Computer repairman who claimed to have Hunter's laptop Closes Shop

You would to, he's a marked man, maybe he just didn't want to end up like Vince Foster. To be honest surprised he didn't vanish after he turned it over to the FBI.

But why? When you have the truth on your side and all those just and righteous "patriots" and their alt-right rags backing you up?
If you were telling the truth..why would you need to run? weren't telling the truth. :)..and now law enforcement has your "evidence"...and it might come off as manufactured??? :auiqs.jpg:
This whole story was a complete shit show from the start. I knew Trump was bad but this took him and his minions into the straight up EVIL category. Do you think Biden is going to forget about all the nasty things that were said about his son??
You mean the things that were said that were true?
Smoking crack... true.
Banging hookers... true.
Molesting niece... true if you believe their own words.
Getting paid absurd sums due to influencing his father... pretty apparent.
It’s cute that you think you know that these things are true. You probably also believe that Biden stole the election and Ted Cruz’s father had a hand in assassinating Kennedy.
It’s not true?
So we didn’t witness him smoke crack?
He hasn’t spoken about it?
We didn’t see him banging hookers?
We didn’t see pics of his niece?
We didn’t read about him fucking around with his rice, in his own words?
So none of the videos and pictures were real?

You deflecting by saying “hey look over there” isn’t very clever.
I honestly tuned out all your bullshit as soon as I heard claims that he raped 10 year olds. Y’all were playing up a kid who had a drug problem to attack his dad politically. That’s low and then it turned evil and dishonest. Y’all can fuck off

And again....
Did I ever claim he raped 10 year olds? Did i ever claim he raped anyone?
I’ll help you out. No, I’ve never said anything of the sort.
Again you point to something someone else said, as if that makes your case.
You sound like a dumb ass.
You’re feeding into the same garbage that these claim came from. Evidence on a mysterious laptop that was left at a blind guys computer shop. It literally can’t be any more obvious and pathetic. Just give it a rest. Go after Joes politics and stay out of his families personal business. It makes you sound like a desperate puppet.
I don’t give a shit about his family. Hunter can smoke every crack rock in existence, and bang every single hooker for all I care. I don’t even think that should be illegal.
What I’ve said repeatedly is this... people want to pretend the laptop is fake. Well we’ve seen the videos and the pictures, are they fake? If they are real, does that lend credibility to the emails that were revealed as well? The emails discussing Biden’s pay to play corruption. Does other people on the email chains verifying their authenticity matter to you?
I care about Biden selling out to foreign interests in exchange for financial gain. Which he apparently did using his son and family as the bag men, if the emails are real.
That’s all I care about.
what hunter does is irrelevant to me. What other people have claimed about Venezuela or stolen elections or martians or whatever are irrelevant to me.
Yes, all that stuff could be fake. It could be real. It was in the hands of Trumps FBI and DOJ. No legal action was taken. I as somebody from the outside without having all the facts trust the actions of the FBI over the claims of Rudy, Trump, and the propagandists media that have propelled all these stories.
So you don't know, but defend them tooth and nail.. Got it.
Yes I defend against this kind of evil and dirty political games. Like I said. The FBI had this cpu for almost a year. If the claims were credible there would be an arrest. No arrest, no credibility and y’all sound like desperate morons.

I had no ideas there was someone so gullible they still thinks Wray isn't nothing more than a political, deep state hack.
I had no ideas there was someone so gullible they still thinks Wray isn't nothing more than a political, deep state hack.
This is the guy Trump chose. Are you saying Trump is so stupid that he went and looked for a "deep state operative" to install and supposedly undermine him?
I had no ideas there was someone so gullible they still thinks Wray isn't nothing more than a political, deep state hack.
This is the guy Trump chose. Are you saying Trump is so stupid that he went and looked for a "deep state operative" to install and supposedly undermine him?
I don't care who chose him. He is a hack and should have been fired long ago.
You would to, he's a marked man, maybe he just didn't want to end up like Vince Foster. To be honest surprised he didn't vanish after he turned it over to the FBI.

