Comparison DC Mall Pictures - Glenn Beck's Tea-Bagger Protest vs Obama's Inauguration

"Watch FOXNews and you will get both sides of the spectrum."


That was RICH!

The only "both sides of the spectrum" thats on FOXNews is Right and Far-Right.
"Watch FOXNews and you will get both sides of the spectrum."


That was RICH!

The only "both sides of the spectrum" thats on FOXNews is Right and Far-Right.

Yea there are no liberal viewpoints on Fox, unless you include these liberals, Ellis Heinican, Susan Estrich, Chris Wallace, Geraldo Rivera, Alan Colmes, Bernie Sanders, John Edwards, Mark Mellman, Terry McAuliffe, Rev. Al Sharpton, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sen. Dennis Kucinich, Rep. Charles Rangle, Minister Hashim Nzinga, Geraldine Ferraro, Bob Beckel, Lanny Davis, Joe Lieberman, Tammy Bruce, Pat Caddell, Neal Gabler, Jane Hall, Jeff Cohen, Juan WIlliams, Mara Liason, Morton Kondracke, Rosie O'Donnell, Ed Asner, Steven Baldwin, Alec Baldwin, Matt Damon, Mile Farrell etc.......And this list doesn't include who knows how many who have been interviewed for various stories, appear on the O'Reilly Factor, Hannity & Colmes etc...

You're a stupid fuck! But you knew that ....right?
For the record, this event was in planning since March.

OK, maybe it was. I consider myself a relatively plugged in kinda guy, as are yourself and the vast majority of people here. I didn't hear about until the day of the event. And I didn't see any posts here regarding it until the day of the event. *Shrug* There may have been posts here about it prior to it, not saying that they weren't. But I didn't see them.

A protest in Washington. LOL. No way that is a first kind in history kind of event.

This protest was also promoted, hyped, and talked about all over the media.

Maybe it was. I dunno. But again, I didn't hear about it. And hyped (again, rightfully so) as much as the inaugural? No way.

The reason you are clueless about these events is that you have not watched FOX news and have been left unaware of this movement. ABC, NBC, CBS and MSNBC don't want you to know these things so they don't report on it. Charlie Gibson, remember him, major network news anchor that interviewed Sarah Palin, you know, the guy that was doing everything he could to intimidate her. He was asked about ACORN on a radio program yesterday and stated laughingly, that he knew nothing about it. Watch Fox and you will get the news from both sides of the spectrum, they have several liberals and several conservatives, plus independents. You get it all on Fox, you won't get anything from the others and you will be left clueless again.

I went to a tea party protest in Feb, we were protesting the bailuts, the stimulus bill and the national debt, on April 14th and 15th, they happened all over the country. You would have seen this had you been tuned into the right channel.

So inadevertantly, you prove my point.

The inaugural was covered more. Exponentially so.
"Watch FOXNews and you will get both sides of the spectrum."


That was RICH!

The only "both sides of the spectrum" thats on FOXNews is Right and Far-Right.

Yea there are no liberal viewpoints on Fox, unless you include these liberals, Ellis Heinican, Susan Estrich, Chris Wallace, Geraldo Rivera, Alan Colmes, Bernie Sanders, John Edwards, Mark Mellman, Terry McAuliffe, Rev. Al Sharpton, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sen. Dennis Kucinich, Rep. Charles Rangle, Minister Hashim Nzinga, Geraldine Ferraro, Bob Beckel, Lanny Davis, Joe Lieberman, Tammy Bruce, Pat Caddell, Neal Gabler, Jane Hall, Jeff Cohen, Juan WIlliams, Mara Liason, Morton Kondracke, Rosie O'Donnell, Ed Asner, Steven Baldwin, Alec Baldwin, Matt Damon, Mile Farrell etc.......And this list doesn't include who knows how many who have been interviewed for various stories, appear on the O'Reilly Factor, Hannity & Colmes etc...

You're a stupid fuck! But you knew that ....right?

Is that why the Defense of ACORN on these Boards is so Lame, these morons are actually honoring a News Black out and have no Idea of the True Gravity of this. This makes Watergate look like Nap Time in comparison and They voluntarily put their heads in the sand while demanding Proof from us which they refuse to look at? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
I wonder how many teaslaggers would have showed up if it were 10 degrees outside, because that's what it was for the inauguration. If it had been a balmy 74, then 10 million people easy would have shown up to Obama's inauguration.

Only 10 million?

You libs really settle for so little.

10 million is better than 70k. :eusa_shhh:
"Watch FOXNews and you will get both sides of the spectrum."


That was RICH!

The only "both sides of the spectrum" thats on FOXNews is Right and Far-Right.

Yea there are no liberal viewpoints on Fox, unless you include these liberals, Ellis Heinican, Susan Estrich, Chris Wallace, Geraldo Rivera, Alan Colmes, Bernie Sanders, John Edwards, Mark Mellman, Terry McAuliffe, Rev. Al Sharpton, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sen. Dennis Kucinich, Rep. Charles Rangle, Minister Hashim Nzinga, Geraldine Ferraro, Bob Beckel, Lanny Davis, Joe Lieberman, Tammy Bruce, Pat Caddell, Neal Gabler, Jane Hall, Jeff Cohen, Juan WIlliams, Mara Liason, Morton Kondracke, Rosie O'Donnell, Ed Asner, Steven Baldwin, Alec Baldwin, Matt Damon, Mile Farrell etc.......And this list doesn't include who knows how many who have been interviewed for various stories, appear on the O'Reilly Factor, Hannity & Colmes etc...

