Compassionate and Caring Liberals Celebrate Breitbart's death

It makes no difference how wrong or right a person was. Just as much as how right or wrong any person on this board is. The man had a family with good points as well as not so good and will be missed as well as anyone else in their passing. It's best to be kind at times like this.

Let's take politics out and remember we all have our frailities.

I hope it was painful.

Another scumbag fuckwit ^ heard from.

Thanks saltpeter.

Very illuminating.

You douche.
Those comments tell more about the people making them than the dead guy they're shitting on.


Normally when someone dies, people reminisce, say nice things and a tribute or two is held. The problem with dealing with someone like Andrew Breitbart and his death is that it's hard not to remember how he handled the passing of former senator Ted Kennedy.

When Ted Kennedy passed away on August 5, 2009, Americans across the country mourned. Though Kennedy had been involved with controversy of his own in the past, Kennedy was given a second chance and made the best of it.

Breitbart took to his twitter account to spew disgusting thoughts about the former senator. Breitbart called Kennedy a "villiain," a "prick," "a big ass mothe*******," and a "duplicitous bastard." Breitbart even called Kennedy a "special pile of human excrement."

Andrew Breitbart's ironic end: The disrespect of Ted Kennedy - Orlando liberal |

Payback is a bitch.

You need serious help...

Nope, just giving an eye for an eye.
It makes no difference how wrong or right a person was. Just as much as how right or wrong any person on this board is. The man had a family with good points as well as not so good and will be missed as well as anyone else in their passing. It's best to be kind at times like this.

Let's take politics out and remember we all have our frailities.

I hope it was painful.

Another scumbag fuckwit ^ heard from.

Thanks saltpeter.

Very illuminating.

You douche.

He's still dead and rotting. I see why Breitbart said that nasty shit about Ted Kennedy when he died. It is fun to piss on the grave of your enemy.
Liberals celebrating the death of Andrew Breitbart is the same type of anti -American action that was displyed in the middle east on the day the twin towers came down in New York. Many people in the middle east (Muslims) went out into the streets celebrating the towers coming down.They celebrated the deaths of the over 3000 that died that day. They fired guns into the shy--they burned the US flag.There is no diffrence now with those who celebrate Breitbart's death than those who celebrated the twin towers coming down.

And what was Breitbart displaying when he celebrated the death of Ted Kennedy?

Save your bullshit, asshat.
I hope it was painful.

Another scumbag fuckwit ^ heard from.

Thanks saltpeter.

Very illuminating.

You douche.

He's still dead and rotting. I see why Breitbart said that nasty shit about Ted Kennedy when he died. It is fun to piss on the grave of your enemy.

You are rotting too. And you were quite decayed to begin with.

You remain just a scumbag fuckwit.

Salt Jones
The left is so outed now. Nothing they say surprises me. They are desperate now and still as disgusting as always. hey Nancy, shove that broom you've been flying around on up your keesta.
I predict buy the middle of next year all the liberals in here will be gone. When their check stop coming they won't be able to swing the internet fee. The New Republican Party will see to it.
Whine all you can now takers. Your freebee paydays are numbers.
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So what? One could post numerous clips on the internet of conservatives being racist towards obama.

The internet, its full of dicks.


(Some folks would take that as a slow softball pitch right down the middle of the plate ... )


i almost took a shot myself


The GOP/Teaparty in action

Resident idiot speaks.--The T
Not bad for a 3 hour old elph. When he grows a bit he is programed to stomp out liberals with donkey faces. Hee-Haw means oh shit here he comes.
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There was a poster just yesterday who wished Rush Limbaugh had a heart attack. Left wing hatred is creepy and dangerous. Left wingers openly said they wished Justice Clarence Thomas would die of a heart attack. There was a Brit made movie depicting former president George Bush's assassination circulating in American theaters while he was in office.
hey i work with a pretty Right wing guy who wishes someone would shoot the pres,and a few other Liberals whenever they come on the news in the break room's TV.....goes both ways....

Like your avi, Harry!!! People who voice their wish for a dead president are sick. I would never want to see ANY president of ours assassinated. I think the majority of Americans agree. I hope so.

its what i wish a few posters around here would do....:eusa_angel:

no they found you putting the words GOP in the title when the judges political persuasion is not mentioned......and its funny Dean how you will ride along with your Fellow Lefties when they are making fun of some overweight righty....your a dishonest asshole Dean....why the more moderate or Conservative Democrats here dont tell you to shut the fuck up is beyond me....Rinata.....this is the type of person who my Avi is all about.....
It makes no difference how wrong or right a person was. Just as much as how right or wrong any person on this board is. The man had a family with good points as well as not so good and will be missed as well as anyone else in their passing. It's best to be kind at times like this.

Let's take politics out and remember we all have our frailities.

I hope it was painful.

when you have a stroke and you then have to have someone change your diaper for you.....remember what your wishing here.....
I predict buy the middle of next year all the liberals in here will be gone. When their check stop coming they won't be able to swing the internet fee. The New Republican Party will see to it.
Whine all you can now takers. Your freebee paydays are numbers.

all of them?.....they all are getting checks?......Dean does stuff like this.....grouping everyone wanna be like Dean?...
Liberal joy over Breitbart's death will have two major effects (meaning they should keep it up). It feeds the belief that he was really assassinated and makes it more likely that someone might want to be responsible for even more liberal happiness by repeating the act on someone else. A lot of libs have openly expressed interest in the deaths of other conservatives. It won't be at all surprising when it happens. Just like it won't be surprising when the government buries investigations.

Next arrests and disappearances.
I love the left's gloating on this...........Karma is a bitch, isn't it??

However, Breitbart may be dead but I don't believe we've heard the last of him. All I can say is get ready for what comes next. :D
Sometimes in life you reap what you sow

I still get giddy when I think of Ted Kennedy dying.

Not that I care if he died....I just wanted him out of the senate.

I now refer to him as Dead Ted.

You are very correct in your statement.

The Liar of the Senate did more to destroy this country than GWB and BHO combined.
Isn't it a horrible thing when you can't force people to all like someone and be sad and remorseful (at least publically) when that person dies?

Asking people to be respectful is forcing them to like someone?

It's obvious their parents didn't teach them how to show respect.
The most interesting aspect of this.

Liberals throw fits when we show the type of or lack of respect they do.

Its why I do it.

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