But why? When you have the truth on your side and all those just and righteous "patriots" and their alt-right rags backing you up?
If you were telling the truth..why would you need to run? weren't telling the truth. :)..and now law enforcement has your "evidence"...and it might come off as manufactured??? :auiqs.jpg:
This whole story was a complete shit show from the start. I knew Trump was bad but this took him and his minions into the straight up EVIL category. Do you think Biden is going to forget about all the nasty things that were said about his son??
You mean the things that were said that were true?
Smoking crack... true.
Banging hookers... true.
Molesting niece... true if you believe their own words.
Getting paid absurd sums due to influencing his father... pretty apparent.
It’s cute that you think you know that these things are true. You probably also believe that Biden stole the election and Ted Cruz’s father had a hand in assassinating Kennedy.
It’s not true?
So we didn’t witness him smoke crack?
He hasn’t spoken about it?
We didn’t see him banging hookers?
We didn’t see pics of his niece?
We didn’t read about him fucking around with his rice, in his own words?
So none of the videos and pictures were real?

You deflecting by saying “hey look over there” isn’t very clever.
I honestly tuned out all your bullshit as soon as I heard claims that he raped 10 year olds. Y’all were playing up a kid who had a drug problem to attack his dad politically. That’s low and then it turned evil and dishonest. Y’all can fuck off

And again....
Did I ever claim he raped 10 year olds? Did i ever claim he raped anyone?
I’ll help you out. No, I’ve never said anything of the sort.
Again you point to something someone else said, as if that makes your case.
You sound like a dumb ass.
You’re feeding into the same garbage that these claim came from. Evidence on a mysterious laptop that was left at a blind guys computer shop. It literally can’t be any more obvious and pathetic. Just give it a rest. Go after Joes politics and stay out of his families personal business. It makes you sound like a desperate puppet.
I don’t give a shit about his family. Hunter can smoke every crack rock in existence, and bang every single hooker for all I care. I don’t even think that should be illegal.
What I’ve said repeatedly is this... people want to pretend the laptop is fake. Well we’ve seen the videos and the pictures, are they fake? If they are real, does that lend credibility to the emails that were revealed as well? The emails discussing Biden’s pay to play corruption. Does other people on the email chains verifying their authenticity matter to you?
I care about Biden selling out to foreign interests in exchange for financial gain. Which he apparently did using his son and family as the bag men, if the emails are real.
That’s all I care about.
what hunter does is irrelevant to me. What other people have claimed about Venezuela or stolen elections or martians or whatever are irrelevant to me.
Yes, all that stuff could be fake. It could be real. It was in the hands of Trumps FBI and DOJ. No legal action was taken. I as somebody from the outside without having all the facts trust the actions of the FBI over the claims of Rudy, Trump, and the propagandists media that have propelled all these stories.
So you don't know, but defend them tooth and nail.. Got it.
Yes I defend against this kind of evil and dirty political games. Like I said. The FBI had this cpu for almost a year. If the claims were credible there would be an arrest. No arrest, no credibility and y’all sound like desperate morons.
I think it’s cute the way you think the FBI is an upstanding, no political institution.
What are your thoughts on the comey/fbi/Clinton email investigation, announcement, etc.
I think of there were legit videos of Hunter raping 10 year olds and the FBI had it then something would have been done about it.

I think Clinton’s emails situation was as Comey said it was. I also think it lost her the election.
The epstein case seems to have dissapered, and you are silent ? Ok
I had no ideas there was someone so gullible they still thinks Wray isn't nothing more than a political, deep state hack.
This is the guy Trump chose. Are you saying Trump is so stupid that he went and looked for a "deep state operative" to install and supposedly undermine him?
Do you think that companies all across this land, uhhh never hires bad employee's ???? If you think that this country is immune to hiring bad employee's, and then turning around having to get rid of them before they do to much damage, then I got some beach front to sell you in AZ.
You would to, he's a marked man, maybe he just didn't want to end up like Vince Foster. To be honest surprised he didn't vanish after he turned it over to the FBI.

But why? When you have the truth on your side and all those just and righteous "patriots" and their alt-right rags backing you up?
If you were telling the truth..why would you need to run? weren't telling the truth. :)..and now law enforcement has your "evidence"...and it might come off as manufactured??? :auiqs.jpg:
This whole story was a complete shit show from the start. I knew Trump was bad but this took him and his minions into the straight up EVIL category. Do you think Biden is going to forget about all the nasty things that were said about his son??
You mean the things that were said that were true?
Smoking crack... true.
Banging hookers... true.
Molesting niece... true if you believe their own words.
Getting paid absurd sums due to influencing his father... pretty apparent.
It’s cute that you think you know that these things are true. You probably also believe that Biden stole the election and Ted Cruz’s father had a hand in assassinating Kennedy.
It’s not true?
So we didn’t witness him smoke crack?
He hasn’t spoken about it?
We didn’t see him banging hookers?
We didn’t see pics of his niece?
We didn’t read about him fucking around with his rice, in his own words?
So none of the videos and pictures were real?

