Comparing the AR with other Legal Firearms

Once again, you rattle on with little knowledge of the subject.

You wrote,

How did a 50 round mag jam at just over 50 rounds? You were seemingly trying to relate some event that perhaps you read about but weren’t able to describe in any coherent way.

Easy. He had 50 more rounds in the Mag considering it was a 100 round mag. I mistyped. Had you know anything about the shooting you would know this. So you believe you got me on a gotcha by misquoting me. Now, that's just plain dishonest.

Secondly, it takes perhaps 2 seconds to change a magazine. A rifle that accepts a magazine of less than 30 rounds is not measurably slower to fire than one with thirty. I come from a family that is mostly military and have shot a great many semi-automatic rifles.

It takes me about 2 seconds to change a Mini-14 mag and then I have to require the target window. With the AR, I can do it in less than 1 second and I keep the sight windows. If I do it right, the action won't even open and I won't even have to charge it. I can go through 120 rounds for the AR-15 in about 10 seconds. And never take my eye off the target window.

Do you have AR-envy? An obsession? You have this Hollywood’ized movie version of an AR as some monstrously powerful rifle when in fact, it’s not.

No, but you do have a high body count envy. I bet that you drool when you hear about a school or church shooting.

The Columbine killers did not use an AR-15.

Noper but that Kaltech 9mm was a wonderweapon. And the 9mm had 0ver 10 mags.

Neither did the Virginia Tech shooter Seung-Hui Cho or the University of Texas shooter Charles Whitman or the Tennessee shooter yet all of them managed to commit terrible crimes. Not coincidentally, the firearms used by the sociopaths and mentally Ill shooters had little in common. The common theme was mental illness.

Both of these were done before safeguards were put into schools. The most you can get is one classroom with students. But probably, what you'll get is the ability to wander the hallways because the rest is blocked off with metal doors. Even so, it wasn't until Parkland in 2018 that the body count was exceeded. And it took an AR to do that with all the restrictions in place to prevent it.

You are trying to change history. That tells me that you are not only low intel but a card carrying AR-15 Cult Member who moonlights as a MAGAt.
We aren't going to compare our dicks now, are we??? 😧
Too bad that you failed to understand the point I was making.

It isn't about how many or what kind of firearms, someone has. E.g. me even owning a G36, or you an AK47. It's about regulating firearms and EVERYTHING else that goes with it.

You had mentioned, that you carry 50 rounds of buck-shot with you when you go out with your shotgun. That is why I replied onto your post.
To do what? - go onto a mass-shooting spree? or to exterminate all animal life in a forest?
Despite popular belief that in Germany (my home-country) firearms are banned - well it ain't true. However the issue of Firearms is extremely well and efficiently regulated in Germany.
So if you go out for a hunt in Germany - no way that anyone could or even would carry 50 rounds of ammo with him. It is only upon taking up specifically designated shooting positions/areas that one is even allowed to load his gun. It's called regulations.

Animals and their number that are allowed to be hunted are also regulated - so if you get to shoot 2 rabbits and a buck - you are allowed to carry two rounds for your shotgun and 1 round for your buck. If you miss - too bad for you. If you simply wound a buck - the accompanying hunter gets to do the kill - or you need to inform the forestry department that you wounded a buck. And they will send their own licensed hunter to finish the job (and this person can carry as much ammo as he deems necessary) - it's called regulations.

If I stay at my house in Colorado, I never carry a hand gun with me - since I belief in law and order, governed and executed by the sheriff department and police. And if I go to a shooting range I never carry ammo and guns together - since in Germany - regulations don't allow for that. Either you keep your firearm or your ammo, or vice versa at your personal locker at the shooting club. Where every single shot is registered - its called regulations.

There are less then 200 people in Germany that are allowed to own a G36 - one needs to be involved in state related security tasks. Private collectors need to "cut open such a gun" in order to disable it from being used. That is called regulations.

So if a civil dressed person walks around in Germany in public, carrying a firearm - the police will immediately be notified and by-passers will try and get away from such a person. Therefore minimizing the risk of getting hurt or killed due to some mental retard. How is the police in the USA supposed to protect civilians or civilian themselves, if every wannabe military asshole, dressed in military fatigues, or plain clothed - can carry an AR15 - plus maybe even a bump stock?

So to end this ridiculous issue and discussion:
How many mass shootings in the USA were stopped by civilian gun-freaks carrying a firearm? in comparison to those stopped by the police? or the mental retard killing himself?
There goes the NRA's and those MAGA gun freaks favorite propagated argument "for my self defense and my family" - puff into smoke.
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Easy. He had 50 more rounds in the Mag considering it was a 100 round mag. I mistyped. Had you know anything about the shooting you would know this. So you believe you got me on a gotcha by misquoting me. Now, that's just plain dishonest.

