Computer repairman who claimed to have Hunter's laptop Closes Shop

Heh heh. I'm such a dick...

Don't be so hardon about yourself, you can't even answer a basic question.

The only thing you should be concerning yourself with is Federalist #51. Then equate its relevance to the Constitution.

Your question is moot in every sense of relevance to the proper role of American government. It's akin to blowing your motor and getting out of the car to inspect your tires. It's pointless. It's not even a good strawman, what the heck.

Alright, then, now I'm serious, dammit, I don't wanna waste time screwing around on here. Probably shouldn't even have logged in. It's a waste of my time. Have fun trying to hump that football, they're hard to catch once they start bouncing around.

All that and you can't give the name of a country that is a democracy because you're then going to be asked how the United States doesn't fit in the same definition? You're kind of pathetic.
Sally Yates might become the next Attorney General. Remember Trump fired her. They’re also talking about Merrick garland becoming the next Attorney General. The guy the GOP screwed over

The entire Trump crime family is definitely going to have problems after January 20. I can’t wait.

Trump and IVanka could be a Toofer because he paid her hundreds of thousands of dollars as his tax advisor and then wrote all that off as a tax write off. That’s multiple felonies on different levels.

View attachment 423957
View attachment 423956
I'd fire the IRS then.
Next on Trump's hit list is William Barr The Unloyal.
Hit list ? Rotflmbo.. If Trump was as bad as you and other's here try to paint him as, then you wouldn't be around to freely do your bad mouthing of him and his family like you all have done here. Be glad you are an American, and be thankful that Trump wasn't Hitler like you all wanted him so bad to be. Wouldn't have been as easy for you all if he was Hitler, so be thankful.
By "hit list," I mean people he fires.

So in your world, if you fire the business who does your oil changes on your cars, and go to a different shop to have it done.... you are engaged in having a hit list?

If you fire the company who provides cell phone service, and hire a different company, then you have a hit list?

If you go to a different store? If you fire the guy who mows your lawn, that's a 'hit list'?

You have a very different idea of what a hit list is, compared to most people.
If you fire one or two? No.

When you fire 9 out of 10? Absofuckinglutely...

No. Absolutely every single person that I hire to do anything, it is my prerogative to fire them.

If they work for me... and I decide for any reason I no longer want them to work for me.... it's my freedom and right to decide to not employ them anymore.

For any reason. Just like it's your right to fire them. If you don't like the statements of John Schnatter, and want to boycott Papa John's pizza... that's your right. It's not you having a hit list on Chic-fil-a or anything else.

No one is entitled to your business, or your pay check, or your anything.

Same with Trump. If you work for Trump, he equally has the right to fire you for any reason, and you claiming it is a hit list, is you just being a bigot and a fool.
Dumbfuck, no one said Trump didn't have the right to fire them. That you just switched the argument like that to something no one was saying is a tacit surrender on your part.

Of course he did. If you work for the President, then you work for the President, and the President has the right to fire you.
Sally Yates might become the next Attorney General. Remember Trump fired her. They’re also talking about Merrick garland becoming the next Attorney General. The guy the GOP screwed over

The entire Trump crime family is definitely going to have problems after January 20. I can’t wait.

Trump and IVanka could be a Toofer because he paid her hundreds of thousands of dollars as his tax advisor and then wrote all that off as a tax write off. That’s multiple felonies on different levels.

View attachment 423957
View attachment 423956
I'd fire the IRS then.
Next on Trump's hit list is William Barr The Unloyal.
Hit list ? Rotflmbo.. If Trump was as bad as you and other's here try to paint him as, then you wouldn't be around to freely do your bad mouthing of him and his family like you all have done here. Be glad you are an American, and be thankful that Trump wasn't Hitler like you all wanted him so bad to be. Wouldn't have been as easy for you all if he was Hitler, so be thankful.
By "hit list," I mean people he fires.

So in your world, if you fire the business who does your oil changes on your cars, and go to a different shop to have it done.... you are engaged in having a hit list?

If you fire the company who provides cell phone service, and hire a different company, then you have a hit list?

If you go to a different store? If you fire the guy who mows your lawn, that's a 'hit list'?

You have a very different idea of what a hit list is, compared to most people.
If you fire one or two? No.

When you fire 9 out of 10? Absofuckinglutely...

When you had corruption and inept backstabbers galore, and they were found to be using their positions for wrongful reason's or just not doing their jobs in a satisfactory way, then of course they end up fired. Something unheard of in these new millennial's brainwashed thought processes, because they have been brainwashed to not recognize injustice or corruption now when they see it. Trump is the cleaner, and Washington wasn't ready for the cleaner. Trump upset the apple cart, and in Washington that is unexceptable because the corruption was so entrenched, and the lifestyles so lavish that how dare anyone challenge it all........How dare a President come in, and try to bring back normalcy to that which had become abnormal in the eyes of most citizen's ? How dare he fire someone for not doing their jobs, I mean that is unheard of in these days and times. Pffft.

Trump needed to clean up his own administration?? Didn't he say he hires no one but the best people?

Trump is a businessman, and says all kinds of stuff. You act like the rest of us didn't know that.

By the way, Obama had to clean up his administration too, and it's not like Obama said he didn't hire the best people.

This is normal in government. All government does this. They hire people who supported them getting elected. Then they find out they are crap later.

This is why you don't want government running everything. Government running health care and education and housing, is how you end up with idiots running your life.

Government will hire people based on who supported their election. Why do they do this? Because that's generally why people work their butts off to help some politician get elected, is so that they can get a cushy government job. If the newly elected president does not appoint their supporters to positions, then why will anyone work their butts off to help in their next election? You think people really enjoy working 60 to 70 hours a week, to earn $10/hour or so?

The pay off is, if your guy wins, you might get rewarded with a cushy government job.

Can't wait until someone like that is running the US Health Care system thanks to socialized health care.

There's a reason Franklin Raines, the idiot that said family home mortgages were 'risk-less', was running Fannie Mae right before the sub-prime crash. Incompetent political supporters put in government positions.
Update on Mac Isaac, the computer repairman that claimed he had Hunter Biden's laptop. According to USA Today:

Ten days after the election, a sign on the repair shop’s door said it had closed. A neighbor said the owner, Mac Isaac had left town.

Read full article below
Computer repairman in Hunter Biden laptop saga closes up shop.

That corrupt MFer got to running like...




Well yeah. Remember, left-wingers are terrorists. No doubt he was threatened repeatedly by the terrorist Democrats.

Wait a minute, I have a few friends that are Democrats and they didn't get the terrorist membership cards. Please let the Order of Terrorist Brotherhood know this so they can get the proper forms sent to all Democrats.

Did you complain about terrorism when BLM was burning cities? Or did you blame Trump?

When this guy who is a leader of the BLM said openly that he'll engage in violence if he doesn't get what he wants.... did you oppose that? Or blame Trump?

Because last I checked threatening violence to get political change, is the very definition of terrorism.

Why were stores boarding up?

Because right-wing conservatives where threatening to burn down cities if they didn't get what they wanted?

Really? Where? Who?

Or was it left-wingers threatening mass violence to get what they want?

Democrats are the party of terrorists. That's just a fact now. It's not a debatable point. It's not some random insult.... it just is the truth.

Did Biden or anyone anywhere on the left-wing at any point, condemn BLM, or Antifa, or any of the riots and attacks on the Federal Court building?

Or did you blame Trump?

You who else used that same strategy of violence for political change, other than terrorists? I'll give you a hint.... might have happened in Germany almost a 100 years ago.

I never said anything about the looting and rioting other than it was criminal acts and should be stopped. You seem to read in whatever pops into that mush you have for a brain.

"I never said"... Since when I do care what you specifically said?

Your leadership of the Democrap party has never once directly condemned, and told off the BLM or any other terrorist group for committing violence.

You want to prove me wrong? List all the statements by Democrat leadership in response to BLM threatening violence for political change.

Let see the quotes condemning clear terrorist statements.

Oh you can't? That I don't care what you said. Your party is the party of terrorism, and not one Democrap can even attempt a counter argument, because you all know I'm right.

One huge problem. I am a republican. Now,don't you feel foolish.

No, I don't feel foolish at all. That's like having webbed feet, quacking, feathers, and having a beak, and then saying "I'm a Turnip. Now don't you feel foolish.".

No, I don't. In all the years I've known you on this forum, I can't think of single post of yours that I have read, that seemed even remotely Republican in nature.

If you have made posts that show you have any non-Democrat values, I must have missed them.

And maybe I have. But that doesn't change the impression you have made over more than a few years.

I just did a site search for every post you've made for the past 2 days, and read through them. Not one shows any traditional Republican-like values.

Regardless.... I stand by everything I stated about Democrats, whether you do or don't believe those statements apply to you specifically.

If you can find anything, showing the Leadership opposed clear terrorist statements and actions by BLM and Antifa, feel free to post their condemnation.

In fact in some ways BLM actually acknowledged there tactic was terrorism, and that it worked to win Biden the Presidency.

What do you think THREATENING "If you don't concede, then we'll have unrest!" is? That's terrorism.

Biden himself basically said this.

“The African American community stood up again for me. They always have my back, and I’ll have yours,” Biden said at the Chase Center in Wilmington, Del. “I said from the outset I wanted a campaign that represented America, and I think we did that. Now that’s what I want the administration to look like.”

Really? The community that set fire to cities? They have your back?

Well they did. Their violence won Biden the election. Terrorism was allowed to succeed in the US. That's what the Democrats are, whether they admit it or not.

You want "Traditional" Republican Values? Here they are. And just how many of these "Values" have your and yours stomped into the ground.

Republican Party Platform of 1956

Which of those would you consider traditional Republican party values? Certainly not all of that. That was more likely an election pitch, than a traditional Republican value.

You are wrong. Ike was real and lived what you saw in that plank. He tried to impress on his Administration those same values. When he said something, he meant it.

You are used to fakes who say a lot of things and don't mean a damned thing. And I am not just speaking of one side or the other. When a real leader comes along they get beaten to the ground quickly. Like Jim West form the Dems. I would mention a Republican but right now, there just aren't any that comes to mind.

I would mention a Republican but right now, there just aren't any that comes to mind.

I see. So you are not a left-wing flaming socialist anti-capitalist.... and you are a republican..... but you have to go back all the way to Ike, and can't think of a single Republican today that has any of your values.

