Comparing the AR with other Legal Firearms

My precise question was:
How many mass shootings in the USA were stopped by civilian gun-freaks carrying a firearm? in comparison to those stopped by the police? or the mental retard killing himself?
If you can't answer it - this discussion involving you, is over.
Your post included:

“There goes the NRA's and those MAGA gun freaks favorite propagated argument "for my self defense and my family" - puff into smoke.”

If you want to deny that was a part of your post, that’s fine.
Wow - 60,000 to 2.5 million mass shootings in the USA per year - what are you smoking? - you only post meaningless and distorted rubbish.

My precise question was:
How many mass shootings in the USA were stopped by civilian gun-freaks carrying a firearm? in comparison to those stopped by the police? or the mental retard killing himself?
If you can't answer it - this discussion involving you, is over.
Here are some examples. Want more?

Your post included:

“There goes the NRA's and those MAGA gun freaks favorite propagated argument "for my self defense and my family" - puff into smoke.”

If you want to deny that was a part of your post, that’s fine.
I don't need to deny anything I wrote - that you are too stupid to comprehend that my statement in regards to NRA....., is ultimately linked to my precise question - shows your ignorance and objective to simply waste people times with posting,stating endless and continuous rubbish.

My precise question was:
How many mass shootings in the USA were stopped by civilian gun-freaks carrying a firearm? in comparison to those stopped by the police? or the mental retard killing himself?
If you can't answer it - this discussion involving you, is over.
I don't need to deny anything I wrote - that you are too stupid to comprehend that my statement in regards to NRA....., is ultimately linked to my precise question - shows your ignorance and objective to simply waste people times with posting,stating endless and continuous rubbish.

My precise question was:
How many mass shootings in the USA were stopped by civilian gun-freaks carrying a firearm? in comparison to those stopped by the police? or the mental retard killing himself?
If you can't answer it - this discussion involving you, is over.

Try paying attention.

Here are some examples. Want more?

Go back to school - it's a place were people learn and study, and find out the meaning of COMPARISON

My precise question was:
How many mass shootings in the USA were stopped by civilian gun-freaks carrying a firearm? in comparison to those stopped by the police? or the mental retard killing himself?
If you can't answer it - this discussion involving you, is over.
Go back to school - it's a place were people learn and study, and find out the meaning of COMPARISON

My precise question was:
How many mass shootings in the USA were stopped by civilian gun-freaks carrying a firearm? in comparison to those stopped by the police? or the mental retard killing himself?
If you can't answer it - this discussion involving you, is over.

How many?
Pay attention. My precise question was:
How many mass shootings in the USA were stopped by civilian gun-freaks carrying a firearm? in comparison to those stopped by the police? or the mental retard killing himself?
If you can't answer it - this discussion involving you, is over.
Hollie here is your chance to redeem yourself. Tell the TRUTH for once. Dead children are watching this one.....

Comparing the AR with other Legal Firearms​

When comparing the AR with other Legal Firearms, the AR Assault Rifle 15 is the most deadliest to children.
No other gun has killed more children. This gun is so deadly it should be banned.
Ohh the GUNNUTTERS will tell you it is for varmints...
:hellno: you would vaporize a varmint with this one... This WEAPON OF WAR ASSAULT RIFLE is so violent that children's bodies were literally exploded and bits and pieces were stuck to the ceiling. Do not let these GUNNUTTERS fool you.

If I had a choice.. I would rather be shot by 3 9mm rounds to the abdomen vs. one from this DEATH WEAPON... These GUNNUTTERS do not tell you it shoots the bullet very very fast.. 3200 Feet per second give or take.. When that bullet hits you it creates a wound channel (cavitation). It literally causes your soft tissue to separate and let the bullet cause carnage inside of you. The bullet is designed to fragment (break apart) and literally tear you up.

Joe Biden was correct. IT WILL BLOW YOUR LUNGS OUT..

So there you go. Think about that.
My smart phone is the 007 lethal laser-beam model, made by one of my friends in Israel who knows this Mossad dude.

For $200 extra it has a little gold plated Sean Connery thing on the handle.
Cool story.

Comparing the AR with other Legal Firearms​

When comparing the AR and "the other mike's" smart phone.
Sorry... best of luck on your future endeavors
You defended that “mistype” in your response to my post. So, aside from your juvenile name-calling, who is being dishonest?

The rest of your childish banter does nothing to address the content of my post. When you’re not emotionally or intellectually prepared to enter these threads, don’t.
^^child hater
I had to say it. Does not care one bit about children. Selfish gunnutter.
Easy. He had 50 more rounds in the Mag considering it was a 100 round mag. I mistyped. Had you know anything about the shooting you would know this. So you believe you got me on a gotcha by misquoting me. Now, that's just plain dishonest.

It takes me about 2 seconds to change a Mini-14 mag and then I have to require the target window. With the AR, I can do it in less than 1 second and I keep the sight windows. If I do it right, the action won't even open and I won't even have to charge it. I can go through 120 rounds for the AR-15 in about 10 seconds. And never take my eye off the target window.

No, but you do have a high body count envy. I bet that you drool when you hear about a school or church shooting.

