Compassionate and Caring Liberals Celebrate Breitbart's death

My feelings about the death of Andrew Breitbart bear strong resemblance, I must confess, to my feelings about the death of Osama bin Ladin.

The death of Adolf Hitler was before my time but might reasonably have been expected to rouse similar response.
My feelings about the death of Andrew Breitbart bear strong resemblance, I must confess, to my feelings about the death of Osama bin Ladin.

The death of Adolf Hitler was before my time but might reasonably have been expected to rouse similar response.

Of course.


Because like Osama bin Laden and Adolf Hitler, Breitbart slaughtered thousands or hundreds of thousands of people.


You are a bit of a dick, Baboon.
It makes no difference how wrong or right a person was. Just as much as how right or wrong any person on this board is. The man had a family with good points as well as not so good and will be missed as well as anyone else in their passing. It's best to be kind at times like this.

Let's take politics out and remember we all have our frailities.
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Breitbart may not have always been 100% accurate. And that's a failing, no doubt. But he was often RIGHT on target with the facts. Truth.


There's a concept you will never fathom.

(Also, you plodding but transparent hack whore, when you suggest that he was a liar, you are speaking ill of the dead -- which you previously claimed you don't do. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar: You liar. Dayum. You suck on multiple levels, you scumbag.)

Since Mr Breitbart was known to loudly speak ill of the dead. I'm quite sure he wouldn't mind.

Breitbart may not have always been 100% accurate. And that's a failing, no doubt. But he was often RIGHT on target with the facts. Truth.


There's a concept you will never fathom.

(Also, you plodding but transparent hack whore, when you suggest that he was a liar, you are speaking ill of the dead -- which you previously claimed you don't do. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar: You liar. Dayum. You suck on multiple levels, you scumbag.)

Since Mr Breitbart was known to loudly speak ill of the dead. I'm quite sure he wouldn't mind.

Which is not, of course, even remotely the point.
My feelings about the death of Andrew Breitbart bear strong resemblance, I must confess, to my feelings about the death of Osama bin Ladin.

The death of Adolf Hitler was before my time but might reasonably have been expected to rouse similar response.

Yeah, while I"m not going to hesitate to speak ill of the guy myself...

Much as I hate to agree with Liability, this post is a bit over the top.

He didn't kill thousands of people after all. (Though he was a real asshole.)
My feelings about the death of Andrew Breitbart bear strong resemblance, I must confess, to my feelings about the death of Osama bin Ladin.

The death of Adolf Hitler was before my time but might reasonably have been expected to rouse similar response.
An entire world was relieved when hitler took the coward's course...

As to bin laden? The free world sighed relief...and on both counts? People are smart enough to know that EVIL exists in the world...bin-laden and Hitler were evil souls...Brietbart was however NOT. (by any stretch of your twisted imagination and similiar of leftists everywhere)...

What an ODD comparison you make. But then you just outed your deep thoughts regarding Mr. Breitbart.

Way to go.
There was a poster just yesterday who wished Rush Limbaugh had a heart attack. Left wing hatred is creepy and dangerous. Left wingers openly said they wished Justice Clarence Thomas would die of a heart attack. There was a Brit made movie depicting former president George Bush's assassination circulating in American theaters while he was in office.
I'm not celebrating or mourning. I do think he was a horrible man and and there is no sense lying about it just because he's dead.
I think Teddy Kennedy was a piece of shit, too.

I did not speak ill of him when he died nor did I "celebrate" the death of the man. I did feel badly for his loved ones.

In fact, I gave him a bit of credit -- at the time of his passing -- for having at least tried to make a difference. While I disliked his political philosophy in many ways, I had to admit that his intent was still to make America a better country.

There is a perfectly fine time to speak ill of the dead.

As a general rule, the same day is not that day and within mere hours is not the time.
My feelings about the death of Andrew Breitbart bear strong resemblance, I must confess, to my feelings about the death of Osama bin Ladin.

The death of Adolf Hitler was before my time but might reasonably have been expected to rouse similar response.
An entire world was relieved when hitler took the coward's course...

As to bin laden? The free world sighed relief...and on both counts? People are smart enough to know that EVIL exists in the world...bin-laden and Hitler were evil souls...Brietbart was however NOT. (by any stretch of your twisted imagination and similiar of leftists everywhere)...

What an ODD comparison you make. But then you just outed your deep thoughts regarding Mr. Breitbart.

Way to go.
Agreed; no comparison.
There was a poster just yesterday who wished Rush Limbaugh had a heart attack. Left wing hatred is creepy and dangerous. Left wingers openly said they wished Justice Clarence Thomas would die of a heart attack. There was a Brit made movie depicting former president George Bush's assassination circulating in American theaters while he was in office.

Right-wingers say that kind of shit all the time.

Extremists abound in all philosophies.

I'm not going to wish death on anyone personally, except maybe Bin Laden types, but I'm not going to cry when someone I particularly hate goes.

Limbaugh? I don't hope he dies, but I sure wouldn't be sad if he did.
I think Teddy Kennedy was a piece of shit, too.

I did not speak ill of him when he died nor did I "celebrate" the death of the man. I did feel badly for his loved ones.

In fact, I gave him a bit of credit -- at the time of his passing -- for having at least tried to make a difference. While I disliked his political philosophy in many ways, I had to admit that his intent was still to make America a better country.

There is a perfectly fine time to speak ill of the dead.

As a general rule, the same day is not that day and within mere hours is not the time.

If some right-wing Senator died, who had always stood up for what he believed in, no matter how wrong I thought he was, I would try to speak well of him as much as possible.

Rick Santorum would be a good example. If he died tomorrow, I would try to find something nice to say, even though I really dislike what he stands for.

But I just can't get myself to take the high road with this guy.
Looks like Breitbart ruined Anthony Weiner's life again....
Andrew Breitbart, the conservative firebrand and new media pioneer who died suddenly at just 43, had told friends he was poised to take his jihad against the Left deeper into the mainstream media with a regular show on CNN.

Last weekend, Breitbart told friends he was in early talks with CNN about a Crossfire-style show in which he would argue from the Right alongside former US House representative Anthony Weiner taking him on from the Left.

Such a show could have been a blockbuster

Read more: Andrew Breitbart was 'in talks with CNN' over new show with Anthony Weiner | Mail Online

Wow, that would have been a great show.

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