I think I have all I need to know about you. Thanks.

Then you just hit on the crux of the problem with the modern "Republicans". Lack of ethics, morals, patriotism and love of Americans well being. If that isn't put back into the republican party, the Republicans won't win another President race for the next 100 years.
And the dimo's have all that going for them eh ?? You are one ignorant political hack if you think people are somehow gullible enough to believe the bullcrap you write.

I don't defend the Democrats. I condemn the Party of the Rumpers including you. I want to put the Republican Party back when it really WAS the Grand Old Party. Let the Democrats deal with that.

Right. I love it when people say that. That's like "I have no solutions at all, but I can complain a lot".

You can't name one value of Republicans that you have, but you are not a Democrats. How cheesy. "I'm not defending Democrats, but I condemn Republicans."

You sound like a wimp unable to defend anything, but whining about everything.

I don't care who you condemn, if you are not willing to defend anything.

Trump did a good job as President. He accomplished many things I supported, all of which are traditional conservative values. You are basically condemning me and Trump, for doing good things. That makes you that idiot in my book.
Sally Yates might become the next Attorney General. Remember Trump fired her. They’re also talking about Merrick garland becoming the next Attorney General. The guy the GOP screwed over

The entire Trump crime family is definitely going to have problems after January 20. I can’t wait.

Trump and IVanka could be a Toofer because he paid her hundreds of thousands of dollars as his tax advisor and then wrote all that off as a tax write off. That’s multiple felonies on different levels.

View attachment 423957
View attachment 423956
I'd fire the IRS then.
Next on Trump's hit list is William Barr The Unloyal.
Hit list ? Rotflmbo.. If Trump was as bad as you and other's here try to paint him as, then you wouldn't be around to freely do your bad mouthing of him and his family like you all have done here. Be glad you are an American, and be thankful that Trump wasn't Hitler like you all wanted him so bad to be. Wouldn't have been as easy for you all if he was Hitler, so be thankful.
By "hit list," I mean people he fires.

So in your world, if you fire the business who does your oil changes on your cars, and go to a different shop to have it done.... you are engaged in having a hit list?

If you fire the company who provides cell phone service, and hire a different company, then you have a hit list?

If you go to a different store? If you fire the guy who mows your lawn, that's a 'hit list'?

You have a very different idea of what a hit list is, compared to most people.
If you fire one or two? No.

When you fire 9 out of 10? Absofuckinglutely...

When you had corruption and inept backstabbers galore, and they were found to be using their positions for wrongful reason's or just not doing their jobs in a satisfactory way, then of course they end up fired. Something unheard of in these new millennial's brainwashed thought processes, because they have been brainwashed to not recognize injustice or corruption now when they see it. Trump is the cleaner, and Washington wasn't ready for the cleaner. Trump upset the apple cart, and in Washington that is unexceptable because the corruption was so entrenched, and the lifestyles so lavish that how dare anyone challenge it all........How dare a President come in, and try to bring back normalcy to that which had become abnormal in the eyes of most citizen's ? How dare he fire someone for not doing their jobs, I mean that is unheard of in these days and times. Pffft.

Trump needed to clean up his own administration?? Didn't he say he hires no one but the best people?

Well, when you have lifetime government types of individuals who have been in government for years, then you suppose that you can trust keeping them in their respective position's or even moving them into higher position's in government (shuffle them around some), but it appears that the climate Barack Obama and Joe Biden created, had basically ended that way of doing business in the government. Trump should have fired every deep stater he could, and stacked the government with very deserving American's who would have been proud to serve in the government under the right leadership. If Trump wins, he should go through the government like a tornado going through a trailer park, and leave no stone unturned. The people deserve better than what they will end up with under Biden.

You poor thing, bless your heart.

Trump lost. Deal with it.
He hasn't lost yet, so don't go crazy when he takes office for another 4 years. I'd hate to see you fall in lock step with the criminals.

Nah, Trump did in fact lose. All of the bad votes added together in any state, is not nearly enough to change the outcome. He did in fact lose the election.

The way he lost, is still because of lies and evil in the media, and a failure of Americans to care about truth.

But they did in fact vote for that openly corrupt Biden. So... it is what it is.
It's not even close.

Just 32 months into the Trump administration, the rate of turnover had exceeded his five predecessors’ full first terms. At the same time, Cabinet turnover was also breaking new records and the number of vacancies across Senate-confirmed positions in the nation’s federal departments was sky high. Not only had the Trump administration not nominated candidates for many of these positions, but some who had been confirmed were departing at the start of year two. While it is undeniable that the churn in the Trump White House is unlike anything that other presidents have experienced


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Update on Mac Isaac, the computer repairman that claimed he had Hunter Biden's laptop. According to USA Today:

Ten days after the election, a sign on the repair shop’s door said it had closed. A neighbor said the owner, Mac Isaac had left town.

Read full article below
Computer repairman in Hunter Biden laptop saga closes up shop.

That corrupt MFer got to running like...




Well yeah. Remember, left-wingers are terrorists. No doubt he was threatened repeatedly by the terrorist Democrats.

Wait a minute, I have a few friends that are Democrats and they didn't get the terrorist membership cards. Please let the Order of Terrorist Brotherhood know this so they can get the proper forms sent to all Democrats.

Did you complain about terrorism when BLM was burning cities? Or did you blame Trump?

When this guy who is a leader of the BLM said openly that he'll engage in violence if he doesn't get what he wants.... did you oppose that? Or blame Trump?

Because last I checked threatening violence to get political change, is the very definition of terrorism.

Why were stores boarding up?

Because right-wing conservatives where threatening to burn down cities if they didn't get what they wanted?

Really? Where? Who?

Or was it left-wingers threatening mass violence to get what they want?

Democrats are the party of terrorists. That's just a fact now. It's not a debatable point. It's not some random insult.... it just is the truth.

Did Biden or anyone anywhere on the left-wing at any point, condemn BLM, or Antifa, or any of the riots and attacks on the Federal Court building?

Or did you blame Trump?

You who else used that same strategy of violence for political change, other than terrorists? I'll give you a hint.... might have happened in Germany almost a 100 years ago.

I never said anything about the looting and rioting other than it was criminal acts and should be stopped. You seem to read in whatever pops into that mush you have for a brain.

"I never said"... Since when I do care what you specifically said?

Your leadership of the Democrap party has never once directly condemned, and told off the BLM or any other terrorist group for committing violence.

You want to prove me wrong? List all the statements by Democrat leadership in response to BLM threatening violence for political change.

Let see the quotes condemning clear terrorist statements.

Oh you can't? That I don't care what you said. Your party is the party of terrorism, and not one Democrap can even attempt a counter argument, because you all know I'm right.

One huge problem. I am a republican. Now,don't you feel foolish.

No, I don't feel foolish at all. That's like having webbed feet, quacking, feathers, and having a beak, and then saying "I'm a Turnip. Now don't you feel foolish.".

No, I don't. In all the years I've known you on this forum, I can't think of single post of yours that I have read, that seemed even remotely Republican in nature.

If you have made posts that show you have any non-Democrat values, I must have missed them.

And maybe I have. But that doesn't change the impression you have made over more than a few years.

I just did a site search for every post you've made for the past 2 days, and read through them. Not one shows any traditional Republican-like values.

Regardless.... I stand by everything I stated about Democrats, whether you do or don't believe those statements apply to you specifically.

If you can find anything, showing the Leadership opposed clear terrorist statements and actions by BLM and Antifa, feel free to post their condemnation.

In fact in some ways BLM actually acknowledged there tactic was terrorism, and that it worked to win Biden the Presidency.

What do you think THREATENING "If you don't concede, then we'll have unrest!" is? That's terrorism.

Biden himself basically said this.

“The African American community stood up again for me. They always have my back, and I’ll have yours,” Biden said at the Chase Center in Wilmington, Del. “I said from the outset I wanted a campaign that represented America, and I think we did that. Now that’s what I want the administration to look like.”

Really? The community that set fire to cities? They have your back?

Well they did. Their violence won Biden the election. Terrorism was allowed to succeed in the US. That's what the Democrats are, whether they admit it or not.

You want "Traditional" Republican Values? Here they are. And just how many of these "Values" have your and yours stomped into the ground.

Republican Party Platform of 1956

Which of those would you consider traditional Republican party values? Certainly not all of that. That was more likely an election pitch, than a traditional Republican value.

You are wrong. Ike was real and lived what you saw in that plank. He tried to impress on his Administration those same values. When he said something, he meant it.

You are used to fakes who say a lot of things and don't mean a damned thing. And I am not just speaking of one side or the other. When a real leader comes along they get beaten to the ground quickly. Like Jim West form the Dems. I would mention a Republican but right now, there just aren't any that comes to mind.

I would mention a Republican but right now, there just aren't any that comes to mind.

I see. So you are not a left-wing flaming socialist anti-capitalist.... and you are a republican..... but you have to go back all the way to Ike, and can't think of a single Republican today that has any of your values.

I think I have all I need to know about you. Thanks.

Then you just hit on the crux of the problem with the modern "Republicans". Lack of ethics, morals, patriotism and love of Americans well being. If that isn't put back into the republican party, the Republicans won't win another President race for the next 100 years.
And the dimo's have all that going for them eh ?? You are one ignorant political hack if you think people are somehow gullible enough to believe the bullcrap you write.

I don't defend the Democrats. I condemn the Party of the Rumpers including you. I want to put the Republican Party back when it really WAS the Grand Old Party. Let the Democrats deal with that.
You lie, but that's ok. Running from the Democrats now ain't going to cut it. You have defended their bullcrap for way to long now.

So you would rather install an Emperor to combat something else. The democratic given right to take the election to the courts have ended. The rest of it is that of a wanna be dictator. It's gone way past being good for the Nation. Instead of a Democratic Election, you would just install an Emperor. You are too ignorant to see where this would quickly lead. Better to have 4 years of Demcoratic President where we can keep an eye on them and get the Democracy back into the Republican Party for right now, it's just one man and that's not Democracy, that's Dictatorship.

Name one thing that Trump did, that was 'dictator like' that previous Presidents or politicians have not done?
Um. "law enforcement", the FBI, is just a left hand of the crooked Democrats. It has been made very evident over the last 4 years.

yes, the FBI, CIA, all of the news media, and 80 million Americans are all out to get you.
No, out to get Trump because he delivered on his promises, and made the left look like a bunch of low down do nothing's who want the power, but never wanted the responsibilities.
Sally Yates might become the next Attorney General. Remember Trump fired her. They’re also talking about Merrick garland becoming the next Attorney General. The guy the GOP screwed over

The entire Trump crime family is definitely going to have problems after January 20. I can’t wait.

