Comparing the AR with other Legal Firearms

Here ya go. The two links below provide a list of both milirary rifles and civilian rifles produced by Colt. On the military list you will not find a Semi Automatic OR a rifle with the name Colt AR 15. You will see the original Armalite Rifle that is automatic. You are looking for F or 3 in the fire control column.

S = safe
1 = semi automatic
F = Full Automatic
3 = Burst

Lets see if you can read:

I get it just fine. When you wannabe honest about it i’ll Accept both your surrender on the issue and your apology ano help you out.

Thank you for playing dial a moron. You did win a prize for being a Moron. You can pick it up when your exit the studio on your way out. I can fix Stupidity but it's going to be painful.
Like I said before VA tech...handguns

And Las Vegas could be been pulled off with any rifle since it was not the typical shooting and done from an elevated position at a distance

Of all the mass shooting incidents this year only 5 had 10 deaths or more all the rest well under that

So the vast majority of those shootings didn't even require a magazine change

Face it the facts are your enemy

In the time allowed, using only legal firearms, only the AR could put out that much firepower in such a short period. But it was that fact that the AR is a cult and what we are seeing is cult shooters. It's not been a good week for school children or church goers.
In the time allowed, using only legal firearms, only the AR could put out that much firepower in such a short period. But it was that fact that the AR is a cult and what we are seeing is cult shooters. It's not been a good week for school children or church goers.
You couldn’t be more incorrect if you tried.
The bill has to go back to the house.

There are states that already restrict the AR Family including the AKs. California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York. Washington state is using their law to write it's own. They don't ban it, they restrict it. And it holds up in the court system.

Washinton State had it passed by the house, the Governor supports it and the Senate (where it's going) has a majority in agreement already. It's not the thought that is troubling but the wording. In Colorado, we restrict the AR and our laws are very specific naming the "The AR-15 and it's various clones" instead of "Assault Rifle" and it's listed as "Restrict" not "Ban". Nuclear Weapons are not banned, they are, however, heavily restricted.

Oregon tried to pass a law that "Banned" the AR and used every stupid trigger word in the law. It looks like they were trying to get it thrown out.

Washington State finally took out the trigger words and used specifics and it passed the Senate and is currently on the Governors Desk who is progged to sign it into law. HB 1240 - 2023-24

You gunnutter MAGAts are the ones putting in the trigger words. No place in the HB1240 that was also approved by the Senate and sits on the Governors desk says anything about banning the "Assault Rifles" or even banning the semi auto rifles. If it did, it would bounce even in lower courts. But it's very specific pointing out the AR and it's Various Clones for restriction.

Here, let me help you out. BANNING IS BAD, RESTICTION IS GOOD.
Even your WA state bill does not ban possession if you already have one.

According to many courts, you can't BAN it. You can restrict it. Read up on the Firearms act of 1934 and the Thompson M1921 that brought it about.
I guess it went over your head and was too hard to understand. Oh, well.

Think next time. How many people have to die before you accept extreme limits on how fast you can drive? You don't need to have a car that can accelerate that fast or have that top speed. You don't need to be able to pass slower cars, you're willing to have tens of thousands of people die every year just so you can feel important and powerful by driving fast.
Start a new thread. New subject. Next.
In the time allowed, using only legal firearms, only the AR could put out that much firepower in such a short period. But it was that fact that the AR is a cult and what we are seeing is cult shooters. It's not been a good week for school children or church goers.

Look at all the mass shootings this year

Only 5 had 10 or more deaths

all the rest had under that.

All those deaths have been tallied with one 30 rd magazine per incident

The AR 15 does not fire at some magically faster rate than one round per trigger pull

Look at all the mass shootings this year

Only 5 had 10 or more deaths

all the rest had under that.

All those deaths have been tallied with one 30 rd magazine per incident

The AR 15 does not fire at some magically faster rate than one round per trigger pull

For each pull of a trigger, not it doens't but pull that trigger 120 times or more and it's the clear winner. You are a Cult AR Member.

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