Comparing the AR with other Legal Firearms

For each pull of a trigger, not it doens't but pull that trigger 120 times or more and it's the clear winner. You are a Cult AR Member.
What would stop anyone from pulling the trigger on any semi-automatic firearm 120 times?

Are you one of the “full semi-automatic” types?
You're trying to take guns away from the wrong people. Your targets aren't shooting and killing anyone. "Oops, had a couple people die in a drunk driving accident, better ban all the cars and take them from everyone. We lose too many lives every year just because we like to go fast and get mad at the guy who's going too slow. No one needs an assault vehicle that can do 0-60 in less than 10 seconds."
According to you, cars are designed and build, to kill people - you are nuts.
Forgetting that DUI was the cause in your given example - and is punishable by law - shows who and what you are.

These two statements of yours - are enough to declare you to be a mentally disturbed person - who's guns need to be confiscated.
I can write a survey that shows most people agree that it's light at night and dark during the day. How you ask the questions determine the answers
Who cares as to what you write, or a survey conducted by you.
But do feel free to bring in a survey conducted by a meteorological institute that would confirm your bullshit claim-survey.
That whole slippery slope argument is all you got isn't it? You can't rationally argue against banning assault weapons so you got to attempt to claim it is a "foot in the door", fear monger people into thinking that other guns will follow the assault rifle and be banned. But the slippery slope argument is STUPID, and easily proven wrong.

The assault rifle was banned for TEN DAMN YEARS. In that ten years, name one, JUST FLIPPIN ONE, other gun that was banned. The gun grabbers had their "foot in the door" for TEN DAMN YEARS, and yet they never even bothered to try and ban another type of gun. So, don't walk that stupid ass argument up in here. That dog ain't going to hunt.
You can't make a rational argument
What would stop anyone from pulling the trigger on any semi-automatic firearm 120 times?

Are you one of the “full semi-automatic” types?

Once again, you aren't looking at the whole picture. High Capacity Mags for the AR of 50 to 100 rounds jam on a regular basis. And when they do, you just have to eject it and toss in the 20 or 30 rounder which are not prone to jamming. Only one idjit brought a 50 round mag for an AR and it jammed at just over 50 rounds. Even so, it killed over 40 people and wounded over 200. Had he know what he was doing he would have started out with 4 30 round mags and gone for at least 150 dead with over 400 wounded. All in 90 seconds which is the response of the Aurora Police Department. They caught up to him in the parking lot trying to unjam his AR. He did only a few seconds of actual firing and still got that high of a body count. Theater Shootings are fish in the barrel and the more rounds you can kick out the more die or get injured. The AR has just enough power to penetrate one and maybe kill the next person or at least injure them. Outside of the 41 and 44 Mag (normal weapons) the 45, 44 spec, 357 mag, 38 spec and the 9mm don't have the penetration required for a real high body count.

So you already had your lobotomy. May I interest you in a grounding strap?
Once again, you aren't looking at the whole picture. High Capacity Mags for the AR of 50 to 100 rounds jam on a regular basis. And when they do, you just have to eject it and toss in the 20 or 30 rounder which are not prone to jamming. Only one idjit brought a 50 round mag for an AR and it jammed at just over 50 rounds. Even so, it killed over 40 people and wounded over 200. Had he know what he was doing he would have started out with 4 30 round mags and gone for at least 150 dead with over 400 wounded. All in 90 seconds which is the response of the Aurora Police Department. They caught up to him in the parking lot trying to unjam his AR. He did only a few seconds of actual firing and still got that high of a body count. Theater Shootings are fish in the barrel and the more rounds you can kick out the more die or get injured. The AR has just enough power to penetrate one and maybe kill the next person or at least injure them. Outside of the 41 and 44 Mag (normal weapons) the 45, 44 spec, 357 mag, 38 spec and the 9mm don't have the penetration required for a real high body count.

So you already had your lobotomy. May I interest you in a grounding strap?
Hollie answer Vrenn. Snap snap
Once again, you aren't looking at the whole picture. High Capacity Mags for the AR of 50 to 100 rounds jam on a regular basis. And when they do, you just have to eject it and toss in the 20 or 30 rounder which are not prone to jamming. Only one idjit brought a 50 round mag for an AR and it jammed at just over 50 rounds. Even so, it killed over 40 people and wounded over 200. Had he know what he was doing he would have started out with 4 30 round mags and gone for at least 150 dead with over 400 wounded. All in 90 seconds which is the response of the Aurora Police Department. They caught up to him in the parking lot trying to unjam his AR. He did only a few seconds of actual firing and still got that high of a body count. Theater Shootings are fish in the barrel and the more rounds you can kick out the more die or get injured. The AR has just enough power to penetrate one and maybe kill the next person or at least injure them. Outside of the 41 and 44 Mag (normal weapons) the 45, 44 spec, 357 mag, 38 spec and the 9mm don't have the penetration required for a real high body count.

So you already had your lobotomy. May I interest you in a grounding strap?
Once again, you rattle on with little knowledge of the subject.

You wrote,
Only one idjit brought a 50 round mag for an AR and it jammed at just over 50 rounds
How did a 50 round mag jam at just over 50 rounds? You were seemingly trying to relate some event that perhaps you read about but weren’t able to describe in any coherent way.

Secondly, it takes perhaps 2 seconds to change a magazine. A rifle that accepts a magazine of less than 30 rounds is not measurably slower to fire than one with thirty. I come from a family that is mostly military and have shot a great many semi-automatic rifles.

Do you have AR-envy? An obsession? You have this Hollywood’ized movie version of an AR as some monstrously powerful rifle when in fact, it’s not.

The Columbine killers did not use an AR-15. Neither did the Virginia Tech shooter Seung-Hui Cho or the University of Texas shooter Charles Whitman or the Tennessee shooter yet all of them managed to commit terrible crimes. Not coincidentally, the firearms used by the sociopaths and mentally Ill shooters had little in common. The common theme was mental illness.
Once again, you rattle on with little knowledge of the subject.

You wrote,

How did a 50 round mag jam at just over 50 rounds? You were seemingly trying to relate some event that perhaps you read about but weren’t able to describe in any coherent way.

Secondly, it takes perhaps 2 seconds to change a magazine. A rifle that accepts a magazine of less than 30 rounds is not measurably slower to fire than one with thirty. I come from a family that is mostly military and have shot a great many semi-automatic rifles.

Do you have AR-envy? An obsession? You have this Hollywood’ized movie version of an AR as some monstrously powerful rifle when in fact, it’s not.

The Columbine killers did not use an AR-15. Neither did the Virginia Tech shooter Seung-Hui Cho or the University of Texas shooter Charles Whitman or the Tennessee shooter yet all of them managed to commit terrible crimes. Not coincidentally, the firearms used by the sociopaths and mentally Ill shooters had little in common. The common theme was mental illness.

Are you really this dense, or you just acting. If you are acting...


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