Complete exchange between fauci and Rand Paul yesterday.

Yeah it’s totally unreasonable to criticize Fauci. He’s above reproach. He’s SCIENCE after all.
There’s a difference between legitimate criticism and grandstanding to get attention.
They have lots of history.

Fauci is a known LIAR. If you don’t know that, you must admit you are uninformed.

Or is your dislike of Paul merely because he’s a Republican?
I dislike Paul because he’s a loudmouth grandstanding doofus who doesn’t listen to people who are smarter than him.

Fauci explained that vaccination provides enhanced protection even for those who have been infected before but Paul acts like this very valid point doesn’t exist. It doesn’t help Paul’s little speech so he goes off on a tangent to sound combative (which pleases people like you) about matters which Fauci has no control over.
I dislike Paul because he’s a loudmouth grandstanding doofus who doesn’t listen to people who are smarter than him.

Fauci explained that vaccination provides enhanced protection even for those who have been infected before but Paul acts like this very valid point doesn’t exist. It doesn’t help Paul’s little speech so he goes off on a tangent to sound combative (which pleases people like you) about matters which Fauci has no control over.
Fauci isn’t smart. He’s a fucking liar and corrupt as Hell.

Think better.
He's incredibly smart and if any of you would acutally listen to him then you'd learn something, but like Paul you're probably too entrenched to learn anything. You call him corrupt because you don't like him. That's it.
Lol. Dupe alert!

Fauci is a fucking crook. He should be prosecuted and imprisoned for life.
Lol. Dupe alert!

Fauci is a fucking crook. He should be prosecuted and imprisoned for life.

Prosecuted for what exactly?

Losers like you could never do what Fauci does.
Fauci has been talking and changing his story numerous times over the last few years. He needs to be held to account for the damage that he has caused this country.
Not only has our knowledge of COVID changed over time, so has the virus.
Not only has our knowledge of COVID changed over time, so has the virus.
I didn't receive any vaccinations and I just got a mild case of the virus. Fauci and the CDC kept on spreading disinformation.
I didn't receive any vaccinations and I just got a mild case of the virus. Fauci and the CDC kept on spreading disinformation.
That's nice, but what does your experience have to do with anything? The CDC isn't perfect, but they're not flat out lying like so much of the COVID disinformation ecosystem.
Fauci is the man that was secretly working on The COVID 19 Bioweapon back in 2017 and declared that The Trump Administration would be attacked by the very COVID 19 Bio Weapon Fauci was ordered to create by Obama. To give Fauci cover, Obama lifted the Gain of Function Ban on BIOWEAPONS like COVID 19 just 10 days before President Trump was sworn in. Coincidence? LOL, you are a fool if you think that was a coincidence.

So how did Fauci invest in all these companies that were going to develop a vaccine, and companies who were going to have to ramp up production of masks, gloves etc. before The Pandemic (BIOWEAPONS ATTACK) if he did not know before hand that it was going to be unleashed on our people and our election in 2020?

Sounds like Insider Trading to me. Sounds like COVID 19 was planned.
That's nice, but what does your experience have to do with anything? The CDC isn't perfect, but they're not flat out lying like so much of the COVID disinformation ecosystem.
Sure the CDC spread disinformation and labeled anyone not complying with their findings as conspiracy nuts. I have almost no trust in anything they say.
Prosecuted for what exactly?

Losers like you could never do what Fauci does.
Killing thousands of people. He may be the world’s greatest serial killer. WAKE UP.

Realizing what Fauci is guilty of murder doesn’t make you a Trumper.
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