You deflecting by saying “hey look over there” isn’t very clever.
I honestly tuned out all your bullshit as soon as I heard claims that he raped 10 year olds. Y’all were playing up a kid who had a drug problem to attack his dad politically. That’s low and then it turned evil and dishonest. Y’all can fuck off

And again....
Did I ever claim he raped 10 year olds? Did i ever claim he raped anyone?
I’ll help you out. No, I’ve never said anything of the sort.
Again you point to something someone else said, as if that makes your case.
You sound like a dumb ass.
You’re feeding into the same garbage that these claim came from. Evidence on a mysterious laptop that was left at a blind guys computer shop. It literally can’t be any more obvious and pathetic. Just give it a rest. Go after Joes politics and stay out of his families personal business. It makes you sound like a desperate puppet.
I don’t give a shit about his family. Hunter can smoke every crack rock in existence, and bang every single hooker for all I care. I don’t even think that should be illegal.
What I’ve said repeatedly is this... people want to pretend the laptop is fake. Well we’ve seen the videos and the pictures, are they fake? If they are real, does that lend credibility to the emails that were revealed as well? The emails discussing Biden’s pay to play corruption. Does other people on the email chains verifying their authenticity matter to you?
I care about Biden selling out to foreign interests in exchange for financial gain. Which he apparently did using his son and family as the bag men, if the emails are real.
That’s all I care about.
what hunter does is irrelevant to me. What other people have claimed about Venezuela or stolen elections or martians or whatever are irrelevant to me.
Yes, all that stuff could be fake. It could be real. It was in the hands of Trumps FBI and DOJ. No legal action was taken. I as somebody from the outside without having all the facts trust the actions of the FBI over the claims of Rudy, Trump, and the propagandists media that have propelled all these stories.
So you don't know, but defend them tooth and nail.. Got it.
Yes I defend against this kind of evil and dirty political games. Like I said. The FBI had this cpu for almost a year. If the claims were credible there would be an arrest. No arrest, no credibility and y’all sound like desperate morons.
I think it’s cute the way you think the FBI is an upstanding, no political institution.
What are your thoughts on the comey/fbi/Clinton email investigation, announcement, etc.
I think of there were legit videos of Hunter raping 10 year olds and the FBI had it then something would have been done about it.

I think Clinton’s emails situation was as Comey said it was. I also think it lost her the election.
Fair enough.

Im curious... where did the “hunter raping 10 year olds” come from? I’ve seen that said, but never really seen a source accusation. I’ve seen videos (sadly) of him banging chicks. Some looked young if I recall, but I couldn’t speculate on age.
Was this actually an accusation made by an article or person, or was this some kind of exaggeration/hyperbole that gets repeated?
To be honest I was too disgusted by the accusation to dig in and try to find these videos but the circulating garbage that I heard was that there were videos on his computer of him raping Asian 10 year olds and they were graphic enough to see these girls bleeding all over him. Makes me nauseous just saying it. Fox hinted at these rumors on some of their shows by talking about reports of a child sex trafficking expert at the FBI who was investigating. The whole thing is despicable. If it were true Hunter would be in jail. The fact that people went that low just flips my switch on the Himunter attacks all together. I’m not going to feed into those games. The whole point is to get people talking about it. It should be criminal

Im not accusing you of promoting this, you seem like a fair minded person. But this is why I have a harsh reaction every time the Hunter discussion comes up.
You would to, he's a marked man, maybe he just didn't want to end up like Vince Foster. To be honest surprised he didn't vanish after he turned it over to the FBI.

But why? When you have the truth on your side and all those just and righteous "patriots" and their alt-right rags backing you up?
If you were telling the truth..why would you need to run? weren't telling the truth. :)..and now law enforcement has your "evidence"...and it might come off as manufactured??? :auiqs.jpg:
This whole story was a complete shit show from the start. I knew Trump was bad but this took him and his minions into the straight up EVIL category. Do you think Biden is going to forget about all the nasty things that were said about his son??
You mean the things that were said that were true?
Smoking crack... true.
Banging hookers... true.
Molesting niece... true if you believe their own words.
Getting paid absurd sums due to influencing his father... pretty apparent.
It’s cute that you think you know that these things are true. You probably also believe that Biden stole the election and Ted Cruz’s father had a hand in assassinating Kennedy.
It’s not true?
So we didn’t witness him smoke crack?
He hasn’t spoken about it?
We didn’t see him banging hookers?
We didn’t see pics of his niece?
We didn’t read about him fucking around with his rice, in his own words?
So none of the videos and pictures were real?