Trump and IVanka could be a Toofer because he paid her hundreds of thousands of dollars as his tax advisor and then wrote all that off as a tax write off. That’s multiple felonies on different levels.

View attachment 423957
View attachment 423956
I'd fire the IRS then.
Next on Trump's hit list is William Barr The Unloyal.
Hit list ? Rotflmbo.. If Trump was as bad as you and other's here try to paint him as, then you wouldn't be around to freely do your bad mouthing of him and his family like you all have done here. Be glad you are an American, and be thankful that Trump wasn't Hitler like you all wanted him so bad to be. Wouldn't have been as easy for you all if he was Hitler, so be thankful.
By "hit list," I mean people he fires.

So in your world, if you fire the business who does your oil changes on your cars, and go to a different shop to have it done.... you are engaged in having a hit list?

If you fire the company who provides cell phone service, and hire a different company, then you have a hit list?

If you go to a different store? If you fire the guy who mows your lawn, that's a 'hit list'?

You have a very different idea of what a hit list is, compared to most people.
If you fire one or two? No.

When you fire 9 out of 10? Absofuckinglutely...

When you had corruption and inept backstabbers galore, and they were found to be using their positions for wrongful reason's or just not doing their jobs in a satisfactory way, then of course they end up fired. Something unheard of in these new millennial's brainwashed thought processes, because they have been brainwashed to not recognize injustice or corruption now when they see it. Trump is the cleaner, and Washington wasn't ready for the cleaner. Trump upset the apple cart, and in Washington that is unexceptable because the corruption was so entrenched, and the lifestyles so lavish that how dare anyone challenge it all........How dare a President come in, and try to bring back normalcy to that which had become abnormal in the eyes of most citizen's ? How dare he fire someone for not doing their jobs, I mean that is unheard of in these days and times. Pffft.

Trump needed to clean up his own administration?? Didn't he say he hires no one but the best people?

Well, when you have lifetime government types of individuals who have been in government for years, then you suppose that you can trust keeping them in their respective position's or even moving them into higher position's in government (shuffle them around some), but it appears that the climate Barack Obama and Joe Biden created, had basically ended that way of doing business in the government. Trump should have fired every deep stater he could, and stacked the government with very deserving American's who would have been proud to serve in the government under the right leadership. If Trump wins, he should go through the government like a tornado going through a trailer park, and leave no stone unturned. The people deserve better than what they will end up with under Biden.

You poor thing, bless your heart.

Trump lost. Deal with it.
He hasn't lost yet, so don't go crazy when he takes office for another 4 years. I'd hate to see you fall in lock step with the criminals.

Yes, he lost. All of the swing states have certified their respective elections.

Certification means nothing if the election is over turned. Trust me when I say that their are literally hundreds of thousands of citizen's praying this bullcrap election is overturned. Biden and Harris are losers.. They have just benefitted temporarily from a criminally run election by the deep state.
Who cares what you pray for? Biden won. Trump lost. The sooner you accept reality the better off you'll be. Or let it eat away at you for the rest of your life. No skin off my back.
I'm not hundreds of thousands of voters, but I'm only one of the hundreds of thousands across this nation who are praying for Trump to prevail, and justice to win the day.

No skin off my back upon what you think either.

A million people can pray for that. It's over. Enough states have certified their respective elections to give Biden the win. No state is going to tell a majority of their voters ... we counted your votes and Biden won... we canvassed your votes and Biden won... we certified your votes and Biden won... but fuck you and your votes, we're giving our electoral votes to Trump.

It's over, you lost. Deal with it, loser.

It doesn't matter, because if it was a fraudulent election, then it is null and voided. A do over is either nessesary or Trump wins because if the amount of fraud and illegal votes counted is proven, and it looks like that it will be the case, then Trump won the election. You can hoop and hollar all you want about this reason or that, but get ready for the do over or maybe because of the fraud in which is being proven as we speak, Trump automatically wins.
There will be no do over and no one is handing Trump the election he lost. You will have to go through the rest of your life miserable in the belief that Impeached Trump was robbed.

I can live with that. You deserve it for believing such a huckster who sold you bill of goods.
Glad you think it's over, so stay tuned because it ain't even close to being over.
Update on Mac Isaac, the computer repairman that claimed he had Hunter Biden's laptop. According to USA Today:

Ten days after the election, a sign on the repair shop’s door said it had closed. A neighbor said the owner, Mac Isaac had left town.

Read full article below
Computer repairman in Hunter Biden laptop saga closes up shop.

That corrupt MFer got to running like...




Well yeah. Remember, left-wingers are terrorists. No doubt he was threatened repeatedly by the terrorist Democrats.

Wait a minute, I have a few friends that are Democrats and they didn't get the terrorist membership cards. Please let the Order of Terrorist Brotherhood know this so they can get the proper forms sent to all Democrats.

Did you complain about terrorism when BLM was burning cities? Or did you blame Trump?

When this guy who is a leader of the BLM said openly that he'll engage in violence if he doesn't get what he wants.... did you oppose that? Or blame Trump?

Because last I checked threatening violence to get political change, is the very definition of terrorism.

Why were stores boarding up?

Because right-wing conservatives where threatening to burn down cities if they didn't get what they wanted?

Really? Where? Who?

Or was it left-wingers threatening mass violence to get what they want?

Democrats are the party of terrorists. That's just a fact now. It's not a debatable point. It's not some random insult.... it just is the truth.

Did Biden or anyone anywhere on the left-wing at any point, condemn BLM, or Antifa, or any of the riots and attacks on the Federal Court building?

Or did you blame Trump?

You who else used that same strategy of violence for political change, other than terrorists? I'll give you a hint.... might have happened in Germany almost a 100 years ago.

I never said anything about the looting and rioting other than it was criminal acts and should be stopped. You seem to read in whatever pops into that mush you have for a brain.

"I never said"... Since when I do care what you specifically said?

Your leadership of the Democrap party has never once directly condemned, and told off the BLM or any other terrorist group for committing violence.

You want to prove me wrong? List all the statements by Democrat leadership in response to BLM threatening violence for political change.

Let see the quotes condemning clear terrorist statements.

Oh you can't? That I don't care what you said. Your party is the party of terrorism, and not one Democrap can even attempt a counter argument, because you all know I'm right.

One huge problem. I am a republican. Now,don't you feel foolish.

No, I don't feel foolish at all. That's like having webbed feet, quacking, feathers, and having a beak, and then saying "I'm a Turnip. Now don't you feel foolish.".

No, I don't. In all the years I've known you on this forum, I can't think of single post of yours that I have read, that seemed even remotely Republican in nature.

If you have made posts that show you have any non-Democrat values, I must have missed them.

And maybe I have. But that doesn't change the impression you have made over more than a few years.

I just did a site search for every post you've made for the past 2 days, and read through them. Not one shows any traditional Republican-like values.

Regardless.... I stand by everything I stated about Democrats, whether you do or don't believe those statements apply to you specifically.

If you can find anything, showing the Leadership opposed clear terrorist statements and actions by BLM and Antifa, feel free to post their condemnation.

In fact in some ways BLM actually acknowledged there tactic was terrorism, and that it worked to win Biden the Presidency.

What do you think THREATENING "If you don't concede, then we'll have unrest!" is? That's terrorism.

Biden himself basically said this.

“The African American community stood up again for me. They always have my back, and I’ll have yours,” Biden said at the Chase Center in Wilmington, Del. “I said from the outset I wanted a campaign that represented America, and I think we did that. Now that’s what I want the administration to look like.”

Really? The community that set fire to cities? They have your back?

Well they did. Their violence won Biden the election. Terrorism was allowed to succeed in the US. That's what the Democrats are, whether they admit it or not.

You want "Traditional" Republican Values? Here they are. And just how many of these "Values" have your and yours stomped into the ground.

Republican Party Platform of 1956

Which of those would you consider traditional Republican party values? Certainly not all of that. That was more likely an election pitch, than a traditional Republican value.

You are wrong. Ike was real and lived what you saw in that plank. He tried to impress on his Administration those same values. When he said something, he meant it.

You are used to fakes who say a lot of things and don't mean a damned thing. And I am not just speaking of one side or the other. When a real leader comes along they get beaten to the ground quickly. Like Jim West form the Dems. I would mention a Republican but right now, there just aren't any that comes to mind.

I would mention a Republican but right now, there just aren't any that comes to mind.

I see. So you are not a left-wing flaming socialist anti-capitalist.... and you are a republican..... but you have to go back all the way to Ike, and can't think of a single Republican today that has any of your values.

I think I have all I need to know about you. Thanks.

Then you just hit on the crux of the problem with the modern "Republicans". Lack of ethics, morals, patriotism and love of Americans well being. If that isn't put back into the republican party, the Republicans won't win another President race for the next 100 years.
And the dimo's have all that going for them eh ?? You are one ignorant political hack if you think people are somehow gullible enough to believe the bullcrap you write.

I don't defend the Democrats. I condemn the Party of the Rumpers including you. I want to put the Republican Party back when it really WAS the Grand Old Party. Let the Democrats deal with that.
You lie, but that's ok. Running from the Democrats now ain't going to cut it. You have defended their bullcrap for way to long now.

So you would rather install an Emperor to combat something else. The democratic given right to take the election to the courts have ended. The rest of it is that of a wanna be dictator. It's gone way past being good for the Nation. Instead of a Democratic Election, you would just install an Emperor. You are too ignorant to see where this would quickly lead. Better to have 4 years of Demcoratic President where we can keep an eye on them and get the Democracy back into the Republican Party for right now, it's just one man and that's not Democracy, that's Dictatorship.

Name one thing that Trump did, that was 'dictator like' that previous Presidents or politicians have not done?

Separating children from their families, holding those kids in temporary cages for months at a time only to lose connection between the families in an effort to exact a price on committing a misdemeanor or even just legally claiming asylum.

And no, do not compare that to Obama holding unaccompanied (from family members) children who were temporarily held for up to 72 hours before being transferred over to HHS.
Certification means nothing if the election is over turned.

DEMOCRACY means nothing if the election is overturned
We are not a Democracy, Dummy.

