Compensating Negros For Slavery

Well, if we are going to go that route, then all irish folks fleeing the potato famine and coming here to be treated as slaves, should be recompensed. And Aussies. They were sent to a hostile land to just die. Debtors prison got full...england had to make room so off they sent them. They should be recompensed too. And italians. And germans who started settlements here in the new land and crops fed everyone from their farms. And asians! Without them, there would have been no way to get crops to other settlements since there would be no trains. And jews! Lets not forget the jews. They should be recompensed for their sufferings since we did nothing while they were all being murdered in the 1940's.

Stand in line, black folks. Slavery was not just limited to black skin.

I agree with much of what you have to say. But as far as trains went, the U.S. could have done it without the help of Chinese immigrants. But that would have meant something that is an obsenity to those who run our capitalist system. Which would have been paying Americans a decent wage. Also, what makes you think Jews were slaughtered in the 40's.
And last but not least...native americans. ALL their land was stolen. ALL their stuff confiscated. Where is their recompense?


Native Americans were bloodthirsty savages and cannibals. They too also tried to wipe out other tribes. They don't stand on a high enough of a moral plateau to deserve compensation.
Unkotare wrote: Still think there are no Muslims in Japan, moron?

Granny sez, "No Muslims in Japan?

... den whatever dey doin'...

... is what we need to be doin'."

Unkotare is an asshole. That is why I put him on my ignore list. I looked up the thing about muslims in Japan myself. It's possible there could be some Japanese muslims. There are insane people in any society. But the Japanese don't let muslims emigrate to their country. They don't let muslim workers work in their country. And from what I could find out, there are no mosques in Japan. If you hapen to be in Japan for whatever reason and are muslim, if you want to worship mohammed and allah, you have to do so in private.

Wrong, you lying loser.
The same way the descendants of the Japanese people that were interned received reparations. Tax money. Since Black people also pay taxes, everyone will be paying a little.

The Japanese who got the reparations were overwhelmingly STILL ALIVE or were their children who had suffered from the loss of property. And that was what the reparations were for, the property that was STOLEN from them. The people you wish to give money to were never enslaved, never suffered from slavery, and are SIX generations removed from those who did suffer....
Yeah but some of them were dead and their descendants got the reparations no matter how much you attempt to deflect from that fact.

Since you are not in charge of determining how many generations it goes back thats a null argument.

Yes, a very small percentage of them did. You are correct. But, they were direct descendants. You want to give people money for crimes that were committed against people who lived over 150 years ago, and no matter how much you try and deflect from that fact, it is a fact.
Thanks for agreeing that people that were not the actual people injured got reparations. Now do you see why your logic is faulty? You have a clear precedent set not only in the case of the Japanese but also in the descendants of the people that were harmed in Rosewood.

Florida Pays Survivors of a 1923 Racist Attack : Rosewood: Blacks were run out of town by a white mob. At last, the state allocates $2 million in reparations.

Excuse me for butting in, but Japanese who were interred or had property seized, along with negros who suffered due to White riots is a completely different thing than slavery. Also, who is more guilty. The White people who bought slaves or the negros in Africa who sold them to Whites. Maybe negros here need to seek reparations from the Africans who sold them.

Also, negros here need to be kissing White people's asses for the privilege of being here. Not seeking reparations. Do they really think that they would have been better off in Africa. Where many if not most believe in witches casting spells on them? Or where many of them still practice cannibalism? And judging from all the negro crime that happens in this country, among other things, it is White people who should be getting reparations from negros.
Nothing you said made any sense. Can you rephrase your post?
Well, if we are going to go that route, then all irish folks fleeing the potato famine and coming here to be treated as slaves, should be recompensed. And Aussies. They were sent to a hostile land to just die. Debtors prison got full...england had to make room so off they sent them. They should be recompensed too. And italians. And germans who started settlements here in the new land and crops fed everyone from their farms. And asians! Without them, there would have been no way to get crops to other settlements since there would be no trains. And jews! Lets not forget the jews. They should be recompensed for their sufferings since we did nothing while they were all being murdered in the 1940's.

Stand in line, black folks. Slavery was not just limited to black skin.
Those people can petition for their reparations as well. I wont have a problem paying my taxes for their reparations at all after we get ours.
Show me a slave and he or she could be compensated after suing the mofo who enslaved them.
Show me a slave and he or she could be compensated after suing the mofo who enslaved them.
Why would anyone waste their time showing you anything? Youre not important enough for that.
Asc's post translated into English: I have nothing.
My post was made in english. I agree you have nothing.
You can't even understand a simple phrase in English. Fool.
I dont understand cave monkey babble. English i'm pretty fluent in.
The second that you say something that makes even a shred of sense, I shall.

All you have to do is tell me something I said that you think makes no sense. If nothing I said makes a sherd of sense, that should be easy enough to do. Go for it. I am all ears.