You deflecting by saying “hey look over there” isn’t very clever.
I honestly tuned out all your bullshit as soon as I heard claims that he raped 10 year olds. Y’all were playing up a kid who had a drug problem to attack his dad politically. That’s low and then it turned evil and dishonest. Y’all can fuck off

And again....
Did I ever claim he raped 10 year olds? Did i ever claim he raped anyone?
I’ll help you out. No, I’ve never said anything of the sort.
Again you point to something someone else said, as if that makes your case.
You sound like a dumb ass.
You’re feeding into the same garbage that these claim came from. Evidence on a mysterious laptop that was left at a blind guys computer shop. It literally can’t be any more obvious and pathetic. Just give it a rest. Go after Joes politics and stay out of his families personal business. It makes you sound like a desperate puppet.
I don’t give a shit about his family. Hunter can smoke every crack rock in existence, and bang every single hooker for all I care. I don’t even think that should be illegal.
What I’ve said repeatedly is this... people want to pretend the laptop is fake. Well we’ve seen the videos and the pictures, are they fake? If they are real, does that lend credibility to the emails that were revealed as well? The emails discussing Biden’s pay to play corruption. Does other people on the email chains verifying their authenticity matter to you?
I care about Biden selling out to foreign interests in exchange for financial gain. Which he apparently did using his son and family as the bag men, if the emails are real.
That’s all I care about.
what hunter does is irrelevant to me. What other people have claimed about Venezuela or stolen elections or martians or whatever are irrelevant to me.
Yes, all that stuff could be fake. It could be real. It was in the hands of Trumps FBI and DOJ. No legal action was taken. I as somebody from the outside without having all the facts trust the actions of the FBI over the claims of Rudy, Trump, and the propagandists media that have propelled all these stories.
So you don't know, but defend them tooth and nail.. Got it.
Yes I defend against this kind of evil and dirty political games. Like I said. The FBI had this cpu for almost a year. If the claims were credible there would be an arrest. No arrest, no credibility and y’all sound like desperate morons.
I think it’s cute the way you think the FBI is an upstanding, no political institution.
What are your thoughts on the comey/fbi/Clinton email investigation, announcement, etc.
I think of there were legit videos of Hunter raping 10 year olds and the FBI had it then something would have been done about it.

I think Clinton’s emails situation was as Comey said it was. I also think it lost her the election.

You actually believe the FBI and Comey after all his/their lies, texts and altering for documents?
Yes. Those things you listed were wrong but def not as big of a deal as y’all make them out to be
You would to, he's a marked man, maybe he just didn't want to end up like Vince Foster. To be honest surprised he didn't vanish after he turned it over to the FBI.

But why? When you have the truth on your side and all those just and righteous "patriots" and their alt-right rags backing you up?
If you were telling the truth..why would you need to run? weren't telling the truth. :)..and now law enforcement has your "evidence"...and it might come off as manufactured??? :auiqs.jpg:
This whole story was a complete shit show from the start. I knew Trump was bad but this took him and his minions into the straight up EVIL category. Do you think Biden is going to forget about all the nasty things that were said about his son??
You mean the things that were said that were true?
Smoking crack... true.
Banging hookers... true.
Molesting niece... true if you believe their own words.
Getting paid absurd sums due to influencing his father... pretty apparent.
It’s cute that you think you know that these things are true. You probably also believe that Biden stole the election and Ted Cruz’s father had a hand in assassinating Kennedy.
It’s not true?
So we didn’t witness him smoke crack?
He hasn’t spoken about it?
We didn’t see him banging hookers?
We didn’t see pics of his niece?
We didn’t read about him fucking around with his rice, in his own words?
So none of the videos and pictures were real?