That's what people say when they don't care about election results. Thinking that republics and democracies are mutually exclusive is just you whining about the will of the people.
Never said they were mutually exclusive, Stupid.

I pointed out, correctly, that we are not a Democracy. Deal with it.

We are, but I don't expect you to really know one way or another.

Name a country that is a democracy.
We are a Representative Republic, Dummy.
We are a DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC...asshole

Do you get the feeling they like to pretend we aren't a democracy so that it makes it easier for them when they try to overturn an election by claiming fraud?
Don't have to pretend anything when the election was fraudulent. That stands on it's own merit's or facts.
Update on Mac Isaac, the computer repairman that claimed he had Hunter Biden's laptop. According to USA Today:

Ten days after the election, a sign on the repair shop’s door said it had closed. A neighbor said the owner, Mac Isaac had left town.

Read full article below
Computer repairman in Hunter Biden laptop saga closes up shop.

That corrupt MFer got to running like...




Well yeah. Remember, left-wingers are terrorists. No doubt he was threatened repeatedly by the terrorist Democrats.

Wait a minute, I have a few friends that are Democrats and they didn't get the terrorist membership cards. Please let the Order of Terrorist Brotherhood know this so they can get the proper forms sent to all Democrats.

Did you complain about terrorism when BLM was burning cities? Or did you blame Trump?

When this guy who is a leader of the BLM said openly that he'll engage in violence if he doesn't get what he wants.... did you oppose that? Or blame Trump?

Because last I checked threatening violence to get political change, is the very definition of terrorism.

Why were stores boarding up?

Because right-wing conservatives where threatening to burn down cities if they didn't get what they wanted?

Really? Where? Who?

Or was it left-wingers threatening mass violence to get what they want?

Democrats are the party of terrorists. That's just a fact now. It's not a debatable point. It's not some random insult.... it just is the truth.

Did Biden or anyone anywhere on the left-wing at any point, condemn BLM, or Antifa, or any of the riots and attacks on the Federal Court building?

Or did you blame Trump?

You who else used that same strategy of violence for political change, other than terrorists? I'll give you a hint.... might have happened in Germany almost a 100 years ago.

I never said anything about the looting and rioting other than it was criminal acts and should be stopped. You seem to read in whatever pops into that mush you have for a brain.

"I never said"... Since when I do care what you specifically said?

Your leadership of the Democrap party has never once directly condemned, and told off the BLM or any other terrorist group for committing violence.

You want to prove me wrong? List all the statements by Democrat leadership in response to BLM threatening violence for political change.

Let see the quotes condemning clear terrorist statements.

Oh you can't? That I don't care what you said. Your party is the party of terrorism, and not one Democrap can even attempt a counter argument, because you all know I'm right.

One huge problem. I am a republican. Now,don't you feel foolish.

No, I don't feel foolish at all. That's like having webbed feet, quacking, feathers, and having a beak, and then saying "I'm a Turnip. Now don't you feel foolish.".

No, I don't. In all the years I've known you on this forum, I can't think of single post of yours that I have read, that seemed even remotely Republican in nature.

If you have made posts that show you have any non-Democrat values, I must have missed them.

And maybe I have. But that doesn't change the impression you have made over more than a few years.

I just did a site search for every post you've made for the past 2 days, and read through them. Not one shows any traditional Republican-like values.

Regardless.... I stand by everything I stated about Democrats, whether you do or don't believe those statements apply to you specifically.

If you can find anything, showing the Leadership opposed clear terrorist statements and actions by BLM and Antifa, feel free to post their condemnation.

In fact in some ways BLM actually acknowledged there tactic was terrorism, and that it worked to win Biden the Presidency.

What do you think THREATENING "If you don't concede, then we'll have unrest!" is? That's terrorism.

Biden himself basically said this.

“The African American community stood up again for me. They always have my back, and I’ll have yours,” Biden said at the Chase Center in Wilmington, Del. “I said from the outset I wanted a campaign that represented America, and I think we did that. Now that’s what I want the administration to look like.”

Really? The community that set fire to cities? They have your back?

Well they did. Their violence won Biden the election. Terrorism was allowed to succeed in the US. That's what the Democrats are, whether they admit it or not.

You want "Traditional" Republican Values? Here they are. And just how many of these "Values" have your and yours stomped into the ground.

Republican Party Platform of 1956

Which of those would you consider traditional Republican party values? Certainly not all of that. That was more likely an election pitch, than a traditional Republican value.

You are wrong. Ike was real and lived what you saw in that plank. He tried to impress on his Administration those same values. When he said something, he meant it.

You are used to fakes who say a lot of things and don't mean a damned thing. And I am not just speaking of one side or the other. When a real leader comes along they get beaten to the ground quickly. Like Jim West form the Dems. I would mention a Republican but right now, there just aren't any that comes to mind.

I would mention a Republican but right now, there just aren't any that comes to mind.

I see. So you are not a left-wing flaming socialist anti-capitalist.... and you are a republican..... but you have to go back all the way to Ike, and can't think of a single Republican today that has any of your values.

I think I have all I need to know about you. Thanks.

Then you just hit on the crux of the problem with the modern "Republicans". Lack of ethics, morals, patriotism and love of Americans well being. If that isn't put back into the republican party, the Republicans won't win another President race for the next 100 years.
And the dimo's have all that going for them eh ?? You are one ignorant political hack if you think people are somehow gullible enough to believe the bullcrap you write.

I don't defend the Democrats. I condemn the Party of the Rumpers including you. I want to put the Republican Party back when it really WAS the Grand Old Party. Let the Democrats deal with that.
You lie, but that's ok. Running from the Democrats now ain't going to cut it. You have defended their bullcrap for way to long now.

So you would rather install an Emperor to combat something else. The democratic given right to take the election to the courts have ended. The rest of it is that of a wanna be dictator. It's gone way past being good for the Nation. Instead of a Democratic Election, you would just install an Emperor. You are too ignorant to see where this would quickly lead. Better to have 4 years of Demcoratic President where we can keep an eye on them and get the Democracy back into the Republican Party for right now, it's just one man and that's not Democracy, that's Dictatorship.

Name one thing that Trump did, that was 'dictator like' that previous Presidents or politicians have not done?

Trying to convince states he lost to ignore the will of the people and swap their electors out to give him their electoral votes.
Sally Yates might become the next Attorney General. Remember Trump fired her. They’re also talking about Merrick garland becoming the next Attorney General. The guy the GOP screwed over

The entire Trump crime family is definitely going to have problems after January 20. I can’t wait.

Trump and IVanka could be a Toofer because he paid her hundreds of thousands of dollars as his tax advisor and then wrote all that off as a tax write off. That’s multiple felonies on different levels.

View attachment 423957
View attachment 423956
I'd fire the IRS then.
Next on Trump's hit list is William Barr The Unloyal.
Hit list ? Rotflmbo.. If Trump was as bad as you and other's here try to paint him as, then you wouldn't be around to freely do your bad mouthing of him and his family like you all have done here. Be glad you are an American, and be thankful that Trump wasn't Hitler like you all wanted him so bad to be. Wouldn't have been as easy for you all if he was Hitler, so be thankful.
By "hit list," I mean people he fires.

So in your world, if you fire the business who does your oil changes on your cars, and go to a different shop to have it done.... you are engaged in having a hit list?

If you fire the company who provides cell phone service, and hire a different company, then you have a hit list?

If you go to a different store? If you fire the guy who mows your lawn, that's a 'hit list'?

You have a very different idea of what a hit list is, compared to most people.
If you fire one or two? No.

When you fire 9 out of 10? Absofuckinglutely...

When you had corruption and inept backstabbers galore, and they were found to be using their positions for wrongful reason's or just not doing their jobs in a satisfactory way, then of course they end up fired. Something unheard of in these new millennial's brainwashed thought processes, because they have been brainwashed to not recognize injustice or corruption now when they see it. Trump is the cleaner, and Washington wasn't ready for the cleaner. Trump upset the apple cart, and in Washington that is unexceptable because the corruption was so entrenched, and the lifestyles so lavish that how dare anyone challenge it all........How dare a President come in, and try to bring back normalcy to that which had become abnormal in the eyes of most citizen's ? How dare he fire someone for not doing their jobs, I mean that is unheard of in these days and times. Pffft.

Trump needed to clean up his own administration?? Didn't he say he hires no one but the best people?

Well, when you have lifetime government types of individuals who have been in government for years, then you suppose that you can trust keeping them in their respective position's or even moving them into higher position's in government (shuffle them around some), but it appears that the climate Barack Obama and Joe Biden created, had basically ended that way of doing business in the government. Trump should have fired every deep stater he could, and stacked the government with very deserving American's who would have been proud to serve in the government under the right leadership. If Trump wins, he should go through the government like a tornado going through a trailer park, and leave no stone unturned. The people deserve better than what they will end up with under Biden.

You poor thing, bless your heart.

Trump lost. Deal with it.
He hasn't lost yet, so don't go crazy when he takes office for another 4 years. I'd hate to see you fall in lock step with the criminals.

Yes, he lost. All of the swing states have certified their respective elections.

Certification means nothing if the election is over turned. Trust me when I say that their are literally hundreds of thousands of citizen's praying this bullcrap election is overturned. Biden and Harris are losers.. They have just benefitted temporarily from a criminally run election by the deep state.
Who cares what you pray for? Biden won. Trump lost. The sooner you accept reality the better off you'll be. Or let it eat away at you for the rest of your life. No skin off my back.
I'm not hundreds of thousands of voters, but I'm only one of the hundreds of thousands across this nation who are praying for Trump to prevail, and justice to win the day.

No skin off my back upon what you think either.

A million people can pray for that. It's over. Enough states have certified their respective elections to give Biden the win. No state is going to tell a majority of their voters ... we counted your votes and Biden won... we canvassed your votes and Biden won... we certified your votes and Biden won... but fuck you and your votes, we're giving our electoral votes to Trump.

It's over, you lost. Deal with it, loser.

It doesn't matter, because if it was a fraudulent election, then it is null and voided. A do over is either nessesary or Trump wins because if the amount of fraud and illegal votes counted is proven, and it looks like that it will be the case, then Trump won the election. You can hoop and hollar all you want about this reason or that, but get ready for the do over or maybe because of the fraud in which is being proven as we speak, Trump automatically wins.
There will be no do over and no one is handing Trump the election he lost. You will have to go through the rest of your life miserable in the belief that Impeached Trump was robbed.