You're a stupid fuck! But you knew that ....right?

Is that why the Defense of ACORN on these Boards is so Lame, these morons are actually honoring a News Black out and have no Idea of the True Gravity of this. This makes Watergate look like Nap Time in comparison and They voluntarily put their heads in the sand while demanding Proof from us which they refuse to look at? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

That could be it. Seen no evil , hear no evil, unless it's a conservative. And even then they have to make shit up.
Yes, radio, they do compare, and you are wrong. The facts and the logical interpretation therein prove it.

No, they do not.

1) The inauguration was planned for months.
2) The inauguration was a first time in history kind of event
3) The inauguration was promoted, hyped and talked about, rightfully so, all over the media leading up to the event.

The protests yesterday had none of these factors in play.

If you leave out these facts from your equation, your interpretation will be faulty, and not at all logical.

The two do not compare. At all.


I have now read through all of the posts that have occurred since I have last signed on on this thread. I didn't see a reply from you attempting to point out where I may be wrong in my reasoning. I did receive your neg-rep though. Thank you for that. But instead of calling me another nutjob for my above post in the neg-rep PM, perhaps you should attempt to logically show me where I may be incorrect in saying that the inaugural and the protest were not the same in scope, size or historical importance?

I look forward to your reply.

Well Dev, It has been 2 days, and I see you have logged on since I posted my response to your n-rep comment...and yet still no response on the board. From this I can only draw a few conclusions:

1) You have not seen my previous post.
2) You saw it and did not respond because...
a) You have no logical rebuttal because you have no rhetorical leg to stand on.
b) You are a coward.

Are there any other options?
Really guys if you were protesting what you CLAIM to protest I would be right there beside you BUT IT IS NOT! And I think everyone here KNOWS IT!
"Watch FOXNews and you will get both sides of the spectrum."


That was RICH!

The only "both sides of the spectrum" thats on FOXNews is Right and Far-Right.

Yea there are no liberal viewpoints on Fox, unless you include these liberals, Ellis Heinican, Susan Estrich, Chris Wallace, Geraldo Rivera, Alan Colmes, Bernie Sanders, John Edwards, Mark Mellman, Terry McAuliffe, Rev. Al Sharpton, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sen. Dennis Kucinich, Rep. Charles Rangle, Minister Hashim Nzinga, Geraldine Ferraro, Bob Beckel, Lanny Davis, Joe Lieberman, Tammy Bruce, Pat Caddell, Neal Gabler, Jane Hall, Jeff Cohen, Juan WIlliams, Mara Liason, Morton Kondracke, Rosie O'Donnell, Ed Asner, Steven Baldwin, Alec Baldwin, Matt Damon, Mile Farrell etc.......And this list doesn't include who knows how many who have been interviewed for various stories, appear on the O'Reilly Factor, Hannity & Colmes etc...

You're a stupid fuck! But you knew that ....right?

Is that why the Defense of ACORN on these Boards is so Lame, these morons are actually honoring a News Black out and have no Idea of the True Gravity of this. This makes Watergate look like Nap Time in comparison and They voluntarily put their heads in the sand while demanding Proof from us which they refuse to look at? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

How about there really isn't any defense of ACORN? How about most 'liberals' even get that?
Yea there are no liberal viewpoints on Fox, unless you include these liberals, Ellis Heinican, Susan Estrich, Chris Wallace, Geraldo Rivera, Alan Colmes, Bernie Sanders, John Edwards, Mark Mellman, Terry McAuliffe, Rev. Al Sharpton, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sen. Dennis Kucinich, Rep. Charles Rangle, Minister Hashim Nzinga, Geraldine Ferraro, Bob Beckel, Lanny Davis, Joe Lieberman, Tammy Bruce, Pat Caddell, Neal Gabler, Jane Hall, Jeff Cohen, Juan WIlliams, Mara Liason, Morton Kondracke, Rosie O'Donnell, Ed Asner, Steven Baldwin, Alec Baldwin, Matt Damon, Mile Farrell etc.......And this list doesn't include who knows how many who have been interviewed for various stories, appear on the O'Reilly Factor, Hannity & Colmes etc...

You're a stupid fuck! But you knew that ....right?

Is that why the Defense of ACORN on these Boards is so Lame, these morons are actually honoring a News Black out and have no Idea of the True Gravity of this. This makes Watergate look like Nap Time in comparison and They voluntarily put their heads in the sand while demanding Proof from us which they refuse to look at? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

How about there really isn't any defense of ACORN? How about most 'liberals' even get that?

Most liberals get that? That sentiment is not reflected in this forum, not from what i've seen. Some refuse to watch the videos, some accuse Fox news of entrapment and editing it in a way that puts Acorn in a bad light and others believe Acorn is doing a noble thing by helping the downtrodden and see's these videos as isolated events. So my question would be , where are all the liberals of which you asked about?
It sort of reminds me of "Logans Run".

On Health Care. [ame=]YouTube - Farrah on Logans Run[/ame]

On Medicare. [ame][/ame]
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