You deflecting by saying “hey look over there” isn’t very clever.
I honestly tuned out all your bullshit as soon as I heard claims that he raped 10 year olds. Y’all were playing up a kid who had a drug problem to attack his dad politically. That’s low and then it turned evil and dishonest. Y’all can fuck off

And again....
Did I ever claim he raped 10 year olds? Did i ever claim he raped anyone?
I’ll help you out. No, I’ve never said anything of the sort.
Again you point to something someone else said, as if that makes your case.
You sound like a dumb ass.
You’re feeding into the same garbage that these claim came from. Evidence on a mysterious laptop that was left at a blind guys computer shop. It literally can’t be any more obvious and pathetic. Just give it a rest. Go after Joes politics and stay out of his families personal business. It makes you sound like a desperate puppet.
I don’t give a shit about his family. Hunter can smoke every crack rock in existence, and bang every single hooker for all I care. I don’t even think that should be illegal.
What I’ve said repeatedly is this... people want to pretend the laptop is fake. Well we’ve seen the videos and the pictures, are they fake? If they are real, does that lend credibility to the emails that were revealed as well? The emails discussing Biden’s pay to play corruption. Does other people on the email chains verifying their authenticity matter to you?
I care about Biden selling out to foreign interests in exchange for financial gain. Which he apparently did using his son and family as the bag men, if the emails are real.
That’s all I care about.
what hunter does is irrelevant to me. What other people have claimed about Venezuela or stolen elections or martians or whatever are irrelevant to me.
Yes, all that stuff could be fake. It could be real. It was in the hands of Trumps FBI and DOJ. No legal action was taken. I as somebody from the outside without having all the facts trust the actions of the FBI over the claims of Rudy, Trump, and the propagandists media that have propelled all these stories.
So you don't know, but defend them tooth and nail.. Got it.
Yes I defend against this kind of evil and dirty political games. Like I said. The FBI had this cpu for almost a year. If the claims were credible there would be an arrest. No arrest, no credibility and y’all sound like desperate morons.
I think it’s cute the way you think the FBI is an upstanding, no political institution.
What are your thoughts on the comey/fbi/Clinton email investigation, announcement, etc.
I think of there were legit videos of Hunter raping 10 year olds and the FBI had it then something would have been done about it.

I think Clinton’s emails situation was as Comey said it was. I also think it lost her the election.
The epstein case seems to have dissapered, and you are silent ? Ok
Huh? What are you talking about captain random?
You would to, he's a marked man, maybe he just didn't want to end up like Vince Foster. To be honest surprised he didn't vanish after he turned it over to the FBI.

But why? When you have the truth on your side and all those just and righteous "patriots" and their alt-right rags backing you up?
If you were telling the truth..why would you need to run? weren't telling the truth. :)..and now law enforcement has your "evidence"...and it might come off as manufactured??? :auiqs.jpg:

Cute try Jack. As you know, he is in far more danger telling the truth than if he was lying.

As you know, the hard drives were confirmed six ways to Sunday to be authentic. Now that the far left Liberals have stolen the election, all the criminal activities of the Biden Family and their derivatives will quickly disappear from sight along with more of our Freedom and Liberty.
Last edited:
Are they going to claim that the porn clips of Biden are fake next?

Best of luck...
You would to, he's a marked man, maybe he just didn't want to end up like Vince Foster. To be honest surprised he didn't vanish after he turned it over to the FBI.

But why? When you have the truth on your side and all those just and righteous "patriots" and their alt-right rags backing you up?
If you were telling the truth..why would you need to run? weren't telling the truth. :)..and now law enforcement has your "evidence"...and it might come off as manufactured??? :auiqs.jpg:

Cute try Jack. As you know, he is in far more danger telling the truth than he was lying.

As you know, the hard drives were confirmed six ways to Sunday to be authentic. Now that the far left Liberals have stolen the election, all the criminal activities of the Biden Family and their derivatives will quickly disappear from sight along with more of our Freedom and Liberty.

If he was telling the truth, he'd stay put. The only reason to run is if you handed something over to the FBI that wasn't...let's say..factual. It might have been something...concocted.
The election wasn't stolen. Trump lost. He lost because he was a terrible President. His botching of the pandemic was his downfall. And the voters showed him the door.
It was people of color and suburban women that put Biden over the top. Funny, that you are looking for fraud in those urban areas. Almost like you're saying their votes don't count.
Is that why you think the election was stolen? :)
There is no equivalent to Antifa on the right. There literally isn't.
Dylann Roof, Kyle Rittenhouse, and many other white nationalists and white supremacists that are off-shoots and/or derivatives of the KKK.

More desperation on your part.

Lumping Roof and Rittenhouse together simply proves your ignorance.

As you know, and deny, Dylann Roof can fairly be compared with Charles Manson. They both wanted their actions to start a race war.

As you know too, Kyle Rittenhouse went to Kenosha with the intent to help. He had considerable training in first aid and he took all that equipment along with his weapon for self-defense. On the day of the riots, he had spent the entire day at a school removing graffiti.

During the riots, he was attacked and beaten there were shots fired and he defended himself.