I can live with that. You deserve it for believing such a huckster who sold you bill of goods.
Glad you think it's over, so stay tuned because it ain't even close to being over.
You poor thing, this is gonna haunt you for life.
Sally Yates might become the next Attorney General. Remember Trump fired her. They’re also talking about Merrick garland becoming the next Attorney General. The guy the GOP screwed over

The entire Trump crime family is definitely going to have problems after January 20. I can’t wait.

Trump and IVanka could be a Toofer because he paid her hundreds of thousands of dollars as his tax advisor and then wrote all that off as a tax write off. That’s multiple felonies on different levels.

View attachment 423957
View attachment 423956
I'd fire the IRS then.
Next on Trump's hit list is William Barr The Unloyal.
Hit list ? Rotflmbo.. If Trump was as bad as you and other's here try to paint him as, then you wouldn't be around to freely do your bad mouthing of him and his family like you all have done here. Be glad you are an American, and be thankful that Trump wasn't Hitler like you all wanted him so bad to be. Wouldn't have been as easy for you all if he was Hitler, so be thankful.
By "hit list," I mean people he fires.

So in your world, if you fire the business who does your oil changes on your cars, and go to a different shop to have it done.... you are engaged in having a hit list?

If you fire the company who provides cell phone service, and hire a different company, then you have a hit list?

If you go to a different store? If you fire the guy who mows your lawn, that's a 'hit list'?

You have a very different idea of what a hit list is, compared to most people.
If you fire one or two? No.

When you fire 9 out of 10? Absofuckinglutely...

When you had corruption and inept backstabbers galore, and they were found to be using their positions for wrongful reason's or just not doing their jobs in a satisfactory way, then of course they end up fired. Something unheard of in these new millennial's brainwashed thought processes, because they have been brainwashed to not recognize injustice or corruption now when they see it. Trump is the cleaner, and Washington wasn't ready for the cleaner. Trump upset the apple cart, and in Washington that is unexceptable because the corruption was so entrenched, and the lifestyles so lavish that how dare anyone challenge it all........How dare a President come in, and try to bring back normalcy to that which had become abnormal in the eyes of most citizen's ? How dare he fire someone for not doing their jobs, I mean that is unheard of in these days and times. Pffft.

Trump needed to clean up his own administration?? Didn't he say he hires no one but the best people?

Well, when you have lifetime government types of individuals who have been in government for years, then you suppose that you can trust keeping them in their respective position's or even moving them into higher position's in government (shuffle them around some), but it appears that the climate Barack Obama and Joe Biden created, had basically ended that way of doing business in the government. Trump should have fired every deep stater he could, and stacked the government with very deserving American's who would have been proud to serve in the government under the right leadership. If Trump wins, he should go through the government like a tornado going through a trailer park, and leave no stone unturned. The people deserve better than what they will end up with under Biden.

You poor thing, bless your heart.

Trump lost. Deal with it.
He hasn't lost yet, so don't go crazy when he takes office for another 4 years. I'd hate to see you fall in lock step with the criminals.

Nah, Trump did in fact lose. All of the bad votes added together in any state, is not nearly enough to change the outcome. He did in fact lose the election.

The way he lost, is still because of lies and evil in the media, and a failure of Americans to care about truth.

But they did in fact vote for that openly corrupt Biden. So... it is what it is.
Not giving up yet. It matters not how many votes if the election was fraudulent, because who knows how deep the fraud went
Sally Yates might become the next Attorney General. Remember Trump fired her. They’re also talking about Merrick garland becoming the next Attorney General. The guy the GOP screwed over

The entire Trump crime family is definitely going to have problems after January 20. I can’t wait.

Trump and IVanka could be a Toofer because he paid her hundreds of thousands of dollars as his tax advisor and then wrote all that off as a tax write off. That’s multiple felonies on different levels.

View attachment 423957
View attachment 423956
I'd fire the IRS then.
Next on Trump's hit list is William Barr The Unloyal.
Hit list ? Rotflmbo.. If Trump was as bad as you and other's here try to paint him as, then you wouldn't be around to freely do your bad mouthing of him and his family like you all have done here. Be glad you are an American, and be thankful that Trump wasn't Hitler like you all wanted him so bad to be. Wouldn't have been as easy for you all if he was Hitler, so be thankful.
By "hit list," I mean people he fires.

So in your world, if you fire the business who does your oil changes on your cars, and go to a different shop to have it done.... you are engaged in having a hit list?

If you fire the company who provides cell phone service, and hire a different company, then you have a hit list?

If you go to a different store? If you fire the guy who mows your lawn, that's a 'hit list'?

You have a very different idea of what a hit list is, compared to most people.
If you fire one or two? No.

When you fire 9 out of 10? Absofuckinglutely...

When you had corruption and inept backstabbers galore, and they were found to be using their positions for wrongful reason's or just not doing their jobs in a satisfactory way, then of course they end up fired. Something unheard of in these new millennial's brainwashed thought processes, because they have been brainwashed to not recognize injustice or corruption now when they see it. Trump is the cleaner, and Washington wasn't ready for the cleaner. Trump upset the apple cart, and in Washington that is unexceptable because the corruption was so entrenched, and the lifestyles so lavish that how dare anyone challenge it all........How dare a President come in, and try to bring back normalcy to that which had become abnormal in the eyes of most citizen's ? How dare he fire someone for not doing their jobs, I mean that is unheard of in these days and times. Pffft.

Trump needed to clean up his own administration?? Didn't he say he hires no one but the best people?

Well, when you have lifetime government types of individuals who have been in government for years, then you suppose that you can trust keeping them in their respective position's or even moving them into higher position's in government (shuffle them around some), but it appears that the climate Barack Obama and Joe Biden created, had basically ended that way of doing business in the government. Trump should have fired every deep stater he could, and stacked the government with very deserving American's who would have been proud to serve in the government under the right leadership. If Trump wins, he should go through the government like a tornado going through a trailer park, and leave no stone unturned. The people deserve better than what they will end up with under Biden.

You poor thing, bless your heart.

Trump lost. Deal with it.
He hasn't lost yet, so don't go crazy when he takes office for another 4 years. I'd hate to see you fall in lock step with the criminals.

Yes, he lost. All of the swing states have certified their respective elections.

Certification means nothing if the election is over turned. Trust me when I say that their are literally hundreds of thousands of citizen's praying this bullcrap election is overturned. Biden and Harris are losers.. They have just benefitted temporarily from a criminally run election by the deep state.
Who cares what you pray for? Biden won. Trump lost. The sooner you accept reality the better off you'll be. Or let it eat away at you for the rest of your life. No skin off my back.
I'm not hundreds of thousands of voters, but I'm only one of the hundreds of thousands across this nation who are praying for Trump to prevail, and justice to win the day.

No skin off my back upon what you think either.

A million people can pray for that. It's over. Enough states have certified their respective elections to give Biden the win. No state is going to tell a majority of their voters ... we counted your votes and Biden won... we canvassed your votes and Biden won... we certified your votes and Biden won... but fuck you and your votes, we're giving our electoral votes to Trump.

It's over, you lost. Deal with it, loser.

It doesn't matter, because if it was a fraudulent election, then it is null and voided. A do over is either nessesary or Trump wins because if the amount of fraud and illegal votes counted is proven, and it looks like that it will be the case, then Trump won the election. You can hoop and hollar all you want about this reason or that, but get ready for the do over or maybe because of the fraud in which is being proven as we speak, Trump automatically wins.
There will be no do over and no one is handing Trump the election he lost. You will have to go through the rest of your life miserable in the belief that Impeached Trump was robbed.

I can live with that. You deserve it for believing such a huckster who sold you bill of goods.
Glad you think it's over, so stay tuned because it ain't even close to being over.
You poor thing, this is gonna haunt you for life.
No, you are wrong on that one, but if Biden has to concede, it will devastate you because you have way to much invested in your leftism ideology in order to be set back again.
Fake News. He never really existed in the first place.

It all been a last minute desperation ploy dreamed up by Bannon and Rove.

Right up there with Pizzagate.

Rightwing moroonies bought more pizza this time than last.
Who faked the graphic sex between Crack Pipe Hunter and his young niece?
A porno Spielberg type?


Stop spreading bullshit, if there was sex with a minor Biden would be in jail already for statutory rape.
Just like someone would be in jail if they had classified information on an unsecured server in their basement? You folks are funny, possibly totally naive, or both.

You don't know wtf you are talking about. Intent was never established in Clinton's case. Server was secure enough for her emails to never leak and she took measures to keep classified emails out of it. The ones that were found were not marked classified in the heading.

In statutory rape case here intent would be easily established as he of course would know her age.

Oh please.... even you.... even as stupid and ignorant as you personally are.... even you don't believe that.

FBI Director James Comey has said that three email chains with Clinton included at least one paragraph marked "(C)," indicating that the paragraph contained confidential material.​
He has called Clinton's handling of classified info "extremely careless" but said there's no evidence to indicate she knew she was sending or receiving classified info.​
Clinton told the FBI that she did not know what the "(C)" meant at the beginning of the paragraphs and speculated it was a reference to paragraphs marked in alphabetical order — something she reiterated in ABC's exclusive interview.​

Let me simplify that clip from the article.

Hillary Clinton.... a woman that has been in the highest levels of government since the 1990s... so for nearly 20 years....

In fact, I've read that governors have access to classified information too, which means she likely had contact to classified information when she was first lady of Arkansas, which means from 1983 to 2013 she should have known how to determine if information was classified.

And here she is saying to Federal investigators, that she had no idea how to tell if any information she got was classified or not.

Pleading ignorance was the only reason Hillary Clinton was not prosecuted for illegally having classified information on an non-secured server.

Not knowing what was classified, and what was not classified, after decades in high office?

And she was Secretary of State? Secretary of State deals with classified information all the time.

That leads us to only two possible conclusions to be made from this. Only two. These are the only two possible conclusions that any rational thinking person can come to, if they have any integrity at all.

A: Hillary Clinton is the absolute number one, most completely and utterly incompetent and ignorant, and unqualified politician to have ever been in politics since this countries founding, and is completely disqualified to be in any public office of any level.

To put that in perspective, the service staff at the white house are trained on identifying classified information, for such times as when they are required to deliver a message to the president. That makes Hillary Clinton, dumber than the guy who delivers a ham sandwich to the President. That makes Hillary Clinton unqualified to work as service staff for a President, at the White House!