Noper but that Kaltech 9mm was a wonderweapon. And the 9mm had 0ver 10 mags.

Both of these were done before safeguards were put into schools. The most you can get is one classroom with students. But probably, what you'll get is the ability to wander the hallways because the rest is blocked off with metal doors. Even so, it wasn't until Parkland in 2018 that the body count was exceeded. And it took an AR to do that with all the restrictions in place to prevent it.

You are trying to change history. That tells me that you are not only low intel but a card carrying AR-15 Cult Member who moonlights as a MAGAt.
At the range most mass shootings happen, you don’t use sights. You point and shoot.
At the range most mass shootings happen, you don’t use sights. You point and shoot.
Have you ever fired a weapon? - since you don't seem to know that aiming with and thus holding a rifle, (it's length and recoil anticipation) will automatically place you into a perfect physical shooter and aiming position with a firm grip, as opposed to firing with a pistol - only balanced or kept on target via your single hand/wrist or both your hands and wrists.

You also wouldn't know that any firearm has standard sights, not just e.g. laser dot add sight, suppression sights, or added scopes. Did you already participate in a mass-shooting since you claim to know that the shooter doesn't make use of his weapons sights?
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Have you ever fired a weapon? - since you don't seem to know that aiming with and thus holding a rifle, (it's length and recoil anticipation) will automatically place you into a perfect physical shooter and aiming position with a firm grip, as opposed to firing with a pistol - only balanced or kept on target via your single hand/wrist or both your hands and wrists.

You also wouldn't know that any firearm has standard sights, not just e.g. laser dot add sight, suppression sights, or added scopes. Did you already participate in a mass-shooting since you claim to know that the shooter doesn't make use of his weapons sights?

but he's right. Most mass shooters just point and shoot and really don't aim. They are shooting fish in a barrel.

About the only mass shooter to go for the record was that Combat Trained Marine in CA. He took a handgun and stood off long guns and a host of pistols. He danged near took the high spot of kills that day. He didn't aim either. I don't aim a handgun that I am used to. I spot shoot. You may need to sight shoot. But that Gyrene just aimed his body and the pistol followed. He ended up killing a bunch and injuring over 60. There weren't many over the 60 mark so he pretty well hit anything that moved including two cops who came in with their 38 specs or 9mm and he killed one and injured the other. They had to retreat. Can you imagine the damage that man could have made with an AR with extra mags?

That's what I have been warning against. So far, one time removed, we have had people that barely knew how to charge the AR and get it to fire. Now, what would happen if a Combat Veteran were to go on a killing spree at schools. The number of body count would be in the hundreds. Luckily, that nutcase Gyrene Combat Vet could not buy an AR. He used what he could buy legally and that was a semi auto pistol. There could have been a lot of dead cops to go with a lot of dead people in the nightclub. But he ran out of ammo and took himself out. He was trying to do suicide by cop but that didn't work because of his background and training far exceeded the cops.
but he's right. Most mass shooters just point and shoot and really don't aim. They are shooting fish in a barrel.

About the only mass shooter to go for the record was that Combat Trained Marine in CA. He took a handgun and stood off long guns and a host of pistols. He danged near took the high spot of kills that day. He didn't aim either. I don't aim a handgun that I am used to. I spot shoot. You may need to sight shoot. But that Gyrene just aimed his body and the pistol followed. He ended up killing a bunch and injuring over 60. There weren't many over the 60 mark so he pretty well hit anything that moved including two cops who came in with their 38 specs or 9mm and he killed one and injured the other. They had to retreat. Can you imagine the damage that man could have made with an AR with extra mags?

That's what I have been warning against. So far, one time removed, we have had people that barely knew how to charge the AR and get it to fire. Now, what would happen if a Combat Veteran were to go on a killing spree at schools. The number of body count would be in the hundreds. Luckily, that nutcase Gyrene Combat Vet could not buy an AR. He used what he could buy legally and that was a semi auto pistol. There could have been a lot of dead cops to go with a lot of dead people in the nightclub. But he ran out of ammo and took himself out. He was trying to do suicide by cop but that didn't work because of his background and training far exceeded the cops.
In those usual mass shootings occurring usually at peoples homes - yes you would be right. (since these are usually just brainless gun-freaks) - but not assassinates like the Vegas shooter (even though a bad shot) he did aim. or this fellow hiding in the trunk of a car. (yes not a mass shooting as such but a terrifying total).
That the carnage via an AR15 is far greater then that possibly caused by a pistol is understood.
In those usual mass shootings occurring usually at peoples homes - yes you would be right. (since these are usually just brainless gun-freaks) - but not assassinates like the Vegas shooter (even though a bad shot) he did aim. or this fellow hiding in the trunk of a car. (yes not a mass shooting as such but a terrifying total).
That the carnage via an AR15 is far greater then that possibly caused by a pistol is understood.
Actually, the “carnage via an AR-15™ is far less than the carnage caused by handguns, Assault Knives, fists and hammers.. Assault Hammers.

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For each pull of a trigger, not it doens't but pull that trigger 120 times or more and it's the clear winner. You are a Cult AR Member.
FYI I don't even own an AR

the fraction of a second differences in magazine changes doesn't matter as much as you think

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