It is not my responsibility to educate you or reform your ignorance, but in this case be careful of what you ask for.

You stated in an earlier post in this thread that almost all Hispanics are here illegally or are the decendents of illegal immigrants, which is an ignorant, misinformed statement on your part.

I personally grew up around and know many Hispanics here whose families go back multiple generations.

Furthermore if you believe in statistics look up what the ratio of illegal versus legal immigrant Hispanics here actually is.
You might learn something.


Allow me to educate you. There were some of mexican descent living in places like Calfornia, Texas, New Mexico, etc. But for the most part, mexicans were to be found in mexico. That's just how things work. In the days of the wild west, there wasn't really much of anything to draw mexicans into the wilderness of the west. Only when White people started making a comfortable life for themselves did the mexican parasites start coming here in larger numbers to "share" in what White people had done for their own kind. When overpopulating illegal invader scab scum mexicans try to "share" what White people had created for themselves, that is an illegal action. Whether or not it was officially labeled as illegal by the law.

Next, you say that you grew up around Hispicknicks. Sounds like a case of the Stockholm Syndrome to me. Also, what you did as a child doesn't matter. The fact is that you have to grow up. Another point is that you don't need to fool all the people all of the time. All you need to do is fool just enough of the people for just long enough. Unfortunately, for people like you, you apparently enjoy being fooled.

Next, it doesn't really matter to me how many mexicans came here legally or how many came here illegally. The point is they ALL need to go! As for the illegal ones, I heard one person suggest sending them back across the border using catapults. Though he would spare some of the children part of the flight back and use them for skeet! He also suggested sending them back over the border through wood chippers. They definately wouldn't come back after that. Like the spick who a few months ago shot some White woman in San Francisco just for the hell of it. He had been deported 5 times!

You still failed to prove your statement, and the above is nothing but an empty headed two bit rant with no facts. Prove your point or say that you cannot.

I don't know what wil satisfy your deranged mind. So how about we go about it this way. You tell me what I said that you don't think is factual. Also, you tell me what point of mine do you want me to prove.

You are a delusional bigot....and not a very intelligent one.. If you are capable of using Google look up how many Hispanics are here illegally.

It is not almost all of them as you stated.
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All you have to do is tell me something I said that you think makes no sense. If nothing I said makes a sherd of sense, that should be easy enough to do. Go for it. I am all ears.

It is not my responsibility to educate you or reform your ignorance, but in this case be careful of what you ask for.

You stated in an earlier post in this thread that almost all Hispanics are here illegally or are the decendents of illegal immigrants, which is an ignorant, misinformed statement on your part.

I personally grew up around and know many Hispanics here whose families go back multiple generations.

Furthermore if you believe in statistics look up what the ratio of illegal versus legal immigrant Hispanics here actually is.
You might learn something.


Allow me to educate you. There were some of mexican descent living in places like Calfornia, Texas, New Mexico, etc. But for the most part, mexicans were to be found in mexico. That's just how things work. In the days of the wild west, there wasn't really much of anything to draw mexicans into the wilderness of the west. Only when White people started making a comfortable life for themselves did the mexican parasites start coming here in larger numbers to "share" in what White people had done for their own kind. When overpopulating illegal invader scab scum mexicans try to "share" what White people had created for themselves, that is an illegal action. Whether or not it was officially labeled as illegal by the law.

Next, you say that you grew up around Hispicknicks. Sounds like a case of the Stockholm Syndrome to me. Also, what you did as a child doesn't matter. The fact is that you have to grow up. Another point is that you don't need to fool all the people all of the time. All you need to do is fool just enough of the people for just long enough. Unfortunately, for people like you, you apparently enjoy being fooled.

Next, it doesn't really matter to me how many mexicans came here legally or how many came here illegally. The point is they ALL need to go! As for the illegal ones, I heard one person suggest sending them back across the border using catapults. Though he would spare some of the children part of the flight back and use them for skeet! He also suggested sending them back over the border through wood chippers. They definately wouldn't come back after that. Like the spick who a few months ago shot some White woman in San Francisco just for the hell of it. He had been deported 5 times!

You still failed to prove your statement, and the above is nothing but an empty headed two bit rant with no facts. Prove your point or say that you cannot.

I don't know what wil satisfy your deranged mind. So how about we go about it this way. You tell me what I said that you don't think is factual. Also, you tell me what point of mine do you want me to prove.

You are a delusional bigot....and not a very intelligent one.. If you are capable of using Google look up how many Hispanics are here illegally.

It is not almost all of them as you stated.

The idiot makes up shit all the time. He may just be stupid enough to believe himself too.
we already compensate them by welfare checks and food stamps; you know the vast majority of tax payers who are white that pay for their shit everyday until they die, even though 99% of them could work... but choose not to.

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