B: Hillary Clinton as bold face, and serial liar, and is corrupt to her very core.

I'm willing to bet the answer is B. But either way, I'll be fine with whichever option you think is true, because it's one or the other. The facts don't give you another option.

Either she is a pathological liar, and corrupt to her very core.... or she makes Forest Gump look like an astrophysicist.
Fake News. He never really existed in the first place.

It all been a last minute desperation ploy dreamed up by Bannon and Rove.

Right up there with Pizzagate.

Rightwing moroonies bought more pizza this time than last.
Who faked the graphic sex between Crack Pipe Hunter and his young niece?
A porno Spielberg type?


Stop spreading bullshit, if there was sex with a minor Biden would be in jail already for statutory rape.
Just like someone would be in jail if they had classified information on an unsecured server in their basement? You folks are funny, possibly totally naive, or both.

You don't know wtf you are talking about. Intent was never established in Clinton's case. Server was secure enough for her emails to never leak and she took measures to keep classified emails out of it. The ones that were found were not marked classified in the heading.

In statutory rape case here intent would be easily established as he of course would know her age.

Oh please.... even you.... even as stupid and ignorant as you personally are.... even you don't believe that.

FBI Director James Comey has said that three email chains with Clinton included at least one paragraph marked "(C)," indicating that the paragraph contained confidential material.​
He has called Clinton's handling of classified info "extremely careless" but said there's no evidence to indicate she knew she was sending or receiving classified info.​
Clinton told the FBI that she did not know what the "(C)" meant at the beginning of the paragraphs and speculated it was a reference to paragraphs marked in alphabetical order — something she reiterated in ABC's exclusive interview.​

Let me simplify that clip from the article.

Hillary Clinton.... a woman that has been in the highest levels of government since the 1990s... so for nearly 20 years....

In fact, I've read that governors have access to classified information too, which means she likely had contact to classified information when she was first lady of Arkansas, which means from 1983 to 2013 she should have known how to determine if information was classified.

And here she is saying to Federal investigators, that she had no idea how to tell if any information she got was classified or not.

Pleading ignorance was the only reason Hillary Clinton was not prosecuted for illegally having classified information on an non-secured server.

Not knowing what was classified, and what was not classified, after decades in high office?

And she was Secretary of State? Secretary of State deals with classified information all the time.

That leads us to only two possible conclusions to be made from this. Only two. These are the only two possible conclusions that any rational thinking person can come to, if they have any integrity at all.

A: Hillary Clinton is the absolute number one, most completely and utterly incompetent and ignorant, and unqualified politician to have ever been in politics since this countries founding, and is completely disqualified to be in any public office of any level.

To put that in perspective, the service staff at the white house are trained on identifying classified information, for such times as when they are required to deliver a message to the president. That makes Hillary Clinton, dumber than the guy who delivers a ham sandwich to the President. That makes Hillary Clinton unqualified to work as service staff for a President, at the White House!

B: Hillary Clinton as bold face, and serial liar, and is corrupt to her very core.

I'm willing to bet the answer is B. But either way, I'll be fine with whichever option you think is true, because it's one or the other. The facts don't give you another option.

Either she is a pathological liar, and corrupt to her very core.... or she makes Forest Gump look like an astrophysicist.
It matters not, because she got her people back in power maybe, and now let's see how soft they treat Trump as opposed to his very soft cushion that he gave her after being elected. Trump was elected to straighten this nation out, and the leftist went into full war mode when he took office. My wonder now is, was Trump defeated by these leftist because he was to soft during his reign, and was he more mouth than he was action ?? I saw some critical missed opportunities where he should have taken the bull by the horns, and wrestled it to the ground, but he blinked more times than I was comfortable with. During the riots, he had big time opportunity to show his resolve over such a thing, but he was missing in action during the critical moments I thought. It was like he came late to the party, and everyone wondered where he had been in the situation. Just my opinion is all.
Update on Mac Isaac, the computer repairman that claimed he had Hunter Biden's laptop. According to USA Today:

Ten days after the election, a sign on the repair shop’s door said it had closed. A neighbor said the owner, Mac Isaac had left town.

Read full article below
Computer repairman in Hunter Biden laptop saga closes up shop.

That corrupt MFer got to running like...




Well yeah. Remember, left-wingers are terrorists. No doubt he was threatened repeatedly by the terrorist Democrats.

Wait a minute, I have a few friends that are Democrats and they didn't get the terrorist membership cards. Please let the Order of Terrorist Brotherhood know this so they can get the proper forms sent to all Democrats.

Did you complain about terrorism when BLM was burning cities? Or did you blame Trump?

When this guy who is a leader of the BLM said openly that he'll engage in violence if he doesn't get what he wants.... did you oppose that? Or blame Trump?

Because last I checked threatening violence to get political change, is the very definition of terrorism.

Why were stores boarding up?

Because right-wing conservatives where threatening to burn down cities if they didn't get what they wanted?

Really? Where? Who?

Or was it left-wingers threatening mass violence to get what they want?

Democrats are the party of terrorists. That's just a fact now. It's not a debatable point. It's not some random insult.... it just is the truth.

Did Biden or anyone anywhere on the left-wing at any point, condemn BLM, or Antifa, or any of the riots and attacks on the Federal Court building?

Or did you blame Trump?

You who else used that same strategy of violence for political change, other than terrorists? I'll give you a hint.... might have happened in Germany almost a 100 years ago.

I never said anything about the looting and rioting other than it was criminal acts and should be stopped. You seem to read in whatever pops into that mush you have for a brain.

"I never said"... Since when I do care what you specifically said?

Your leadership of the Democrap party has never once directly condemned, and told off the BLM or any other terrorist group for committing violence.

You want to prove me wrong? List all the statements by Democrat leadership in response to BLM threatening violence for political change.

Let see the quotes condemning clear terrorist statements.

Oh you can't? That I don't care what you said. Your party is the party of terrorism, and not one Democrap can even attempt a counter argument, because you all know I'm right.

One huge problem. I am a republican. Now,don't you feel foolish.

No, I don't feel foolish at all. That's like having webbed feet, quacking, feathers, and having a beak, and then saying "I'm a Turnip. Now don't you feel foolish.".

No, I don't. In all the years I've known you on this forum, I can't think of single post of yours that I have read, that seemed even remotely Republican in nature.

If you have made posts that show you have any non-Democrat values, I must have missed them.

And maybe I have. But that doesn't change the impression you have made over more than a few years.

I just did a site search for every post you've made for the past 2 days, and read through them. Not one shows any traditional Republican-like values.

Regardless.... I stand by everything I stated about Democrats, whether you do or don't believe those statements apply to you specifically.

If you can find anything, showing the Leadership opposed clear terrorist statements and actions by BLM and Antifa, feel free to post their condemnation.

In fact in some ways BLM actually acknowledged there tactic was terrorism, and that it worked to win Biden the Presidency.

What do you think THREATENING "If you don't concede, then we'll have unrest!" is? That's terrorism.

Biden himself basically said this.

“The African American community stood up again for me. They always have my back, and I’ll have yours,” Biden said at the Chase Center in Wilmington, Del. “I said from the outset I wanted a campaign that represented America, and I think we did that. Now that’s what I want the administration to look like.”

Really? The community that set fire to cities? They have your back?

Well they did. Their violence won Biden the election. Terrorism was allowed to succeed in the US. That's what the Democrats are, whether they admit it or not.

You want "Traditional" Republican Values? Here they are. And just how many of these "Values" have your and yours stomped into the ground.

Republican Party Platform of 1956

Which of those would you consider traditional Republican party values? Certainly not all of that. That was more likely an election pitch, than a traditional Republican value.

You are wrong. Ike was real and lived what you saw in that plank. He tried to impress on his Administration those same values. When he said something, he meant it.

You are used to fakes who say a lot of things and don't mean a damned thing. And I am not just speaking of one side or the other. When a real leader comes along they get beaten to the ground quickly. Like Jim West form the Dems. I would mention a Republican but right now, there just aren't any that comes to mind.

I would mention a Republican but right now, there just aren't any that comes to mind.

I see. So you are not a left-wing flaming socialist anti-capitalist.... and you are a republican..... but you have to go back all the way to Ike, and can't think of a single Republican today that has any of your values.

I think I have all I need to know about you. Thanks.

Then you just hit on the crux of the problem with the modern "Republicans". Lack of ethics, morals, patriotism and love of Americans well being. If that isn't put back into the republican party, the Republicans won't win another President race for the next 100 years.
And the dimo's have all that going for them eh ?? You are one ignorant political hack if you think people are somehow gullible enough to believe the bullcrap you write.

I don't defend the Democrats. I condemn the Party of the Rumpers including you. I want to put the Republican Party back when it really WAS the Grand Old Party. Let the Democrats deal with that.

Right. I love it when people say that. That's like "I have no solutions at all, but I can complain a lot".

You can't name one value of Republicans that you have, but you are not a Democrats. How cheesy. "I'm not defending Democrats, but I condemn Republicans."

You sound like a wimp unable to defend anything, but whining about everything.

I don't care who you condemn, if you are not willing to defend anything.

Trump did a good job as President. He accomplished many things I supported, all of which are traditional conservative values. You are basically condemning me and Trump, for doing good things. That makes you that idiot in my book.

That's because what is passed on as the "Republican Party" right now is really the Party of the Rump and HAS no redeemable qualities. I listed the old Republican Party qualities and you can't recognize them. Of course not because you aren't a Republican. You are a John Birch Society just like Rump is. Click on the link on the Republican Party and read it again. That's what a Republican should be striving to become.

Republican Party Platform

Go back to putting up your "Get out of the UN Signs" and let us Republicans put the Republican Party back to it's Grand Old Party.
Update on Mac Isaac, the computer repairman that claimed he had Hunter Biden's laptop. According to USA Today:

Ten days after the election, a sign on the repair shop’s door said it had closed. A neighbor said the owner, Mac Isaac had left town.

Read full article below
Computer repairman in Hunter Biden laptop saga closes up shop.

That corrupt MFer got to running like...




Well yeah. Remember, left-wingers are terrorists. No doubt he was threatened repeatedly by the terrorist Democrats.

Wait a minute, I have a few friends that are Democrats and they didn't get the terrorist membership cards. Please let the Order of Terrorist Brotherhood know this so they can get the proper forms sent to all Democrats.