Kyle Rittenhouse: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |
  • Published: Aug 26, 2020
    1. Photos Show Rittenhouse in a Police Cadet Uniform & Supporting Law Enforcement. Photos on …
    2. Rittenhouse’s Facebook Page Was Filled With Pro-Law Enforcement Memes, Blue Lives Matter …
    3. Videos Show the Suspect Named as Rittenhouse Being Chased & Hit With a Skateboard. Kenosha …
    4. Armed Citizens & Demonstrators Were Clashing Before the Shootings. Julio Rosas, the TownHall …
    See full list on
Fake News. He never really existed in the first place.

It all been a last minute desperation ploy dreamed up by Bannon and Rove.

Right up there with Pizzagate.

Rightwing moroonies bought more pizza this time than last.
Who faked the graphic sex between Crack Pipe Hunter and his young niece?
A porno Spielberg type?


Stop spreading bullshit, if there was sex with a minor Biden would be in jail already for statutory rape.

The story never made sense to start with. Hunter lives in CA....he drops it off in DE. The guy takes ownership of the device instead of the standard destroying it? Then makes copies and hands it over to the President's personal lawyer?

Hollywood would have rejected the script on it being too implausible.

It appears that the far-left Liberals have shifted into high-gear in re-writing history. Is your ignorance real or are you just being facetious?
It’s not true?
So we didn’t witness him smoke crack?
He hasn’t spoken about it?
We didn’t see him banging hookers?
We didn’t see pics of his niece?
We didn’t read about him fucking around with his rice, in his own words?
So none of the videos and pictures were real?

You would to, he's a marked man, maybe he just didn't want to end up like Vince Foster. To be honest surprised he didn't vanish after he turned it over to the FBI.

But why? When you have the truth on your side and all those just and righteous "patriots" and their alt-right rags backing you up?
If you were telling the truth..why would you need to run? weren't telling the truth. :)..and now law enforcement has your "evidence"...and it might come off as manufactured??? :auiqs.jpg:
This whole story was a complete shit show from the start. I knew Trump was bad but this took him and his minions into the straight up EVIL category. Do you think Biden is going to forget about all the nasty things that were said about his son??
You mean the things that were said that were true?
Smoking crack... true.
Banging hookers... true.
Molesting niece... true if you believe their own words.
Getting paid absurd sums due to influencing his father... pretty apparent.
It’s cute that you think you know that these things are true. You probably also believe that Biden stole the election and Ted Cruz’s father had a hand in assassinating Kennedy.
It’s not true?
So we didn’t witness him smoke crack?
He hasn’t spoken about it?
We didn’t see him banging hookers?
We didn’t see pics of his niece?
We didn’t read about him fucking around with his rice, in his own words?
So none of the videos and pictures were real?

You deflecting by saying “hey look over there” isn’t very clever.
I honestly tuned out all your bullshit as soon as I heard claims that he raped 10 year olds. Y’all were playing up a kid who had a drug problem to attack his dad politically. That’s low and then it turned evil and dishonest. Y’all can fuck off

And again....
Did I ever claim he raped 10 year olds? Did i ever claim he raped anyone?
I’ll help you out. No, I’ve never said anything of the sort.
Again you point to something someone else said, as if that makes your case.
You sound like a dumb ass.
You’re feeding into the same garbage that these claim came from. Evidence on a mysterious laptop that was left at a blind guys computer shop. It literally can’t be any more obvious and pathetic. Just give it a rest. Go after Joes politics and stay out of his families personal business. It makes you sound like a desperate puppet.
I don’t give a shit about his family. Hunter can smoke every crack rock in existence, and bang every single hooker for all I care. I don’t even think that should be illegal.
What I’ve said repeatedly is this... people want to pretend the laptop is fake. Well we’ve seen the videos and the pictures, are they fake? If they are real, does that lend credibility to the emails that were revealed as well? The emails discussing Biden’s pay to play corruption. Does other people on the email chains verifying their authenticity matter to you?
I care about Biden selling out to foreign interests in exchange for financial gain. Which he apparently did using his son and family as the bag men, if the emails are real.
That’s all I care about.
what hunter does is irrelevant to me. What other people have claimed about Venezuela or stolen elections or martians or whatever are irrelevant to me.
Yes, all that stuff could be fake. It could be real. It was in the hands of Trumps FBI and DOJ. No legal action was taken. I as somebody from the outside without having all the facts trust the actions of the FBI over the claims of Rudy, Trump, and the propagandists media that have propelled all these stories.


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