuss what is needed, you just ban their toys.
Oh, you mean the founder of the AR Ban or Regulation? Before she was permanently injured by a shooting, the NRA ran rampant and no new gun regs could happen. Many of the modern ideas actually were started by Gabbi Gifford. Now I don't know why you keep throwing her into your nonsense but she is against the nonsense because she lives the hut each and every day.

For Giffords, Progress on Gun Safety Is Like Her Recovery: ‘Inch by Inch’

Giffords launches national Gun Owners for Safety group to combat the NRA

I agree with her and her husband. But I will say this. If you have a militant violent group that refuses to put into place or discuss what is needed, you just ban their toys.
Because you loons said the info on laws I posted, from the website created in her name, as fake news.

Learn to read, loser.
The right to bear arms is a british invention. It was written long before there were firearms. It's Britain's answer to the Red Flag Law.
The right to bear arms is not a British invention.

It is fairly clear that its origin lay in the customs of Germanic tribes, under which arms bearing was a right and a duty of free men; in fact, the ceremony for giving freedom to a slave required that the former slave be presented with the armament of a free man.[4] He then acquired the duty to serve in an equivalent of a citizen army

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