Did you complain about terrorism when BLM was burning cities? Or did you blame Trump?

When this guy who is a leader of the BLM said openly that he'll engage in violence if he doesn't get what he wants.... did you oppose that? Or blame Trump?

Because last I checked threatening violence to get political change, is the very definition of terrorism.

Why were stores boarding up?

Because right-wing conservatives where threatening to burn down cities if they didn't get what they wanted?

Really? Where? Who?

Or was it left-wingers threatening mass violence to get what they want?

Democrats are the party of terrorists. That's just a fact now. It's not a debatable point. It's not some random insult.... it just is the truth.

Did Biden or anyone anywhere on the left-wing at any point, condemn BLM, or Antifa, or any of the riots and attacks on the Federal Court building?

Or did you blame Trump?

You who else used that same strategy of violence for political change, other than terrorists? I'll give you a hint.... might have happened in Germany almost a 100 years ago.

I never said anything about the looting and rioting other than it was criminal acts and should be stopped. You seem to read in whatever pops into that mush you have for a brain.

"I never said"... Since when I do care what you specifically said?

Your leadership of the Democrap party has never once directly condemned, and told off the BLM or any other terrorist group for committing violence.

You want to prove me wrong? List all the statements by Democrat leadership in response to BLM threatening violence for political change.

Let see the quotes condemning clear terrorist statements.

Oh you can't? That I don't care what you said. Your party is the party of terrorism, and not one Democrap can even attempt a counter argument, because you all know I'm right.

One huge problem. I am a republican. Now,don't you feel foolish.

No, I don't feel foolish at all. That's like having webbed feet, quacking, feathers, and having a beak, and then saying "I'm a Turnip. Now don't you feel foolish.".

No, I don't. In all the years I've known you on this forum, I can't think of single post of yours that I have read, that seemed even remotely Republican in nature.

If you have made posts that show you have any non-Democrat values, I must have missed them.

And maybe I have. But that doesn't change the impression you have made over more than a few years.

I just did a site search for every post you've made for the past 2 days, and read through them. Not one shows any traditional Republican-like values.

Regardless.... I stand by everything I stated about Democrats, whether you do or don't believe those statements apply to you specifically.

If you can find anything, showing the Leadership opposed clear terrorist statements and actions by BLM and Antifa, feel free to post their condemnation.

In fact in some ways BLM actually acknowledged there tactic was terrorism, and that it worked to win Biden the Presidency.

What do you think THREATENING "If you don't concede, then we'll have unrest!" is? That's terrorism.

Biden himself basically said this.

“The African American community stood up again for me. They always have my back, and I’ll have yours,” Biden said at the Chase Center in Wilmington, Del. “I said from the outset I wanted a campaign that represented America, and I think we did that. Now that’s what I want the administration to look like.”

Really? The community that set fire to cities? They have your back?

Well they did. Their violence won Biden the election. Terrorism was allowed to succeed in the US. That's what the Democrats are, whether they admit it or not.

You want "Traditional" Republican Values? Here they are. And just how many of these "Values" have your and yours stomped into the ground.

Republican Party Platform of 1956

Which of those would you consider traditional Republican party values? Certainly not all of that. That was more likely an election pitch, than a traditional Republican value.

You are wrong. Ike was real and lived what you saw in that plank. He tried to impress on his Administration those same values. When he said something, he meant it.

You are used to fakes who say a lot of things and don't mean a damned thing. And I am not just speaking of one side or the other. When a real leader comes along they get beaten to the ground quickly. Like Jim West form the Dems. I would mention a Republican but right now, there just aren't any that comes to mind.

I would mention a Republican but right now, there just aren't any that comes to mind.

I see. So you are not a left-wing flaming socialist anti-capitalist.... and you are a republican..... but you have to go back all the way to Ike, and can't think of a single Republican today that has any of your values.

I think I have all I need to know about you. Thanks.

Then you just hit on the crux of the problem with the modern "Republicans". Lack of ethics, morals, patriotism and love of Americans well being. If that isn't put back into the republican party, the Republicans won't win another President race for the next 100 years.
And the dimo's have all that going for them eh ?? You are one ignorant political hack if you think people are somehow gullible enough to believe the bullcrap you write.

I don't defend the Democrats. I condemn the Party of the Rumpers including you. I want to put the Republican Party back when it really WAS the Grand Old Party. Let the Democrats deal with that.
You lie, but that's ok. Running from the Democrats now ain't going to cut it. You have defended their bullcrap for way to long now.

So you would rather install an Emperor to combat something else. The democratic given right to take the election to the courts have ended. The rest of it is that of a wanna be dictator. It's gone way past being good for the Nation. Instead of a Democratic Election, you would just install an Emperor. You are too ignorant to see where this would quickly lead. Better to have 4 years of Demcoratic President where we can keep an eye on them and get the Democracy back into the Republican Party for right now, it's just one man and that's not Democracy, that's Dictatorship.

Name one thing that Trump did, that was 'dictator like' that previous Presidents or politicians have not done?

LOL, next, you are going to want me to name just ONE lie made by Rump. Damn, when are you characters going to give up on this. It's done, it's over and you are out. In fact, I don't need to be wasting any more time on you John Birch Society types.

Have a nice day and Say good night, Gracie.
Sally Yates might become the next Attorney General. Remember Trump fired her. They’re also talking about Merrick garland becoming the next Attorney General. The guy the GOP screwed over

The entire Trump crime family is definitely going to have problems after January 20. I can’t wait.

Trump and IVanka could be a Toofer because he paid her hundreds of thousands of dollars as his tax advisor and then wrote all that off as a tax write off. That’s multiple felonies on different levels.

View attachment 423957
View attachment 423956
I'd fire the IRS then.
Next on Trump's hit list is William Barr The Unloyal.
Hit list ? Rotflmbo.. If Trump was as bad as you and other's here try to paint him as, then you wouldn't be around to freely do your bad mouthing of him and his family like you all have done here. Be glad you are an American, and be thankful that Trump wasn't Hitler like you all wanted him so bad to be. Wouldn't have been as easy for you all if he was Hitler, so be thankful.
By "hit list," I mean people he fires.

So in your world, if you fire the business who does your oil changes on your cars, and go to a different shop to have it done.... you are engaged in having a hit list?

If you fire the company who provides cell phone service, and hire a different company, then you have a hit list?

If you go to a different store? If you fire the guy who mows your lawn, that's a 'hit list'?

You have a very different idea of what a hit list is, compared to most people.
If you fire one or two? No.

When you fire 9 out of 10? Absofuckinglutely...

When you had corruption and inept backstabbers galore, and they were found to be using their positions for wrongful reason's or just not doing their jobs in a satisfactory way, then of course they end up fired. Something unheard of in these new millennial's brainwashed thought processes, because they have been brainwashed to not recognize injustice or corruption now when they see it. Trump is the cleaner, and Washington wasn't ready for the cleaner. Trump upset the apple cart, and in Washington that is unexceptable because the corruption was so entrenched, and the lifestyles so lavish that how dare anyone challenge it all........How dare a President come in, and try to bring back normalcy to that which had become abnormal in the eyes of most citizen's ? How dare he fire someone for not doing their jobs, I mean that is unheard of in these days and times. Pffft.

Trump needed to clean up his own administration?? Didn't he say he hires no one but the best people?

Well, when you have lifetime government types of individuals who have been in government for years, then you suppose that you can trust keeping them in their respective position's or even moving them into higher position's in government (shuffle them around some), but it appears that the climate Barack Obama and Joe Biden created, had basically ended that way of doing business in the government. Trump should have fired every deep stater he could, and stacked the government with very deserving American's who would have been proud to serve in the government under the right leadership. If Trump wins, he should go through the government like a tornado going through a trailer park, and leave no stone unturned. The people deserve better than what they will end up with under Biden.

You poor thing, bless your heart.

Trump lost. Deal with it.
He hasn't lost yet, so don't go crazy when he takes office for another 4 years. I'd hate to see you fall in lock step with the criminals.

Nah, Trump did in fact lose. All of the bad votes added together in any state, is not nearly enough to change the outcome. He did in fact lose the election.

The way he lost, is still because of lies and evil in the media, and a failure of Americans to care about truth.

But they did in fact vote for that openly corrupt Biden. So... it is what it is.
Not giving up yet. It matters not how many votes if the election was fraudulent, because who knows how deep the fraud went
Sally Yates might become the next Attorney General. Remember Trump fired her. They’re also talking about Merrick garland becoming the next Attorney General. The guy the GOP screwed over

The entire Trump crime family is definitely going to have problems after January 20. I can’t wait.

Trump and IVanka could be a Toofer because he paid her hundreds of thousands of dollars as his tax advisor and then wrote all that off as a tax write off. That’s multiple felonies on different levels.

View attachment 423957
View attachment 423956
I'd fire the IRS then.
Next on Trump's hit list is William Barr The Unloyal.
Hit list ? Rotflmbo.. If Trump was as bad as you and other's here try to paint him as, then you wouldn't be around to freely do your bad mouthing of him and his family like you all have done here. Be glad you are an American, and be thankful that Trump wasn't Hitler like you all wanted him so bad to be. Wouldn't have been as easy for you all if he was Hitler, so be thankful.
By "hit list," I mean people he fires.

So in your world, if you fire the business who does your oil changes on your cars, and go to a different shop to have it done.... you are engaged in having a hit list?

If you fire the company who provides cell phone service, and hire a different company, then you have a hit list?

If you go to a different store? If you fire the guy who mows your lawn, that's a 'hit list'?

You have a very different idea of what a hit list is, compared to most people.
If you fire one or two? No.

When you fire 9 out of 10? Absofuckinglutely...

When you had corruption and inept backstabbers galore, and they were found to be using their positions for wrongful reason's or just not doing their jobs in a satisfactory way, then of course they end up fired. Something unheard of in these new millennial's brainwashed thought processes, because they have been brainwashed to not recognize injustice or corruption now when they see it. Trump is the cleaner, and Washington wasn't ready for the cleaner. Trump upset the apple cart, and in Washington that is unexceptable because the corruption was so entrenched, and the lifestyles so lavish that how dare anyone challenge it all........How dare a President come in, and try to bring back normalcy to that which had become abnormal in the eyes of most citizen's ? How dare he fire someone for not doing their jobs, I mean that is unheard of in these days and times. Pffft.