It takes me about 2 seconds to change a Mini-14 mag and then I have to require the target window. With the AR, I can do it in less than 1 second and I keep the sight windows. If I do it right, the action won't even open and I won't even have to charge it. I can go through 120 rounds for the AR-15 in about 10 seconds. And never take my eye off the target window.

No, but you do have a high body count envy. I bet that you drool when you hear about a school or church shooting.

Noper but that Kaltech 9mm was a wonderweapon. And the 9mm had 0ver 10 mags.

Both of these were done before safeguards were put into schools. The most you can get is one classroom with students. But probably, what you'll get is the ability to wander the hallways because the rest is blocked off with metal doors. Even so, it wasn't until Parkland in 2018 that the body count was exceeded. And it took an AR to do that with all the restrictions in place to prevent it.

You are trying to change history. That tells me that you are not only low intel but a card carrying AR-15 Cult Member who moonlights as a MAGAt.

You wrote:
Only one idjit brought a 50 round mag for an AR and it jammed at just over 50 rounds.”

Your post #868.

A fifty round mag wouldn’t jam at just over 50 rounds. Thought you could sidestep that, eh? See, understanding what you write is important.

So, your dubious claim about handling a mini-14 vs. an AR reinforces the obvious point that the number of rounds discharged from either rifle has little to do with magazine capacity as reloading is very fast with both. Your personal experience, if any, with the rifles you described has nothing to do with actual mass shootings that have taken place.

Shootings by the mentally ill, aside from the human tragedy, are typically followed by screeching from you gun grabbers that firearms must be banned, confiscated from responsible gun owners. You folks are fine with the weekend slaughter in your leftist paradises where gang warfare piles up bodies. You’re just selective in your phony, cheap outrage.

Not really interested in your silly, “…. but probably…”

The facts are, the overwhelming majority of mass shooters showed clear signs of their intent prior to their shootings and largely telegraphed they were going to kill before they acted. You are looking for reasons to strip responsible firearm owners of their rights. It’s a typical, craven leftist tactic. The left circles like vultures overhead when they can exploit misery and suffering to be used for political gain.

Ah, a name caller. That adds real credibility to your attempt at a failed argument.
You wrote:
Only one idjit brought a 50 round mag for an AR and it jammed at just over 50 rounds.”

Your post #868.

A fifty round mag wouldn’t jam at just over 50 rounds. Thought you could sidestep that, eh? See, understanding what you write is important.

That was a mistype. The shooter brought a 100 round mag that jammed just over 50 rounds spent. I already admited to the typeing error. And you are being extremely dishonest like every other gunnutter ar-15 cultist and magat.

So, your dubious claim about handling a mini-14 vs. an AR reinforces the obvious point that the number of rounds discharged from either rifle has little to do with magazine capacity as reloading is very fast with both. Your personal experience, if any, with the rifles you described has nothing to do with actual mass shootings that have taken place.

More dishonesty from you.

Shootings by the mentally ill, aside from the human tragedy, are typically followed by screeching from you gun grabbers that firearms must be banned, confiscated from responsible gun owners. You folks are fine with the weekend slaughter in your leftist paradises where gang warfare piles up bodies. You’re just selective in your phony, cheap outrage.

Not really interested in your silly, “…. but probably…”

The facts are, the overwhelming majority of mass shooters showed clear signs of their intent prior to their shootings and largely telegraphed they were going to kill before they acted. You are looking for reasons to strip responsible firearm owners of their rights. It’s a typical, craven leftist tactic. The left circles like vultures overhead when they can exploit misery and suffering to be used for political gain.

Ah, a name caller. That adds real credibility to your attempt at a failed argument.

What can I say. your Lobotomy is successful. Try for the grounding cable to be added next.
Too bad that you failed to understand the point I was making.

It isn't about how many or what kind of firearms, someone has. E.g. me even owning a G36, or you an AK47. It's about regulating firearms and EVERYTHING else that goes with it.

You had mentioned, that you carry 50 rounds of buck-shot with you when you go out with your shotgun. That is why I replied onto your post.
To do what? - go onto a mass-shooting spree? or to exterminate all animal life in a forest?
Despite popular belief that in Germany (my home-country) firearms are banned - well it ain't true. However the issue of Firearms is extremely well and efficiently regulated in Germany.
So if you go out for a hunt in Germany - no way that anyone could or even would carry 50 rounds of ammo with him. It is only upon taking up specifically designated shooting positions/areas that one is even allowed to load his gun. It's called regulations.