Trump needed to clean up his own administration?? Didn't he say he hires no one but the best people?

Well, when you have lifetime government types of individuals who have been in government for years, then you suppose that you can trust keeping them in their respective position's or even moving them into higher position's in government (shuffle them around some), but it appears that the climate Barack Obama and Joe Biden created, had basically ended that way of doing business in the government. Trump should have fired every deep stater he could, and stacked the government with very deserving American's who would have been proud to serve in the government under the right leadership. If Trump wins, he should go through the government like a tornado going through a trailer park, and leave no stone unturned. The people deserve better than what they will end up with under Biden.

You poor thing, bless your heart.

Trump lost. Deal with it.
He hasn't lost yet, so don't go crazy when he takes office for another 4 years. I'd hate to see you fall in lock step with the criminals.

Yes, he lost. All of the swing states have certified their respective elections.

Certification means nothing if the election is over turned. Trust me when I say that their are literally hundreds of thousands of citizen's praying this bullcrap election is overturned. Biden and Harris are losers.. They have just benefitted temporarily from a criminally run election by the deep state.
Who cares what you pray for? Biden won. Trump lost. The sooner you accept reality the better off you'll be. Or let it eat away at you for the rest of your life. No skin off my back.
I'm not hundreds of thousands of voters, but I'm only one of the hundreds of thousands across this nation who are praying for Trump to prevail, and justice to win the day.

No skin off my back upon what you think either.

A million people can pray for that. It's over. Enough states have certified their respective elections to give Biden the win. No state is going to tell a majority of their voters ... we counted your votes and Biden won... we canvassed your votes and Biden won... we certified your votes and Biden won... but fuck you and your votes, we're giving our electoral votes to Trump.

It's over, you lost. Deal with it, loser.

It doesn't matter, because if it was a fraudulent election, then it is null and voided. A do over is either nessesary or Trump wins because if the amount of fraud and illegal votes counted is proven, and it looks like that it will be the case, then Trump won the election. You can hoop and hollar all you want about this reason or that, but get ready for the do over or maybe because of the fraud in which is being proven as we speak, Trump automatically wins.
There will be no do over and no one is handing Trump the election he lost. You will have to go through the rest of your life miserable in the belief that Impeached Trump was robbed.

I can live with that. You deserve it for believing such a huckster who sold you bill of goods.
Glad you think it's over, so stay tuned because it ain't even close to being over.
You poor thing, this is gonna haunt you for life.
No, you are wrong on that one, but if Biden has to concede, it will devastate you because you have way to much invested in your leftism ideology in order to be set back again.
"...if Biden has to concede..."

Sally Yates might become the next Attorney General. Remember Trump fired her. They’re also talking about Merrick garland becoming the next Attorney General. The guy the GOP screwed over

The entire Trump crime family is definitely going to have problems after January 20. I can’t wait.

Trump and IVanka could be a Toofer because he paid her hundreds of thousands of dollars as his tax advisor and then wrote all that off as a tax write off. That’s multiple felonies on different levels.

View attachment 423957
View attachment 423956
I'd fire the IRS then.
Next on Trump's hit list is William Barr The Unloyal.
Hit list ? Rotflmbo.. If Trump was as bad as you and other's here try to paint him as, then you wouldn't be around to freely do your bad mouthing of him and his family like you all have done here. Be glad you are an American, and be thankful that Trump wasn't Hitler like you all wanted him so bad to be. Wouldn't have been as easy for you all if he was Hitler, so be thankful.
By "hit list," I mean people he fires.

So in your world, if you fire the business who does your oil changes on your cars, and go to a different shop to have it done.... you are engaged in having a hit list?

If you fire the company who provides cell phone service, and hire a different company, then you have a hit list?

If you go to a different store? If you fire the guy who mows your lawn, that's a 'hit list'?

You have a very different idea of what a hit list is, compared to most people.
If you fire one or two? No.

When you fire 9 out of 10? Absofuckinglutely...

When you had corruption and inept backstabbers galore, and they were found to be using their positions for wrongful reason's or just not doing their jobs in a satisfactory way, then of course they end up fired. Something unheard of in these new millennial's brainwashed thought processes, because they have been brainwashed to not recognize injustice or corruption now when they see it. Trump is the cleaner, and Washington wasn't ready for the cleaner. Trump upset the apple cart, and in Washington that is unexceptable because the corruption was so entrenched, and the lifestyles so lavish that how dare anyone challenge it all........How dare a President come in, and try to bring back normalcy to that which had become abnormal in the eyes of most citizen's ? How dare he fire someone for not doing their jobs, I mean that is unheard of in these days and times. Pffft.

Trump needed to clean up his own administration?? Didn't he say he hires no one but the best people?

Well, when you have lifetime government types of individuals who have been in government for years, then you suppose that you can trust keeping them in their respective position's or even moving them into higher position's in government (shuffle them around some), but it appears that the climate Barack Obama and Joe Biden created, had basically ended that way of doing business in the government. Trump should have fired every deep stater he could, and stacked the government with very deserving American's who would have been proud to serve in the government under the right leadership. If Trump wins, he should go through the government like a tornado going through a trailer park, and leave no stone unturned. The people deserve better than what they will end up with under Biden.

You poor thing, bless your heart.

Trump lost. Deal with it.
He hasn't lost yet, so don't go crazy when he takes office for another 4 years. I'd hate to see you fall in lock step with the criminals.

Nah, Trump did in fact lose. All of the bad votes added together in any state, is not nearly enough to change the outcome. He did in fact lose the election.

The way he lost, is still because of lies and evil in the media, and a failure of Americans to care about truth.

But they did in fact vote for that openly corrupt Biden. So... it is what it is.
Not giving up yet. It matters not how many votes if the election was fraudulent, because who knows how deep the fraud went
Sally Yates might become the next Attorney General. Remember Trump fired her. They’re also talking about Merrick garland becoming the next Attorney General. The guy the GOP screwed over

The entire Trump crime family is definitely going to have problems after January 20. I can’t wait.

Trump and IVanka could be a Toofer because he paid her hundreds of thousands of dollars as his tax advisor and then wrote all that off as a tax write off. That’s multiple felonies on different levels.

View attachment 423957
View attachment 423956
I'd fire the IRS then.
Next on Trump's hit list is William Barr The Unloyal.
Hit list ? Rotflmbo.. If Trump was as bad as you and other's here try to paint him as, then you wouldn't be around to freely do your bad mouthing of him and his family like you all have done here. Be glad you are an American, and be thankful that Trump wasn't Hitler like you all wanted him so bad to be. Wouldn't have been as easy for you all if he was Hitler, so be thankful.
By "hit list," I mean people he fires.

So in your world, if you fire the business who does your oil changes on your cars, and go to a different shop to have it done.... you are engaged in having a hit list?

If you fire the company who provides cell phone service, and hire a different company, then you have a hit list?

If you go to a different store? If you fire the guy who mows your lawn, that's a 'hit list'?

You have a very different idea of what a hit list is, compared to most people.
If you fire one or two? No.

When you fire 9 out of 10? Absofuckinglutely...

When you had corruption and inept backstabbers galore, and they were found to be using their positions for wrongful reason's or just not doing their jobs in a satisfactory way, then of course they end up fired. Something unheard of in these new millennial's brainwashed thought processes, because they have been brainwashed to not recognize injustice or corruption now when they see it. Trump is the cleaner, and Washington wasn't ready for the cleaner. Trump upset the apple cart, and in Washington that is unexceptable because the corruption was so entrenched, and the lifestyles so lavish that how dare anyone challenge it all........How dare a President come in, and try to bring back normalcy to that which had become abnormal in the eyes of most citizen's ? How dare he fire someone for not doing their jobs, I mean that is unheard of in these days and times. Pffft.

Trump needed to clean up his own administration?? Didn't he say he hires no one but the best people?

Well, when you have lifetime government types of individuals who have been in government for years, then you suppose that you can trust keeping them in their respective position's or even moving them into higher position's in government (shuffle them around some), but it appears that the climate Barack Obama and Joe Biden created, had basically ended that way of doing business in the government. Trump should have fired every deep stater he could, and stacked the government with very deserving American's who would have been proud to serve in the government under the right leadership. If Trump wins, he should go through the government like a tornado going through a trailer park, and leave no stone unturned. The people deserve better than what they will end up with under Biden.

You poor thing, bless your heart.

Trump lost. Deal with it.
He hasn't lost yet, so don't go crazy when he takes office for another 4 years. I'd hate to see you fall in lock step with the criminals.

Yes, he lost. All of the swing states have certified their respective elections.

Certification means nothing if the election is over turned. Trust me when I say that their are literally hundreds of thousands of citizen's praying this bullcrap election is overturned. Biden and Harris are losers.. They have just benefitted temporarily from a criminally run election by the deep state.
Who cares what you pray for? Biden won. Trump lost. The sooner you accept reality the better off you'll be. Or let it eat away at you for the rest of your life. No skin off my back.
I'm not hundreds of thousands of voters, but I'm only one of the hundreds of thousands across this nation who are praying for Trump to prevail, and justice to win the day.

No skin off my back upon what you think either.

A million people can pray for that. It's over. Enough states have certified their respective elections to give Biden the win. No state is going to tell a majority of their voters ... we counted your votes and Biden won... we canvassed your votes and Biden won... we certified your votes and Biden won... but fuck you and your votes, we're giving our electoral votes to Trump.

It's over, you lost. Deal with it, loser.

It doesn't matter, because if it was a fraudulent election, then it is null and voided. A do over is either nessesary or Trump wins because if the amount of fraud and illegal votes counted is proven, and it looks like that it will be the case, then Trump won the election. You can hoop and hollar all you want about this reason or that, but get ready for the do over or maybe because of the fraud in which is being proven as we speak, Trump automatically wins.
There will be no do over and no one is handing Trump the election he lost. You will have to go through the rest of your life miserable in the belief that Impeached Trump was robbed.

I can live with that. You deserve it for believing such a huckster who sold you bill of goods.
Glad you think it's over, so stay tuned because it ain't even close to being over.
You poor thing, this is gonna haunt you for life.
No, you are wrong on that one, but if Biden has to concede, it will devastate you because you have way to much invested in your leftism ideology in order to be set back again.
"...if Biden has to concede..."

So you are ok with corruption ? Why am I not surprised ?

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