Animals and their number that are allowed to be hunted are also regulated - so if you get to shoot 2 rabbits and a buck - you are allowed to carry two rounds for your shotgun and 1 round for your buck. If you miss - too bad for you. If you simply wound a buck - the accompanying hunter gets to do the kill - or you need to inform the forestry department that you wounded a buck. And they will send their own licensed hunter to finish the job (and this person can carry as much ammo as he deems necessary) - it's called regulations.

If I stay at my house in Colorado, I never carry a hand gun with me - since I belief in law and order, governed and executed by the sheriff department and police. And if I go to a shooting range I never carry ammo and guns together - since in Germany - regulations don't allow for that. Either you keep your firearm or your ammo, or vice versa at your personal locker at the shooting club. Where every single shot is registered - its called regulations.

There are less then 200 people in Germany that are allowed to own a G36 - one needs to be involved in state related security tasks. Private collectors need to "cut open such a gun" in order to disable it from being used. That is called regulations.

So if a civil dressed person walks around in Germany in public, carrying a firearm - the police will immediately be notified and by-passers will try and get away from such a person. Therefore minimizing the risk of getting hurt or killed due to some mental retard. How is the police in the USA supposed to protect civilians or civilian themselves, if every wannabe military asshole, dressed in military fatigues, or plain clothed - can carry an AR15 - plus maybe even a bump stock?

So to end this ridiculous issue and discussion:
How many mass shootings in the USA were stopped by civilian gun-freaks carrying a firearm? in comparison to those stopped by the police? or the mental retard killing himself?
There goes the NRA's and those MAGA gun freaks favorite propagated argument "for my self defense and my family" - puff into smoke.
Well, actually, per data from the CDC, (before they were pressured to take it down):

The stats sourced from a CDC-commissioned study finding that instances of defensive gun use occur between 60,000 and 2.5 million times per year. References to that study were deleted from the site following private meetings with gun control advocates in 2021, emails obtained and published by The Reload show.

"for my self defense and my family" -

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
That was a mistype. The shooter brought a 100 round mag that jammed just over 50 rounds spent. I already admited to the typeing error. And you are being extremely dishonest like every other gunnutter ar-15 cultist and magat.

More dishonesty from you.

What can I say. your Lobotomy is successful. Try for the grounding cable to be added next.
You defended that “mistype” in your response to my post. So, aside from your juvenile name-calling, who is being dishonest?

The rest of your childish banter does nothing to address the content of my post. When you’re not emotionally or intellectually prepared to enter these threads, don’t.
Well, actually, per data from the CDC, (before they were pressured to take it down):

......between 60,000 and 2.5 million times per year.
Wow - 60,000 to 2.5 million mass shootings in the USA per year - what are you smoking? - you only post meaningless and distorted rubbish.

My precise question was:
How many mass shootings in the USA were stopped by civilian gun-freaks carrying a firearm? in comparison to those stopped by the police? or the mental retard killing himself?
If you can't answer it - this discussion involving you, is over.
You defended that “mistype” in your response to my post. So, aside from your juvenile name-calling, who is being dishonest?

The rest of your childish banter does nothing to address the content of my post. When you’re not emotionally or intellectually prepared to enter these threads, don’t.

Nice try on the dishonest gotcha because that is all you have left. Your lobotomy was, obviously successful.
Wow - 60,000 to 2.5 million mass shootings in the USA per year - what are you smoking? - you only post meaningless and distorted rubbish.

No. Try paying attention.

“defensive gun use occur between 60,000 and 2.5 million times per year”

Defensive gun use is not a mass shooting. Defensive gun use can be anything from display of a weapon to intimidate a criminal who intends to make you a victim to firing a weapon in self defense.
Nice try on the dishonest gotcha because that is all you have left. Your lobotomy was, obviously successful.
That childish tantrum didn’t address the comments in my post. Don’t blame others for calling out your dishonesty.
No. Try paying attention.

“defensive gun use occur between 60,000 and 2.5 million times per year”

Defensive gun use is not a mass shooting. Defensive gun use can be anything from display of a weapon to intimidate a criminal who intends to make you a victim to firing a weapon in self defense.
Pay attention. My precise question was:
How many mass shootings in the USA were stopped by civilian gun-freaks carrying a firearm? in comparison to those stopped by the police? or the mental retard killing himself?
If you can't answer it - this discussion involving you, is over.
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